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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


Wet pavement hissed under her tires, and the Caterpillar engine rumbled happily in front of her. Her truck was happiest when it was moving. She was happiest when she was moving.

A story for the drive to Bronycon

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 158 )

Ah I always love seeing new stories from you. miss Milfoil a bit somehow.

So I take it our trucker pony just loves the open road. If she thinks Ohio is flat she needs to go through Iowa and Nebraska. Heck eastern Colorado is very flat with only the Rocky Mountains being able to be seen.


Listen, if you keep writing the ohio turnpike into your stuff, I'm going to have to ask you to put me into one of these.

There's also Saskatchewan.

It slowed down as it drew abreast, and she glanced over, curious if it contained a kid who wanted her to blow the horn, or a woman who wanted to show off her boobs.

So... how many of those follow through when they see the driver is a pony?

Maybe one day, she’d find a batpony co-driver and they could run around the clock, but the only batponies she knew drove trains instead.

I understood that reference.

It was too dark to get a look at the cab, but the trailer was covered in graffiti, so he was probably from New York City or New Jersey, which explained the rudeness.

I'd say that's a hurtful stereotype, but she is pretty close to Trenton...

In any case, a very nice slice of pony on Earth. It's the little touches like a pegasus hating having to drive through tunnels that really bring it to life. Thank you for it.

Nova Scotia was an island, she knew that.

As a Bluenoser, I can tell you she really doesn't know that. Unless you mean Cape Breton.

Been following you for a while, always sweet, down to earth stuff to be found.

Very strange how the place youd expect the most to have primary rail freight has essentially nothing?

a grate short story. love how you turned your trip in to a story.

not sure why you cut down and ran the crappy turnpike and did not just head right across 80 and down 11/15 to 83 and right in to the convention.

The Admiral's ongoing infiltration of ponies onto Earth continues!

Well that was cute. Why are you so good at putting ponies and cars together?

she crossed the bridge over the Cuyahoga River

Which bridge is this? The wiki lists a few.

no intention of spending the next couple of hours with wet fur, a soaked seat, and the cab smelling like wet pony.

I guess even ponies don't want to smell wet pony.

she feal really bad for it, but she wasn’t going to tip over her truck trying to avid an

Presumably,that was the first place


Naturally, ti was crowded

If you're a long haul trucker and you have the money you can buy a pretty sweet ride.

Naturally, ti (it) was crowded with trucks all bedded down for the night.

Thankfully there's at least one conscientious and absolutely adorable pegasus truck driver on the road.

Ahh, the classic 379i. I wouldn't say no to an International. (Some will argue for Freightliners.)

I could see an equine having trouble with a 10-speed, so I would guess an electro-pneumatic auto?

If there had been a clear day, she would have definitely seen at least one crew of Harley riders. :ajbemused:

One thing I didn't see: the regular sight of shredded tire treads (alligators as they're called in the trade). Here's a list of trucker lingo.
"Ya got a full-grown bear on yer donkey! Don't get bit and drop to double-nickel!"

Yeah, driving across Kansas and through eastern Colorado it is flat. I swear you could stand on a Coke can and see across the whole state. No wonder some of those wagon train people went crazy.

9760169 Hey! *Western* Kansas, if you please. In the real Kansas where I live, it's properly bumpy. We took the northern route to Bronycon this year (I'm by Hershey at the moment) and some of those states make Western Kansas look lumpy too.

You're in my neck of the woods if you're in Hershey where no back road is straight and how do you people stand being closed in according to my Texas friends.

Said Peterbilt is Optimus Prime in disguise.

Nova Scotia was an island, she knew that.

No it isn't!
The land bridge between New-Brunswick and Nova scotia is at least 15km of width at it's most narrow point.

Unless there is a Nova Scotia island somewhere in the states I am not aware of?

The rain abated as she cleared the last tollbooth in Ohio, stopped entirely by the time she reached the first tollbooth in Pennsylvania, then started again as she descended into Beaver Valley.

My (admitedly limited) experience of driving through Painsylvania is that the weather is always shitty.

I take it you had a fun road trip again this year?

Trucker music? Trucker music!

(Scott H. Biram - Hit the Road)

Boy, now you's a-truckin' with the Rubber Duck, and I'm aboutta pull the plug on your drain~

C.W. McCall's Convoy comes to mind in that regard. :moustache:

Yeah, I've never really understood why people say that Kansas is flat. Where I live it's rather hilly, and the elevation rises the closer you get to the Colorado border.

Really nice slice of life. And I especially dug the description of the Cuyahoga Valley since I used to live there.

Maybe one day, she’d find a batpony co-driver and they could run around the clock, but the only batponies she knew drove trains instead.

Nice reference!

Heh. This story popped right after I finished 4,000 miles of Driving.

Texas to Orlando, Orlando to DC. DC up to Pittsfield Mass, then over to Chicago, and then down back to Texas.

I-80 somethings

In a Prius C, you can actually do that on ~$200 in fuel.

Her pegasus-eye view of the lot revealed an empty space plenty big enough to fit her, as well as a flatbed that was cheating and parked over on the car side of the lot.

I can see how that would be real handy

Semi expected a hitchhiker or something at some point.

Woah... It's kind of surprising that this sweet little story almost makes me want a truck license... Even though I'm more of a biker xD

Just imagine spreading your wings while riding a bike on an open road at dusk? *w* ... Damn, now I wish we had wings...

Pretty sure I've driven that road. And if not, I've driven some just like it.

These are the stories that my soul craves.

As someone who plays far too much American Truck simulator, this story was thoroughly enjoyable.

It's a wise pegasus that can scent traffic storms as well as they can real ones. Working transit around DC, there is no day without a nightmare, but slipping through just before noon is wise.

This... This is going in the firm "To Read" selection. :pinkiehappy:

Right up there with you with my own econobox! Even with a notably reduced range (Seriously thinking it's related to the usual direct injection carbon deposit issue of the intake valves, so she's getting a catch can installed soon) and driving her on E0 91+, I'm looking around a mere $325 in fuel for 4k mi.

Can't wait to see just how (in)expensive the upcoming grand tour of ~7-8k miles is going to be here, but after just getting the hour count return of being around 6-7 days of just driving, some of the desired sights and over 1k might be cut back out of the needing to take 3 consecutive weeks off to make it so...

Always astounded by your quiet / simple fics.

I KNEW IT! Truck-chan, the primary transportation device for the majority of Isekai protagonists, is driven by a pony!

Isekai protagonists need to stop stepping in front of 40 ton paperweights.

Comment posted by Perpetually Confused deleted Aug 2nd, 2019

The greatest trucker pegasus story ever devised by man


The truck drivin' song!

Ponies on Earth in transit between A and B somehow just works.
That sense of wonder and weirdness when you take the pony out of her dimension but leave the pony essence in the pony, so to speak. A mundane human job seen from familiar yet still a little bit alien eyes. I'll never tire of these stories of yours.

It slowed down as it drew abreast, and she glanced over, curious if it contained a kid who wanted her to blow the horn, or a woman who wanted to show off her boobs.

Not going to ask if that is actually a thing. No.

she could nest up with the other trucks

It's wonderful how the perception of this sentence changes in light of who the protagonist is.

Maybe one day, she’d find a batpony co-driver and they could run around the clock, but the only batponies she knew drove trains instead.


It was a nice night, so she grabbed her pillow and flew up to the top of the trailer, where the wind could blow through her fur, and the grumble of idling diesels could lull her to sleep.

Love how this final sentence goes full pony and leaves you with a smile on your face. Adorable familiar weirdness. Also, I'd love to be able to scout a motorway parking lot like that. Thanks for this cute story ;)

She's been driving all night,
Hooves wet in the wheel!

Radar Love in my head reading this...


Ah I always love seeing new stories from you.


miss Milfoil a bit somehow.

As do I. Perhaps once I get caught up with other stuff, I can write a sequel.


So I take it our trucker pony just loves the open road. If she thinks Ohio is flat she needs to go through Iowa and Nebraska.

She does, but not if it’s too flat and boring.

Heck eastern Colorado is very flat with only the Rocky Mountains being able to be seen.

And from what I remember, that’s a good vista. Been a long time since I’ve been to Colorado, though.


Listen, if you keep writing the ohio turnpike into your stuff, I'm going to have to ask you to put me into one of these.

I can’t help it; seems like I have to drive on the Ohio Turnpike to get most places that are fun.


There's also Saskatchewan.

I’ve flown over that before, it did look pretty flat from above.


So... how many of those follow through when they see the driver is a pony?

Probably most of them, honestly.

I understood that reference.

It’s kinda gone full circle, now, too. Celefin was somewhat inspired to write those stories because of Turnpike, and now we’re back on the Ohio Turnpike again.

I'd say that's a hurtful stereotype, but she is pretty close to Trenton...

And it’s not a stereotype if it’s true. :P

In any case, a very nice slice of pony on Earth.

Thank you!

It's the little touches like a pegasus hating having to drive through tunnels that really bring it to life.

This is something that every writer needs to realize. It’s always the little things.

Thank you for it.



As a Bluenoser, I can tell you she really doesn't know that. Unless you mean Cape Breton.

Truth is, I had to look on a map, and you’re of course right, Nova Scotia isn’t an island, even though I thought it was. Probably getting it mixed up with Prince Edward’s Island. Just the same, I feel that’s one of those things that’s better left wrong, ‘cause it’s a good moment for a laugh and/or hasty consultation of an atlas.

Been following you for a while, always sweet, down to earth stuff to be found.

Thank you! Those are the stories I love the most, both reading and writing.

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