• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 21,408 Views, 9,177 Comments

XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

  • ...

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Chapter 163: Precautions


Chapter 163: Precautions

By Wanderer D

Chrysalis walked over to the table and set down two cups of tea, glancing at her former classmate with a bit of wariness before sitting down. "Well?"

Luna gave Chrysalis an amused glance and a sad smile. "You know I can't tell you what I discussed with Sunset."

Chrysalis crossed her arms. "I don't need to hear the exact details." She leaned back. "After the last battle, we need to know whether she's a danger to herself and others." She motioned with her hand at the several pads with notes and videos on them, including a few recordings from the Seekers that Sashssa had sent over to assist XCOM during the fight against the Hunter.

"Reports and videos show her using Blood Magic more intensely… she made wings out of the blood of her enemies and used them to glide down from the building she was in, Luna." She sighed. "And then she secluded herself for two days in Twilight's lab emerging only to talk to you today. This is no joking matter."

"I understand, I wouldn't dare treat it as a joke," Luna said, sighing.


Luna bit her lip, but fished out a small box bearing Sunset's decal on the top. Silently she passed it over to Chrysalis, who frowned at it before opening it. Her eyes widened at the contents. "What is this?"

"She gave it to me, for you," Luna said, looking away. "I think it answers your question?"

Chrysalis picked up a small folded note, opening it and looking at the contents, before putting it all back in order and setting it down on the table. "It worries me, more than answering anything. Did she tell you what she intends to do?"

"She said that there was only one thing she could do: study... and be prepared," Luna answered. She gazed sadly at the box. "I think that's what she meant by being prepared."

Chrysalis looked down at the box, and her eyes narrowed. "Dammit. I already lost her once, Luna an—"

"I think you should consider removing Sunset from the frontline," Luna interrupted. "Put her on leave."

"We don't have the luxury of vacations, Luna." Chrysalis sighed. "Is she fit for combat?"

Luna grimaced. "She is not exhibiting any behaviours that would give me immediate concern… if it didn't involve magic. I can't predict how that will affect things. So far she hasn't done anything that could be interpreted as a loss of sanity.

"There are several factors that come into this that we're not aware of. Were it not for the fact that it's a magical affliction, I would have considered the Mindscape visits to be a clear indication of… well." She chuckled. "Nothing is as easy as it seems, in any case.

"My notes so far are not conflicting, her heart is in the right place, her priorities straight… her loyalty, as far as I can tell is one hundred percent with XCOM. If there is anything beyond what she's told me, or if changes are happening, the only one that can really say is Sunset herself, since we don't have Twilight anymore.

"I've encouraged her to start a personal diary—"

"She already has one."

"I mean one for herself alone, not to communicate with unicorns in another dimension," Luna retorted. "She needs to keep track of her emotional state and be honest with herself. I can only do so much with a couple of sessions, and even then, she's the most reliable source to deal with this previously unknown affliction."

"I imagine it's not as simple as telling her to not use magic anymore?" Chrysalis asked, "She's good enough she doesn't need it…" she trailed off when Luna shook her head.

"Sunset's concerns right now seem to be less on herself and more on her teammates," Luna said, taking a sip of her tea. "Asking her to give up on the advantage she has is not going to go well. Especially since she's the only one in XCOM so far that can fight the Chosen one on one."

"She always ends up in the hospital and borderline dead whenever she does," Chrysalis growled. "Perhaps the Captain needs a lesson in teamwork."

"Perhaps, but tell me, Chrysalis… are you really going to give up your ace in the hole? This is not a drug or something that you can just wean her out of… she's explained some of it to me, but the Blood Magic is in constant flow through her body, due to her training with the Skirmishers and the way she adapted it at the time.

"Apparently that is not the way it's taught in the book, which might be why she hasn't displayed the madness of a Blood Witch yet."

Chrysalis gritted her teeth, but couldn't argue that with Luna. "We do need every advantage, but we're not putting the whole weight of Earth's fate on her. All of us share the burden."

"This is why she's secluded herself," Luna said, "she's in constant communication with Twilight through the diary, and working on the Princess' designs as well as her own."

Chrysalis' eyes widened. "Are you saying that she's…"

"She's developing weapons and armor." Luna smiled. "Magical weapons and armor as well as… those." She glanced at the box.

"Does anyone else know about these?"

Luna shook her head. "Sunset said only Tygan, myself, and now you."

Chrysalis nodded, tapping her pad.

"Tygan here, Commander. If you're inquiring about Project Dazhbog, I am pleased to say tha—"

"Sorry, Tygan, I will hear your report during our regular meeting, are you on your own?"

"One moment, Commander." They waited for a few seconds, hearing machinery and voices, then the telltale sound of a hydraulic door opening and closing. "I am alone now, Commander."

"Good," Chrysalis said, her eyes falling on the box that Sunset had sent her. "Counselor Luna has just brought me Sunset's… failsafe."

There was a moment of silence from Tygan, then, "I assure you, Commander, that I had no idea that Sunset's project was going to be—"

"I'm not angry, Tygan. It makes sense… but I do have orders for you and Luna, I will also extend these orders to Sunset during my next meeting with her."

"Understood, Commander," Tygan replied, "What are your orders?"

"None of you—under any circumstances—are to mention the contents of this box to Central Officer Bradford, or anyone else. Especially Bradford. The only exception is if I mention it myself, or, if for some reason I'm absent...and the worst comes to happen. This is to be only a last resort. Understood?"

"Yes, Commander."

Luna also nodded.

"Good. I look forward to your report on Project Dazhbog later on today."

"Until then, Commander."

The communication cut off and Chrysalis sighed, leaning back on the sofa, staring at the box. She sighed again and leaned forward, covering her face with her hands and dragging them down until they only covered her mouth.

She continued staring, shaking her head a little. "Luna, if Bradford ever saw that…"

"I know," Luna said, smiling a bit sadly. "That man is an obstinate mule, you know?"

Chrysalis laughed. "If he wasn't, I wouldn't be here." Her mirth died again. "Keep an eye on Sunset. I will too."

Luna nodded.

"Whatever the situation… as bleak as it is, if we can… we have to keep her sane. I will take your advice under consideration. I can't remove her from duty right now, but now that she's receiving consistent counseling, I hope the profile you create will help. If she's losing it, then we're going to do our best to help her. But if I remove her now from duty…"

"It would cause more damage than help," Luna sighed, "I understand."

Chrysalis nodded, picking up the box and walking over to her safe. The same safe where she had kept the Element of Magic. She snorted, thinking of the irony, as she slid the box in and locked it.

She made her way back to Luna, who was just standing up and straightening her clothes.

"I should go," Luna said, "I have three new patients to deal with, after all." She gave Chrysalis an unamused glance. "And one's a robot."

"Cyborg," Chrysalis corrected automatically.



They smiled at each other, Luna pulling Chrysalis into a hug.

The Commander's eyes went wide for a moment, but then she let a slow breath out and melted into the other woman's embrace. "It feels nice," she whispered into Luna's hair.

"We all need a hug, every now and then," Luna said. "But that doesn't mean you don't need an appointment, Chrysalis."

Chuckling, she pulled away from Luna. "I know. I'll figure out a timeslot in my calendar."

Luna smiled and walked away, shaking her head. "Liar."

o.0.o End Chapter 163 o.0.o

Author's Note:

Sorry about the delay, I re-started this chapter several times, and even though I knew what was going on in it, the right words just wouldn't come. Thank you for your patience.

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