• Published 2nd Jan 2018
  • 577 Views, 3 Comments

The ruler of the sky - Lighting Ace

What makes a king? Is it power of the crown? Is the riches of his land? Or perhaps the love of his subjects? In reality all can be summon in a single sentence. A good king, is the one that treat his realm like his kids, with kindness and love.

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A Dragon Sparring Match

After leaving the group of cadets, Ace and Kaiser go into a nearby bench where they wait for Sargent Shout to clear the area on one of the arena for them to used.

“You know I heard that you recently start training your Starburst” Ace tells to make some small talk.

“Yeah, she really want to surpass me” Kaiser reply with a smile. “You could say that, it our new father daughter bonding activity”

“I heard you almost broke her arm during one of your matches”

“Oh come on dude, don't you start to, Luna already chow me up because of that, it was just an accident”

“I know, you can go overboard when it comes to fighting sometimes, I’m only saying, you should be more careful when training, Starburst is not like me or Blue, she can get injured more easily, and since she is as stubborn as you when it comes to fight, she probably will try to hide it too”

Kaiser sign and nod “Yeah I know, I will try to keep that in mind” He then look at him with a smile “And what about you? When are you going to start training your boy?”

“JA, Thunder? I think Dash has that more than cover, ever since he saw her rainboom he has being all over the place on trying to surpass it”

“All the more reason for you to help him, don’t you think?”

“Well I offer my help but according to him my style is ‘cool but not flashy enough’, I suppose he wish to learn his own moves, witch I’m ok with it, but in the future if he changes his mind I can give him a trick or two”

“You should, I’m telling you, sparring with your kids is an excellent way to get closer to your kids”

“I will keep it mind”

“Sir?” Kaiser and Ace look to their right and see General Reverb approaching them before giving Ace a small bow. “I was inform you wanted to practice in one of the arenas correct? I came to tell you that one in the left wing just became available”

“Thank you Lie-I mean General Reverb” Ace tell as he and Kaiser stand up, and start walking toward the designated area “That will be all”

“Sir” She give Ace a small bow again before returning to her duties. Ace watch her leave before turning to Kaiser “I still can’t believe you introduce them to the military order from our land”

“Hey, they would have thought about it, eventually I just speed things up” Kaiser tell. “Sure it was a bit confusing re arrange titles here and there, but I think they work”

“They do sir” Reverb tell from the distance. Surprising both as they look back and see her with a smile before she leave. “Je sometimes I forget that she has super hearing”

“Je that is the general for you, always full of surprises” Kaiser tell with a smile as they look a simple plain field made of dirt and sand in the corner of the barracks for them to used.

“You know, maybe we should start bringing our kids out here, they might have an idea of what their old mans can really do” Kaiser suggest as he stretch and get into position.

“Ah I don’t know, for how I’m things could be over before they could blink”

“Oh, aren’t we confident today, ‘your highness’?”

“Dude, at full speed you are practically a statue compare to me, I can hit you 5 times over, in the time it takes you to sneeze”

“Je I get it Ace, you are fast” He tells with a smirk and gets in guard as Ace remove his robe from his chest but leave it attach to his belt and flex his wings. “But speed is not everything in a fight”

“We will see” Ace finish stretching himself and get into position “How are we going to start this?”

“Sargent Shout is currently gridding the recruits on the track field I say we wait for him to blow his whistle, and take it as the start”

“Fine by me” Ace tells as he gradually start to charge his body, Kaiser in response increase the temperature of his until it start to ignite. None of them moving and paying attention, to the other action as they await their signal.

Soon the signal was given and both dragon launch at one another using their respective elements to boost their speed, unfortunately for Kaiser, Ace turn faster and before he could be reach his opponent already close the distance and send him flying backward in one punch before, rushing to him and repeat the process over and over.

“See? I’m the king of speed dude”

“Sure you are but, but unfortunately that included it's the disadvantages” Kaiser tell with a smile as he teleport away, before reappearing on the ground, Ace give chace but the moment he make contact Kaiser body ignite and then exploit confusing him and send him flying backwards. He recover in mid air and land on his feet, but the moment his feet touch the ground, Kaiser re appear and whip the floor with his tail lifting all the sand and dirt covering Ace body on it.

“What the…” Ace is stop to look at his body confused, before he see Kaiser reappear running toward him, he try to escape but his moment aren’t as fast, making him unable to avoid the attack and force him to stand back.

“Not so fast when you are cover in sand and dirt, eh bro?”

Ace clean his chin as he smile and look at Kaiser. “Je clever, using an explosive afterimage as bait to keep me still, and then cover me in sand so I couldn’t used my full speed. How did you know that my voltage was the secret of my agility?”

“Ah, it wasn’t so hard to figure it out, you always light up like a christmas tree before running, and each hit left a bit of a shock to it. Anyone would figure out that you were becoming some kind of electric eel, so cut down the voltage and you are back to normal speed”

“Ja well though, dude you really did your homework” Ace tells cleaning some of the dust out of him, but don’t get to cocky, your trick only chop my speed in half, I’m pretty sure that I’m still the fastest of the two, and I still have more tricks of my sleeve” He tells as he flex his wings and bring them forward as they light up as well.

“Join the club” Kaiser tells as he summon two sables made of fire and duplicate himself two more times. Both dragons launch at each other and try overpower the other, Kaiser using his clones try to break into Ace defense but he in response used his wings who became sharp and hard like swords, to block and counter strike. Thanks to his serpent like body, Ace manage to move swiftly around the battlefield and even trip the clones and send them back before finishing them off with a swipe of his wings, making them exploit, unfortunately that discharge the remaining energy on the appendage so they return to be regular soft membranes.

Seeing the opening Kaiser kick his chest block his two last remaining sharp wings. “Getting tired, old friend?”

“Says the man that used two spells at once, tell me Kaiser, for how long can you keep those swords of yours?” Ace ask with a smirk as he see say weapons starting to fade.

“Friendly advice, when testing new spells don’t play the long game, you don’t know how long can you maintaining it. Like this one” He jump back and strike again but this time freezing his left wing who evaporate his fire swords and incase Kaiser in ice. “Cool trick right? I call it freeze wing, unfortunately I can only used it once” The wing return to normal leaving him with one remaining weapon.

“But I still can used this” He strike with his charge wing resulting in a electric wave that shake Kaiser in place and increase its power. “Lesson time, when freezing objects reach a temperature of below 10 degrees they can become conductive”

Ace freeze his hand before charge it and strike his chest, resulting into another wave that send him flying, but Kaiser recover and open a portal before sending a rain of fire balls on it.

At first Ace is confused but then 5 portals appear around him and from them the fireballs emerge landing five hits all at once.
Ace emerge from a cloud of smoke before looking at Kaiser landing in front of him. “Nice try dude, but you will need more than that to impress me”

“You really don’t want to hold back do you?”

“Where will the fun be on that?”

“Fair enough” Ace tell with a smile as he freeze and charge his claws while Kaiser ignite and cover his own creating magma gauntlets.

“Wow that is new” Ace tells impress.

“Did you think you were the only one that hasn’t be practicing new tricks?” I have being sparring with Reverb any chance I got” Kaiser tells before jumping at him and start their close combat, but trying to burn and shock the other but each attack ends cancel each other up.

The fight continue until Kaiser makes a bluff and lean back so his tail cover in rock hit Ace, making him dizzy, and used that to connect a powerful uppercut that send him flying

Ace manage to recover and then spin before launching down with force at him transforming his kinetic energy into electric one so when he land, the impact has the force of a bomb that push him back and shake him up.

Kaiser used his shield protecting him for the blunt of the attack but the force still enough to make his body get slightly numb. “Ja nice one dude, my turn” He smirk as he lift his arms, the land shake the moment he does it and moments later millions of small pebbles and rocks rise and surround and spin around him, before he send them back as proyectiles. Ace dodge and try to fire back but Kaiser place a force field around him blocking his attacks

Kaiser levitate himself and his down into the air, and then teleport it to Ace side where he continue his assault preventing the king for counter attacking and keeping him on the run.

“Got you now bro, I thought really hard on this move, there is no blind spot you can get me now”

“The ram logic dude, no matter the defense if you hit it enough times, it will crack” Ace tells as he stop and conjure a wall of ice to protect himself, its does his job but the defense start to crack very fast.

“Still need to hit me dude, and for what I’m seeing that is not happening” Kaiser tells with confidence as he makes a hole on the wall. Ace act fast and launch ice balls at him that freeze parts of hif shield at the contact but its doesn’t dent his assault. The wall finally collapse but Kaiser stop when he don’t see Ace inside of it.


“Surprise!” Using the fog of say ice as cover Ace position himself underneath Kaiser and snap his fingers to summon an electric storm that hit him at full force. Kaiser escape by teleporting but the rocks are complete destroy and the shield until sustain start to flicker. “I’m not done yet!”

Kaiser summon two giant boulders from the ground and command them like hands, forcing Ace to used another shield to defend himself. Breathing deeply Ace concentrate on the tip of his middle and index finger until a spark charge from its tips.

He jumps of his shield in time for it to be shatter and then aim at Kaiser head with his hand like its a pistol. Closing an eye he lock on him and then shoot a straight beam at his head who gets a bulls eyes.

Instantly Kaiser finds himself on a plain field complete different on the arena without his shield or boulders confusing him when it happens. He try to fly and teleport away but he finds himself back in say field over and over again.

Out of nowhere he feel a punch on his chest followed by a another on his jaw. He try to fight back but he only punch air, and its unable to find his opponent. More attacks happen and he even try to used his roar to make his enemy disoriented and at the same time try to find him but it doesn’t work and he end up on his knee.

Breathing hard he relax his muscle and teleport away before another hit reach it and aim another punch where the grass moved. This time his fist connect but his cheek feel another punch on it.

The field disappear and he discover himself back in the arena hitting Ace on the face while he does the same.

Both jump back at one another and breath hard as they see each other.

“Je nice sparring bro” Ace tells with a smile as he clean some sweat.
“Same” Kaiser clean his jaw. “What was that last attack by the way? Its was really sick, did you teleport me or something?”

“Nah it wasn’t something that simple” He lift his fingers and then pointing them at his head. “Like you I have being sparring from time to time with Celly, include the wife in the fun and all that you know? She has given me some suggestions here and there for new moves. What you saw was the last one she and I create. We call it mind shockwave” The fingers start to sparks and he aim them at him. “By mimic the electric impulse of my neurons when focusing on a memory I can force a person to relieve it, down to the most small detail, if my beam hit you, it even affect your nervous and ocular system, you can virtually touch the illusion”

“So what I saw…”

“…was an old memory of mine, of when I was looking for a nice reclusive place for a picnic with Celly”

“So that is why I couldn’t escape, I was inside your memory this whole time”

“Well your mind was, your body was still here, it doesn’t last long like you saw, but the more time I spend thinking it, the longer you remain inside of it”

“Ja that was a nice trick”

“Yeah but I still can’t use it frequently, like the freeze wing that was another ‘used only once’ kind of deal” He says as he stop the charge and put his hand down. “I think we can leave things here, it was a good match”

“If that is what you want, ok sure” Kaiser tells with a shrug.

“Oh and sorry in advance”

“Sorry for what?” Kaiser ask before he start to freak out when everything start to fade into black. “Ah! What is happening?”

“Don’t worry it’s temporal, a small side effect I’m trying to fix, using mind shockwave leave my opponent temporarily blind so his eyes can re adjust to reality, your vision will return in about ten minutes”

“Ten minutes, eh? Why fix that? Dude you hit someone with that attack and after it, you virtually have won the fight” Kaiser tells.

“Maybe, but I don’t know, it wouldn’t feel right, I have no control over it and it could get worse if I’m not careful with that” Ace tells unsure as he dust his robe and put it back on. “Perhaps I should consider it when I see that it can’t give any permanent damage and I can control time, and place for the blindness to take effect”

“Yeah you should” Kaiser tells as Ace take his shoulder and guide him into the bench.

“For now you only relax and wait for the effects pass, enjoy I bet your other senses are being enhance right now”

“Hmmm hey you are right, I can hear a pony with a table on her chest, and some big bird approaching us”

“What?” Ace turn back and see. Wisteria and Ember walking and flying toward them

“Who do you call a big bird?!” Ember says in anger making Kaiser flinch and hold his ears “Too loud”

The lord of the dragon in question has grown a healthy 10 inches since her teenager years, her horns have grown to resemble her fathers and her navy blue scales have darkener into a deep ocean blue.

“Pay no mind to him Ember, I simple blind him during our sparring match, don’t worry it will be fine”

“He made me trip balls” Kaiser mentions.

That surprise Ember who approach Kaiser and wave her claw in front of his face “You made him go blind by fighting? Cool” She tells with a smile.

“Not so when you are the one blind Ember” Kaiser counter but she ignores him and turn to Ace “Think you can teach me?”

“Ahemph” Wisteria clear her throat “Your highness your appointment with Lord Ember is about to begin, shall we be going?”

“Wow it's already 11 of clock, je times do fly when you are sparring”

“Oh you were sparing a moment ago? Lucky I would have love to join you, hey what do you say if make this meeting into a second round, eh Ace? Queen Dragon, vs King of the storm”

“Sky actually, and although I’m not going to lie the idea is temping I’m afraid I’m a bit drain from my fight, tell you what, let's talk about the subjects of my new dragon recruits, have some gems to munch on and then see about a little fight, before you leave”

“Deal!” Ember tells with some excitement as she shake his claw with her own “I have heard stories about you being able to move like lighting, I want to see if they are true”

“Jeje you will see” They start to leave but Ace stop and turn to Wisteria who was following “Ah Wisteria, before you resume your activities there is something I need you to do” He point at Kaiser.

“Can you keep my captain company for a bit”

“What? Why?”

“It's only for a bit, just until his vision return I really don’t want to leave him vulnerable”

“Hey! May I remind you that we end up in a draw?” Kaiser defend himself.

“My point still stand you are still blind dude, you need help, and we both have duties to attempt as soon as possible, so I need you to rest and get better before you depart”

“But why me?” Wisteria ask.

“Because Celestia and I wouldn’t be able to find our own tails without you Wisteria you are our most loyal advisor, I wouldn’t trust this task to anyone else”

“What about taking him to the medical tower?”

“Excellent advice! Please take him there” Ace tells as he and Ember fly away.

“What? Your highness that is not what I…meant” She tells as she look at them leave and then turn to Kaiser.

“Are they gone? I can’t hear them, hello? Is anyone still there?”

She sigh and look down.

“Who sigh? I heard it, who is there”

“It’s me Kaiser” Wisteria tells with a little smile as she take his claw on one of her hoof “Come I will take you to the infirmary”