• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 59: Panic


Chapter 59: Panic

By Wanderer D

The Skyranger took off and Chrysalis herself appeared on the debriefing screen. "Menace, your mission consists of a primary objective: save Rookies Sparkle and Kevin. Their team was betrayed by one of their members, who we have in custody. Thanks to this traitor, we lost many good people, including Galahad.

"There is a chance that one of the Chosen will be there, so be prepared for a difficult combat situation, but remember that the main objective is rescue; not elimination of the targets. The team will be split in two, and the operation will initiate in two stages: Team Alpha, consisting of Sunset, Laetitia and Jane will infiltrate the building at ground level.

"At the same time, Team Bravo will infiltrate the building from the rooftop and set up explosive devices that can burn through the secure door.

"Team Alpha's mission is to take out the guards, activate the lockdown sequence without activating the alarms, once Team Bravo is in, and set up an EMP bomb at the lowest level of the building.

"Both teams will then head towards the cell blocks, which Tygan and Shen have pinpointed to the thirty fourth floor. Eliminate all opposition in the way. Once you have released both captives, detonate both devices. The EMP will guarantee that the lockdown cannot be lifted easily, and will fry any alarms, while the top floor one will allow you to escape.

"Thanks to Rookie Sparkle, we know that Kevin is in a delicate condition, although she remains unharmed as of last report. Rookie Sparkle can be armed and assist in the evacuation. Remember, however that she is a rookie and evaluate her possible assistance in that light.

"Any questions?"

"How do we know Rookie Sparkle is not under mind control?" Elena asked. "And how did we establish communications with her?"

"Lieutenant Shimmer can answer that," Chrysalis said, visibly struggling to hide a smile. "All of Menace, including 1st Lieutenant Dash are granted access to this information. Command out."

There was silence in the cabin and all eyes were on Sunset.

"So," Annette said, casually leaning back and crossing her legs to get comfortable, "do your species always go demonic during moments of intense emotional strain?"

Twilight sighed and centered herself. Her connection with the Element of Magic was stronger than it had ever been since she crossed the mirror. And, although she still didn't feel confident in using any spells, she felt… stronger overall. More secure.

She needed to learn how to cast in this new body, but the flow of magic between her and her element was starting to work. The magic of this world was also reacting to it. It was different, for sure, more stagnant—forgotten. Still alien to Equestrian magic, but even so, she was able get a feel of it now… this… this is what had been feeding Sunset's magic all along while she was here.

Not Equestrian Magic. It was possible that Sunset had emptied all of her Equestrian power early on, trying to figure out how to use other spells…

Something nagged at her as she slowly came to these revelations. Was it possible… that the reason Sunset had not gone mad with using Blood Magic here… wasn't only because of the finite amount she could use?

Could it be that—

Twilight took a deep breath. 'Priorities, Twilight,' she told herself. Right now, she needed to plan, and she didn't have a pad to create a checklist. It was all in her mind now. She anticipated scenarios and discarded them.

She couldn't break free on her own. There was no changing that… at least not until she managed to use her own spells properly. And now that she had a breakthrough… that wouldn't take long. In the meantime, however, she had to deal with her current situation.

The place where she was contained was part of a larger lab. She recognized several devices that were similar to those in the Avenger, including a large First Aid kit. Her mind's eye scanned the rest of the room from memory.

There were three doors that accessed the room. One… looked like hallway. Several scientists had entered that room and this one, back and forth, taking notes on readings on both her and Kevin, but it was also the one where the team of doctors nurses that had operated on him to keep him alive had come from.

The door was a mystery… it seemed like two doors to the same room would be pointless, and what little she had seen, indicated the hallway continued in both directions, which meant that that room was some sort of closet?

Then there was the elevator door. It was a very secure elevator door too, with bars and a light that would flash orange anytime the doors were engaged. It was either a dedicated elevator, or people coming to this floor required a special key.

She didn't know what they were planning in order to pick them up… but she'd be ready.

A cough and a moan interrupted her and she shook her head as she opened her eyes.


"Kevin!" Twilight gasped, jumping up and moving quickly to the front corner of her cell. She couldn't see into the other one, but he could hear him shuffle.

"T-Twilight? I-w-what happened to my arm?!" Kevin's voice became frantic. "Oh god, I remember now… I saw Monique's face melt! She was still twitching while the rest of her body melted!"

"Kevin! You need to calm down!"

"My arm… it was burning—it was burning!"

"Kevin!" Twilight called. "Listen to my voice! You survived! Don't lose hope!"

"We got completely wiped out!" Kevin cried. "J-just before that thing exploded, I saw Galahad he was—"

Twilight cringed at the mental image of her teacher flying to the air and crashing on the car. He was already dead by the time. She was certain of it.

"Kevin, you've survived. And so have I, we need to—"

"We've been captured by ADVENT!" Kevin shouted, his breathing ragged. He coughed and groaned, and Twilight could hear him shuffling towards the door, and start battering it with his remaining hand. "We need to get out!"

"You need to calm down!"

"Shut up, you stupid nerd! ADVENT has us! They'll slice us open and torture us to find information!"

"My, what a charming individual," The Assassin said, materializing in front of the cells.

Twilight could hear Kevin's strangled cry as he backpedalled and fell. She could hear him kicking and screaming in horror.

The Assassin's smile faded and turned into disgust as she gazed to the left of Twilight's cell. "What a pathetic creature you have as an ally, Twilight. Tell me, are they all so insufferably… annoying?"

"He just woke up and remembered what happened!" Twilight shouted, glaring at The Assassin. "What did you expect?!"

The Assassin snorted as Kevin kept wailing in horror. "Some basic dignity." She glanced at Twilight. "Regardless of how war-like his race is, you, coming from Equestria of all places, have taken this whole situation you're in with much more composure than this… cretin."

Twilight heard something then. A stomping sound on the wall. "W-what is that?"

The Assassin tilted her head. "Your friend has started banging his head on the wall. He's undoubtedly trying to either kill himself or put himself back into a coma."

"Stop him!" Twilight begged, banging her hands on the glass. "Please! Stop him!"

The assassin sat on one of the tables. "Why?"

"He's my friend!" Twilight tried to summon some magic, maybe enough to put Kevin to sleep but there was no connection she could reach now. She was too emotional, too distracted. "Please!"

"Stopping him is not going to change anything," The Assassin replied, shrugging. "Look at him, he stopped on his own and now he's foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog." She made a face. "I'm glad that the barrier is there, it must stink in there by now."

"How can you be so cruel?" Twilight asked, sinking to her knees. "Why do you have to be?"

"I have been betrayed too many times to hold any pity for others," The Assassin said. "First by other ponies, then cast out by Starswirl… when we came here, locals befriended us… and tried to take advantage of us!" She growled. "For hundreds of years we walked this Earth and humans backstabbed us and each other!"

"You must have found kindness… somewhere. Not all humans are—"

"Nothing that lasted when they found out our true origins," The Assassin spat. "Even now… troops under my command! Under the Elder's command! They abandon us! They turn their backs and betray us!" She leaned forward. "I will find all the Skirmishers. All the traitors… and I will kill them all!"

She glared at Twilight. "You trust them now… just like you trust the Blood Witch. But there is one constant, Twilight, humans lie. They betray. And blood witches go mad with power and the allure of blood. If you live long enough, you'll see it first… hoof."

"I don't believe you," Twilight whispered. She looked up at The Assassin, locking eyes with her. "You know the value of loyalty… but you think it just comes because of fear? Friendship builds loyalty! Honesty builds loyalty! Generosity, Laughter and Kindness build Loyalty! They all connect with each other and make them all stronger!"

She slowly stood up, until she was able to look at the seated Chosen on the same level. "And you can't tell me that you never felt that! Didn't you say you were here with your sisters?"

"Don't speak of things you don't know of!" The Assassin snarled.

"Are you going to tell me that there is no loyalty between you? No laughter? No Kindne—" Twilight yelped as she jumped back. The Chosen's fist smashed into the glass, creating a tiny crack on it. Twilight gulped.

"There is no loyalty between us!" The Assassin growled, death in her eyes. "And if you speak of this again, pony I will rip you apart and spread your intestines around this tower! Am I clear?!"

Twilight nodded quickly, and The Assassin seemed temporarily sated. She turned away from the cell. Twilight could hear the wheezing sounds coming from Kevin's cell, but there was no more sound.

The Assassin made her way to the door in silence, and as it opened she glanced over at Twilight, as if debating saying anything else. But she simply turned around and left.

"I'm going to kill Chrysalis," Sunset muttered.

"You know that could be considered mutiny?" Jane asked casually, glancing at Sunset from her hidden position.

"I don't care!"

Laetitia snickered. "I thought it was adorable how you blushed and explained to everyone how you were a unicorn, don't you think?"

Sunset pinched the bridge of her nose. "Geist knows I'm an alien."

Laetitia leaned back with a smirk. "He never told me."

"And yet, you don't seem surprised."

"I saw you fly into a statue before that put me out for a few days, remember?"

Sunset frowned. "Don't remind me, it's a miracle you're still alive."

Jane gave the Templar a look. "It's true… when an ADVENT Priest tried to read Twilight's mind, it's brain exploded. And Sunset here mentally bitch-slapped Annette when she tried the same. How come you didn't die at ground zero?" She paused. "Um… not that I wanted you to, but it's still…"

"I understand what you mean," Laetitia replied. "And there are many reasons for which I could have died… it's… all something like a dream now. Ephemeral…" She shrugged. "I got lucky."

Sunset shook her head. "In any case… we'll need to be fast. I don't see any civilians at this time. Confirm."



"Then we move…" Sunset said. "Let's go get our friends."

o.0.o End Chapter 59 o.0.o

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