• Published 17th Aug 2019
  • 1,002 Views, 135 Comments

Trixie Searches For Magic - MagicS

The Great and Powerful Trixie is the greatest magician in the world and she will go anywhere and overcome anything to show it!

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Something Completely Different I

In the week since Trixie had finally defeated Goliath for good nothing much of note happened in East Glade. The traveling hero/magician/fraud spent the first couple days after resting and getting her wits back in order, then she thought about what she would do now when it came to searching for new magic or anything extraordinary she could use for her shows or to rub in Twilight’s face upon her inevitable return to Equestria. But as everyone was very happy to tell her, the mountains and… everywhere around East Glade were still plenty dangerous even without Goliath and his band of evildoers around. So the next few days she was cooped up in her wagon, not wanting to put on a new show without any new routines to do and not having any monsters or anything else to take care of. The past week had been very peaceful out here.

For the citizens of East Glade they took the opportunity to celebrate the new days of peace. Another large party was held and the townspeople seemed even happier than at the previous one. Now they weren’t just happy and feeling safe because of Trixie, the greatest threat to them was gone because of her. It really was going to be a new age for East Glade. There were still other dangers to be sure but there wouldn’t be that ever present terror over their heads anymore.

Vector, Gizzard, Senax, the mayor, they all went about their lives like normal. While Gizzard felt restless not having as much work to do or things to protect the village against even he wasn’t about to say he didn’t prefer it to how things were.

As for the other outsiders they were quite enjoying this time of rest and peace too. Unlike Trixie. Daylight Gleam was debating on how much longer she should even stay in East Glade, truthfully there was no longer any purpose for her to be here and she had another person to look for in the first place. But she was fond of the village and didn’t want to go just yet, especially not while Trixie was still around to muck things up. The white unicorn just had a feeling that she should stay longer in the end. She wasn’t sure why. Coil continued his own inventions and study in his lab and had no intention of leaving without his work and research getting finished. After all unlike the others he had a set goal with real objectives and something he was actually doing here.

So suffice to say the past week Trixie had actually been pretty bored. That’s just the kind of mare she was. She needed action and excitement. Preferably not the life-endangering kind but still a lot more than the “farm from sunrise to sunset” kind. Along with shirking and talking her way out of teaching any more lessons she was simply left with nothing to do around East Glade since she had accidentally buried Goliath under a landslide.

But East Glade was still East Glade. It was a place where weird things happened and unusual magic popped up every now and then.

The current oddity happened to be a shining pillar of light that emerged in the mountains a short walk behind Coil’s laboratory.

He had no idea what it was or when exactly it appeared but he felt it pertinent to let everyone know about it as soon as possible. Coil had seen a lot of strange things in East Glade but this was new. Usually the strange occurrences around this village had to do with random weather phenomena or unknown/magical monsters. But a random pillar of light? That was different even for here.

“So… what is it?” Trixie asked as she looked at it.

The nearly blinding white light shot up in a cylinder before tapering off at the top to end in a point. Like a particularly thin mountain or a spear. The strange phenomenon stood in the middle of a clearing right before the northern mountains really started to rise up behind Coil’s lab. According to the villagers these mountains were still dangerous but not as bad as the ones to the east, Trixie recalled them mentioning that ill-fated expedition up through here a while ago.

“I have no idea, that’s why I called all of you,” Coil replied, his bespectacled face glued to the pillar of light.

It was the usual suspects that had come to gather. Trixie, Vector, Daylight Gleam, Gizzard, and of course Coil himself.

“Haven’t seen something exactly like this before,” Vector said, rubbing his chin. “Have you tried doing anything to it?” He asked Coil.

“I tossed a rock at it but it just went right through like nothing was even there,” Coil shrugged.

“Well does anyone else have an idea of how we might be able to figure this thing out?” Vector frowned and looked between the others.

Trixie coughed, taking a step closer to the light. “The Great and Powerful Trixie has seen quite a lot in her travels but this is new to her as well.” She reached a hoof out towards it but still far away enough that she wasn’t close to touching it. “It doesn’t feel hot or anything at least. It’s just kind of sitting here though.” Trixie frowned and lit up her horn, firing a beam of magic into the pillar.

Much like what the rock Coil said did the magic harmlessly passed through the pillar, nothing about either of them changing. And that was pretty much the extent of Trixie’s ability to help.

“Do you have any idea how dumb it was to just fire magic into another unknown magical phenomenon?” Daylight asked her as she walked up to the blue unicorn.

“Of course I do, I just didn’t care,” Trixie grinned at her friend. It was difficult to tell if she was actively trying to annoy Daylight or if she was just being herself.

“Ugh, whatever,” Daylight groaned and shook her head. “I’ll see if I can figure out what this is.” The white unicorn lit up her horn and aimed it at the pillar, no magic or spell that Trixie could see seemed to come from Daylight but the unicorn periodically frowned and furrowed her brow as if she was learning something about the light that Trixie wasn’t privy too. Chewing on her tongue, Daylight finally turned off her horn and regarded the shining pillar with suspicion. “Well I have no idea what this is. I’m not getting any sort of read on it with my magic, it’s like it’s not even there.”

“Well you’re just as useful as me now, aren’t you?” Trixie smugly grinned at her.

“You realize you’re insulting yourself right now too don’t you?” Daylight scowled.

The others now stepped up to join the two bickering mares. Coil at a loss for what this strange thing was and Vector and Gizzard concerned that it could pose a danger to East Glade.

“Maybe I should put a fence around this thing? Even if it aint doing anything right now I don’t want to take any chances or have one of the villagers come up here to it,” Gizzard said. The old griffon was scratching his headcrest in consternation as he looked at the light.

“That sounds like a good idea,” Vector nodded. “Hopefully whatever it is it’ll go away on its own. Or just not do anything.”

Coil though frowned at Vector’s words. “You know I’m not sure if I can share that hopefulness of yours. There are so many strange things that happen around East Glade I doubt this thing will stay completely benign forever. For all we know there could be some magical effect coming off of it right now and we could be in danger just standing near it or looking at it. And who even knows what might happen if someone actually touched it?”

The Great and Powerful Trixie then got an excellent idea.

“You’re right! We should find out what that does too,” Trixie said with a lightbulb all but appearing over her head as she reached a hoof forward to touch the pillar.

The moment her hoof reached the light Trixie was sucked inside the shinning pillar and it disappeared with a flash into the ground, leaving not a single trace behind. The four others could only stand there in shock and bewilderment at what they had just seen. All four of them with varying measures of concern and surprise on their faces. Slowly Daylight raised a hoof to her face and dragged it down, pulling on her eyelids in the fashion of a mare too tired and irritated to deal with the world anymore.

“Did that idiot really just do that?” She asked the others.

Trixie meanwhile was being flung around through a magical portal with all the grace of a brick tossed into a washing machine. The blue unicorn had no idea what was going on and couldn’t even hear herself think, all she knew was that she could feel a powerful magic around her, twisting her body and pulling her to some unknown destination. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced and it threw her stomach for a loop, thankfully since she wasn’t even sure if she had a physical body right now she didn’t throw up. But the intense feeling and kaleidoscope of colors that burst inside of her eyes didn’t abate until The Great and Powerful Trixie finally came to a full and complete stop onto some normal ground and grass.

“Ohhh… what was that…?” She weakly said, trying to get her bearings. It felt like she was waking up from a deep sleep and everything about her body just felt… wrong.

The blackness clouding her vision slowly faded away as she blinked her eyes a few times and brought her hooves up to rub them.

She frowned though as she felt the knubbly appendages awkwardly rubbing her eyes. “Why do my hooves feel so weird?”

As she opened her eyes and truly saw for the first time since going through the strange portal, Trixie took in a number of things.

First was that she apparently wasn’t only wearing her hat and robe but a dark blue sweater. Second that her forelegs ended not in hooves any longer but in… fingers? Third, as her wide and panic-filled eyes searched over the rest of her body, was that she was covered in even more clothes. Fourth (although it probably should’ve been sooner) was that her entire body had changed shape and form and she was no longer a pony or anything even close to it.

And with that, Trixie screamed. “AHHHHHH!”

Startled birds flew out of the trees around her and in the distance she could hear a dog barking from her outrageously loud outburst. Wincing, she looked around to take in the area.

And the fifth thing she noticed was that she was far from alone wherever here was.

Many strange bipedal creatures were in the area around her, that looked to be some kind of park filled with trees, paths, benches, flowers, and little ponds and streams. Trixie wasn’t sure what they were but she did instantly realize that for some reason she had turned into one of them. They had the same kinds of colorations as ponies but, as she also now noticed, didn’t have fur and neither did she. A few were staring at her while some just looked and shrugged, going back to their business. Quite a few more didn’t take notice of the odd sight or scream at all.

“What is going on...” The blue “unicorn” wondered aloud. “Where am I? What am I? How come everyone here wears clothes all over themselves?”

Trixie unsteadily got on all fours, it was awkward with the size and shape of her limbs and how they connected to her body but she steadily walked forward a few steps on the grass. And then paused as more realization hit her.

“Err...” She looked around her, something clicking too late in her head about how all of the other creatures were standing on their hind legs.

She stood up, wobbling quite a bit, and tried her hardest to not fall over. With a measured breath she exhaled and took a single steady step. Her foot came down on the grass and since she didn’t collapse or slip or anything she considered that a win. Trixie grinned and continued on, taking awkwardly big and slow steps like a kid wearing oversized shoes.

Her destination for now was the pond only a short distance away. She ignored anyone that might have been looking at her and made her way towards the water. The pond was rimmed with stones, clearly man-made for the sake of beautifying the park, and it was just what Trixie needed. She got to the edge on shaky legs and went down to her knees, peaking her head over the side so she could look at her reflection.

“Time to see just what in Equestria is up,” Trixie said to herself as she looked into the water. She tilted her head from side to side and blinked a few times to make sure she was seeing herself right. “Well I hardly prefer it to my normal body but at least I don’t look too bad. The Great and Powerful Trixie is meant to be… a… unicorn...” Her speech slowed down as her eyes widened and converged on her forehead. “My horn!” Trixie reached her hands up to feel for her missing horn but found nothing, only smooth skin. “This is horrible!”

She stood up in shock and nearly fell over, her hands covering her bare forehead in horror. She squinted her eyes shut and tried to feel her magic but it was like there was nothing inside her. It didn’t feel like she was exhausted from overuse or empty at the moment, it felt more like her magic had never existed in the first place.

“H-How can this be?!” She was nearly crying.

“So that’s what all the screaming was, seems like Canterlot High girls are as weird as ever.”

Trixie didn’t exactly get all that was being said but she could tell that the slightly snobbish sounding voice was directed at her and it sounded like an insult. She turned around to see five girls all dressed in variations of the same purple uniform with plaid skirts. The former unicorn raised an annoyed eyebrow at these interlopers, not happy to be bothered in the middle of her crisis. If she was thinking more clearly she would’ve been wondering about the words “Canterlot High” and how apparently these five recognized her.

“Excuse me?”

The middle one stepped up, a… mare? No, that can’t be right.

With a purple… coat?

Can it even be called a coat when we don’t have fur? It’s just… skin or something right? Trixie wondered.

And a two tone purple mane with strange things on her wrists, and when she opened her mouth Trixie knew she was the one that initially spoke. “I was merely stating that we were concerned that something was wrong but it turned out to just be the resident lousy magician being a weirdo.”

Trixie gasped, anger and heat rising to her cheeks. “Lousy magician?!” She spread her feet to balance herself and leaned forward, as if pointing a non-existent horn on her head at them. “Could a lousy magician do this?!”

Naturally, nothing happened.

“Oh, come on!” Trixie screeched, straining and struggling to get any sort of magic spell to work. She stomped her feet and pressed her fingers to her forehead but nothing came out.

The five other girls looked a bit concerned.

“Uh, are you alright?” One of the others, a girl with pink skin and a green mane asked. She had what Trixie recognized as headphones around her neck.

“Something definitely doesn’t seem okay with you today. Do you have a fever?” Another one, with yellow skin, freckles, and a red and green mane in a large ponytail kindly asked with a concerned frown on her face… before glancing to the side and muttering under her breath. “Because you’re acting like a total freak.”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is most definitely not okay!” Trixie yelled. “What is with this stupid body and why don’t I have any magic?!”

“Dude, you need to chill out. You’re in a park you know?” The girl to the far right said, she had a creamy complexion and blue mane with goggles on her head. She looked around to see if any of the people out jogging or walking their dogs had stopped to take notice of the strange behavior of Trixie.

The central one who had initiated the conversation looked pretty worried herself now. “Yes dear, I know I was teasing you but you seem a bit… off. Perhaps you should go home and rest? Canterlot and Crystal Prep are supposed to be friends after all nowadays.”

That helpful suggestion didn’t have the desired outcome however.

“I don’t know where home is!” Trixie shouted to the heavens.

The five girls looked between each other with quite a bit of worry on their faces, the ponytail one shrugging and the pink-skinned one just grimacing.

“Maybe we should just go,” The goggle-wearer said and beckoned her friends along. “Uh, good look with… whatever you’re dealing with.”

As they walked away from her the last one of the group turned to Trixie with an expressionless look on her face. She was blue-skinned with a white mane done up with two side ponytails and she was wearing glasses. “You’re weird.” She bluntly stated to Trixie before following her friends.

Trixie paid no mind to them, her thoughts like a chaotic storm in her head. She reached her hands up to her forehead one last time to feel the phantom horn, eyes watering. “The Great and Powerful Trixie can’t live without her magic! What kind of Tartarus-forsaken place is this?”

After wallowing in self pity in the park for a while longer Trixie realized she wasn’t getting anywhere and decided to take a better look around this new world. That was the only explanation after all, she clearly hadn’t been teleported anywhere in Equestria or the mountains around East Glade. And why would she have been transformed into some strange creature that can’t even use magic? Did magic not even exist in this world? The horror!

There wasn’t a single trace of that pillar of light that took her here so she now stood at the edge of the park on the side of what she assumed was a road. It didn’t look like it was made of normal stone but everything else about it screamed road at her.

“This place is so weird...” She looked down the street at the numerous tall buildings rising up to make an entire city. “It looks like Manehattan or something.”

So many of the strange creatures that she had found herself turned into were walking around as well. Luckily for her none of them seemed to realize that she was actually a pony from another world. She had gotten the hang of walking around on two legs and thankfully had enough sense to not strip everything but her robe and hat off after seeing how literally everyone else was wearing clothes.

Maybe because they don’t have fur? It was as likely an answer as any.

Trixie took a step into the street, looking at the small stores across the way. At least things weren’t too different from back home, even though most towns and cities didn’t look as… advanced as this place.

Beep! Beep!

The loud noise came from her right and Trixie looked just in time to see a metal monstrosity coming right at her. The magician screamed in terror and jumped out of the way, just in time to avoid getting hit by the thing (in actuality it was going maybe around 5 miles per hour since the driver saw her walk into the street, but in Trixie’s mind she narrowly escaped death). The person inside the horseless carriage looking contraption yelled something mean at her and sped off, but Trixie couldn’t even tell what was said. She was holding a hand to her rapidly beating heart and taking in short, quick, breaths of air from her spot on the road.

“Just what was that thing?” She wondered out loud. The former unicorn looked around herself now to see a large amount of people on the sidewalks staring at her in confusion and annoyance. As she looked down the street she realized that no one else was walking in the middle of it like she had just attempted. With a blush she stood up and walked onto the sidewalk on the opposite side from where she had started, ignoring all the looks and walking deeper into the city.

This is dangerous without my magic… She thought.

Not only that but the size of the city seemed pretty big and there were so many side-streets and buildings she just had no idea where to go or what to do. If she took a wrong turn she’d end up even more lost than she already was.

She tried to act as normal as possible but her eyes kept being drawn to every little thing in the city around her. Every storefront, every window display, every car that drove by, and every person had something new for her to see. She was like a puppy seeing the world for the first time, or a kid in a candy store. If only the circumstances weren’t so strange for her and she still had her magic she’d probably be a hyperactive ball of energy right now as she took it all in.

The transformed unicorn came to a street corner and saw a building with a bunch of big windows on its sides and a lot of people sitting at tables inside of it. Trixie pressed her face up against one of the windows to get a better view, ignoring all the strange looks she got in turn, and saw that it was some kind of diner. All sorts of treats were being served to the customers by a very pink looking person on roller-skates. Trixie licked her lips at the delicious looking food before her eye was drawn to the cash register at the counter and she realized that she had absolutely nothing that could even remotely pass for currency on her.

“Well this is just great, things are even worse than I thought,” Trixie grumbled to herself, tearing her body away from the window and walking past the diner.

Now she was thinking that maybe instead of freaking out she should’ve tried asking those girls back in the park some questions. Although if there wasn’t any magic in this world how would they take the revelation that some creature from another dimension was standing right in front of them?

They had still acted like they had known her… somehow. Even though none of them were remotely familiar to Trixie. She didn’t even know any ponies that looked like them.

“Everything about this is just weird,” She frowned. “I’m blaming it on East Glade. When I get back to Vector and Gizzard the two of them are gonna hear it how messed up of an experience I had to go through.” A more thoughtful expression came over her face. “I wonder if the four of them are worried or trying to find out what happened to me. Besides Daylight. She’s probably fine.” That last sentence was accompanied by an annoyed grunt, her second best assistant probably wasn’t worried one bit.

Trixie kept walking down the street, she saw some guy walking his dog and was a bit confused. Dogs were the same in both worlds? Were their ponies here too? She hadn’t seen any other creatures out besides the ones she had turned into. That might not have meant anything though. There were a lot of places you would only find ponies in in Equestria of course.

Street after street and store after store went by in a blur for Trixie until she found herself outside one very large building, so large it dwarfed any mansion she had seen, only things like Canterlot Castle or maybe the School of Friendship were bigger, that many people were walking in and out of.

“Mall? What’s a mall?” Trixie asked to herself as she read the sign right outside the building.

Shrugging to herself she turned and was about to leave.

“Oh, hey Trixie.”

The hello came from the entrance to the mall and Trixie wheeled about instantly to see a smiling yellow skinned girl with a fiery mane wearing a black leather jacket and blue jeans. This new person was unfamiliar to Trixie so she raised an arm and pointed an accusing finger at her.

“And how do you know who I am?!” She interrogated the stranger.

The girl seemed a tad confused. She tilted her head and her eyes started searching around as if looking for a hidden camera. “Because we’re friends?” She finally responded.

“Preposterous! The Great and Powerful Trixie does not recognize you at all!” Trixie exclaimed, she knew for a fact that there weren’t any ponies, griffons, or dragons that shared this girl’s appearance in her life.

She frowned at Trixie’s words and started scratching her head in confusion, staring at the ground and thinking. “Did someone erase everyone’s memories of me again… or did something happen to Trixie? The rest of the day’s been normal...”

“Hah!” Trixie snorted. “I’ll tell you that something happened to Trixie! I have no idea what this strange place is or why I’m here but I suddenly just find myself randomly transported to a world without magic and now I’m some strange two-legged creature and someone I don’t even know is claiming that we’re friends now! That’s what happened to The Great and Powerful Trixie!”

The girl stared at her with a nervous look on her face that just got more and more anxious as Trixie went on. And it wasn’t because they were drawing attention to themselves either. Realization quickly hit the fiery-haired girl and she gulped, taking a step towards Trixie and reaching out with her hand. “It seriously can’t be, can it?”

Trixie watched in confusion as the girl grabbed her wrist and it was like she was suddenly staring a million miles off into space. Worriedly, Trixie yanked her arm out of the girl’s grip. “Unhand me!”

But that little instant of contact was more than enough for Sunset.

“Ughhh, I can’t believe it! How are you here?!” Sunset groaned, burying her face in her hands.

“What are you talking about now?” Trixie asked the strange girl, regarding her with more than a little suspicion.

With a sigh and a deep breath to try and calm herself down, Sunset looked at Trixie and tried to think of how best to explain things. “Okay. You’re the Trixie from Equestria, right?”

Trixie’s eyes widened in shock. “You know Equestria?! How? Who are you and what is this place?”

“Yes, I know Equestria. My name is Sunset Shimmer, and I’m a pony too originally from there. This world you’re in now is magically connected to Equestria through several portals. Well, it used to just be one but now there are apparently even more to keep track of. That’s great. Totally not dangerous at all,” Sunset seemed pretty frustrated.

“Wait, you’re losing me. There are other portals to and from Equestria here? And I still don’t understand how you recognized me when I don’t know you at all,” Trixie frowned.

“Ugh, look, can you just-” Sunset looked around, realizing they were still in front of the very busy mall. “Can you walk with me for a second so we’re not standing around in a place like this?”

“Well I don’t think you need to worry about the portal I came through. It appeared in a very remote place and there was nothing in the park where I ended up and no one else came along after. So it probably disappeared after my trip,” Trixie explained to Sunset as the two walked down the street in the direction towards Sunset’s house.

“That’s good and bad,” Sunset said, her brows knitted together in annoyance at having what should have been a perfectly nice afternoon ruined by this new nonsense. “I don’t like the idea of new portals randomly springing up. Especially with the stuff they can drop off sometimes.”

While they had been walking Sunset explained to her some things about this world. The people here, and what she was now, were called humans and they had hair, not manes. Also of greatest importance was Sunset telling her that this wasn’t just some random dimension but like a reflection of their homeworld and there were many doubles of ponies she probably new back in Equestria. Including one of herself.

“But whatever, this isn’t world-ending or anything like that,” Sunset said. “The portal at my school is still working fine so we can send you back through whenever. Probably as soon as possible. It would really be for the best if you didn’t run into anyone else here who knows Trixie. Ugh, or worse. Running into the Trixie from here.”

“Ooooh, what’s the me from this world like?” Trixie couldn’t help but be excited at hearing about another version of her, even though Sunset most definitely wanted to quash that curiosity.

“Judging by the five minutes I’ve known you I’d say you’re pretty similar,” Sunset smirked. But then frowned. “But there’s no way I’m letting you meet her. Once we’re back at my place I’m gonna contact Princess Twilight and tell her you’re on your way home.”

“Wait. What?” Trixie froze. “You know Princess Twilight?”

Sunset regarded her with a raised eyebrow, wondering what was bothering her so much. “Uh, yeah? We’ve had kind of a few escapades together if you want to call them that. And the portal from my school goes right to her library. I also know Starlight, to a lesser degree.”

Trixie’s fists balled up and a look of growing fury appeared on her face. “No! No, no no, absolutely not!”

The magician stomped on the ground and raised her fists into the air, practically yelling at this point. “I refuse to rely on Twilight Sparkle for help and I will not run to her with my non-existent tail between my legs!” She reached down to grab Sunset by the shoulders and started shaking her back and forth. “Do you hear me?! We are not telling Twilight Sparkle about this at all!”

“Okay, okay!” Sunset yelled, pushing Trixie off of her. “Jeez, you’re even more of a spaz than my Trixie.”

“I merely wish to retain my dignity. The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn’t need her help,” Trixie folded her arms in front of her chest and pouted. “And besides, my wagon and all my stuff is still where I came from. I can’t just leave it there if the portal you were thinking of drops me off back in Ponyville. We need to find a way to transport me to where the portal on my end was or find it again somehow.”

“Whatever,” Sunset rolled her eyes. “Look, let’s just go back to my place for now anyways okay? That’s still gonna be the safest place for you to stay at right now.”


Trixie resumed walking with Sunset, taking in some of the sights although in a much more quiet and reserved way than before. The city seemed to be getting less dense as they walked through it, they must have been going to the outskirts or a residential area or something.

Finally another thought came into Trixie’s head. “Hey, so you’re really a pony? Were you an earth pony or a pegasus?”

“Uh, neither?” Sunset looked at her weirdly. “I was a unicorn. Why?”

Trixie gasped and stopped in midstep again. “But how?! If you were a unicorn how can you live like this without any magic?!”

“Oh. Well it took some getting used to yeah but it’s not so bad,” Sunset shrugged.

“Not so bad?!”

“There’s other stuff to do here. This world’s more technologically advanced, and there’s stuff like games and computers, and motorcycles… uh, you don’t have any idea what those are but they’re cool. Trust me,” Sunset grinned at her.

“My whole life revolves around my magic. Even if I could still do normal magic-less tricks it wouldn’t be enough,” Trixie stated. “No way could I get used to this place like you.”

“Trixie here has always done fine… sort of. Well, that’s actually a whole nother can of worms, never mind,” Sunset winced. “And if I’m being honest this world isn’t totally devoid of magic. I have a magical power actually.”

“You do?” Trixie pressed her face way too far into Sunset’s personal space. “What is it? What kind of magic is here?”

“Okay, calm down,” Sunset put a hand on Trixie’s face and pushed her away. “It’s how I figured out you were you. Remember when I grabbed your wrist? I read your mind. I can do that with anyone if I want. And yeah, there’s other magic here that came over from Equestria that can do all kinds of stuff. Me and my friends all have our own power.”

Trixie rubbed her hands together mischievously. “I’d love to see what you all can do...”

“No,” Sunset scowled at her. “Like I said-”

A loud gasp came from behind them and both former unicorns turned to see who it was that was so shocked to see the two of them talking to each other. For Sunset, it was just about her worst fears realized and she could already tell that the day was now going to get a lot worse before it started to get better. For Trixie, she was just awestruck and a growing excitement began to overtake her body.

It was like she was looking in a mirror as the human world Trixie stood on the sidewalk in front of her, eyes wide and mouth open in absolute shock.

Author's Note:

This is something I thought about doing in several of my other stories but in the end I think doing it with Trixie allowed for the most fun.