• Published 17th Aug 2019
  • 1,002 Views, 135 Comments

Trixie Searches For Magic - MagicS

The Great and Powerful Trixie is the greatest magician in the world and she will go anywhere and overcome anything to show it!

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The Great and Powerful Trixie

The massive arm of Coil’s stone golem swung down to demolish the large row house that the merponies called home, sending wood and debris sailing into the air and causing the merponies, ponies, and griffons around to run in fear of their lives. The golem stepped through the shattered remains of the building as it plodded into the village, more buildings and homes in its path that it was more than ready to destroy. The fact that it towered high above any structure in East Glade meant the villagers saw it coming from the beginning but panicked for a while when they realized their hero wasn’t around. And the early attempts to stop it by the other defenders before it made it to the village were met with failure.

“Run! Everyone run! Get to the other side of the ravine!” Gabriel yelled to the chaotic mass of villagers running through the streets. He was flying above them and trying to get as much attention as he could but people were so frightened he was having a hard time. And getting to the other side of the ravine was a temporary reprieve at best… at least his children and wife were safe together for now.

“We’ll keep trying to hold them off as best we can!” Gizzard flew up beside the mayor. “But I can’t make any promises, that thing is tough.”

Daylight Gleam, Vector, Speckle Wood, and Gold Embrace were on the ground, futilely trying to stop or at the very least slow down the golem’s movement. After some earlier failed spells, Daylight and the other unicorns were now aware that their magic would be useless against it so the two students merely threw whatever they could at it to see if they could harm it while Daylight used her magic to blast holes in the ground in an attempt to trip it up.

The lone earth pony of the group, instead of fighting the golem, was despairingly looking between its legs at the other outside unicorn calmly walking behind it.

Coil had his usual smile on his face as he directed his behemoth, surveying the damage it was causing and relishing in how it effortlessly steamrolled through any opposition.

It was a shock to all of the defenders when they had run out to attack the golem, thinking something must’ve happened to Coil’s lab, only to come face to face with the unicorn and learn that he had created the thing and what his true intentions were. They were still reeling from that revelation on top of having to deal with the blasted golem in the first place.

For better or worse Coil seemed to have no intention of directly fighting himself, merely watching the golem do its thing and controlling its actions when need be. He fully wanted to see what his creation could do on its own and if he “helped” it out against the defenders well that would just muddy his test. So for now he had only been defending himself if attacked and following in the golem’s wake.

The golem easily stepped over one of Daylight’s hastily made holes and kicked down another home. Daylight knew it would do no good but she was angry, so she fired another beam of her magic right into the golem’s face. Naturally the beam dissipated against it like it was nothing.

“Grr!” Daylight grit her teeth, turning her attention to Coil. “Coil! Why are you doing this?!”

“It’s a test run, I need to see what my golem is capable of. Sorry,” He cupped his hooves over his mouth and shouted at her.

“That’s not what I meant!” She could feel the tears welling in her eyes.

The golem then turned its attention to the defenders, perhaps by Coil’s suggestion, and raised a massive arm so it could slam its palm on top of them. Speckle Wood grabbed Gold Embrace and teleported them to safety while Daylight tried to snap Vector out of his funk before they were crushed.

“I suggest moving!” Coil shouted at them again. “I’d like to see you fight as hard as possible against my golem so please don’t get crushed so quickly.”

That seemed to do it enough for Vector and he and Daylight jumped out of the way right before the palm slapped into the ground where they had just been standing. The shockwave still knocked them flat on their backs and disoriented them, but while the golem was large it wasn’t exactly fast and the two were able to catch their bearings and scramble to their hooves, trying to put some distance between themselves and the monster.

“What are we going to do?” Vector asked Daylight as they ran. “And where’s Trixie? Did something happen to her?”

“I hope she’s okay but my guess is that Coil already took her out of the equation. As for how we’re going to stop that thing? I really have no idea.”

“Keep running, we’re here now!” The two heard from above them and looked to see Gizzard, Garry, and Gullet flying at the golem.

The griffons flew circles around the head of the golem, too fast to be caught by its lumbering movements. The thing may have been strong and immune to magic but its size gave it multiple blind-spots and places it can’t reach with its long, gorilla arms. The three griffons poked and snapped at the golem the entire time, Garry and Gullet landing on its back and trying to pull free any of the many Suggestion Crystals embedded in it while Gizzard distracted it. They all remembered that yanking out the crystal is how Trixie stopped “Goliath”.

But these crystals weren’t the same. Whatever magic Coil imbued them with made them completely immovable.

“I wouldn’t stay up there if I were you, my golem has several safety features when it comes to those hard to reach spots,” Coil said to the griffons.

A low hum came from the crystals and they glowed brighter for a split-second before discharging a torrent of electrical and magical energy in a frame around the golem. All three of the griffons screamed as they were caught in it and electrocuted before being thrown to the ground in smoking piles once the field deactivated. Coil’s golem knew well how to defend itself.

“Gizzard!” Daylight yelled as she saw him fall to the ground in front of her and Vector. Vector was too shocked for words.

The white unicorn ran up to him to see if he was okay and was happy to see that he was still breathing. But his body was charred and smoking, Gizzard would need medical attention and there was no way he could fight anymore right now. His grandsons were likely in the same state but they’d been blasted the opposite direction since they were on the golem’s back and Daylight couldn’t check on them so easily.

“What do we do? What do we even do?” Vector muttered, a glassy look on his face. It was clear to Daylight that he would be no help either anymore.

The golem started moving again after taking care of the latest annoyance, making its way through the village of East Glade and just demolishing everything in its path. Did Coil plan to have it level every single building? Right now it was steadily making its way to the town’s square, thanks to its size it would only need a few more steps before it made it to the center of East Glade, where it could have its choice of what to destroy next.

While Daylight was trying to lift Gizzard up and shepherd Vector to safety, Speckle Wood took that moment to reappear with Gold Embrace in a puff of magic. It was good that at least one of them had mastered being able to teleport. The two other unicorns helped carry the injured griffon while Daylight tried to snap Vector out of his funk.

“Vector come on, you need to get a hold of yourself, we need you right now! East Glade needs you,” She shook him back and forth.

“We need to find Miss Trixie, she’s the only one who can stop that thing,” Speckle Wood said as he fearfully looked up at the huge golem.

Daylight had more than a few cynical thoughts about that but she wasn’t about to say anything. They didn’t need to be even more worried.

“Should we just try to help everyone get as far away as possible? Can we even stop it from destroying the town?” Gold Embrace asked, probably thinking more about her children than anything.

“We can’t just let Coil destroy East Glade!” Speckle Wood said. “This is our home!”

“Homes can be rebuilt!” Gold Embrace snapped at him.

“Stop it you two!” Daylight said. “We don’t know how far Coil plans to go with this, he says he’s testing his golem’s ability to fight so he might chase us down even if he won’t bother with the rest of the villagers.”

The sound of a house being crushed reached their ears as the golem took another step. This wasn’t the time for talking.

“Forget about all that for now,” Daylight said. “I want you to try and hold off the golem and I’ll fight Coil myself.”

She knew that was likely a fool’s errand since the golem had both proven to be unstoppable and Coil himself much stronger than she had thought. But it was really the best idea she could come up with, if they all tried fighting Coil he’d just have his golem crush them at once, they needed someone to at least try and keep it occupied.

“We’ll do our best,” Speckle Wood nodded and ran off with Gold Embrace to slow the golem’s progress, first depositing Gizzard somewhere out of the golem’s way. If Gold Embrace was still hesitant about all this she was doing a good job of not showing it.

The golem meanwhile was crashing through the next row of houses, Coil still walking in its shadow. Speckle Wood and Gold Embrace continued throwing rocks and other debris at it. Speckle always staying close enough to Gold so he could teleport them to safety whenever the golem swung down one of its massive fists at them. While that was going on Daylight watched Coil, her horn lit up and she went invisible, running towards him while leaving the still useless Vector behind.

She didn’t pay attention to what anyone else was doing. Her vision was tunneled on Coil. Daylight knew if she could get close enough she could knock him out with a blast of magic before he could defend himself. As for if that would stop the golem or not she wasn’t sure but at least it would still be one less problem to deal with. The white unicorn ran over and past the wreckage of homes, carefully being as quiet as possible and light on her hooves so Coil wouldn’t hear her coming.

Their former friend was gleefully watching his golem have no problem dealing with the attacks of Speckle Wood and Gold Embrace. It didn’t even need to defend itself, it was naturally too tough for them to harm with their limited abilities. Daylight saw that as an opening and she sped up.

When she got just a few steps away though, Coil’s horn lit up and a wall of magic sprang into existence right in front of her face. She couldn’t stop in time and ran right into it, bouncing off the powerful shield and collapsing to the ground, clutching her face in pain. The disorientation caused her spell to fail and she went back to being visible as she groaned and rolled on the ground.

“Daylight, please,” Coil said as he telekinetically lifted her up with his magic. “I know your invisibility spell well enough to look for any dust being kicked up. Now if you would, I’d prefer if you kept trying to fight my golem instead of me. That’s what the point of all of this is in the first place.” He hurled her in an arc in front of the golem, where Speckle Wood and Gold Embrace went to help her to her hooves.

The golem attempted to stomp towards them when two new griffons entered the fray.


“We won’t let you do this to our new home!”

Gibble and Gouge yelled as they ran from the building they had been cowering behind the whole time, grabbing rocks and jumping onto the foot of the golem, beating on it as hard as they could. The wingless griffons couldn’t do much but even they were trying their best to defend East Glade now.

“Hahahaha, really?” Coil laughed as he watched this. “Oh well, be my guests, the more the merrier.”

The golem lifted its foot and stomped it hard onto the ground, shaking the two griffons off it. Before it could do more, Speckle Wood teleported over to the both of them and took them to safety. All of the defenders now running from the golem and just trying to avoid it as it moved deeper into the town. Anything they had done in an attempt to stop it proving completely fruitless. Kicking over one last row of houses the golem finally made it into the square that sat at the center of East Glade.

It was good that near everyone had run from the village at this point. Coil walked in behind it too, a clear path of destruction now leading from the square to the outskirts of the village.

“Do you think there’s anything we can do against that thing?” Gibble asked the defenders as they all huddled in a side street leading from the square to the bridge.

“I just… I just don’t know,” Daylight shook her head.

Vector walked into town’s square too, adjacent from the golem. His face blank and his steps heavy, the earth pony that was normally so friendly and helpful was just broken down by the events of the day. Through empty eyes he looked up at the gigantic golem that plodded into the center of the square and stopped.

“Ah, the middle of the village. Now I can see exactly how much power my golem has,” Coil said with a smile on his face. “Defense testing is over with, time for offense.”

All of the other defenders looked on in horror as the stone golem raised its arms high over its head, bringing its hands together in a double axe-handle. With the size and strength it had if the thing brought its fists down full force like this it would be like a massive earthquake going off in the middle of town, most of East Glade would probably be demolished all at once.

“Coil!” Daylight yelled. She knew the golem’s blow would likely blow them all away too.

“You’ve been a wonderful help everyone!” Coil mockingly shouted back to them before creating a tough magical shield around himself to protect from the fallout. “But goodbye now!”

The golem spread its legs and braced itself, arching its back and getting ready to land a devastating blow on East Glade. Even if the golem was defeated after this the damage it would cause not just to the buildings but the landscape would irrevocably change the home of everyone who lived here. Vector, Daylight, Coil, everyone’s eyes were glued to the tightly wound hands of the golem. The protectors of East Glade could do nothing, merely wait for the inevitable destruction.

“Stop right there!”

Coil turned around, the defenders of East Glade looked in the direction of the voice, and even the golem paused and looked over its shoulder.

The Great and Powerful Trixie stood in the middle of the ruins of East Glade that the golem had torn through, Suggestion Crystals floating over her head. With a surge of magic, Trixie fired everything she had into the crystals. A vortex was formed as the crystals all spun and merged together while being bathed in her pink magic. Rocks, wood, and other debris were pulled into the shining vortex, all mingling with the crystals and her magic while arcs of electricity and blasts of wind fired in every direction.

“TEACUP!” With a shout from Trixie the vortex stabilized and expanded, transforming into a gigantic teacup complete with saucer and teaspoon. She jumped into the teacup and levitated it all into the air, getting face to face with the golem and pulling the spoon and saucer up like a sword and shield being wielded by the cup.

“My word, are you serious right now? Alright then-” Coil snickered at her and pointed out his arm. “Crush her, my golem!”

Coil’s golem did as commanded and turned around, attempting to backhand Trixie out of the sky at the same time.

Trixie ducked under it and flew forward, striking the golem in the face with the spoon and actually getting it to wince. Trixie grinned when she saw that.

If it’s raw magic it just gets absorbed but because I’m using physical objects created from magic the golem is still vulnerable… The magician thought as she flew circles around the monster. It kept trying to knock her out of the sky but she always dodged or blocked its blows with her saucer shield. The lumbering nature of the golem made it bad for attacking something that could fly around it so easily and she wasn’t staying in close long enough for it to use its electrical surge.

But even though the golem couldn’t land a direct hit on her, Trixie wasn’t really damaging it either. Lacking the raw power needed to break its hard body.

Coil was unconcerned as he watched the fight. “Trixie, Trixie, Trixie... you’re a fake, a weakling, and an idiot. You have neither the magical prowess nor the brains to defeat me. You should’ve stayed in your cage.”

“You’re wrong,” The quiet words from Vector just barely reached Coil’s ears.

The evil unicorn raised an eyebrow and looked over to the side of the square that Vector was standing at. He grinned. “Vector, please. You know as well as I do how much of a fraud that pony is. She can’t help you.”

The earth pony shook his head. “You’re wrong about her, she’s our hero.”

“Hahahaha! You’re all too funny today!” Coil couldn’t stop himself from laughing. “My golem will show you just how useless your hero is.”

With a heavy stomp the golem stepped forward and tried to just straight up punch Trixie and her teacup out of the air. But she deftly dodged it and flew down the length of the golem’s arm, smacking it in the face again with her spoon.

“In all honesty, this is quite possibly the strangest thing I’ve seen in my life,” Daylight said as everyone else down below watched the battle.

Trixie dove around the back of the golem’s head and smacked it in the middle of its shoulder blades, to no effect. The golem was getting fed up with this though and sent a surge of electrical energy through its body with the power of the crystals, temporarily creating its electrical armor again and forcing Trixie to back off. The golem then lunged at Trixie right before the electricity fizzled out, trying to crush her between its arms. But she dipped below them and sped right into the golem’s stomach, stabbing her teaspoon as hard as she could into the gut of the stone monster.

A piece of stone was chipped away from the golem but the spoon bent from the force exerted and Trixie had to quickly fly away again to avoid the golem’s reprisal.

Coil smirked as he saw how things were turning out. “See? I was right, it was over before it started.” He shouted so everyone could hear.

This time it was Trixie’s turn to smirk. Overconfident jerk. You think I’m putting up a fight? I’m putting on a show.

The Great and Powerful Trixie flew up to face the golem. The Suggestion Crystals don’t think. They’re just objects that you’re using, Coil. They don’t care about your magic more than anyone else’s. So if I send my own little suggestion into the crystals powering your golem it’ll override your commands! As long as my magic is stronger for even just a moment… and of course it is. There’s no doubt about it. Trixie is the greatest magician in the world!

She spun the bent spoon around in her magic while the golem repeatedly tried punching her out of the air. Flying forward she feinted like she was going to attempt to stab the golem in the face with the teaspoon and the massive stone monster raised its arms to defend itself, but at the last second she threw the spoon down to the ground and the golem looked down with it, distracted. Trixie then smashed the saucer into its face.

The saucer shattered but the golem still stumbled back and completely lost vision of her as Trixie flew directly above its head in her teacup. She reached up into her hat and pulled out one last Suggestion Crystal that she had kept hidden.

“Curtain call,” Trixie smirked and leaped from her teacup while pushing the cup along with her magic into the chest of the golem.

Coil watched with amusement from down in the golem’s shadow. “That eager to get electrocuted? I suppose she finally saw how pointless her actions were.”

Trixie landed on top of the golem’s head and jammed her Suggestion Crystal into it. Before the golem could react or do anything (thanks to being staggered by the teacup) she poured her magic into the crystal and gave it a command that would spread to every inch of the golem and every last one of the other Suggestion Crystals embedded into it: Shatter!

Instead of the green lightning the golem had used for defense it was pink lightning that crawled across its body, the green Suggestion Crystals changing color to suit Trixie’s magic before they all glowed white hot and began to explode.

“What?! That’s impossible! What’s going on?!” Coil yelled in shock as he saw this happening.

From its head on down the golem began to fall apart, losing the magic that kept it together. What Coil had made to terrorize East Glade and get revenge on his former acquaintances in Canterlot turned once again into nothing but inanimate rocks and dirt. Tons and tons of it breaking apart while each and every Suggestion Crystal he had imbued with his power and implanted in it shattered.

And because of where Coil was standing it was all falling on him.

“Oh,” The blue unicorn gulped, reinforcing his shield as much as he could before the rocks buried him with the force of a crashing freight train.

Trixie rode the crashing wave down and teleported away from the collapsing golem midway in the air, falling to the ground and rolling to safety, coming right up to Vector’s hooves. Vector and all the others watched with amazement as the golem fell and braced themselves against the explosive force of something so heavy collapsing to the ground at once, as well as the blast of dust and dirt that completely shrouded the whole of town’s square for a minute afterwards.

“Geh! Gu-huck!” Trixie coughed and coughed, rubbing her eyes at the same time to get the dust out of them as she stood up. “Well, that went better than expected all in all.”

She suddenly found herself drawn into a crushing hug by Vector. “I knew you would save us! You really are the greatest hero in the world!” He was legitimately crying.

“Oh come on, no hugging! It’s embarrassing,” She struggled out of his grasp. “But yes, I am great, thank you.”

As the dust cleared, Daylight’s group looked over at Trixie and Vector.

“You two okay?” Daylight asked.

“Yeah, we’re both fine. All thanks to me,” Trixie said back to her. It caused the other unicorn to roll her eyes but she was smiling.

Speckle Wood was staring at the pile of rubble, still in awe of what had happened. “Amazing. I’m just glad that that horrible thing was stopped.”

“You and me both,” Gold Embrace said while Gibble and Gouge nodded, huddled behind the others.

“Sorry I took so long,” Trixie said to Vector as they stood together.

“Anything’s better than the whole village being destroyed,” Vector shrugged. “I was… er, not in the best state of mind before you got here.” His head then titled up, remembering something. “Garry and Gullet, we need to make sure they’re alright, and Gizzard too. He needs help!”

Trixie was about to ask where Garry and Gullet were when a blast of magic erupted from the middle of the pile of rocks that had made up the golem.

Coil dug himself out of the remains of his creation and stood on top of the rubble, panting and wheezing and covered in dust while his broken glasses hung off his right ear.

“You… you!” He glared at Trixie.

She frowned at him. “Forget it Coil, it’s over. We need to take care of the people you hurt.”

“Over? Over?! You think you can just destroy my masterpiece, ruin all the hard-work I’ve done, crush my hopes and dreams, and just say it’s over! No! I’ll show you what over is!” Coil’s horn lit up with a dangerous black light… but instead of firing it at Trixie he turned and shot it towards Daylight and the others. “Say goodbye to them, Trixie!”

A massive beam of dark energy came from Coil’s horn, racing towards Daylight Gleam, Gold Embrace, Speckle Wood, Gibble, Gouge, and the unconscious Gizzard. There was no way any of them could stop something like that. Five sets of eyes closed, waiting for the inevitable and hoping it would be painless.

It never came. Opening their eyes they saw Trixie in front of them, blocking the beam of darkness with a shield of magic after teleporting to save them.

“Trixie!” Daylight shouted.

“Teacher!” Gold Embrace said.

“Hnnnngh!” Trixie grit her teeth as she pulled out every last little drop of magic she had in her to stop Coil’s attack. Sweat was dripping down her brow, her knees were buckling, her eyes watered and a dull throbbing pain was growing in her head but still she held on even as the darkness chipped away at her shield.

“Oh for the love of—just give up already!” Coil yelled. “You’re a fake! A fraud! A loser! You can’t stop me, I’ll destroy you here and start again!”

“No!” Trixie shouted back. “I won’t let you… and I’m… I… Trixie is! Trixie is! GREAT AND POWERFUL!”

She felt a hoof on her back and chanced the danger to glance back and see Daylight Gleam putting a hoof up to steady her. Gold Embrace and Speckle Wood both followed suit, the three other unicorns lighting up their horns and joining Trixie, gathering all the raw magical energy they could draw up and funneling it into Trixie. Her shield grew brighter and stronger, the cracks disappearing and she was able to take a step forward, pushing back Coil’s beam of dark energy.

“No! No, no, no!” Coil shouted, putting as much power as he could into his attack.

But it just wasn’t enough anymore, not with Trixie’s friends and students adding their power to her own.

“Haaah!” With a final yell Trixie converted her shield and all the magic the four of them had into a rainbow blast of energy that completely enveloped and drowned out Coil’s beam. The rainbow smashed through the darkness like it was nothing, racing back to Coil and consuming him in an instant.

“AGGHHH!” He tried to look away, tried to shield his face, tried to avoid it, but the blue unicorn could do nothing and all the defenders of East Glade watched as his body was vaporized, his broken glasses the only thing left, tumbling down the pile of rocks. The rainbow then lifted and zoomed up into the sky, exploding high in the clouds and showering the entire village of East Glade in beautiful sparks.

The evacuated civilians who had been watching everything on the other side of the bridge cheered and began rushing back into the village to celebrate and thank Trixie for once more saving their village. Trixie herself collapsed onto the ground, exhausted. Her students and Daylight too took a seat on the hard ground, everyone worn out from the day’s events. Gibble and Gouge were seeing how well Gizzard was doing and Vector had waved himself off to go look for Garry and Gullet.

Trixie was breathing heavily but there was a smirk on her face. This trip had really turned into something else and she was gonna let Discord hear it once she got back to Equestria. But it was nice, given the opportunity again she wouldn’t say no. The praise, the glory, the friendships, it all turned out well enough even if it wasn’t what she expected or what she wanted in the first place. And she did feel pretty good actually being the hero and saving people. The Great and Powerful Trixie was pretty happy.