• Published 2nd Jan 2018
  • 577 Views, 3 Comments

The ruler of the sky - Lighting Ace

What makes a king? Is it power of the crown? Is the riches of his land? Or perhaps the love of his subjects? In reality all can be summon in a single sentence. A good king, is the one that treat his realm like his kids, with kindness and love.

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The Morning Planning

As the rays of sunlight pass through the windows of the great dinning hall, Ace continue to tell Kaiser the prophecy he and Celestia heard as well as the events that happen later on.

“…So, after hearing such big omen, we didn’t waste time in confirmed it with the other rulers, it's not like we don’t trust Zecora, she is a friend of the crown, I trust her with my life, hell she was the one that baptized my kids! But something so dark, so grim, peeking on the horizon? You could understand that Celly and I were, spooked. We needed to make sure her words were iron tight, that is why we seek the opinion of the others”

Kaiser nod in understanding “So, what did you do?”

“That was the easy part, you know how politics works, unless a war is in place and even when one is near, rulers do tend to ‘have meetings’ a lot of times, actually. Just tell that lands or materials are on the table and they will flock in days. One get together was fast approaching so I just, extend the invitation” Ace tells before sighing and looking down at his plate “Yet it didn’t help our fears”

“Let me guess, they all have the same kind of prophecy?”

Ace only nod “Belived or not, rulers can be a bit supersticion sometimes, having fortune tellers at least for small warnings is actually very common, but this time, thing were different than any of those visions” He tells with a serious expression “Kaiser they all were the same, five kingdoms had the exact same prophecy, at different times, with different medium and with different social circles, not even the spirit of chaos can do that, is real Kaiser, and it's coming” Ace tells with a serious expression.

“So…either Hera or Dawn…?”

“Ah?” Ace look up with a raise eyebrow before shaking his head and lifting his finger “Oh no, no, you can’t escape this dude, your daughter can be easily be the champion they seek as well”


“Even if you don’t wear a crown, Luna is still the ruler of the night, witch turn Starburst the princess of such, we don’t exactly know the date of the calamity but she is definitely on the list of applicants” He tells and then pinch the bridge of his nose “But it doesn’t make things easier, sure Lord Ember, King Aspen and Prince Rutherford DO have kids older than Starburst, plus Thorax and the others still don’t, so anything can go now, the only requirement is that their mom or dad is a ruler, and that is why I wanted to talk to you about this in private”

“You wanted to tell me that Starburst probably will have to fight some demon o villain at some point?” Kaiser tell nodding and sighing at the idea “Not going to lie, part of me is happy for her, she just like Luna and I ready for some adventure and helping others, saving Equestria most likely will be a dream come true”

“Kaiser this is serious” Ace tell him with some anger “Whatever this calamity could be, if happen, it will wipe out the elements and the legends, it could kill thousands of life before the kids defeat it, this is not some game, the life of my and other rulers kingdoms are at risk”

“I know and like you, I’m concern, of course I will be, she is my kid but you know eventually she will want to join in our adventures, or have ones of her own, you can’t keep them safe forever” Kaiser answer.

With a heavy sigh Ace just sit back. “But at least I want to know that they choose that, rather than be forced to be a hero, by a prophecy”

“Complete agree, but that is why you and Celestia are thinking of a plan of action right? Why don’t you tell me more about it?” Kaiser tells with a smile “It will be awesome if the old gang reunite for another adventure right?”

“Well…” Ace look to the side trying to hide a growing smile on his face

“Oh come on dude, don’t try to deny it, you love adventures just as much as you. I admire you want to save face and try to be as professional and cool to this mess but come on, stop lying and admit it. You have been itching for an adventure like this for a while don’t you?”

“I well, ok yeah you got me, I though it will eventually fade away, and I would just be happy simple ruling but god this is so exciting!” He tells with happiness “And yeah there is a plan at the moment Celestia and I need to rearrange our schedule today and then it's back in action” He then blush a little “God that mare know me so much, she knew I wanted this so she subtly grant me permission to do this”

“Ha bet you didn’t saw that coming eh dude?”

“Yeah, but that is part of why I love her so much” He say looking at the distance with dreamy eyes before looking at Kaiser again “Anyway, that is why I need your help dude, while that is happening we will need to gather intel about this divine beast, Celestia already offer herself to tackle the royal library but some field trip can be of help”

“Say no more dude, just let me gather a small group of guards and we will investigated whatever you need”

“Thanks, although for where you are going perhaps you could use some cologne on you too” Ace tells with some embarrassment.

“Cologne? Why would I need…no” Kaiser answer understanding the implication and his face turn serious instantly.

“Please, she is the best on the field of archeology, if someone knows any clues about the beast is her”

“But she also really weird!” Kaiser answer back “Each time I see her, she always ask if I’m still ‘dating’ Luna”

“That is just playful flirting”

“Ace, she once try to french kiss me, claiming that, that is how Diamond dogs greet one another” He tells with a neutral expression.

“…Ok she is a bit weird” Ace tells “Buts it's probably just because of the uniform”

“Oh please don’t give me that”

“I’m serious, her race is like the dragons, they admire the power. The difference is that instead of physical, they admire the chain of commands trust me, the prince has being giving Celly googly eyes from time to time just because of the crown, luckily his dad always put him in his place.

“I know it's just a myth and a expression but for their race it's actually true” He then start to think about “Tell you what, why don’t you take Lieutenant Reverb with you too? Female dogs don’t try to flirt when mares of bigger rank are present, they find it intimidating” Ace offers and Kaiser think about it.

“Fine! But if this turn into a death end I walk away”

“That is the whole point of gathering info dude, but thanks” Ace tells with a smile.

In that moment the doors to the dining hall open and from it Luna and Celestia walk in before stopping when noticing their children missing.

“Dear, where is Starburst?” Luna ask

“And Hera, and Dawn?” Celestia ask as well.

“I send them fetch Blueblood” Ace answer “I needed them to leave for a bit so I could put Kaiser up to speed with things”

“Oh” Celestia tells, with her smile dropping at acquiring a serious expression “So you know what is happening, I presume”

“Ancient evil on the horizon? Preparation need to be put? Need to find those ancient beast things hiding someplace in Equestria? Yeah I got just about the bulk of things, have to say, sounds big”

“Oh it’s huge” Celestia tells finding her place on the table next to Ace, Luna doing the same next to Kaiser with a worry expression “Honey, don’t you understand? If we don’t do something Starburst…”

“I know Luna, Ace and I already talk about it” He tells before looking at her with a smile and hold her hoof “I promise I will do everything that I can, to make sure she is ready”

Luna still look unsure but ultimately nod “Ok, but only IF she need to get ready”

“Do not worry sister, this isn’t the first catastrophe we were force to solve, and I’m pretty sure it will not be the last, when the times comes we will be ready” Celestia tells with determination, helping Luna, to let go some of her worries.

“Until then, I suggest we keep this little project on a low key, in the end of the day this is just a possible future, who’s outcome may change at any moment. The risk of rumors spreading about this, into the masses or even our own kids would only result in unnecessary panic”

“Agree” Luna tells with a nod.

“Do not worry about the other rulers, the same decision was accepted unanimously” Ace tells making Kaiser laugh

“Rulers agreeing on something without arguing, who would it though? Maybe there is a first time for everything” He tells with a chuckle.

Right in that moment the double doors opens one more time and from it the royal princesses, and pets march in caring a floating Blueblood whose head was popping out of a potato sack, and was currently floating in Starburst magic grasp. “Daddy! Daddy! Look, we got in” Hera tells with excitement as the present Blueblood to them, the poor stallion wiggling and shaking in a attempt to get free

“Let me go!, Let me go! You little…!” His sentence is cut short when Pyra just approach him with a big and menacing growl accompany with a show of her pearly white fangs inches away from him daring him to complete the sentence.

“…brats?” He finally answer after swallowing saliva and starting to sweat bullets. Pyra stand back but continue to give him the stink eye as Starburst put him down. They don’t seem to notices or care as their only answer is giggling and before hug him.

“We love you too cousin” They tell him at the same time, before releasing him and go with their parents.

Starburst and the foxes going to the other side of the table where their plates was soon served. Pyra even putting napkins on her cubs necks using her tails before they all start to eat with glamour and decor.

“Good morning dear nephew” Celestia tell with a train smile one that Ace was quick to replicated, as the snobbish prince grumble and dust himself as he stand up.

“Good morning to you too aunt Celestia” He tells with a small smile before looking at Luna “Morning mom”

“Morning” Luna answers playing with her food refusing to make eye contact, until Ace elbow her, she looks at him confused as he point at Blueblood with his head.

“What?” She only ask still in the dark.

Ace only sigh and look at Blueblood “So Blueblood, I imagine you are wondering why did I send for you right?”

“The thought crossed my mind yeah” He tell giving him a small glare. “I thought I told…” He look at Kaiser with venom on his eyes “Mr. Kaiser that I would be enjoying my breakfast on my room today”

Ace stand up and lift his hand to silence everybody before the situation could escalated even further.

“Don’t worry he told us about it, yet I ask for you because well, Celly and I have being thinking and we thought that we could use some quality time as a family, in the near future”

Both royal sisters look at him in surprise but for different reasons, Celestia look at him with a smile and intrigue while Luna just look at him in horror. Blueblood on his part just raise an eyebrow at him

“You call me just to tell me that?”

He just nod, “Things have being more or less stable in our life so I thought that perhaps we could took the opportunity for some family bonding, just for a bit, forget about our duties and take one small breathing from all…”

“…Mr. Ace” Blueblood interrupt him lifting his nose. “I’m not familiar with how things work from where you came from, but here in Canterlot we take our jobs and duties very seriously, just because your work might had slow down a notch its not excuse for you to get lazy, so I suggest you to think very carefully before deciding on this crazy ideas”

He tells before turning around and start to walk away “A kingdom would not stop just because you need a break Mister, I suggest you think about before you leave it vulnerable” He then looks from over his shoulder at Celestia.

“You shouldn’t listen to him so much auntie, clearly he is still not fit for the crown”

Before he can leave Ace call to him “This will beneficial to your image too you know?”

That make him stop in his track and perk his ears. “…I’m listening”

“The royal family enjoying a picnic together showing that they can be approach by the masses, I can see the headlines if some reporter takes a pictures of us in one of our get together, I don’t know much on how the politics of this country work but even I know that being seeing in a positive spot light can be of great influence among the nobles that we have strong connection don’t you agree?”

“Please cousin join us” Dawn ask him with some puppy eyes.

“…I will think about it” Blueblood finally answer before leaving and closing the door behind him.

Once he was gone Luna don’t waste time and turn to Ace still in horror and anger. “Dear Ace can you explain what were you thinking!?”

“Luna I know, Blueblood can be a bit…challenging”

“He is not bad auntie, he is just a bit grumpy” Dawn tells her

“That is putting it lightly” She counter

“True as that might be, he is still your son, sure he is a jerk but giving him reasons to be one would only make things worse”

“He had plenty of opportunities” Kaiser tells

“And yet, its important that he knows that the door of change is still open”

Luna just look to the side with a grumble “That will certainly be an uphill battle for him”

Celestia look at her sister and just sigh before looking at her food “Even Discord got a second chance sister”

That make Luna stop as she turn to her “That was a low blow Tia”

“I mean it Lu, I agree with you that loving him might be challenge but like my husband said, I too believed that there is still good in Blueblood to be saved like it was in Discord, or did he have to turn a city into a rubber duck for you to see it?”

She look down in though and some shame “What do you want from me?”

“Talk with him, he still likes when you do that, try to crack his shell, you saw a way right there, take advantage of the opportunities he would try to do, to stroke his ego, the chances could be there” Ace suggest.

“I suppose I could give it a try” Luna eventually say although a bit begrudgingly as she take her cup of coffee.

“You two could be too nice sometimes” Kaiser tell shaking his head as he drink some juice.

“Kind yet fair, dude besides don’t forget, he also came from a royal crib?”

It takes a moment for both of them to understand the implication of that, but when it does, it makes both to spit their drinks at the same time making the fillies giggle and Starburst to raise an eyebrow in confusion.

“Aunt Luna, and Uncle Kaiser that was funny, do it again” Dawn tells them as they just look in horror in the distance.

“Oh by my stars please no” That is all Luna can tell in response.

Later that day

After finally manage to calm Luna, and put her to bed, and manage to start their work Ace and Kaiser find a space for both of them to go to the barracks, and inspect the new dragon recruits as well as having another friendly sparring session.

Once they reach the training arena they were greeted by a bulky earth stallion with military cut of mane and tail, a breastplate armor of the royal guard paint green and a pair of sunglasses, currently yelling at tree new recruits who were running through the obstacle course, all 3 being dragons of different types, one being a humanoid light grayish teenager dragon with bat wings and a spike tail, another be a green Wyvern who had sharp claws on the base of his wings, and finally the only female of the group being a small light red Faerian, that has the size of a regular pony struggling to keep out with the group and flapping her wings as fast as she can.


The stallion yell before blowing a whistle with force as the poor recruit try to keep up with his demands.

“I see you are hard at work shaping the new volunteers for the crown Sergeant Shout” Ace tells with a calm expression as he and Kaiser make their way toward him.

“Sir, yes sir!” He quickly answer as he turn to look at them and give him a military salute who Kaiser copy, “At ease sergeant we are only here to cheek on the new recruits and ask for the arena for a sparring session”

“Understood sir! I will make sure to clear the area for you sir!” Shout tells them with a small vow as Ace look at the dragons with interest

“Do you think you can bring them here, here too sergeant? I’m kind of curious about what is their story” Ace ask with interest.

“Sir! Yes sir! I will bring him right away sir!” He tells him before addressing the dragons and blow his whistle again “ATTENTION HAULT! UNIT! FRONT AND CENTER NOW!”

He yell and the recruits immediately stop what they are doing to fly toward the captain and king before standing in line and salute.

“Listen up, you rock eating snakes, the prince and captain are here to inspect what excuse of a soldier did the dragon kingdom send us to train, I made promise that I will make fine guards out of you and I intend to do so, so first one that gets out of line, get to do 100 laps around Canterlot, AM I CLEAR!?”



The sergeant then step to the side so Kaiser and Ace can take a closer look to the dragons in question, approaching the humanoid one first and inspecting it closely, he had a messy hair and his claw although sharp and long were dirty and chip.

“What is your name private?” Kaiser ask with a raise eyebrow.

“Daggers sir” He respond without stopping looking in front of him.

“I see, tell me Daggers, why did you join the royal guard?”

“I heard the story of your legend sir, how you start as a weakling that needed protection from your…I mean the king, all the time, then you arrive him and turn into the most powerful magic dragon there is sir. I want that too sir, to be strong and powerful” He ask honestly, as Ace nod and turn to the Wyvern. Unlike Dagger he was the face of order, his hair was cut in a similar way than Shout, his claws were clean and polish as well as his tail and his position was straight and still.

“What about you soldier? Why did you come here?”

“Sir! With all do respect, I thought it was logical”

Ace raise an eyebrow at that “Oh? And why is that?”

“You are the king of the skies sir, ruler to all the living beings that roam the clouds, as a Wyner it will be my honor to serve under your flag, and protect the principle of our kingdom sir!”

“I see, what is your name soldier?”

“Jet Blast sir!”

“Well Jet Blast, I appreciate your loyalty and how you wish to honor your king, but if you truly wish to guard my believes you will need to remember two things, first my kingdom and my wife are one, my ruling is her ruling, her people is our people, if you wish to serve me you will have to remember this, ponies are our family and brothers in arms there no superior race just two beings working together for the benefit of the land and the sky”

“I will never forget that sir”

“Good and the second thing is that you will have to remember my 3 golden principles, do you know them?”

“Yes sir!” He tells with pride as he call say principles. “In our skies, freedom its absolute and holy, none have chains and we act by choose and never by force, we all free to do as we please as long as we don’t risk the freedom of our neightboard; We all entitled to our privacy and own space, as long as it doesn’t interfere with flow of traffic you can build and lived whenever you wish and be protected in case of robe by the first principle; As beacons of freedom is our duty to guard it inside and outside our skies, anyone that take away the liberty of another will always answer to us, either by words or by claws and fangs” He finish reciting and puff his chest in honor.

Ace nod with a smile and cross his arms “Not bad Jet, not bad the royal guard will appreciate your joining if you never forget those laws, remember we teach by example and never by force if we wish for others to respect our laws we need to show them that we do not wish any illness toward them”

“Will do sir! Thank you sir!”

With that out the way Ace and Kaiser look at the final recruit who at the moment was trying to look as small as possible in order to not be notices. By close inspection they saw that even though it wasn’t long enough her purple hair was covering one of her blue eyes, her claws were small, she was standing in four hoof like claws and she had two butterfly antennas on top of her head.

“And finally you” Ace ask in wonder “Correct me if I’m wrong miss but are you actually a fairy dragon?”

“Y-yes sir” she tells in a low tone.

“ANSWER YOUR KING CLEARLY PRIVATE LUMINA!” Shout reprimand her immediately.

“YES SIR!” She answer in panic.

“Interesting, I have heard of your race before but I have never seeing one in person” Ace tells with a small as he kneel to look at her better. “Tell me Lumina, why did you wanted to join the guard?”
“The same reason Daggers want sir, I don’t know if you know this but as a fairy dragon I’m not very strong, in fact our race is the weakest of all the races of dragons, we do have magic but it's nothing compare to captain Kaiser, or even regular unicorn fillies, so often times we need to stay in hiding and we are subject of bullying from other dragons. I hate that, and that is why I want to become something else, I believe that by joining the royal guard I could become an actual dragon instead of this weak pathetic…”

Ace slam his tail on the ground like a wip resulting in everyone flinching at the reaction and the ground underneath it, to crack “I will stop you right there Lumina” He tells her with some anger in his tone.

“You are wrong in two things, number one be strong and be something else are two different things, we can awake the potential lock inside of you soldier but we can not transform you into something you are not, and the second thing” His glare soften and he put his claw on Lumina shoulder surprising her. “You are not only an actual dragon already you are a very strong one too”

“W…what?” She ask in disbelieved.

“Lumina, power is not be strong or intelligent, is knowing to use what you have, what you want and how to use the first to achieve the other” He tells with a smile as he stand up again. “In fact you already have an advantage on Dagger and Jet already”

“I have?”

“She has?” Daggers tell with a raise eyebrow.

“Of course she does, and that is your side, you are smaller Lumina, and that is not bad in a fight in fact is beneficial, your opponent will always be force to change his or her angle of attack so he or she can reach you while you will always be in the perfect position for a strike, plus I saw you in the track you are not very fast know but you are the most agile, of the group, you can easily dodge income attack and chip away your opponent, you only need to train more, and I assure there will be little you can’t do”

“Thank you sir!” She tells with a big smile at the encourage words.

“Plus you said you have magic? That is incredible, if you work well maybe they will let you study some books on the royal library, I’m sure you can make powerful spells, with the correct guide of course, i can’t wait to see that”

She nod at him “I promise not to let you down sir!”

“Good, please keep the good work you tree” Ace tell as he stand back

“That will be all sergant Shout, we will not waste more of your time” Kaiser tells him as the 2 dragons leaved. Lumina looking at Ace with pure admiration and awe.


“Yes sir!” They all say and Lumina goes back into the track with more determination.

“THAT IT LUMINA SHOW THIS STALLIONS WHO HAS THE BALLS ON THE GROUP!” Shout praise her as he run alongside the group.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to the story 'Just before the dawn' for giving me a small idea on how the militar work, I'm not in the force and most likely got a lot of things wrong right there, but still I try to get as close as possible on the truth of boot camp, thanks again. Drefsab