• Published 18th Aug 2019
  • 5,370 Views, 715 Comments

Live By The Sword... - redandready45

Sunset learns what it is like to feel helpless and under someone's thumb. Will she stay in Canterlot High?

  • ...

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Interlude: Love and Pain (Edited 07/21/20)

Author's Note:

I want to give a small shout out to Velvet Fresh.

His comment made on the last chapter inspired the opening of this chapter.

Sunset sat in her bed, unable to sleep.

She had a good day, had a good time, met a good guy.

Why wasn't she happy?

Why was she still awake?

Why couldn't she shut her eyes?

Why wouldn't she relax?

Was she still afraid the maniac was gonna burst in?

Where was she headed with Twinkle?

Did Twinkle really like her?

"Or maybe he's really in on it?" A voice said. Sunset looked her right and saw an annoyingly familiar face sitting at the other end of the bed.

"Oh it's you," Sunset said in a tired voice. The Demon appeared before her, once again in a more normal looking form. Anyone who could see the two would assume The Demon was her twin. A trained eye could see the demon still carried a haughty, snide look.

"How's it going, girl scout?" The Demon said.

"Can't you bug me at a more normal hour?" Sunset snarked.

"I'm not a wage slave, I'm a part of you," the Demon said with a smile. "I'm the one being you can always count on, 24/7."

"Great," Sunset said sarcastically, "get lost."

"Sunny, Sunny," the Demon said, "I'm here to congratulate you. You got yourself a hot hunk of meat right there."

"Yeah whatever," Sunset said with annoyance.

"Whatever?" the Demon parroted incredulously ."The dude has abs and all you can say is 'whatever'?"

"Goodnight," Sunset said, trying to force herself to sleep.

"Your acting all pouty. Like all of this is too good to be true." The Demon said. "Oh, wait, it probably is. Maybe Twinkle isn't as great as we think. Maybe he's the maniac trying to kill you, and your 'date' was a smokescreen."

"Shut up," Sunset said, her eyes glaring defiantly at The Demon, "that's not true."

"Oh it probably is," The Demon enthused. "Why else would he act like such a gentleman to you? You're the most hated girl in school. You sabotaged his team. He and his teammates pushed you around. Everyone is scared to be near you because they'll end up like that dumb hick. He clearly wants something from you. Maybe his team put him up to-"

"He stood up for me in front of everyone," Sunset through back ,"because I paid his team back by getting dunked."

"Maybe he liked seeing your hot tits through the wet t-shirt," The Demon said.

"Dear Celestia," Sunset said with a blush ,"you're the worst therapist ever!"

"At least my advice is free," the Demon said with a smirk.

"Twinkle took me out because I was a having a bad day," Sunset argued back. The Demon just let out a nasty laugh.

"You don't really buy that," The Demon said, still chuckling. "He's probably the asshole trying to kill us." A lustful look appeared on her face. "Or maybe he just wants to get into our pants."

"Stop it."

"You're still thinking about the time held your hand," The Demon said mockingly. "Cute. But maybe he was trying to reach for something else?"

"He isn't like that," Sunset said.

"He admitted that he was willing to give some slut a free ride if she put out," The Demon.

"That's not what he said," Sunset said.

"Or maybe he wants us because he knows no one would ever want to fuck us," The Demon gloated, "and that we'll be desperate enough to give it to him. I bet once we do put out, he'll ditch us for some hotter tramp."

"Shut your Celestia-damned mouth! Twinkle has been nothing but nice to me!"

"Just like those rich little snobs who just wanted us for reputation?" The Demon asked. The question gave Sunset pause. "Don't you remember all those spoiled Canterlot colts? Children of nobility and business. They'd say pretty little words and compare us to a summer day, but we could see that all they wanted was being next to the Princess' student."

"That's not...completely true," Sunset argued weakly. "Some of them might have-,"

"I'm sure they just loved our charming little attitude," The Demon said with a sneer. "No, those brats only wanted us because of our fame and forgot about us when we left. But when we finally escaped those pretentious idiots and ended up here, we were able to get a prize of our own," The Demon said with a hint of nostalgia, "Flash."

"Don't talk about him," Sunset said with a growl.

"He was popular, pretty, and not too bad looking," the Demon waxed. "We knew that being next to him would give us the reputation we needed to bring about our master plan. We knew that no one would suspect the girlfriend of Flash Sentry of any...misdeed."

"Shut up!"

"But then we both began to...develop," the Demon said. "And soon we wanted more from him. His growing pecs, those broad shoulders. We wanted nothing more than to reach into his pants and-,"

"ENOUGH!" Sunset yelled before taking one of her pillows and tossing at The Demon. To her frustration, the obnoxious specter ducked to escape it.

"But then we learned the truth," The Demon said. "Flash Sentry was nothing but a little wimp with puny balls. That's why he couldn't stand to be around us. Because we reminded him of how much of a pussy he really was."

"No, he dumped us because we treated him like shit."

"A real man would've kept us in line," The Demon said with a perverted smile on her face. "Taught us our place once and for all. Smacked us around and asserted his dominance-,"

"You're disgusting!" Sunset growled.

"Oh please," The Demon threw back. "You're telling me you've never fantasized about getting pinned down and pleasured so hard your moans can be heard from space?" Sunset looked down, blushing in shame. "But who cares about Flash. Now we have a new, and better, prize. The co-captain of a sport's team. A former enemy who can prove to everyone we've turned over a new leaf. And with an amazing body to boot. Hopefully, he'll be more of a man than Flash ever was."

"Twinkle isn't a prize," Sunset growled. "He's a good guy who forgave me and opened up to me."

"Oh I'm sure you'd love him better if he was fat as a whale," The Demon said sarcastically. "His washboard stomach has nothing to do with it?"

"I like those abs," Sunset said. "I like them better when the person who has them is not throwing paint at me."

"Speak for yourself. Body paint is pretty kinky-,"

"Goodnight," Sunset said, turning away from the specter.

"Fine. Do what you want," The Demon said in a passive-aggressive tone, "but when that stud either betrays you or dumps you for some other slut, don't say I didn't warn you." The specter vanished in a puff of light.

Sunset tried to sleep, but she found she couldn't ignore The Demon's words.

"Twinkle's got a girlfriend," Flicker said at the breakfast table.

"Flicker," Twinkle said with a growl. The orange-skinned sister responded with a smirk. Twinkle loved her sister deep down. But like all 10 year old girls, she never knew when to shut her mouth.

"You do?" His Mom, Rose, said. The pink-skinned woman gave Twinkle a teasing smile.

"What are her career plans?" His yellow-skinned father, Shock Wave, uttered as he put down his newspaper. His father's time as a logistics manager made him very meticulous. There was no situation where he never sought to analyze for strengths and weaknesses.

Even people were not spared his merciless, bespectacled gaze.

"She's just a friend mom," Twinkle said with a groan.

"Really," Flicker asked with a smirk. "Then why were you coming home looking all lovey-dovey?"

"Shut up," Twinkle said. "Dad, she's 15."

"That's no excuse," Shock Wave said coldly. "You've already made up your mind about being a history teacher."

"Uh, that's kind of up in the air," Twinkle said.

"Good, because a career in the military can always be valuable," Shock Wave said. Twinkle resisted the urge to facepalm as dear old dad once again began his lectures about the benefits of military life.

"Shock, not at the breakfast table," Rose admonished. "So Twinkle who's your new friend?"

"Sunset Shimmer," Twinkle said.

"The tramp who caused the gas leak at CHS?" His father said, iron in his voice. "You want to be someone like that?"

"Shock," Rose said in a disappointing tone.

"Dad," Twinkle said somewhat defensively. "Sunset Shimmer did cause a lot of damage. She messed with my team. But she's worked her butt off to make it up to us."

"You don't need hoodlums like that in your life," his father criticized, "they'll hurt your prospects."

"I thought we believed in Ameliorist values," Twinkle snarked. "Isn't forgiveness something we teach? Or do we forget it when its convenient?"

"I'd rather you not be with a girl who will push you down that road," Shock said. "You did enough damage on your own with Auger's van-,"

"When are you gonna let that go?" Twinkle said with frustration.

"When you have a family of your own," Shock Wave said with a smirk.

"She's just a friend so don't worry," Twinkle said with an angry sigh.

"I have a friend with an older sister who goes to Canterlot High," Flicker said. "She told me Sunset turned into a demon and tried to brainwash everyone."

"Flicker," Rose admonished, "you no better than to spread rumors like that."

"Yeah rumors," Twinkle said with a short laugh. "Listen I go to go," he said, picking up his plate and putting it in the sink.

"Listen to me Twinkle," Shock Wave said. "Boy, you better look at me when I talk to you." With anger, Twinkle turned to face his father. "People like that maybe fun for a while, but when you grow up, you'll learn you need someone responsible. So don't go screwing around with this girl. K?"


"And if you do, remember to use protection," Rose admonished. "I don't want a grandson this early."

"Whatever," Twinkle said with a sigh as he stormed out of the room.

"So, tell me all about your date," Rarity asked Sunset. Sunset's friends, sans Rainbow Dash (who was doing some soccer practice, and was still cool toward Sunset) sat around their usual table in the cafeteria.

"It wasn't a date," Sunset said.

"You mean, tryst," Rarity said playfully.

"Sunny has a boyfriend," Pinkie said cheerfully. Sunset didn't take the bait. She stared bitterly at her food.

"Sunset," Fluttershy asked. "Are you OK?"

"I think," Sunset said.

"Then why are you so down in the dumps?" Pinkie Pie asked her melancholy friend.

"I don't know," Sunset said. "I had a nice time, met a nice guy who listened to me. Yet, I feel sad. And when I try and feel good, I feel worse."

"Darling," Rarity said. "There's an obvious reason why you feel this way."


"Misery darling," Rarity said. "You've been in its grip for so long, you haven't known any joy to yourself."

"What do you mean?" Sunset asked.

"You spent two years being a mean frowny-pants supervillain," Pinkie Pie said.

"Followed by several months of community service, isolation, alienation, bullying, and self-loathing," Rarity said.

"And despite being better, you still feel a little guilty," Fluttershy said. "You're blaming yourself for everything this new meanie is doing." Sunset let out a sigh.

"I mean, I've had you guys," Sunset said. "And I don't feel guilty around you."

"But feelings of longing are a bit different than feelings of friendship," Rarity said. "While platonic love is valuable, the romantic kind of love is a whole different creature. And living like a ne'er do well, you've never known it. And now that it is here, you can't believe it, and you probably lament living so long without it."

"You're right I can't believe it," Sunset said. "I mean, only a couple of months ago, Twinkle was throwing paint balloons at me. Now, he's taking me on walks in the park and opening up to me."

"Love is rarely simple darling," Rarity said with a smirk. "Sometimes violence and bullying can be signs of hidden affection."

"I think it is too soon to call it love," Sunset said with a sigh. "Part of me thinks...he's secretly the guy trying to run me out of here."

"Darling that's ridiculous," Rarity said.

"If he really wanted to hurt you like that, he would've done it," Fluttershy said.

"I guess your right," Sunset said. "Maybe I'm just...guilty and in denial." Sunset said. "It is not just that though."

"What is it darling," Rarity said.

"I don't know where my life is headed," Sunset said with a sigh. "Half my life, I dreamed of becoming an alicorn princess. Even when I was stuck here, I never lost sight of that. I never ever considered putting down roots here." Sunset let out another sigh. "When I lost, it was a real low point in my life. Everything I worked for, gone in one night. I spent so long focusing on that idiotic dream, I didn't think about what would happen if I failed."

"Really?" Rarity said.

"Yeah," Sunset said sadly. "I never imagined I would end up staying at CHS. Had Applejack not given me a chance, I would've left Canterlot after I did my punishment and gone to...maybe...Manehattan."

"You were going to leave?" Pinkie Pie said sadly.

"Where would you have gone?" Fluttershy said.

"What would you have done?" Rarity said.

"I don't know," Sunset said. "I didn't have a goal."

"Don't you have anything to return to in Equestria?" Rarity asked.

"Not really," Sunset said bitterly after a long pause. "I was such a jerk to everypony, there was no one that would take me back."

"But you've changed Sunny," Pinkie Pie said.

"I've been gone for so long, they've probably forgotten me," Sunset said sadly. "I didn't become Applejack's friend just because she forgave me. She gave me something to look forward to. A new goal. A chance to make it up to everyone. That's why I put up with so much pain from everyone. Not just because I deserved it, not just because I wanted to get their trust back, but because I had a new goal and wanted to succeed at something." Sunset said. "I guess that isn't very altruistic."

"Maybe not darling," Rarity agreed. "But not everyone does the right thing for the right reasons."

"But now, even more unexpected things have occurred," Sunset said. "The lunatic, me potentially getting a boyfriend." A small tear fell down her eye. "I just feel like I can't control things in my life."

"There is a solution, darling," Rarity said.

"What is it?"

"Parties?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Begging and pleading?" Fluttershy asked.

"You've got to simply seize the bull by the horns," Rarity said.

"What do you mean?" Sunset said.

"In life, you don't overcome things through moping," Rarity said with stern eyes. "You've got to simply force yourself out of your stupor in order to control of your life."

"And have fun," Pinkie Pie said.

"And try to be kind to people," Fluttershy advised.

"If you feel helpless, just think of the things you want to do darling, no matter how much you feel you may not deserve them, and do them," Rarity said. "Eventually, you'll learn you do have the power to control your life, and this pain will cease to control you as much as it does."

"Thanks Rarity," Sunset said.

"Hey Sunset," a male voice said. Sunset looked at saw the tall red-skinned athlete approach her with a tray of food. "I wanted to know you want to...hang out." Sunset looked at Rarity, who silently order her to go with him.

"Sure," Sunset said, rising from her table with her lunch tray. "I'll see you guys later," Sunset said, walking away with Twinkle.

"See ya," Pinkie Pie said.

"Twinkle is truly smitten," Rarity said.

"How can you tell?"

"He didn't acknowledge us," Rarity said with a smirk. Two lovey-duvey smiles formed on Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie's faces.

Flash watched as Twinkle and Sunset walked together to sit alone at another table. He was so focused on it, like someone who picks at a painful scar, he barely noticed Derpy talking.

"And that's why they had no muffins," the grey-skinned girl remarked.

"Yeah, it was terrible," Flash muttered.

"I know right," Derpy said. The wall-eye teenager stopped. "Flash are you OK?"

"Yeah sure," Flash said in a somber tone.

"Flash what's," Derpy began, before she noticed Sunset and Twinkle chatting together. "Oh, I see. You're jealous of Twinkle."

"You don't see anything, you wall-eyed moron," Flash barked. He felt guilty when he realized he hurt one of his friend's feelings. "I'm sorry Derpy," Flash said. "It's just-,"

"You're jealous," Derpy repeated.

"No," Flash said. "I know that Sunset was using me. I know she was the wrong person for me. But now she's better. But she chooses him over me," Flash barely held himself back from cracking up. "Was Sunset right? Am I just a little pussy?"

"Flash," Derpy admonished. "None of those things were true. Sunset said those things because she was a big meanie who never liked you. You shouldn't listen to people like that." A reassuring smile appeared on her face. "Princess Twilight liked you."

"But then she left," Flash said.

"Because she has a kingdom to run and no way to get back home for two years," Derpy stressed. "If a Princess can like you, than I'm sure someone else can."

"Then why didn't Sunset give me a chance to start over?" Flash said bitterly.

"Because you weren't really right for each other," Derpy said. "Sunset is a better person, but that doesn't mean she's going to feel anything for you. She probably feels guilty for how she treated you." A kind smile formed on her face. "Just because she dates Twinkle doesn't mean no one will date you." Derpy put a warm hand on his shoulder. "You're a good guy Flash. And there are plenty of people who see that."

"Thanks Derpy," Flash said with a smile. "You're a real pal. And you're right. There are plenty of fish in the sea. If Twilight can feel that way about me, so can another girl."

"More than you know," Derpy said in a quiet and sad tone, watching as Flash ate with renewed confidence. "More than you...know." She turned away, not wanting anyone to see the tear rolling down her cheek.

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