• Published 23rd Aug 2018
  • 8,564 Views, 266 Comments

I Am (No) God - Animatorsnake

The small town of Ponyville is a source of strange things, but the stallion who lives at the edge of town is a mystery on his own. What does he hide in such a small shack like that? Why is he so empty? ...Where did he come from and who is he really?

  • ...

Succession in Failure

Twenty-Five Days Later – Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 9:00am

Almost a month has gone by, during that time, after a new mobile home-carriage was made for Trixie, she continued her traveling magician act across Equestria again, she of course promised to come back to Ponyville in the future when given the chance. With her farewell from the girls, Spike, and Eclipse, things stayed calm since her departure; Eclipse was continuing to be recognized by both the scientific and magical communities across Equestria.

During this moment of peace, Eclipse took the time to continue his experiments on his next set of Element Orbs – Earth, Wood, Water, Steel, and Darkness Orbs. Unlike his tests with the Thunder Orb, he did not test these orbs alone, hearing the news of his rising fame, Twilight volunteered to help alongside Eclipse on his experiments for these orbs.

They so far gone through half of the orbs, the first of said orbs being the Earth Orb; the main properties of this orb is its abilities to enhance one’s physical durability or an object’s durability. So far for practical use it would sell well, especially when embedded onto a wagon, doubling that wagon’s durability, but the main buyers would be used for militaristic uses for weapons and armor.

The next orb after that is the Wood Orb; this orb would be especially helpful for farmers as when placed near a garden, the nearby plants will give a better yield, the orb goes as far as a ten meter radius. The orb also give the bonus ability to give healing properties, but it depends on the user’s stamina for its effectiveness on themselves or others, so while healing a tiny scratch or bruise won’t cause much strain, healing a gash or deep cut would require tremendous stamina and endurance from the user.

The last orb to be tested is the Water Orb; Eclipse plans to place a serious permit behind this orb, just like the Thunder Orb. Each orb has three main uses – elemental use, trait use, and environmental use – while the Water Orb can produce water for elemental and change the moisture levels around the orb for environmental, the trait use is the main reason why this orb would need careful ownership when being sold. This orb is capable of turning their user to near invisible levels, they do this by surrounding them in a thin reflective surface similar to looking at a mirror reflection or still water surface. The only times a user can be seen is up close with a careful eye or through movement which will leave a slight shimmering effect; the effect can also work in an area at least five meter radius, but will drain the orb’s energy faster when doing so.

Currently, both Eclipse and Twilight were moving on to testing the Steel Orb, also known as the ‘Boost Orb’. The orb’s natural ability is manipulating metal like clay and magnetism, it can also be used a metal detector for environmental use; the orb’s trait ability is it’s use to boost a user’s abilities for a certain duration, doubling them. When combined with either of the other orbs, will enhance that orbs abilities too, if two Steel Orbs are used with their user can boost the user quadruple, but drain twice faster, same can be said when using with another orb from a different element.

Twilight sighs and swipes the sweat from her brow after trying to use three Steel Orbs to boost her abilities, but tired out almost after three minutes, as using the orbs is based off one’s stamina. Eclipse approaches the exhausted Twilight, reaching out a hoof towards her.

“How about we take a break,” said Eclipse.

Agreeing with his suggestion, Twilight gets back up shakily with Eclipse’s help, stumbling for awhile until they settle down under the shade of some trees. For this past month, Twilight has asked Spike to watch the library while she works with Eclipse, as closing down the library for almost an entire month would had been overkill.

While Twilight is laying on a picnic blanket Eclipse placed earlier in the day, he heads to his home to get the two some refreshing drinks. As Twilight lays down, her limbs splayed on all directions, she stares at the tree’s leaves, as small rays of sunlight slip through the tree’s branches.

For that single moment, Twilight thinks back to that surprise visit she received from Princess Luna when Eclipse was away during that trip through the San Palomino Desert. The only time she was this doubtful of Eclipse was that one time she, Rainbow, Pinkie and Fluttershy – though Fluttershy was there make certain we wouldn’t do anything too reckless – snooped around Eclipse, following him almost throughout the entire day until they were caught sneaking around his wagon.

Why am I remembering all of this now of all times, Eclipse sure has some suspicious stuff and can be very strange at times, but he hasn’t done anything that would give us reason to be suspicious of him.

Maybe I should tell Eclipse about this, I shouldn’t hide the fact that one of the princesses doesn’t trust him… but, Luna told me to promise to never tell anypony, I haven’t even told my friends, even Spike.

Sighing, she placed a foreleg to cover he eyes, until she felt something nudge her head slightly. Looking who it is, she sees Luella looking down at her, the grumpy bear cub snorting at her, then circling around and plopping down beside her head.

“Oh, hey Luella… say… you wouldn’t know that Luna visited Eclipse’s place while he was away, right?” asked Twilight, giving a sheepish smile.

The cub only gazed at her with its usual bored look, yawning and showing it’s pretty impressive teeth, it blinked owlishly at her. Twilight smile slowly vanished as she gave a weak chuckle, sighing to herself once more.

“Great, now I’m talking to a cub… maybe I should talk to somepony about this… maybe send a letter to Luna.”

“Send who a letter?” Twilight quickly lifted half of her body to see Eclipse was just a meter away with both drinks carried on a tray by his right foreleg. After using her magic to get her drink, she sipped into the blue colored drink, finding it to be Blueberry Flavor Soda, while Eclipse’s was an Apple Flavor Soda.

“Oh no-nothing Eclipse… say, can I ask you something?” asked Twilight.

Eclipse sipped on his drink, placing it back down on the tray and facing Twilight. “What do you want to know?”

“Well… if someone told you to keep a secret, but that secret involves somepony else and you feel guilty that the pony being talked about, deserves to also know… What should you do?”

“...For starters, if whoever told this secret told you, then they must trust you to keep it, but if you feel that whoever is being talked about should know too… Its important to keep a promise, always remember that; however, if you feel unsure about keeping this secret, talk to the one who told you. If you feel too unsure about keeping this secret, you should tell the person who told you so they know that you’re at least honest with them and yourself if you can’t keep that secret – its better to prepare to mend the outcome than resolve the situation.”

Twilight thought about this for awhile and found it acceptable. Alright then, I’ll go speak to Luna when I get the chance, I’ll ask her why does she have such high suspicions of Eclipse and not ask him about her feelings towards him… Wait, that doesn’t sound right- Oh, you know what you mean Sparkle.

“Thanks Eclipse, so, what’s the next orb we’re going to work on?” asked Twilight.

“The next will be the final one – the Darkness Orb aka, Magic Orb,” said Eclipse, explaining about the orb.

The orb was used when I was traversing through the Everfree Forest to get my supplies when I first came to Ponyville, it works similar like the Water Orb when it comes to stealth, but mostly effective under dark areas. The main use of the Darkness Orb is that it can enhance magical abilities whether they be through natural means or items enchanted with magic.

“The main reason I accepted your volunteering was so that you can help test the prototype for the Darkness Orb, we can wait a little bit until you’ve got some of her stamina back.”

Twilight thinks about this next orb and it requiring her magic, seeing as this will mostly focus on her strongest point – magic – Twilight didn’t see any problems with this experiment. “I’m fine Eclipse, let’s get this test ready,” said Twilight.

Eclipse looked at Twilight, then went to prepare the experiment; as Eclipse stands by to report any details within the experiment, lingering thoughts about Luna’s suspicions and Twilight’s own doubts about Eclipse resurface. Distracted by her lingering thoughts, as Twilight begins to levitate the orb, she starts letting magical energy seep into the orb.

At first nothing much happens, but suddenly an eeriedark purple glow slowly happens and without warning, it burst forth; the glow began to enshrouded Twilight and the surrounding area. Eclipse noticed what was happening, quickly he tried reaching Twilight until he too was engulfed by the wave of darkness. Twilight’s conscious slowly began to ebb away, her vision becoming a murky mess as various shadowy figures swayed like reflections on the surface of water, the last thing she heard was a melody that both haunted and entranced her.

Location: Unknown; Time: Unknown

(Mood Music)

Cold… Everything… is so cold…

Wearily, Twilight opened her eyes but her vision was just peer darkness, her senses were dull, she could barely feel anything. It was hard to tell if she was standing, laying, or floating in the air, what was most terrifying is the silence; nothing, no wind, no echoes, nothing, it was as if sound was absent and never existed at all.

The complete silence and utter darkness was beginning to unsettle her, she was about to speak but… nothing, she tried again and again and nothing. She was certain her voice was working, she can feel her throat move and she was certain her hearing wasn’t terrible, as there were no clear signs about her hearing having problems.

Things got worse as it wasn’t just her sight too, her sense of smell too, while ponies sense of smell wasn’t as great than a dragon’s or diamond dog, they were pretty decent. There was always a particular scent whenever you enter a place, room, or even a different environment outdoors… here in this pitch black wasteland, nothing, it was like being in a vacuum of space, she could breath but she didn’t smell any oxygen.

Then her vision returned, but she was still in the pitch black wasteland, but now there were three doors in front of her. Each door was made of a different wooden material and had a symbol etched on them; the left door was a dark blue oak, it looked older than the other two doors, the symbol etched was of a sword, but the sword was familiar. Without warning the memory of where she seen this sword came to her like lightning striking, it was the exact or similar to Eclipse’s sword, the one with the mysterious cross-guard symbol.

The middle door was radically different than the left or right doors, as this door was covered in chains and locks that were covered in rust, grime, and various signs of aging; the door was made of a blackish-red color, etched with varying symbols. The door screamed a terrible power toward Twilight, it made her stomach curl and the tips on her fur on edge, every part of her being was screaming for her to be away from that door no matter what.

The right door was newer and cleaner than the other two doors, made of a grayish birch-like material, the symbol was that of the infinity symbol. A white glowing light was visibly slipping from the edges of the door, whenever the light would touch her, it brought this sense of serenity… of calm… but compared to the doors covered in chains and symbols, the light seemed to bring this sense of sadness within her… like if she were to go closer to that light, she would have to give something up in return.

Where am I, I… I remember helping Eclipse with his experiments and then… the orb it… exploded? No, not exploded… like some sort of burst of darkness came forth.

Having no idea where she should go, she thought of using her own magic, but then nothing happened, she tried again and nothing again. Without a mirror or any form of reflection, she couldn’t tell what was wrong with her horn or rather her magic. She couldn’t feel any physical or magical problems, but she knew now she couldn’t use her regular means of escape… which left only two other options.

She could tell that while the chains covering the middle door may look weak, they were sturdier than they look. This left Twilight with the door with the sword symbol and the door with the infinity symbol; Twilight went to the door on the left first as she was familiar with the sword symbol being Eclipse’s sword, as it was the only familiar thing she could recognize.

Approaching the door, she placed her hoof on the door knob, opening the door wide open when a blue light engulfed her fully.

Location: Door of the Original; Time: The Age of Redacted

A sudden burst of sensation came upon Twilight, all of her senses were back to normal, she could see, hear, smell, feel, and taste; she was standing a small hill surrounded by lush grassy plains, that stretched as far as she could see. The hill she was standing on had a tree which she was under, the breed of the tree she was unfamiliar with and while her knowledge of plants was pretty limited, she knew enough from reading.

The tree itself was taller than any common trees in Equestria, it stood tall and strong, the roots kept it in place like an immovable boulder and from just looking at the bark was unbreakable, similar to some ironwood trees. Her gaze traveled to the skies, as various clouds and the bright blue sky seem to shimmer like snow, there stood a town some distance from the hill; the quaint town had buildings with tile roofs, some having a mix of stone or wooden walls, glass windows, and wooden doors.

She could barely see bipedal silhouettes moving within the town, minding their own business, the silhouettes were various sizes and heights, she could guess a few were children from their activities alone.

Everything about this view was the definition of peaceful, it brought a smile to Twilight seeing a place similar like her home. She would enjoyed to keep watching, when suddenly, things changed, it started when an unholy scream or howl echoed across the landscape. The sound made Twilight wince as she shut her eyes and tried to block the sound from her sensitive ears, once the howl died down, she looked around her and it changed instantly.

(Mood Music)

The once lush grassy plains turned into a crisp field of ash and hardened dirt, the tree she stood under was now lifeless, nothing more than a lifeless husk as if something drained all the energy out of it. The town… oh the town was ablaze, buildings were being crushed by unholy abominations, taking the form of different shapes and sizes, strange tendrils sprouted all over from the ground, curling around anything they could grasp.

The skies were blotted out by eyes that roamed and gazed down below as if hunting, searching; the sky began to roar as if became alive within moments, a deep, putrid gash ripped open wide as monstrous figures could be seen within the tear in the sky. Gazing upward, she witnessed the symbol of beating, bleeding heart wrapped in chains and spikes, stitches and branded with a metal-X. Two purplish clawed hands with eyes within their palms grasped the heart, as demonic laughter echoed forth.

Out of everything she began to witness, there was one thing that caught her attention above everything else, and that was the horrendous scream that came after. The sound was unlike anything she had heard before, it couldn’t had come from any sentient or sapient living thing; searching for the sound, she saw standing atop the shadowed forms of slaughtered monsters, piled atop each other like messed up menagerie of corpses, was one of the bipedal silhouettes she saw before.

She couldn’t differentiate how old this one was compared to the others, but it held two objects within its appendages. In one hand it held a sword, it was hard to tell what the sword was, but it was similar in shape like Eclipse’s; the second object in the other hand he held a bloodied pendant, the picture was distorted from the blood that pooled from the figure’s fingers and the flames from the inferno, slowly consuming the town.

Like somebody sped up time, several images flashed by for mere moments, but it left an imprint on her that Twilight could easily recall; she witnessed the same biped standing over a field of graves, shovel in hand. Next she witnessed it hunt these monstrosities, now wielding various weapons, but using two swords as that was it’s signature look, cutting them down with rage within it’s heart. The image to come next was the figure now forced to either stop or fight in a war between two nations, a war it never wanted a part in.

Next she saw the aftermath of this war, the result of him being responsible for the near extinction of an entire race, while the other nation was assimilated into an ancient power; the final image she saw was this figure’s final moments, as he slowly died within ebony flames… and was reborn into something else.

At first she thought it was all over, but there was one more image, which Twilight believed to be the final one.

Location: Door of the Original; Time: The Age of Void

Rather than the sudden flashes or quick images to move within her peripheral view, this time it was like when she stood upon that hill and watched time flow by. The only exception to that time and now, was that she could move now; Twilight taking advantage of this new discovery, moved her body and all her senses came back, but she couldn’t speak still, as it came out as this strange static noise or garbled sound.

Deciding to examine her surroundings, she was standing in the middle of a devastated city, at first she thought it was a city due to how many buildings there were, but then she noticed the primitive state many if not all the buildings were in, concluding it was a very large village. The homes themselves were a mix of various styles from zebrican huts, buffalo tikis, some pre-Equestrian pony houses, and others.

There were rarely any stone buildings within the area, mostly made of mud, clay, straw, and so on. Twilight wandered the street or muddied path she was at, heading down the direction she was originally facing; while the buildings were partially destroyed, it was hard for her to tell if this village was attacked or it was already in this state of ruin.

(Mood Music)

Just as she was advancing forward, she felt a wet sensation around her hoof, at first she thought it was more mud or a puddle, but looking down to see what she stepped on, she was met with a horrifying sight. Stretching further down the wide path was a sea of blood, bodies draped on the walls and roofs of buildings, some leaning or laying on the ground, every single one held the same horrified look in their eyes.

Unlike the bipedal silhouettes she saw in her previous visions, these ones had more detail on them, some held animal-like parts on them – furry ears, tails, hooves, claws – while at the same time some of the bipedal descriptions like hands and feet. They were all either a mix of both or neither, but they shared the same wounds, mangled corpses, ripped out throats, guts spilling out, and it wasn’t just one particular age, she could see children and elderly, families, friends, all weren’t spared by this slaughter.

Twilight wanted to gag, but some of her bodily functions still wouldn’t allow her puke her recent meal out, the stench was still present, but she would have to endure it all. She continued to move through the muck of blood and viscera, minding to step over or around any bodies in her path.

The further she continued, the more bloody and grotesque the path became as bodies became less and less recognizable, making the nearby walls and the path stained with blood, leaving only a scarlet sea of blood, guts, body parts, and other extremities.

It was then she heard weeping, knowing there to be a survivor, Twilight tried her best to half trot and swim through the carnage. She came upon what appeared to be the remnants of a town square and the half-destroyed fountain in the center. Searching for where the crying was coming from, she saw the small bipedal, a child and from her guesses they were between five or six years old.

Careful to not frighten them, Twilight slowly neared them from the side so not to sneak up behind them; seeing what they were doing, she saw the child crying over two adult bipedal figures, it was at that moment she put together what she recently saw and now, that these bodies were most likely the child’s now deceased parents.

Saddened with this realization, Twilight’s now sorrowful mood was interrupted when a new sound came to her, quickly turning to see who else was approaching… she came upon sight that turned her blood into ice.

This biped was unlike any of the bodies she saw, this one was shrouded in utter darkness, two glowing white orbs made up some resemblance of eyes, the darkness swirled and swayed like black flames, but the single most notable detail that caught Twilight off-guard was the sheer empty coldness she saw within those eyes. Even though they weren’t directly looking at her, she could feel the absolute frigid emptiness within them, as if the abyss was made manifest right before her.

The figure slowly approached the child, unaffected by the gore, Twilight wasn’t certain who or what this was, but if they were responsible for this tragedy. Her suspicions were answered however to be wrong, as the entity knelt down before the child, as the child gazed up at the entity, a tear-filled look in their eyes.

The entity seem to contemplate, when they spoke which shocked Twilight as she could now hear and understand somebody for once.

“Little one… what has become of those who dwell here?”

The child did not speak, it was hard to tell if she could or not, but when she did she spoke a language that Twilight couldn’t comprehend, it sounded like complete gibberish. The entity seemed to perfectly understand and after gazing around sadly, sighed and stood back up once more.

“It appears another fool attempted to force their will upon the Void… and only earned it’s ire instead… My name isn’t important as that name is merely a word to me… but for you, I would like to know yours. What is your name little one?”

Reaching down a hand to the child, Twilight heard them say something but again it was indecipherable again, she could only tell that it involved three to four syllables, though she could be wrong. Soon both the child and the entity walked away from the blood-drenched village, hand in hand; the child seemed to speak again, the entity looked down with a thoughtful gaze before speaking again.

“It is hard to translate my title to those that speak your dialect as it has been eons since I heard another speak the language of the Infinite… but, you may call me, Mokai’Din.”

Twilight watched both the entity and child walk away from the carnage, both slowly vanishing as the surrounding area dims away. Her vision suddenly becomes blurry, trying to wipe her eyes, distant sounds and voices could be heard around her.

(Mood Music)

Blinking away the sudden blurriness she’s witness to seeing the shadowed silhouettes of several figures, as a bright light was behind them. Twilight could only see their shapes, but couldn’t see any defining features or their faces; she recognized the entity from before standing in the middle, with several other figures standing to his sides.

Standing to the entity’s left were three figures, the first one looked similar to the entity but wore trench-coat and scarf, the second one appeared to have a mustache and appeared to be the oldest present, the third and final individual wore a cloak and wielded a scythe.

There were four standing to the entity’s right, the first figure resembled that of a young girl, the silhouettes of her clothes appeared to be a shredded shirt that showed her waist, with a symbol of a bear’s paw on her right shoulder, she also wore torn jean shorts and a pair of black shoes. The three other figures that stood beside the girl each wore interesting and unique clothing.

One wore armor that resembled that of a knight’s, but had a luxurious cape with intricate designs on his armor; the second took the shape of a slender woman, she wore clothing and armor similar to the style of those from Neighpon, she also had a crimson blindfold on; the third and final figure wore clothing that resembled ponies from Manehattan’s earlier days when the city was overrun by crime and the various mobster families that were common in those days.

All seven of these figures stood beside the entity, each resembling some sort of symbol that floated above each of them, some Twilight could guess and others she couldn’t, but she didn’t recognize any of them or what they could mean. Sensing another sensation, Twilight looked behind her, when she was once more standing before the three doors again.

Confused now, she looked back to where she saw the entity and the several figures, but they were gone now, where they were was now a far-reaching darkness. Now back before the three doors, Twilight knew what was behind the left door, next was the right door, the one with the infinity symbol.

(Mood Music)

Stepping toward that door, she opened it and entered inside, blinded by a white light, her eyes readjusted to her new surroundings. Twilight found herself now standing in a space completely opposite to that of the complete darkness; she stood within a space of utter white, the sky was white, the ground was white, the far horizon was white. She turned to find the door, but that too was now gone, now alone in utter blank white.

Worried she may have chosen the wrong door, Twilight noticed something approaching in the distance, at first she thought it was just her imagination, but standing just a few meters away was a figure similar to the entity made of black flames. Unlike that entity, this one was pure white, their eyes were a slight light gray so she could tell between their body and eyes; this entity’s body was more solid, but appeared to have an almost hazy look to them, like looking through a dense fog.

This entity examined Twilight then they bowed and spoke. “Hello there, my name is the Guide, it is a surprise to see you here Twilight Sparkle as I don’t see many others in this realm. What brings you here?”

Twilight was surprised this entity – who calls itself, the Guide – knows her name, deciding to ask the most important questions, she calms down from her shock. “How do you know my name? Also, where and what is this place exactly?” asked Twilight.

The Guide chuckles, then sits down on a pure-white chair that suddenly appeared for them. “I know many things, if I didn’t know, I’d be a terrible guide, wouldn’t I,” said the Guide. “As to here… this is my home, Origins, but before I can answer more of your questions, how did you get here?”

Twilight thinks about this and explains her recent experiences to how she got to this place, the Guide listens to her explanation and once she gets to her meeting him, he senses that she may awaken soon. “It appears you’ll awaken from your slumber soon.”

“You mean I’ve been asleep?”

“In a way, but also not quite, before you go, you must understand that what you learned here will change your view of your world… and ‘him’,” said the Guide, standing up from his chair.

Him, who does he mean by him?

Before Twilight can ask one more question, the infinite white space begins to crumble around him, the last thing she sees and hear is the Guide waving toward her. “Another thing, tell your friend Fluttershy, that I’m sorry about the voices in her head.”

Ponyville, Eclipse’s Property; 6:30pm

With a gasp, Twilight wakes up, her eyes opening suddenly and the first thing she sees is the ceiling of Eclipse’s home. Looking out at the nearest window, she sees it’s almost dark now and at the edge of her vision, she sees Eclipse sitting at his desk, looking through some papers and the Darkness Orb itself.

Eclipse notices she’s awake, getting off his seat and approaching her, checking to see if she’s alright. “You’re awake, I was planning to call the hospital if you didn’t wake up soon,” said Eclipse.

“Yeah, just got a headache is all… say, what happened during the experiment, after I went unconscious?” asked Twilight.

“Well, the orb backfired when it interacted with your magic, apparently it fed off so much of your magic that it unleashed so much energy and put you to sleep. I was safe with only slight drowsiness effecting me, luckily I knew of what sort of after-effects the orb had, so I had you stay here until I was certain that the orb didn’t have any other unknown reactions.”

Twilight hummed after hearing this, it was then she remembered the weird dream she had and retold it to Eclipse. “Well, glad nothing bad happened… I also had this, strange dream…”

As Twilight retold the details of her dream, Eclipse began to listen, but as she continued reaching the parts like the doors, the strange visions, the Guide, unknown to her, Eclipse’s eyes began to glow – the same glow from the entity calling itself, Mokai’Din. Getting to the end of her explanation, she felt a hoof on her forehead.

“Eclipse what are yo-”

In an instant, Twilight was consumed by an intense drowsiness, falling asleep once more; certain she wouldn’t wake up again, Eclipse placed his hoof on her head and slowly a glow formed down the length of the leg that was placed on Twilight’s head. Like film reel, Eclipse witnessed all of Twilight’s memories and with a flick of his eye, those memories vanished, leaving an empty gap within.

Frowning that Twilight so called dream, was her some how roaming the Void itself, now learning of this newest development, Eclipse glances at the Darkness Orb and how it now somehow allows anyone to astral project somebody’s consciousness into the Void, without dealing with the deadly effects when within it.

Does this have to do with Twilight being an Element of Harmony… or something else… It appears this world continues to surprise – for better or worse.

Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library; 11:00pm

Twilight reawakens, finding herself laying on her bed in her home, blinking away the sleep, Twilight tries to backtrack to what she was doing before. Her earlier memories are a foggy mess, as she remembers assisting Eclipse with his experiments on the Element Orbs, her growing doubts about Eclipse, the orb unleashing a wave of darkness, her waking up in Eclipse’s home and then… nothing.

Looking over the edge of her bed, she saw Spike sleeping in his basket from the dim light of the moon, watching her snore and wriggle every once in awhile; searching through the dark room, she noticed a note by the windowsill near her bed. Levitating the note to her, she sees it’s from Spike and that it explains that Eclipse carried her back home after she fell asleep – again – on his bed.

Dear Twilight,

Hey Twilight, so Eclipse came over carrying you from his place, he told me what happened – so you fell asleep in his place again after exhausting most of your magic in one of the experiments involving those Element Orbs.

He also mentioned that he needs to do a few more checks and decisions about selling the Darkness Orb, so he’s planning to delay that product until he finds out what went wrong. He said you should be alright, but if you get any headaches or other notable effects, he told me to tell you to tell him about it.

From, Spike

P.S. Eclipse said he won’t be needing any future help on his experiments or any other projects for now, so he said for you to relax for a bit.

Happy that Spike, listened to her lessons when writing a message to somepony – albeit this one only needing to be a simple and short notice – Twilight wasn’t tired having been asleep twice. Deciding to stay awake instead going back to sleep, Twilight got off her bed and went to her desk, lighting a candle, she levitated over some parchment, ink, and a feather.

Twilight wrote down notes about her own view and experience about the recent experiments she done with Eclipse and her own theories about how they could be used other than the ones the two thought up together.

As she wrote down, the small light from the flickering candle, stretched out her shadow, splaying it back against the walls of the room. Unseen and unknown to her, as Twilight focuses her writing and thoughts, her shadow took form from an equine shape, to a strange and eldritch design; her shadow resembled that of a creature with smooth and bald head, spines that curled down along it’s back, three-pronged claws that could wrap around a fully grown stallion and it’s two pair of oval-shape eyes.

This shadowy creature leaned over Twilight’s seat, hanging above her and looking down at her and her the written words on her parchment. The creature spied on her, as Twilight and the creature were the only two individuals awake in that room; the creature watched, its sight never leaving her for a moment’s notice.

Author's Note:

Yeah, lot of stuff is going on in this chapter, I thought of putting a warning, but one of the story tags is Dark, so there's going to be stuff like this. My idea for writing this chapter was it to have this surreal, almost mysterious dream-like scenario, and whether I succeeded or not will all depend on the comments.

Next time: Strange things are happening in Ponyville, the Running of the Leaves has happened and Pinkie has a certain pony's party to prepare... but not everyone is alright with this idea.

Twilight Sparkle

Eclipse Light