• Published 18th Aug 2019
  • 5,397 Views, 715 Comments

Live By The Sword... - redandready45

Sunset learns what it is like to feel helpless and under someone's thumb. Will she stay in Canterlot High?

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....And the Sword Shall Turn On You. (Edited 03/23/2020)

Gilda groaned as she pulled her science textbook out of her locker. While her grades in science weren't terrible, it was a class she didn't particularly enjoy. One of the things she hated about public school was they always made her study things she had no practical use for. How was knowing about photosynthesis going to help her plan a battle strategy.

"Leave the science stuff to the nerds. My destiny is on the battlefield, beating back the Changeling alliance," she thought excitedly, thinking about her dream of becoming a great general. When she closed her locker door, she saw Sunset Simmer approach her.

"Hey Gilda," Sunset said, an unusually happy smile on her face.

"He, Shimmer," Gilda said unenthusiastically. The yellowed-eyed girl raised an eyebrow. "Why are you smiling? Did you spend last night rubbing one out?"

"No," Sunset said, her smile almost wavering as a blush came to her face. "I'm-I've got your applications."

"Which ones?"

"All of them." A small amount of surprise appeared on Gilda's stern eyes.


"Yep," Sunny said proudly. "I was sick, so I used my time to get everything done."

"Essays and everything?"

"Yep," Sunset said, pulling out a gold-colored folder. "Here they are." Gilda took the folder.

"Alright," Gilda said, "I look over them and tell you what you did wrong, OK?"

"Sure," Sunset said. "So how have you been?" the fire haired girl asked kindly in an awkward tone. "Seen any-,"

"Don't you start, Shimmer," Gilda snorted. Sunset frowned in confusion.

"What, I'm not-," Sunset paused at Gilda started looming over her.

"Listen to me very carefully Shimmer," Gilda said, those yellow eyes looking like missiles aimed directly at Sunset. "Just because you did this for me does not mean I want to be your gal pal. Let alone having you anywhere near my shit." She paused to grab Sunset by her shirt. "Your paying me what you owed me, but don't start acting like my friend. Or else-"

"My head goes back into the toilet," Sunset said in a weak, tiny voice.

"I'm gonna glue your head to it," the white-skinned girl growled. Sunset let out a terrified grimace. "Do you understand?" Gilda finished, releasing Sunset from her grip.

"Yes," Sunset stammered.

"Good," Gilda said, "now-," she looked to the side and saw something that made her eyes widen. Without another word, Gilda turned and walked away. Although her posture and speed made Sunset think Gilda was fleeing from something. What could she be afraid of?

"Sunset," a voice said. Sunset turned around and saw Rarity approaching her.

"Hey Rarity," Sunset said.

"How are you feeling?" Rarity asked.


"Is that ruffian bothering you?" Rarity asked with narrowed eyes and a bit of iron entering her tone.

"Nah, she was just laying down the law for me," Sunset said with a hint of discouragement.

"Sunset," Rarity said. "What's wrong?"

"Today has been a good day," Sunset said. "For the first time in weeks, everybody stopped attacking me." Sunset bent her back. "But Rainbow Dash still doesn't like me and Gilda said she still doesn't want to be my friend."

"Sunset," Rarity asked with a disappointed tone. "Did you honestly think everyone would forget your slights against them because of a few acts of public decency?"

"Well," Sunset said sheepishly. "I kinda hoped."

"Sunset, life is not a sitcom where you're problems can be solved in 22 minutes," Rarity admonished.

"Aren't sitcoms 30 minutes?" Sunset asked.

"Only if you include commercials, which I don't," Rarity said with some contempt. "Anyways, progress doesn't happen overnight." Rarity noticed the somewhat tired expression on Sunset's face. "But don't let that discourage you. Life is like making a beautiful dress. It's hard, its brutal, sometimes you make mistakes, but the end goal is worth it."

"Well, what's my end goal?" Sunset asked. "I don't even really know what that is."

"People seeing you for the wonderful girl you are," Rarity said with a reassuring smile." Know Rainbow Dash helped you, I just know that blessed day could be around the corner."

"Thanks Rarity," Sunset said.

"Well, I have to do something about your scowl," Rarity said. "It doesn't match your boots." Sunset snorted at that.

"Anyways," Sunset said the roll of her eyes, "let's get to class." The two girls walked off to class.

It was the end of the day and three girls were walking down the hallway.

"You don't want to come to my farming club?" Applejack said.

"Or fashion club?" Rarity asked.

"Sorry, the principals don't want me here after 3:30 PM," Sunset said with regret. The restriction placed on her reminded Sunset that she was still far from being off the hook, dunk tank or no.

"Maybe if you do some more fundraising," Applejack said. "The principals will let you off easy."

"Maybe," Sunset said. She looked at her watch. "I really go to go," the fire-haired girl said, running toward her locker. "I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow," the farmer and budding fashion designer said.

Sunset ran to her locker to pull out some notebook and saw a slip of paper stuffed into one of the openings.

"What is that?" Sunset said. Sunset pulled the paper up. When she saw it, her heart fell into her throat.

It was that creepy picture someone sent her of her head photoshopped onto a skeleton the last Friday before she returned to Canterlot High. Only this time, the eyes were crossed out with X's. A caption written in bright red letters said, "So you came back?" Sunset stared at the menacing warning with terror, the minutes feeling like hours. She felt her hand shaking, until she remembered Applejack's advice.

"Sunset, whoever sent you that was a troll. Since I've been on the Internet, all kinds of idiots and perverts have said horrible things to me online, but none of them have tried to do anything to me in person. Most of them are just yellow-bellied cowards who hide behind their keyboards."

"I'm not getting let some coward get to me," Sunset said with a scowl. She balled up the warning and threw it in the trash. She then proceeded to walk to the stairwell, to reach the first floor.

With school ending, the hallways were practically vacant. The sound of Sunset's heels on the tile floor echoed throughout the building. When she approached the top of the stairwell, she saw her pencil had fallen out of her pocket.

"Darnit," Sunset said, rushing forward to pick it up. Just as she grabbed the loose object, she heard the sound of someone running.

"There you-" Sunset felt something slam into her back. She was shoved so hard, she lost balance. Suddenly she found herself tumbling down the stairs. Sunset yelled as she felt her body each stair. After a few moments of pain, she found herself deposited in the floor, her ankle and other parts of her body throbbing in pain.

Sunset laid there in agony, her body sore, and her ankle throbbing like crazy. After a few moment, she felt something had been placed on her head. With some trepidation, she reached for her head and found a balled up paper. She opened it. This time, it had one simple message written in red.

"I warned you." Sunset quivered her lip in fear

Sunset tried to pull herself up using the rail, but her ankle, probably strained, made it impossible for her to stand. After several attempts at standing, Sunset sat at the foot of the stairs, hugging herself and whimpering in pain and terror. Sunset felt a small tear roll down her cheek.

Author's Note:

Sorry, Sunset. Nothing is ever going to be easy.

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