• Published 8th Mar 2018
  • 11,330 Views, 202 Comments

Cuddles - Admiral Biscuit

Cold feet and a lousy day at work and hunger can all be solved by cuddling a pony in front of a fireplace.

  • ...

Ponies are for hugging

Admiral Biscuit

Ponies had invented cubicles.

Well, that wasn't being quite fair to the ponies; they had adapted cubicles from contact with humans.

The unfortunate effect of this was that despite being in Equestria, I was still in a cubicle for my day job. Granted, it was a lot nicer than the soul-sucking version of a cubicle farm on Earth, but there was still something demoralizing about being in Equestria and working in a cubicle.

But that didn't matter. Until tomorrow morning, my cubicle could rot in my absence. The day was over, and it was time to go home.

It was snowing outside again. The pegasi seemed particularly attentive around their shift change, which unfortunately coincided with the end of my shift, and made for a less-than-stellar trip home.

They didn't plow their streets. Instead, ponies towing rollers compacted the snow on the roads, and that was good enough for ponies and their wagons. And I'll admit, it was an interesting sight to see; they were like giant lawn rollers made out of wood, pulled by a pair of stallions.

I could have waited for a taxi, but I hadn't been the first one to leave the office, and there was a line of gossipy mares ahead of me all waiting for their turn.

Besides, it wasn't all that far to my house.

The trip home would have been more pleasant if my boots hadn't leaked. I'd been meaning to get a new pair, but it took about forever to get anything from Earth transported through, and despite the local cobbler's well-meaning efforts, the idea that feet bent was completely foreign to her. I would have done just as well to go to a traditional Dutch craftsman and had calf-length wooden clogs made.

One thing that the ponies hadn't bothered to invent was zoning, and my house was reasonably close to the office; even so, my feet were soaked by the time I finally arrived home.

I hung up my overcoat and suit jacket in the hallway, then kicked off my boots.

I was peeling off my socks when Cami came around the corner and nuzzled me. There was still a light dusting of snow on her back, so she hadn't been home all that long. She worked at a branch of the Ministry of Magic—it was actually called the Thaumic Scrutiny Agency—working a job that I barely even understood. Whatever it was, she was apparently good at it, because she was a supervisor.

“I don't feel like making dinner,” she said.

“Neither do I,” I told her. Truth was, she'd never really learned to cook, and neither had I.

“Good. I ordered Chinese food on my way home.”

For some reason, ponies had jumped on the idea of Chinese food.

I knew that the American version of Chinese food wasn't very Chinese; the pony version was even less so. It was also naturally focused on vegetarian options. I should have expected that, but the first time I'd seen General Tso's alfalfa on the menu I'd almost cried.

“From Cheerful Cow-Bear.” They also weren't very good at coming up with names for Chinese restaurants.

“Sound good,” I said. “You know, you ponies are really lucky.”

“How's that?”

I bent over and started peeling off my soaked socks. “You can't get cold feet.”

“I don't even have feet, silly.”

“I know. Lucky. Not only can't you get cold feet, but you can never experience the pain of a stubbed toe.” It was hard to say whether my foot was colder now that the sock was off, but at least the dampness would cease. “No stepping on splinters, either.”

Cami rolled her eyes. “You make it sound like it's terrible to be a human.”

“Well, it's got its disadvantages.” I stripped off my other sock and then tossed the pair of socks in the general direction of the laundry hamper.

“Cami for the assist,” she said proudly, as her telekenetic aura faded from around my socks.

“I wasn't really trying,” I said.

“Yes you were.”

Changing the subject was always a valid method of argument. “What should we do until the food arrives?”

“Snuggle on the couch in front of the fireplace,” she said.

“Bad day at work?”

“Bleh. The worst.” She stuck her tongue out. “We had to send a team out to clean up a mishap at the school. Somepony got ahold of her mom's college conjuration textbook and actually managed to cast conjurer's closet in the classroom. Of course she didn't know how to stop it. Luckily, they got in there before things got really ugly. It could—your feet are blue.”

“It's the socks.”

“Nothing a little cuddling won't fix. I've already got a fire going.”

I let her lead me into the living room, which was without question the best room in the house. There were windows on three sides which let in lots of light and a good breeze any season other than winter, and the stone fireplace took the place of what would have been a TV.

For all the false steps the ponies had taken in adapting to human culture, they'd skipped right over TVs, and I wasn't sad about that.

• • •

“I bet you know a spell to warm up my feet.”

“Where's the fun in that?” She lifted the blanket over us, and then rested her head against my chest. “It's better to warm up this way.”

I couldn't disagree entirely with her. My feet were still cold, and by extension, so was the rest of me, but that discomfort was fading fast.

Her coat was silky-smooth and smelled just a little bit like lavender—her soap was powerful stuff. Unlike most unicorns, she didn't trim her coat in the wintertime, which gave her an extra bit of fluff that was more than welcome. Top that off with the fact that ponies had a higher body temperature than humans, and I would have been warming up even if there hadn't been a fire crackling in the fireplace.

“If you put your feet up on the couch, I can cover them with my tail, and that'll help warm them back up.”

“I don't think I bend like that,” I told her.

“You won't know until you try.” She stuck her tongue out at me again.

“Who's a silly pony? Cami.” But I pulled my feet up on the couch anyways, and as she'd promised, she flopped her tail over them.

It wasn't a terribly comfortable position, but I didn't want to move at all.

Except to stroke her mane.

“I just had my mane done at the salon today,” she told me.

I couldn't see any difference in it from this morning, but of course I didn't say that. “It looks nice. Do you want me to stop?”


“Thought so.” I brushed her forelock back and then scratched behind her ear.

“Do your powers extend far enough to summon hot chocolate?”

“Of course they do.” She lit her horn and after about a minute, a kettle floated in from the kitchen and onto the fire.

“You're slacking.”

“Kettle wasn't full. You try summoning something you can't see.”

“You know I can't summon anything,” I said, running my hand down her neck.

“That's why I like you.” She leaned up and rubbed the bottom of my chin with her velvety muzzle.

• • •

Unlike on Earth, deliveryponies would bring the food right to you. It was both weird and convenient.

There were times when hunger took a backseat to comfort, and this was one of those times. I was perfectly content; I was living my life inside of a Thomas Kinkade painting, albeit one with faux Chinese food on the coffee table and a pony on my lap.

“Are we actually going to eat?”

“We could.” She glanced at the food. “Probably should before it gets cold. It's not as good when it's cold.”

“Yeah.” I ran my hand down her back. “Too bad we don't have a microwave.”

She lit her horn for a moment. “There's a spell for that.”

“Of course there is.” I ran a finger up the spiral of her horn and gently brushed across the tip, eliciting a small shiver from her.

“Dude, that feels weird.”

“I know. You tell me that every time.”

“'Cause it's true.” She yawned and stretched out, leaving my feet briefly without a tail to warm them. “I've never had leftover Chinese food for breakfast.”

“Sometimes it's totally worth it.” It was within arm's reach, and if I'd cared to, I could have gotten to it, but I had my priorities straight, and ignored the food in favor of stroking her ear.

“Yeah.” She rubbed her cheek against my chest. “I'm so lucky to have you to pet me and scratch behind my ears.”

That was an invitation if I'd ever heard one, and she sighed in pleasure at my touch. “But I'm luckier.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Because I've got a pony to pet and scratch behind the ears.”

Comments ( 202 )

I was going to finish up a blog post about writing today and publish that, but someone suggested that there weren't enough stories about snuggling with ponies, and also I had a not-so-great day at work today, so here you go.

Sounds like a lovely way to end the day.

I am sooo jealous right now. And my floofy dogs are hundreds of miles away.

Now I wonder what immigration would look like to Equestria? Would you need a job or have a skill that that would be beneficial for them? The whole cutie mark thing definitely would play havoc on he job market. Still I bet having a pony to cuddle after any day would be a blast!

Speaking of Cow-Bears, it's also supposedly nice and warm inside a katamari.

"Where's the door / portal / whatever to this Universe and how the hell do I open it?! I want in!"

Right? Pony cuddles just sound so nice.


Man, that sounds like a good day to end the day. Better than laying awake at night stressed out from school (yay!).


the snuggling of ponies does sound like a good time after a day of work :twilightsmile:

...(looks at cuddling scene)

That's got to be the best pony I've ever seen. . .

Ministry of... is your universe canon with Fallout Equestria now Biscuit? :rainbowwild:

I'm just going to pretend this is a Sam and Rose story.

Dan #17 · Mar 8th, 2018 · · 1 ·

I wonder what the rates are for humans learning Equestrian vs. ponies learning English (and other human languages). As we all know, it's unamerican to learn other languages.

It's not that Americans are too stupid or lazy. It's just that it's always their responsibility to "integrate."

Human expats in Equestria are doubtless developing a truly grotesque "Eqslish" creole.

Great reasons, even though this story didn't need one :twilightsmile:
Me too! :pinkiehappy:


Great job on the feature
Its a great storry

I'm really tempted to not read his story today and just keep it as some sort of emergency feel good story for an actual lousy day.

Okay, that was stupid cute.

What I would give to have their living room.

Why not put it on it's own bookshelf? Then you could read it now, and find it again later.
You could even call it "Emergency Feels".
BTW, stole your idea and did exactly that. God I love the internet. Plagiarism has never been so easy.

Pony huggles are great.

Emergency feel bookshlef; in case of bad day, break the glass.

I had a relationship kinda like that once. I'll be honest I may have gotten a bit... well, it was kind of bittersweet reading this.

Texus #26 · Mar 8th, 2018 · · 1 ·

HHhhmm this maybe would make a great prologue for a story with two friends slowly being more, but not so slow that the story ends the moment they would kiss or say "I love you".
I really want to ask for a long sequel, but then of course I kind of would expect the human to be able to do something good that maybe even his pony friend would be jealous of.

Not the biggest fan of human in Equestria stories where they can do everything better for some reason. There are many possibilitys and since everything is just theory, the logic "cartoons don't get hurt so easily but humans do, doesn't even have to work like that." I always image in their cartoon world the reason why the ponies seems to be able to endure much more pain, could simply be that their stuff just doesn't hurt so much or that the humans have that anti magic thing going on and more possible ways to make the human appear less than useless.
I mean when I started at this side I started to think they were trying really hard to make them look weak, but not sure if I can still say that recently, I haven't paid enough attention or read stories with a focus on that.

I feel so objectified, mares just want us for our hands!

"Hands. Human magic, babe." [*bow chika-bowwow*]

despite the local cobbler's well-meaning efforts, the idea that feet bent was completely foreign to her.

First off, he should track down a cordwainer (who makes shoes from scratch) instead of a cobbler (who mends them)... and he might want to find one that makes boots for griffons as their feet do bend. I'm sure there are a few in Canterlot.

...after petting a bit my dog.

1) "Come on, jump right in...sounds of impact...yesss, all fours meet their target, but it was not as funny as I used to imagine it!"
2) "Come on, just not like last time! Ow ...50 kg of you is very nice, and we are equals here, but I don't think I will like to stay like this for all night ..."
3) Somewhere between (day/night) 3 and 30, really: You wake up because her horn turned out to be conductor for having shared dreams, and it turned out ponies use dream/sleep time for some mindwork too! (otherwise they had too little time for doing their own society AND helping local Nature)
4) After day 30 you are well-trained for moving away into corner of bed, because otherwise she simply will not jump in.... (based on what my dog does - he likes to use our bed, yet prefer not jump at part of it occupied by my legs...if i move legs up - he happiely curl in)

Really nice! You should do one with Foals.

Ponies are for hugging


You had me at the title.

She worked at a branch of the Ministry of Magic—it was actually called the Thaumatic Scrutiny Agency

Did you work a Harry Potter reference and a TSA joke into a single sentence there?

“Of course they do.” She lit her horn and after about a minute, a kettle floated in from the kitchen and onto the fire.

I am ridiculously envious of this human right now. Cuddling a fuzzy pony in front of the fireplace while she gets some hot chocolate without even getting up... :rainbowwild:

there's a spell for that

Unicorns: There's a Spell For That

“Of course there is.” I ran a finger up the spiral of her horn and gently brushed across the tip, eliciting a small shiver from her.

Good night everybody! :trollestia:

Unlike on Earth, deliveryponies would bring the food right to you. It was both weird and convenient.

Actually in Asia, there is. No extra charge either. Well, most of the time, and depending on which restaurant you wanted to get it from. xP

“Because I've got a pony to pet and scratch behind the ears.”


Ill be in my bunk.

your SOL bits always delight me

We all need an adorable pony to hug, sometimes. I do hope that today was better for you.


Sounds like a lovely way to end the day.

There is never not a good time to snuggle a pony, and that's a fact.


I am sooo jealous right now. And my floofy dogs are hundreds of miles away.

Hopefully you can reunite with them soon.


Now I wonder what immigration would look like to Equestria? Would you need a job or have a skill that that would be beneficial for them?

I'd think so. Although they might have quite a liberal view on beneficial skills.

The whole cutie mark thing definitely would play havoc on he job market.

Yeah, I think it would. Although if you had a pony with the right mark, it would be a good bet that she'd the right mare for the job.

Still I bet having a pony to cuddle after any day would be a blast!

Oh yeah, totally.


Speaking of Cow-Bears, it's also supposedly nice and warm inside a katamari.

Inside a katamari?

I don't know what one of those is, or how you get inside, but I'm having visions of Luke in the tauntaun. . . .

If you find it before I do, let me know, okay?


Man, that sounds like a good day to end the day. Better than laying awake at night stressed out from school (yay!).

I bet snuggling with a pony lowers stress levels by about 100%.


the snuggling of ponies does sound like a good time after a day of work:twilightsmile:

I know there's plenty of times I could use it.


Ministry of... is your universe canon with Fallout Equestria now Biscuit?:rainbowwild:

Is that what it's called in Fallout Equestria? Because if it is, that wasn't an intentional reference [it was, however, an intentional reference to Harry Potter].

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