• Published 23rd Aug 2018
  • 8,564 Views, 266 Comments

I Am (No) God - Animatorsnake

The small town of Ponyville is a source of strange things, but the stallion who lives at the edge of town is a mystery on his own. What does he hide in such a small shack like that? Why is he so empty? ...Where did he come from and who is he really?

  • ...

The Merchant of Chance (Edited)

Two days later – Canterlot; 9:00am

It had been two days since Eclipse received the letter of invitation to come to Canterlot, since he left yesterday morning, he spent exploring Canterlot, especially the parts of the capital city he never seen from his last visit. Right now, Eclipse stood on the balcony of his hotel room, gazing at the sun’s ascension across the horizon; unlike Ponyville, Canterlot could be described as a mix between a fantasy-like city, with some modern designs added with it.

The population consisted of mostly unicorns, with a few pegasi and earth ponies, not all unicorns who lived in Canterlot were nobility, those who weren’t were either visitors or those not born in Canterlot, but live in the city now. Eclipse had met some of the nobility when he first came to the city for his traders’ license and like many who met him, nopony had no idea what he was thinking.

After done gazing at the far horizon, Eclipse went back into his room; he didn’t bring a lot with him, just some things like bits, several items he wanted to trade for other things, and some papers he needed to be signed by the traders’ guild. Eclipse thought back to his departure from Ponyville, having said farewell to the girls and Spike.

Yesterday – Ponyville, Ponyville Train Station; 8:30am

Eclipse was bringing his saddlebags, a single luggage bag, and a sizable pouch of bits, having come to the station platform to say farewell was the girls including Trixie and Spike. “Are you certain you don’t need any one of us coming, I mean you said you’re meeting a mysterious noble who hasn’t written their name. What if the Church is behind this,” said Twilight.

“Then they’ll be the ones who’ll regret doing so,” said Eclipse. “Just as I made an agreement with Celestia and Luna, they too must abide by their agreement too, neither they nor I will interfere with one another.”


“Twilight dear, don’t worry, if anypony can handle these brutes, I’m certain Eclipse can,” said Rarity. “Though it would have been nice to have come and visit Canterlot with you.”

“Again, I can’t, the letter specified I come alone and it is purely a business visit. If it were anything else, I would of asked if any of you would like to come, but I own my own trading business, meaning I have to go alone and will be going only for that reason.”

The girls sighed but understood, Eclipse has done these things before and knew how serious he took them to be. As the train was readying to leave, Eclipse entered inside, but turned around to face them. “I’ll be back by sometime tomorrow or the day afterwards, by then, there shouldn’t be any reason to worry,” said Eclipse. “Farewell everyone, I’ll be seeing you later.”

The girls and Spike began to wave, each of them giving their own farewells. “Bye! Farewell, darling! See yeah later! Bye Ipsy! Goodbye Eclipse! Come back soon! Have a great trip!”

As they waved at Eclipse who watched them from his window, he sat on his seat, watching the scenery change as the train made its way to Canterlot. Watching the train leave, everyone began to leave, only leaving Twilight and Spike. “I hope he’ll be fine Spike, who knows what this mysterious pony wants with Eclipse,” said Twilight.

“Don’t worry Twilight, Eclipse handled dozens of those Church knights, heck he can handle himself on his own just fine. Come on, we should head back to town, I still haven’t had breakfast yet. I heard Pinkie made a new breakfast meal to the menu!” Twilight watched the train leave, until she couldn’t spot it anymore, sighing to herself she too soon left. I’m certain he’ll be fine… What could possibly happen while he’s there?

Present time – Canterlot; 9:15am

Eclipse began to gather the things he planned bringing to go out, reviewing the invitation again, the letter stated he was to meet at this exact address around noon. Still having some time before needing to arrive at where he’s to meet this mysterious pony, Eclipse took his things and went to go around town a little.

Once arriving to the foyer of the hotel and exiting out to the streets of Canterlot, Eclipse made up a mental list of what he should do before noon. I should check the traders guild and see if anything new has happened and see if I need to update my license. I should also check the local market for anything worth buying… Then…

“A gift,” said Eclipse to himself. “I did promise if possible I get a souvenir for Fluttershy… but what for the others.” As Eclipse thought of this, he tried to think what each of the girls would like for a gift.

“Hmmmm, cooking supplies or maybe a cookbook for Pinkie, Rarity would want some cloth for her designs, probably see if there’s a local seamstress here. Not sure what Applejack would want, but she did mention the tools back at her farm have been getting dull… I’ll see if the blacksmiths can make something for me. Rainbow, well she doesn’t speak to me often, rarely would be an apt description, but I think I can do… hmmmm, maybe...”

As Eclipse thought of some gifts for some of his… acquaintances, there was still Twilight and Fluttershy. “Twilight… I was going to the local library here, I need to look something up… maybe I can see if there’s a book here that’ll interest her. Fluttershy, now she’s the trickiest out of everyone, she’s been somewhat understanding of my eccentric personality. Her gift…”

Eclipse glanced at the blue sky, deep in thought as passersby ponies either watched before continuing to trot by or ignored him with a huff and snout to the air. It didn’t bother Eclipse, he dealt with all kinds of beings, so it didn’t faze him how they acted. Unable to think of anything for Fluttershy, Eclipse decided to put that idea on hold for now. Well, for now I’ll just get to doing my mental list before noon, time to see how the guild has been doing.

Making his way down the street, Eclipse took several turns before making his way at a certain district; this area of Canterlot held all the guilds and different groups, which consisted of either adventurers, traders, mages, and all other manner of professions. The traders guild building was, well what you call a flashy mess – the sign above the front door was of a moneybag with a feather in the middle.

The feather symbolized of the old system of how mail was sent by birds, as pegasi were still a warrior tribe back before the tribes united together. In memory to the old mail system, the feather is now used as a symbol for all traders known far and wide.

Approaching the entrance, he enters inside and as usual the traders guild was as busy as it was the last time he came inside. Line-ups full of merchants awaited to speak to the teller behind a wall of glass and wood. The tellers handled what kind of materials the traders either exported or imported, sometimes wishing for bits to either use to buy more materials or other reasons.

There was a lobby area for ponies and other races to rest, a decorated fireplace with a beautiful painted portrait of Canterlot and the mountain it rested upon. Stairs that led to the upper area, where only older and special members would reside. Even though Eclipse has only been a member less than half a year, he has enough influence himself that he was allowed access to the upper areas, which he was heading to.

The pony stationed by the steps, eyed Eclipse, raising his hoof to stop him. “Identification, sir.”

Reaching into his saddlebag, he pulled out an ebony badge, this badge was both unique and special, as it was both made by Eclipse for purposes as to be used as his identification for the traders guild. While it showed nothing different from the other badges used for identification in the guild, that wasn’t what the pony was looking for; wearing special glasses, the pony can visibly see the unique magical signature enchanted on it by one of the staff of the guild.

Nodding, the pony removed the rope that blocks the stairs, moving aside for Eclipse. “This way sir and thank you for visiting us again.” Making his way up after putting away the badge, Eclipse trotted further around the second floor until he came to another room.

This room was small in comparison with only one pony behind a desk with several stacks of paper, she was busy stamping a paper, before levitating that one away for another, repeating the process. She paused realizing she had a guest – a familiar and unforgettable one.

“Ahhhhh, zess good to zee you, zir Eclipse.” The mare wore an interesting pair of glasses, that were shaped to have a curve and tinted a light red color. Her mane was spiked on the top, but slick at the bottom, with her tail smooth until the ends were pointed like a porcupine.

Her cutie-mark was that of a golden ingot that glimmered, she wore a small purple vest and a diamond necklace. “Hello again, Goldenshine…” said Eclipse.

“Zes Zes, good to zee you too. What brings you here?” asked Goldenshine, pausing her stamping to focus her gaze on Eclipse. “Are you perhaps er for business… or pleasure?”

Now if anypony else heard this, they blush immensely or get the wrong idea, but Eclipse perfectly knew that she was referring to a different kind of pleasure. Eclipse tutted to himself before facing her once more, pulling something from his saddlebag. “We both know you are a mare of integrity and wouldn’t bring yourself into something like that.”

“Hmmmm, zeems you haven’t changed a zingle bit… Zpeaking of bits, if you are not here for either, what brings you here?”

Eclipse pulls out the item and shows it to her – a spherical clear orb with a purple crystal inside – standing to await her evaluation. Looking carefully, she lifts the object with her magic, sensing the electrical energy inside as well as the supernatural energy.

“My experiments on the Thunder Orb are complete, I wish to have them sold in Canterlot and possibly in other cities in the future. I know that trade with the other four Element Orbs have been going well; I’ll hoof you the paperwork about the details of the object and I’ll let you handle the rest.”

Goldenshine ended her examination and hoofed it back to Eclipse, who placed it back in his saddlebag. “Excellent, it has been a while zince you brought these wondrous items! Zhould I have them a similar price like the others?”

“No, unlike them, they are trickier to handle and may require a permit for safety reasons, especially for pegasi who know extensively about thunderbolts or unicorns who are familiar with electrical magic.”

Goldenshine nodded in agreement and after discussing payment, who shall sell them and where they shall be sold and other details, Eclipse left, but before he did he turned back to face her. “Another thing, what is the current ‘news’ within Canterlot?” asked Eclipse.

“...Zee Church are compliant with the Princesses, however… Rumor is that zomething is ztirring in Manehattan and both the Church and Guard are deeply involved in zome way… But that is all I’ve heard, other than that, nothing else has come up.”

“I see… thank you Goldenshine.”

“No problem and have a good day.”

Now leaving, Eclipse soon left the traders guild, now done with that, he went through the rest of his mental list – gift-shopping.

One shopping spree later – Canterlot, Noble District; 12:00pm

Finishing his gift-shopping, he carried his saddlebags full of gifts and other items to the address he was to meet this mysterious noble. It took him thirty minutes, after he finished getting the last item off his mental list; looking through the invitation, he glanced up at the large gates that led to a mansion.

Not surprised this pony lived in a mansion and in his own property, but who is it that I’m meeting? Checking the gate, Eclipse found it to be open, so with little trouble he opened the gate enough for him to slip inside.

Trotting down a stone path, he passed several garden decorations ranging from statues, fountains to what appeared to be a large shrub cut in the shape of a snowflake. Approaching the doors to the mansion, he noticed a rope, pulling the rope a series of melodious bells rang, echoing throughout the mansion.

Immediately, a unicorn stallion wearing a butler outfit with a black mustache that twirled on the edges gazed back with a serious but calm gaze. “How may I help you, sir?”

“I am Eclipse Light, I was invited by the owner of this estate to meet at this exact time, am I not in the correct area?” asked Eclipse.

“Oh no, you have indeed arrived in the proper location, please come inside sir Eclipse, my master has been expecting you.” The butler opens the door wider to let Eclipse enter, once inside, the butler asks if he may hold onto his belongings for now. Eclipse removes his saddlebags as the butler levitates it to a small cupboard for safekeeping, he then leads Eclipse to where the master of the estate is. “Please, follow me, I’ll lead you to the master.”

Eclipse is led through the mansion, many of the decorations seem to relate to winter, snow, or anything white. The symbol of a snowflake is seen plastered on banners and hung alongside the walls. Passing by a painting of what appears to be of a stallion, a mare, and a filly, Eclipse pauses as he gazes at the painting.

That filly… why do I feel like I’ve seen her somewhere?

“We’re almost there sir, this way.” Eclipse continues following the butler until the two approach two double doors, the butler opens said doors and Eclipse can see they lead to a study. Sitting on a large desk with a fireplace behind it was an old pegasus stallion, his mane swept back.

The old stallion’s mane and tail were both white as well as his fur, his eyes were both an ice blue. He was looking through some papers, but looked up when the door opened, putting away his things before standing up himself. “Ah, you must be Eclipse Light, so good to see you, my name is Purity Snow, I own Snow Transports, a transportation company. We deal in goods, transportation for ponies, and both imports and exports,” said Snow, extending a hoof.

Eclipse reached for his hoof and shook it, Snow led Eclipse to some couches to sit on, facing each other from opposite sides. The butler soon brought some tea for the two to drink, Snow drinking something from overseas while Eclipse had some green tea.

Taking a sip, Eclipse placed his cup down, bringing his attention back on Snow. “Mr Snow-”

“Please please, just Snow,” said Snow, smiling.

“...Snow, I must assume you’re part of the nobility,” said Eclipse, continuing.

“Yes, while my family isn’t that known, we do occasionally get requests from other noble families or the royalty. I’d enjoy going into detail about one particular exchange but, I shouldn’t waste your time now, let’s discuss why I invited you here.”

Eclipse kept a neutral gaze, but Snow knew that Eclipse didn’t say no to what he had to say, continuing to speak. “The last time you were in Canterlot, you spoke to the headmaster of the traders guild… and I heard rumors of a particular item only you have. If it’s not much of a problem, but is it possible we can make a deal about these, Element Crystals.”

For a while Eclipse is quiet, but looks up at Purity for a few seconds, then reaches a hoof toward him. “While I need more details about it, I do agree with this arrangement, but of course you must have something on your end you’ll give,” said Eclipse.

“Yes yes of course,” said Snow, shaking Eclipse’s hoof. “As for the arrangement in detail I sadly have to say it has to be done later, I have another guest I must see. How about I have my daughter accompany you around the city until I can call you later.”

Snow stood up before heading to his desk, before pulling out a bell, ringing it two times then placing it back down. Nothing happened but then the bell began to glow, as a voice was heard from the bell. “Yes father?”

“Dear, could you come to my study, I need you to escort a guest of ours until evening,” said Snow. The bell soon stopped glowing and after some moments later, a knock from the door was heard. “Come in.”

Entering inside, was another pegasus, but she was very familiar to Eclipse. She had teal fur, a beige mane with two orange lines through her mane, reaching the back of her neck, she also had the same eyes as her father.

“I am here father, who am I to esco- YOU!”

Pristine glared hatefully at the stallion who caused everything bad that has happened to her this past week – her exile from the Church, her humiliation at her defeat, and to be used as a scapegoat for the incident at Ponyville. She was about to throw a strong right hook, but stopped when her father intervened.

“Pristine my dear, you know this stallion?”

“DO I KNO- ahem, yes father, I do. I met him when I served under the Church.”

“Oh… I see, I am so sorry Eclipse, if I knew you met my daughter… if you feel uncomfortable please, I am sorry and I’ll do anything for this mistake I’ve made.”

“I am fine, to be honest when I saw that painting here, that filly looked familiar and I have no qualms with her.”

“Well that’s good, Pristine, I would like you to escort sir Eclipse around Canterlot until evening.”

“WHAT!? Father, I cannot be with this… stallion, he has devastated my honor and standing within the Church, I shall not forgive him or be forced to be his… mare.”

The two argued quietly or as quiet as they could, while Eclipse continued to drink his tea, until he himself stood up. “I must go Snow – it was nice meeting you, you have lovely tea – I have other things I have to do in this city. I’ll see you in the evening,” said Eclipse.

“Of course,” said Snow.

As Eclipse was led out by the butler, Snow quickly glanced at Pristine with a tired gaze, sighing. “Please, dear, ever since you left the Church you been here in your room… if you aren’t going to work could you please do this one thing for me. If we gain access to sir Eclipse’s goods, it can help dozens of ponies… Please my snowflake, won’t you do this?”

Pristine angrily crossed her hooves, but after one last look at her pleading father, she gave in. “Alright… but if he does anything I am leaving him, you hear?”

Not needing to speak, Snow signaled for her to head out, while back outside Eclipse was walking to the gates of the property by himself, until he heard the sounds of beating wings. Not needing to look, Pristine landed near him before trotting alongside him.

“Look, I’m only doing this because my father asked me to… but know this, I still hate you for what you done to me,” said Pristine, trotting past him.

Eclipse watched her leave, but exited out of the Snow property, heading toward Canterlot with a new acquaintance with him.

Pristine’s Perspective – Canterlot; 1:00pm

I can’t believe I have to be with this stallion, of all the ponies my father had to make a deal with, it had to be him! Maybe I should just ditch him when I get the chance, go get a drink.

Pristine trotted beside Eclipse, not knowing where exactly he needed to go, however as they trotted through the streets they ended up stuck in the middle of rush hour. The two were swarmed by ponies trying to get to their separate destinations, Pristine soon lost sight of Eclipse, making it her chance to leave.

She left the main streets of Canterlot, heading to the part of Canterlot that was shadowed by Mt. Canterlot where taverns, inns, and various other night-time establishments are mostly found. Most of these places weren’t open, but there was one particular bar she knew was open all the time. This bar she used to visit before she joined the Church, hanging with old friends… but that was a long time ago.

Sighing to herself, Pristine entered inside, the ponies inside continued to talk and drink, not bothering to see who came inside. Approaching the bartender, she sat on an empty stool, waiting for the pony handling the drinks to notice her. Turning around, the stallion handling the bar looked at her, raising a brow.

“Apple cider, nothing too hard,” said Pristine.

The stallion nodded going to the back to get her drink, as she waited for her mug, while minding her own business, Pristine could feel she was being gazed at. Looking around but making it look like she wasn’t focusing on anything, she noticed two stallions gazing at her. They did look like they were interested in her like any stallion would when looking at a mare… but their gazes were angry, hateful. This doesn’t look good, better get this drink and leave.

The bartender came back and after paying and getting the drink, she quickly drank it in one go. As she was readying to leave, she was stopped by the same pair of stallions, neither looked to be in the conversational mood.

“Can I help you,” asked Pristine, an annoyed edge in her voice.

“Oh you can help, by paying for what you done,” said the left stallion. He was a normal brown colt his mane gray – not due to age – both eyes a simple green. His friend was a cobalt blue with muddy yellow mane and tail, eyes yellow.

Both of them were earth ponies, but Pristine looked carefully and noticed a particular mark around their withers. That’s… that’s a ‘mark of the flame’, only those who defied the Church are given that mark… but those marks were banned by orders from the solar goddess. Survivors of the Church’s purges…

“I see you are survivors of the Church purges, but that doesn’t answer what you want with me?”

“What we want with- We know you were there during those purges, we know you had a part in dozens of ponies being scarred… killed.”

Now here Pristine was shocked, she has read of the Church purges due to her training as a paladin, but the purges happened long before she joined and before Princess Luna’s return. She has read on who was responsible, who was involved and so forth. The looks on these two stallions were no doubt true hatred, but they must of mistook her for somepony else, a veteran of the Church most likely and it was unlikely they knew she was an ex-member of the Church, word wouldn’t spread that fast.

Before either side could do anything, the bartender slammed a mug he was cleaning, he glared at all three ponies, his message clear. “Fine, we’ll take this outside.”

The two stallions left, but Pristine knew they were waiting for her outside, deciding there was no way out of this situation she might as well humor these ponies. Leaving the bar, she stepped outside, but the two stallions she expected weren’t alone, apparently they had friends as several more ponies, some unicorns, pegasi, and more earth ponies appeared.

“Great, its going to be one of those days,” said Pristine.

Pristine and the group of ponies stood where they were, eyeing the other with a mix of anger, vengeance, and fear of what’s to come. A random piece of newspaper flitted through the air, the uneasy silence echoed around them.

(Fight Music)

“GET HER!” Then all Tartarus went loose, the earth ponies were the first to strike, but Pristine obviously flew up, however the pegasi expected this, readying to strike. They flew straight for her, ready to fight in the air or ground her toward their comrades on the ground.

Pristine wasn’t going to be beaten this easily, she may not have her armor or equipment, but her training would help her in this fight. Just as two pegasi were about to fly right into her, she dived in the last second, making them both crash into one another. Diving down she struck a few ponies on the ground before flying back up.

I don’t care what these ponies been through, if you’ve been attacked, you retaliate back. Pristine flew down and pounced the cobalt blue stallion who spoke to her, his friend tried to attack her, but she bucked him back.

“You want me so badly, come and get me!” shouted Pristine.

Just as she was about to strike another pony, the unicorns held her with their magic, she tried to struggle free but they held a tight grip. “You think we would just sit and watch, now stay still and take your punishment.”

The unicorns then use their magic and slam her harshly into the ground, now splayed on the ground, she weakly tries to get up. The blue stallion from before approaches her, anger easily seen in his eyes, but Pristine wouldn’t let this bastard take the pleasure in her defeat.

“I don’t know why you’re after me, but if you’re angry at the Church because of the purges then fine, but I had nothing to do with them! I was a foal when they happened and wasn’t even a member yet of the Church or even in training under them,” said Pristine.

“LIES! We saw you during the Church’s raids and we have an informant that connects you to them!”

They have a spy in the Church?! I may not be a member anymore, but my loyalty to the Church is still strong.

“Enough of this, let’s finish this now Cobalt!” Cobalt – the now named blue earth pony – turned to one of the unicorns who had their magical hold on Pristine. Turning to face her, he pulled something from his back, the object wasn’t visible before to her, but with it in full view she saw what it was.

It was a simple wooden baseball bat, sturdy with some age to it, but she knew perfectly it wasn’t to be used for playing games right now. Cobalt surprisingly stood on two hooves, placing the thick part of the bat to his other hoof, holding the handle with his right hoof.

Holding the bat with both hooves now, he raised the bat high above his head, aimed right for Pristine’s cranium for a painful, but non-lethal blow. “I want you to suffer for the crimes you done,” said Cobalt. Pristine wouldn’t look away, she didn’t had any thoughts of not being able to see her father or seeing any old friends… her mind was blank.

The only thought that raged in her thought was a singular thought, screaming like a ferocious roar of a manticore.

Damn you all, damn you all to Tartarus!

“For my family, you bi-” Mid swing, the hit didn’t come and she couldn’t believe the hoof that struck Cobalt – the dark-furred hoof of a certain stallion. It wasn’t the fact she was being saved by the last pony she expected, nor was it the reaction on his face… what caught her so off-guard by all of this… was his eyes.

In those eyes she saw not righteous justice, nor anger… she saw something she has never seen except once, when she challenged a retired royal guard during one of her missions as a simple knight under the ranks of the Church.

Unbridled bloodlust.

Sometime earlier, third-person perspective – Canterlot; 1:25pm

Eclipse knew he lost track of Pristine and he knew where she went… but instead of catching up to her, he simply followed her. He tailed her going into some bar, at first he would of went inside but paused when he noticed several figures approach the building, but not entering, staying within the other alleyways and pathways.

Deciding to watch from elsewhere, Eclipse spotted another alleyway with the two walls close together, but not too close to make it impossible for somepony to get stuck between. Going into the alleyway, he scaled up the wall with ease, until he made it up a roof of a random building, watching what was to occur later.

Soon, two ponies exited, both earth ponies and male, but soon following just several moments later was a familiar pegasus mare. Eclipse could easily see what was to happen from above – he saw the entire fight, why they were after her, Pristine fighting back before being caught by the unicorns – watching it all unnoticed like a gargoyle statue.

He watched till he saw the blue earth pony approaching with a bat on his back, still watching, he did nothing but watch. Seeing what was to unveil, Eclipse took one then two steps forward, dropping from the roof silently, only a small puff of dust coming from his drop.

Unnoticed, Eclipse took three more steps, but as he neared the fourth… he was gone and reappeared with his right forehoof aimed right at Cobalt’s head. Using his momentum, rather than hitting he continued the momentum of his movement to carry both himself and Cobalt, slamming him to the opposite wall.

(Fight Music)

Not down but in a daze, the rest of Cobalt’s group couldn’t react quickly on what just happened or what was to happen next. Eclipse lazily gazed as he swiftly counted every pony present other than Pristine herself; for him everything seemed to move in slow motion, the wingbeats of the pegasi, the stomps of the ponies, the shouts of those shocked of his sudden appearance, and the humming of the unicorns’ horns.

Five pegasi, nine earth ponies, six unicorns… Unfair advantage, should quell their numbers quickly.

He started oddly enough with the pegasi, since he was an earth pony, they assumed he wouldn’t be able to reach them… they were wrong. It was shocking when he appeared, but it was impossible when he was on the ground and suddenly midair now, face first with one of the pegasi. Before anypony could speak, Eclipse grabbed the pegasus by the scruff of his neck and tossed him at the unicorns.

Next he spun in the air, sending both his back hooves to slam two more pegasi into the ground, with a resounding crash – and crack of bones. Dropping to the ground, the stonework of the alleyway cracked from his drop, however not slowing down yet, he rushed low and fast into the earth ponies, flipping one hefty pony to the sky and grabbing him, using him as an impromptu pony-sized bat.

He swung the large stallion into his fellow ponies, sending mare and colt into various objects within the alley, but he wasn’t done with him yet. Grabbing him by the back of the head, Eclipse slammed him into his knee, breaking his snout as a flow of blood came flowing from his nostrils.

Those who could still stand weren’t spared, as Eclipse dropkick one pony who was about to get up, sending him flying into a trash bin. The unicorns soon got up, one of them ready to fire a spell, but Eclipse rushed right for him.

The unicorn hesitated and fired the spell, trying to go for a simple stun spell, but the shot was stronger than intended, the shot having struck true but didn’t slow or even show any harm to Eclipse. That moment of shock would be the unicorn’s downfall, as Eclipse lifted him up and spun him around into his fellow comrades, bringing them once more to the ground.

The other pony who was with Cobalt earlier rushed Eclipse, but Eclipse kicked him to the side before doing a lethal back-kick into the stallion’s leg. A resounding shattering noise was heard and the pony screamed like a banshee before silenced by Eclipse with a simple hoof punch to the face.

The entire fight with Pristine before Eclipse’s intervention lasted for only thirty seconds… the fight now lasted for only seven seconds. Cobalt soon got up, but when he realized everypony was either down, unconscious, or cowering in fear, he soon turned to face the neutral-gazed Eclipse.

That gaze soon turned to him, Cobalt looked down to see his bat, reaching for it and after immediately picking it up he swung it when he saw Eclipse near him. Eclipse grabbed the bat with a single hoof before shattering it into splinters with his other hoof, whilst still gazing at him.

“S-Stay back, STAY BACK DAMMIT!” shouted Cobalt, backing to the wall.

Too afraid and too stupid, Cobalt threw a hoof punch which Eclipse grabbed, twisting it till Cobalt was left gazing at the stone ground. The only other pony watching was Pristine who gazed with a dumbfounded look on her face, as Eclipse was slowly twisting Cobalt’s foreleg.

“Wh-y!? Why are you helping her, she has harmed innocent ponies, families!? Why help somepony like her, what reason do you have to help somepony like her?!”

Surprisingly Eclipse paused but didn’t stop, he continued to gaze at the back of Cobalt’s head, until he spoke. “I have none...”


The sound of a leg being twisted the wrong direction was heard, Cobalt pausing before gazing at his twisted leg; a silent scream came from his throat as he held his dislocated leg with his other hoof, cradling it like a foal.

Eclipse ignored him and those on the ground, approaching Pristine with an extended hoof, which she swatted away. “I didn’t need your help,” said Pristine, angrily. Standing up, she pushed Eclipse aside as she left the scene, Eclipse watched her leave but soon followed, walking over the broken forms of the ponies he fought.

Canterlot, Canterlot Park; 2:15pm

After some time Eclipse managed to track down where Pristine ended up, she was sitting alone at a bench in the park. The park wasn’t empty, but she was the only one in the area, she sat staring at a small lake that was built within the park, various ducks swimming on the surface of the lake.

Pristine was seething, she didn’t care if she was saved, it only made it worse that the very pony behind all her problems, was the same pony who reached a hoof to her. She picked up small stones, tossing them across the water’s surface, watching the stones skip.

I will never accept him, he can rot in Tartarus for all I care. Pristine was so deep in thought, she didn’t notice Eclipse standing behind her. She soon felt a presence, but instead of turning to look, Eclipse spoke which caught her off guard that he managed to find her again.

“Might I ask why those ponies were trying to attack you? I know it has something to do with the Church…”

“...I’m not part of the Church anymore,” said Pristine, her gaze still facing the lake. “Ever since our arrival at Ponyville, the Church has decided I take the downfall… they used me as a scapegoat and put all the blame on me.”

Eclipse didn’t speak, but he knew that she was still going to vent more of her frustration at him, so deciding to sit down on the same bench she sat on, he also gazed at the lake’s surface. “All my life I wanted to be of use to somepony or rather anybody. I wanted purpose in my life of indulgence, I was raised under my father’s care, not once have I ever met my mother and unlike other nobles, I wanted to bring actual change…”

Pristine was quiet for a little bit, sighing once before moving her gaze to the sky, watching the clouds float gently in the air, the sun just seen in the corner of her eyes. “You’re probably thinking why I never thought of joining the Royal Guard… well two reasons, one was my father, because he doesn’t allow the Equestrian military to use his trains to transport military supplies for his own reasons, so he and the Royal Guard don’t see eye-to-eye. The second reason… was due to myself six years ago, I wasn’t physically healthy at the time, I had weak wings and a frail body but I wanted to join the Royal Guard so badly… I was denied before I could even begin my first week of basic training.”

“I tried several different methods to help my physical form, but no matter what it didn’t help in the slightest… so during those two months after I was denied to join, I wallowed in my own despair… But one day… a recruiter from the Church of the Holy Sun, approached me. They didn’t care whether I was crippled, scarred, or physically weak, they accepted all equally no matter your weaknesses.”

“I began my training immediately like many others, I wasn’t given any special attention and like the rest of my peers my condition gotten better, so much so that I rose to be the best in my class. Soon I became a paladin in just two years, which would of taken four for any regular member, I led my own battalion and everything… until I met you.”

“Not only did you managed to defeat me, but you also defeated the knights that came alongside us, my fellow paladin and even the high paladin himself. Things gotten worse after that, we met the wrath of our goddess herself, Celestia, not once has she ever spoken to us personally; she would send several warnings of our actions, but never ever have we dealt with such fury from her before… I’m not clear why she even came to such a small town, but rumors was that somepony important was living in the town… don’t know who, but whoever it was must have riled the goddess.”

She doesn’t know that Celestia’s student was living in Ponyville, means only that ‘high paladin’ knew, as well as some other higher members of the Church.

“I expected I get some sort of attention due to that… ‘incident’, I wasn’t surprised those ponies attacked me, but the reasons and methods were shocking. If I was still a member of the Church, I’d warn them there was a spy within their members… but because I’m not a member, I can’t do anything, they probably think I was spouting lies. I can imagine the leaders of the Church have already planned using me as a scapegoat for that incident, I haven’t heard news of who was responsible, but I bet they put the blame on me sooner or later.”

At that comment, this is where Eclipse acted, before Pristine could continue speaking, Eclipse placed a hoof on her shoulder, somewhat surprising her only to gain her ire. “Oh what now? You here to pity me?”

Pulling out something from his saddlebags, he pulled out a newspaper from this morning. “Guessing from what you said, you didn’t see today’s news,” said Eclipse. Passing the newspaper to Pristine, she soon read the front cover, until her annoyed look changed to shock, at the front cover, was a picture of High Paladin Shining Might, prostrating himself before the Princesses.

The news state that earlier this morning, High Paladin Shining Might from the Church of the Holy Sun, has placed himself responsible for the recent actions of the Church, against the town of Ponyville. He also said that he would help in repairs for handling the payment for any damages that occurred within the town during the Church’s recent ‘incident’. The newspaper hasn’t mention the involvement of anypony else, putting all the blame toward himself alone.

“This… can’t be… but… they kicked me out of the Church… I thought I...” said Pristine, mumbling the rest of her sentence.

“The story also states that the other paladins involved were ordered by Shining Might himself and nobody during the incident volunteered to join. Everything from damages to instigated attacks against the town and threats to citizens were all blamed solely on Shining Might, he himself stating so to be true,” said Eclipse. “I don’t know what’s this about you being kicked from the Church or why those ponies had such a vendetta on you… all I know is that the fault – whatever you think it may be – isn’t on you.”

Pristine’s shocked look still showed, but soon she had a confused look in her eyes, facing Eclipse she hoofed the newspaper, which he accepted back. She stared at her own hooves, before sighing to herself in defeat. “...I’m such a fool… Why did I worry so much about what reasons the Church had me kicked out… They probably did so due to my failure at defeating you… not about this whole plan about attacking Ponyville...” said Pristine. “Graaaah, everything is just so… RAAAAAH!”

Pristine stomped away, standing up from the bench and rushing toward a tree, slamming her forehooves at it, continuously attacking the tree. “STUPID MIGHT! STUPID GRAIL! STUPID CHURCH! STUPID! STUPID! STUPID… me...” Soon, she slumped down to the ground, her back facing the tree she was just hoof-punching. Tears started to trail down her face, trying to wipe them away, only to get her legs wet and covered in snot.

“I’m not even worth as a scapegoat, I have nothing, nopony to go to, no creed to follow, and no group to follow under! NOTHING!”

Eclipse still sat at the bench, watching her continue to cry even more to herself, taking a deep breath and exhale, Eclipse removed his saddlebag, leaving it on the bench. He approached her, but instead of sitting beside her, giving her a hug, or doing something to make her feel better, he just said one thing… harshly.

“Life isn’t perfect, nor does it have purpose,” said Eclipse.

“Oh yeah? I don’t think you know this, but in Equestria, everypony has a purpose in life, it’s called a cutiemark. If I can’t even do something I was made to do, then how can I have any purpose in life?”

“...You don’t, why live for others, when in life, you should only have you to live for. Follow your own creed, your own path, do things you like to do… Sure it’ll be lonely, but at least you be doing something you yearn to do.”

Pristine gazed at the ground, but soon spotted an outstretched hoof, staring at it intently she reached for it then being pulled up by Eclipse. “For somepony who can be ruthless in a fight… you sure know how to uplift others, in a weird way sure, but you do your job well.”

Eclipse simply shrugged, going back to the bench to get his things; Pristine now looks at Eclipse, really look at him for the first time. She spots his cutiemark, it was unlike any cutiemark she seen before… but something about it brought some unknown feeling in her heart. What’s… this feeling I have… Its like, its like-

“Lady Pristine, Sir Eclipse?” The two turned around to see Purity Snow’s butler approaching the two, he stops, bowing to Pristine then bowing to Eclipse. “Sorry if I am intruding, but Master Snow would like to invite you to a party around six o’clock in the evening; I already sent an invitation at the hotel you are staying at. It is recommended you dress in a suit for this event, you are also needed at this event too Lady Pristine, please, come along.”

Pristine looked at Eclipse, before surprisingly she bowed back at him in a respectful manner. “I suppose this is farewell for now… Sir Eclipse...” said Pristine.

“Eclipse will do, it was nice to have met you… and I had a wonderful time being escorted by you Pristine. I will see you at the party, farewell.”

Pristine watched him leave, her cheeks somewhat reddened from the exchange, before huffing away. “He can still be annoying sometimes… but just a little bit...” Smiling to herself, she trotted back home, a little happier than before.

Sometime later – Canterlot, Canterlot Castle, Canterlot Royal Garden; 6:15pm

Purity Snow rented a party at the Royal Gardens at Canterlot Castle, there several wide tables were placed with various foods, drinks, and treats. Music of various strings was heard as nobles and famous celebrities danced, conversed, or ate food. Some guards were stationed at the outer perimeter of the party, but mostly there to make sure no fans of any of the celebrities sneaked through.

Eclipse arrived at the party wearing a suit surprisingly, the suit was made by Rarity after his last visit to Canterlot. The suit consisted of a simple dark blue vest that stretched down to his barrel, pointing outward in a v-shape, the collar area had a pin of Eclipse’s cutiemark – also made by Rarity – with five buttons made of sapphires.

He didn’t catch the eye of anypony, which was fine with Eclipse, he wasn’t here to socialize as he still needed to see Purity Snow after the party. He could see Snow speaking to several nobles, but before he could approach him, he bumped into Pristine. “Oh, you actually came… nice suit...” said Pristine.

Pristine awkwardly rubbed against her leg with her left hoof, Eclipse paid attention to the dress she wore, it wasn’t something frilly, being a simple aqua dress that streamlined to fit snugly with her form, that flowed beautifully from the gentle evening breeze. She wore a pin of a snowdrop on her mane, which oddly enough fit her.

Eclipse stood there minding his own thoughts while Pristine mind was a whirlwind of anxiety and fear. Oh great, you try to approach him but you can’t even follow up with anything else, other than a simple hello!

“Snowdrop… ironic,” said Eclipse.


“Snowdrops are best represented as new beginnings and other things as well, it is quite ironic that you, who earlier hated me, now want to have a new start with me.”

“...I just picked it because I liked them, none of this meaning nonsense.”

“Of course, sorry.” The two went back to silence, but Pristine was less flustered now, the only sign of her earlier embarrassment was her rosy cheeks. The two heard an echo of a cough, spotting Snow on a stage with a microphone stand in front of him; he looked from side to side, before preparing to speak.

“Thank you all for coming to this wonderful celebration I prepared, I am here to honor my company’s thirty long years of service to the crown and this grand nation of ours. To Equestria and a prosperous future!” Cheering alongside with him, everypony continued the party while Snow went back to talking to several other nobles.

Seeing that he wouldn’t get a chance to speak to him, Eclipse decided to walk further around the garden and not wanting him to go alone, Pristine followed along. However, as the two left, two other figures spotted the two, following behind them as well.

After wandering for a good while, they end up by the hedge maze, sitting on a nearby bench; Eclipse sits down with his plot only, while Pristine lays down with her front hooves dangling off the bench. Eclipse gazes at the night sky, watching the stars twinkle and the moon shine across the land, Pristine however had her focus on him than the sky.

“Soooo… what do you do for a living?” asked Pristine.

“I’m a trader, selling products I’ve made and collected from my various travels, occasionally I do my own research in my spare time,” said Eclipse.

“What kind of research do you do?”

“The rules of reality.”

“The rules of what?”

“Reality – I see what is possible and breaking the impossible. My research goes beyond one’s concept of their own reality and so forth… sometimes it can be both literal and metaphorical in some cases. I have both seen miracles and tragedies, times of war and peace, entire nations rising and falling in the blink of an eye. I’ve seen battles fought for love, peace, honor, hope, greed, vengeance, hatred, sorrow, and even bouts of insanity. Lands far gone and renewed, mountains that reach the heavens, lands that birth beasts and beauty incarnate, kingdoms of metal and industry, of clay and stone, of ash and fire, and even of shadow and light. Halls of knowledge that none have seen in centuries, weapons of mass-annihilation… I’ve seen it all and yet to see even more.”

Pristine was a bit speechless but gave a confused look back at Eclipse. “Yeesh, you sure you aren’t a poet too?”

“...I occasionally make my own poetry too… on occasion.” Pristine laughed at that, her giggles growing louder and louder, slowing down to breath properly.

“You know… I’m starting to see that you aren’t as bad as I thought… but… I want to know something?”

Eclipse stayed quiet, one eye on her, the other on the sky. “For somepony so scientific and chill… the way you fought back then...”

“When I handled those thugs earlier?”

“Before that, when I fought against you back at Ponyville, I have never seen nor heard of anypony fighting that way. Eclipse… where exactly do you come from to learn that kind of fighting style.” Eclipse was silent, he was so silent, the atmosphere suddenly became chillier than before, sound seem to distort, things felt weird around Pristine as if things were starting to make her vision swirl. Eclipse eyes seem to change color rapidly until ending up as if they were glowing white, unnoticed by Pristine, too busy looking at her hooves with her strange vision.

“I’m… from...”

Before Eclipse could finish, a loud shout was heard and everything around them turned to normal, finding the source, they spotted two pegasi approaching them. They didn’t wear any dress or suit, but rather some sort of military outfit or stunt suit.

“Hey! You!” The one shouting was a female pegasus, who wore a notable outfit that any pony – especially pegasi – would know both from the ground and sky. The mare approaching Eclipse and Pristine was Fleetfoot of the Wonderbolts and with her was another famous member, Soarin, second-in-command of the Wonderbolts.

Storming up to them without warning, Fleetfoot glares angrily at Pristine, completely ignoring Eclipse who was watching the encounter with a careful eye. Soarin appeared to sweat nervously, trying to defuse the coming situation with his fellow Wonderbolt.

“YOU! You’re a member of that church aren’t you!” shouted Fleetfoot.

Pristine was confused, yes it was possible that certain members – especially paladins – of the Church are noticed by the public, but it’s rare for anypony in general to recognize a member, especially an ex-member. Before she could even speak, Fleetfoot was up at her face, snout to snout, with a snarl in her voice.

“You think you can just come here and ruin everything around you, don’t you! I don’t know who let you come here, but you better leave before I cause an incident,” said Fleetfoot.

Pristine wasn’t afraid of a tussle, but before she could retort, a hoof gently laid on her withers. Looking up was Eclipse who stood up to glance at Fleetfoot with a neutral gaze. The Wonderbolt changed her gaze from Pristine to Eclipse, her angry glare softening, but still as intense.

“Who’re you supposed to be, her coltfriend?”

“No, but could I ask you to step away from her, I don’t know if you knew this, but she’s the daughter of the one hosting this party. You should think what would happen if a member of a known group as yours were to harm a relative of a notable noble like Snow.”

Fleetfoot was shocked, but went back to furious until Eclipse continued to speak. “Regardless of her past, I don’t believe you should act so hastily. She may had been a member, but the actions the Church do these days aren’t as horrendous in the past, so I doubt she became involved with anything terrible as of late.”

Terrible? So you don’t count the incident in Ponyville as terrible? Seeing the situation changing, Soarin quickly approached her friend Fleetfoot, having noticed that they were gaining the attention of somepony else in the distance – a guard from the look of the armor.

“Thank you for calming my friend – well, calming her a little – and we’re so sorry for disturbing you two, we’ll leave now,” said Soarin. Quickly, Soarin dragged Fleetfoot by the nape, the two pegasi leaving around a corner of the hedge maze.

After the two left, the pony approaching was a familiar captain of the guard, Eclipse has only seen him from a distance and a glance the last time he visited Canterlot – the current Royal Guard Captain of Canterlot, Shining Armor. Pristine seeing the Wonderbolts leave and the approach of the captain, she sighed, before looking at Eclipse with a testy gaze.

“I swear, whenever I’m with you, its always has a fight involved too… I need a drink, you can deal with that captain, just tell him there was a misunderstanding or something,” said Pristine. “Oh and we aren’t done with our earlier conversation, you still have to answer my question.”

Pristine didn’t give him a chance to speak back, leaving Eclipse to sit on the bench alone, until the captain soon approached. “Sir, what was that all about earlier, I hope nothing serious happened here,” said Shining.

“...Nothing, just a misunderstanding from some of the guests, they confused my plus one for somebody else. Sorry if I am being rude, but I believe I’ve seen you before somewhere?”

“That’s not a surprise, I’m Shining Armor, Captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard and you are?”

“Eclipse Light, trader and future partner of sir Purity Snow, I came here because he wished to use my resources and future dealings.”

“Well its nice meeting you Eclipse.” As the two shook hooves, Eclipse noticed Shining’s cutiemark, it was awfully similar to Twilight’s with some slight differences. Curious, Eclipse stopped shaking Shining’s hoof, which made the stallion raise his brow before he spoke.

“By any chance… do you know a Twilight Sparkle?”

“Do I know her, I’m her brother… why?” Eclipse put the pieces together and gave a cheeky smile; standing up, Eclipse’s grip on Shining’s hoof was stronger but not too tight.

“No matter the distance between one place and another, you can find the unexpected anywhere; I am… acquainted with her, I moved to Ponyville a month before she did, so she and I are somewhat new arrivals in that quaint town.”

“No way, so your that stallion she kept sending letters to the princess about! I read them with Cadance, but I never expected to meet you here of all places!”

Now it was Eclipse to be surprised, apparently somepony has been writing about him, though he somewhat knew Twilight sent a letter to Celestia once a week, but he wasn’t certain what was on said letters… guess that answered that question.

“...Say… What’s your relationship with my sister by the way?” Eclipse could tell he was being interrogated, but he found it somewhat humorous that Twilight’s brother would think she and him were to be that close.

Oh this would be lovely to bring up to her in the future. “Now, aren’t you being a tad suspicious… if you must know… She hates it when I say one of my puns, how I’m always distant yet appearing in the right time, how I am younger than her but am wiser than any adult she has ever met in her life, oh and that she was suspicious of me and convinced some of her new friends to tail and break-and-enter my own property… But to answer your question… I find her quite rude but endearing, so… she is a friend – nothing more or less.”

The neutral gaze Eclipse gave sealed the deal as Shining gave a dumbfounded look, but quickly coughed to the side. “Uhhhh, okay then… welp, it was nice meeting you Eclipse...” said Shining. Yeesh, she was definitely right about the eccentric part.

The two were interrupted when the appearance of Snow and his butler approached the two. “Oh, hello Captain Armor, excuse me but I must have a private talk with my business partner. You wouldn’t mind?” asked Snow.

Shining shook his head and soon made his way elsewhere. “No, I was finishing my talk with Eclipse myself. It was nice meeting you Eclipse, tell Twilight I said hi.” Watching him leave, Eclipse and Snow soon made their way back to the party.

Once they were somewhere secluded, the two spoke, Eclipse watched as Snow brought up some papers to sign and faced him. “These are the papers that by allowing you to use my trading routes, I gain access to your personal supply of those crystals… however, if we want this to happen, there is that favor.”

Eclipse awaited for what he was to do, Snow signaled his butler, he brought forth some papers and a map. Opening the map, Snow pointed to a particular area just south-west of Equestria. “There is a certain artifact I like you to retrieve here within the San Palomino Desert for me; I am a collector of such objects and I like you to retrieve it for me. While I am unable to get you a guide and supplies, I can have my daughter help you, she has her own personal connections so you have no problems with traveling through such a dangerous part of Equestria. I also noticed you have become… quite fond of her.”

Rather the opposite. “She has been… unforgiving of our previous encounter, but she has tried to reconcile with me. I would be glad for her assistance and don’t worry I have some of my own help for this trip. Is this all you ask of me?” asked Eclipse.

Snow shook his head and with this the two shook hooves and Eclipse decided to head back to his hotel room, preparing to leave. On his way out, he spotted Pristine with a glass of red wine, she wasn’t drunk but a slight tinge of red on her cheeks was visible.

“Pristine, are you stable?”

“Wha, stable, I… yeah yeah I’m fine… So how did the talk with my father go?”

“He wants me to go somewhere to get something, he also suggested I take you there. We leave immediately, so it best you come with me now,” said Eclipse.

The sudden news shook Pristine out of her small drunkenness, pouring the rest of her drink to the ground, she followed… before remembering where the two of them are going. “You do realize this looks like you are inviting me for some… you know,” said Pristine, bashfully.

“...The one thing I hate more are idiots who don’t grasp an entire situation, they can make some very particular assumptions that I rather hate. Let them think, but the moment I hear any certain rumors… Let’s just say, there’s a reason you don’t want to see me angry.”

With that comment alone, Pristine followed behind him, her own smile splayed on her snout. He intrigues me every passing second.

Somewhere else – Canterlot, Noble District; 7:00pm

In Snow’s mansion, after the party, the stallion himself is within a hidden room inside the mansion; standing before a clear crystal ball, he made certain he was indeed alone before he activated the crystal ball. “Are you there my liege?” asked Snow, bowing.

Soon the connection became clearer and the voice of Grail could be heard. “Ahhh, I see you’ve played your part, well done Snow, how were the results?” asked Grail.

“I have sent him to get the artifact in question, I have also sent Pristine with him as you requested; I thank you that you accepted my daughter into the Church those many years ago, sir.”

“Now now old friend, there is no reasons to act that way… you are one of our sleeper agents after all – the hidden blade of the Church you could say – and your daughter has talent that the royal guard so foolishly didn’t see. With this, my plan can truly commence… await for further orders.”

With that the connection ended and Snow soon left, leaving the crystal ball to once more collect dust within the walls of Snow’s mansion.

Author's Note:

Another lengthy chapter for you guys to read, sorry if this chapter is late, things have been slow and I needed to make certain this chapter was going the way I wanted it too, and that I didn't derail from what I originally planned... it's pretty close with want I wanted to write for this chapter. The next chapter will be a long one, but yeah, preview time.

Some sinister plans are in play, though does Eclipse's knowledge extend to even the manipulations of others? With ex-Church paladin Pristine, Eclipse will have to find out whether this artifact is a ruse or the real deal. Next time; recruiting the party and travelling the hot desert wastes, what will they find in such a desolate place?

Thoughts: Twilight Sparkle
Eclipse Light
Shining Armor