• Published 10th Oct 2019
  • 7,890 Views, 578 Comments

The Legend of Zelda: Wielders of Harmony - My Little Epona

Link wakes up in Equestria as a pony. He's lost the Master Sword, the Ocarina of Time, and Navi is nowhere to be seen. On the bright side....now Epona can talk.

  • ...

The Sage Of Water

Bon Bon slept for a long, long time.

Through the entire day, in fact. And night...and even halfway into the next morning. Thankfully Twilight had offered Link, Epona, Saria, and Darunia a place to stay in her castle, which they grateful accepted.

When Bon Bon finally did wake, she apologized over and over again for sleeping in.Link kept insisting that it was fine…and it was.

It had been good to take a little time to relax.

Twilight lead them to the rental, and they were able to get five chariots without too much trouble. The Pegasi stallions that were going to pull the chariots seemed to be amazed that they were getting payed in full gems, and didn’t ask any questions. Next was just figuring out the seating.

Saria went with Epona, because she was the smallest among them and balanced out Epona’s large size.Darunia, naturally, got his own, and Lyra and Bon Bon opted to sit together. That left three ponies and two chariots left.

In an uncharacteristic streak of introvertacy, Vinyl requested to sit alone. After making sure Octavia was okay with it, Link agreed. That left one chariot, and Octavia sat with Link.

The journey there was slow and uneventful, made longer by the uninteresting scenery of clouds that stretched around them. Link opted to spend the entire time reading a book Twilight had given him, learning about Equestria—more specifically, Neighagra Falls. He was thankful Octavia didn’t try and engage him in conversation, as the book was quite fascinating.

On the other hoof, his companion spent a majority of the time scribbling something down on a piece of paper that was weighted down by rocks. Link once tried to sneak a look and figure out what it was, but it seemed to be nothing more than a bunch of lines and dots, so he gave up and continued reading.

From time to time he looked up, checking on the others, and saw Lyra and Bon Bon talking by themselves. However, he couldn’t see Vinyl—or even hear any noise from her chariot, which he found surprising. If anything he would’ve expected her to be listening to music, or something.

After a few hours of travel, they arrived at their location. It took some persuading to make the Pegasi leave them and return to Ponyville, but after many reassurances that they had a plan for getting back to the town, the stallions galloped into the air and vanished.

The group took a short break, partaking in a small meal, then were ready to begin the next step of their quest.

“Apparently this place is a huge tourist attraction.” Link informed them. He turned, examining the landscape surrounding them.

They stood on the border of a forest, shielded by a canopy of leafy branches above them. Warm sunlight filtered through the trees, reflecting off the massive blue lake several paces away.The sapphire-tinted waves rippled in a faint breeze, and though they were a mile or so away from the attraction itself, the faint roar of the waterfall could be heard.

“But it’s an…‘off season’?” He continued, turning back to the others. “What does that mean?”

“It just means it’s not busy.” Bon Bon explained. “This place gets really popular in the fall and winter. But in spring and summer, Seaward Shoals—a seaside town north-east of here—is more popular.”

“It’s good that this off season thing is happening!” Epona said. “That way we don’t have to explain ourselves to other peo—ponies.”

“Yup.” Link agreed. “Now, we should really start searching for the next person.”

“How about we split up for this?” Lyra suggested. “We’d cover more ground.”

“That’s a good idea.” Link agreed.

“I’m going with Octi!” Vinyl whooped. Octavia sighed, rolling her eyes.

“We should form two groups.” Epona decided. “One of Saria, Octavia, Vinyl, and Darunia. The other group can be me, Link, Bon Bon, and Lyra. That way there’s a Unicorn with each group. Oh, um...can you Unicorns make...flares with your horns or something?”

Vinyl and Lyra nodded.

“Great!” Epona smiled. “If you run into trouble, send up…a red flare. If we find who we’re looking for, send up a green. If we need to meet again, send up a yellow, and we’ll get back to this spot asap. Stay together at all costs. Got it?”

“Sure.” Link said. The others nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, before we go though.” Vinyl said, waving a hoof in the air. “Who are we looking for again?”

“Ah.” Link involuntarily gave a sigh. “Her name is Ruto. At least, that’s who I assume we’re looking for here. She’s blue, and...um...looks like a fish. Yeah, that’s all I got. Any other questions?”

Saria raised a hoof. Link nodded at her.

“Do we have to look for her?” She mumbled.

“Yeah, we do.” Link said. “And Saria...try not to be rude, please.”

Saria rolled her eyes, an action that seemed quite out of character. The Equestrians exchanged confused glances. The older Hyruleans exchanged knowing ones.

“Come now.” Darunia said kindly. “It’s not going to be as bad as you think.”

“Yeah, I don’t know about that.” Saria frowned, a frown settling into her features.

“At this point, I’m too afraid to ask.” Octavia said loudly, breaking the tension as it was forming. “Now, we should really head out.” She turned to Saria, placing a hoof on her shoulder. “Are you ready to go?”

The young girl gave a gusty sigh, but nodded. The first group trotted away into the trees with promises to be careful. The second group left the forest,beginning to scout along the edge of the lake.

“So….this fish pony.” Bon Bon said. “Her name is ‘Ruto’, right? And she’s blue? Anything...else?”

“She probably has a fin or two sticking out of her arms?” Link offered. “I don’t really know, to be honest. When people turn into ponies weird things happen.”

“I wish we had a tracking spell like the one we used on Saria.” Epona sighed. “Or stupendous good luck like we did with Darunia. Maybe we’ll just trip over her buried in the sand or something.”

“I...might be able to perform a tracking spell.” Lyra offered. “I’ve never done it before, but I’m willing to try! All we need is a personal item…”

“Afraid I don’t have one of those…” Link said.

“Yeah.” Epona sighed. “Thanks for offering, but….oh well.”

Link turned away from the others, looking out over the surface of the lake. It rippled alluringly, flickering light dancing on it’s surface, the depths beneath shrouded in blue darkness.

“You know….” He said. “I can check inside the water.”

“I feel kind of nervous about that.” Epona said, frowning. “Besides, what are the chances of her being there?”

“Um, extremely high.” Link raised an eyebrow at Epona’s hesitation. “Of all places, that’s probably the one place she will be.”

“Or inside a giant fish deity.” Epona pointed out.

“Excuse me,” Lyra said, shaking her head, apparently unable to stay quiet after that comment. “A giant what?

“Giant fish deity.” Link repeated. “I really hate to say this again…but it’s a long story.”

“Of course it is.” Bon Bon sighed.

Link took a step closer to the lake, releasing his bag and setting it on the ground before digging through his inventory.

“Link….” Epona muttered.

“Just trust me.” Link pulled a large, dark blue tunic from his inventory. It was a bit of a hassle getting it on over his green one, but he finally managed to figure it out which limbs when in which places. He tugged his green hat off his head, pulled on a blue one, then tucked the first one into his inventory, which he buckled back onto his belt.

“I don’t know about this.” Epona tried again.

“I’ll be careful!” Link promised. “Keep combing the shore. I’ll be back in ten minutes—I promise.” Epona sighed, clearly still uneasy about it.

Link stepped out of his regular boots, replacing them with his heavy ones.

“Are those things soled with iron?” Bon Bon asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yup.” Link said, straining to raise his feet. It was the weirdest feeling—having four legs, but only his back end weighed down.

He stepped into the water, then gave Epona a questioning glance, waiting for a final word of approval.

“...fine.” Epona gave in. “Be careful.”

“When have I not been?” Link grinned, beginning his journey forwards.

“Many, many times before.” Epona muttered, a disapproving look on her face. “Be careful.

“All right.” Link chuckled sheepishly. “Fair point. See you soon!”

He waded farther out, dragging his iron-clad feet along. Thankfully, the water helped with the weight a little bit, making his steps easier.

The lake lapped against his legs, chilly against his coat, repelled from the slick fabric of his tunic. It rose up his body, reaching his shoulders, his neck, the tip of his chin. And then finally he submerged, coming into an entirely different world.

Once the shimmering blue of the surface closed over Link’s head, his first instinct was to hold his breath. It took him a few seconds to relax, breathing deeply of the cool damp air around him. Soft ripples washed over his body, carrying the presence of small, unseen creatures.

The sensation was nothing new, but it never stopped feeling strange.

Beneath the surface, everything was blue. The sun filtered through the waves above, creating hypnotic patterns of flickering, iridescent light on the sandy ground. Tall water plants sprouted from the same ground, pushing their way through roots, pebbles, and sand to create a forest of green that rippled in the currents. Tiny, many-colored fish darted through the air, diving behind rocks and foliage to hide from this sudden intruder in their home.

Link took a step forwards, pushing aside the weeds with a hoof. However, they refused to be tamed, the thick lengths of slick green fighting back against his effort. Sand swirled up from his heavy hoofsteps, clouding the water.

The stubborn plants, in addition to the sand, were making it nearly impossible for Link to see anything past the tip of his muzzle. After a few seconds of frustration, he flipped open his inventory, yanking out the Kokiri sword.

The fact that the grip was wet made it especially hard for him to maintain a good hold on it with his mouth. He clenched his teeth down on it, swinging his head from side to side and slashing a path through the thick plant life. Curtains of green drifted to the side, fish and other creatures dashing back and forth as their cover disappeared.

After a few minutes of struggling, Link came to a small clearing. He paused, looking up and watching the sunlight dancing on the surface of the water.

A faint smile flickered over his face.

Under the water, it looked just the same as Hyrule.

With a start, Link realized that it had probably been ten minutes already.

I should head back, he thought.

It was no easy task to shake off his heavy boots underwater, but he eventually managed. Fighting the facts that his body now wanted to drift upwards, and that he had no way to keep a solid grip on the boots, he managed to shove the item into his inventory and begin his journey upwards.

The natural buoyancy of his body took over, pulling him towards the surface.Plants brushed against his legs, threatening to entangle him, but he managed to kick them off.

He drifted high enough to see above the forest, and his eyes met with a hypnotic, endless field of rippling green, all beneath the diamond-blue of the sky-like water.

It was quite calming to look at, really.

After a few seconds, Link’s head broke the surface. He took a deep breath, gulping down the air. It was probably just his mind playing tricks on him, but it always seemed that he could never get enough oxygen beneath the water.

The shore was a ways off, but not so far that he couldn’t see the brown form of Epona pacing nervously at the edge of the lake. He struck out, swinging his arms and legs in wide strokes. He was surprised to find that it was easier to swim than he thought it would be. It actually didn’t feel all that different from when he was a human.

Link’s hooves touched ground, and he trotted up the beach, water pouring off his perfectly dry tunic.

There you are.” Epona sighed, sounding relieved. “I was beginning to worry.”

“See anything?” Lyra asked hopefully.

“Nope.” Link pulled off his hat, shaking his dripping hair—the only thing on him that really got wet. “I’m going to go again, but this time a little bit farther. There’s no need to worry. I haven’t seen anything down there that’ll be a threat.”

“Yet.” Epona muttered.

“This time I’ll be gone a little longer.” Link said, turning back to the water. “Okay?”

“Fine.” Epona sighed. “Okay. You’re probably right, that is the place she’s most likely to be.”

“No kidding.” Link rolled his eyes. “Who knew the fish pony would be in the water?”

Epona gave him a look. He chuckled.

“Before I go,” Link realized, “have you seen any sign of her up here?”

“Not really.” Bon Bon said, trotting over. “Beach seems to be pretty empty.”

“Okay. I’ll keep looking, then.”

Link slid his heavy boots on, walking back into the lake. The water rose around him again, eventually swallowing up even the tip of his hat.

Now that he was totally submerged, he threw himself forwards, yanking his iron-clad hooves up above him and entering a forwards roll.

Water rushed past him in a dizzying flash of bubbles, his momentum carrying him much farther than a normal step would.

After he came to a stop, he paused a second, letting the spinning in his head clear. Then he rolled forwards again.

The scenery flashed past much faster now. Each roll took him farther than before, tearing through weeds and rocks, kicking up sand in dark clouds, sending creatures skittering away from him.

But still….he found nothing.

Link sighed. He was incredibly dizzy now, both from rolling and from the lack of proper oxygen under the water. He waited a few seconds for the worst of the spinning to fade, then prepared to lift off and swim back to shore.

A flash of brilliant blue appeared in his peripheral vision, causing his nerves to jump. He spun around, heart pounding, searching for it.

All he saw were the endlessly rippling sheets of green, but now they seemed...sinister. They were hiding something.

The flash reappeared, this time on his other side, and he whirled around again. It disappeared into the plant forest with a flash, leaving a cold sense of foreboding behind.

Maybe it was…Ruto? Link took a deep breath, stepping forwards to where it had vanished.

The plants waved slowly, betraying nothing.

Link opened his mouth, trying to call the princess’s name. Nothing but a rush of bubbles issued from his mouth, accompanied by a warped burbling noise. He sighed.

I should return to shore. He thought. At the very least, I need to let the others know I found something….wether it’s Ruto, or….something else.

He shook off his heavy boots, tucking them back in his inventory. As the sudden release of weight caused him to drift upwards, he looked down, unease prickling along the stretch of his spine.

It looked as if there was nothing below….but he could feel something watching him. Eyes traced his every movement—he just didn’t know what they belonged to.

Link struck out before even reaching the surface, his strokes clumsy and slow underwater. Panic fueled his system, giving him unbelievable power as he sped across the surface. The shore grew nearer and nearer, until his relieved hooves touched sand again.

“You’re back already?” Epona seemed surprised as he stumbled up the beach. “That was…sooner than I expected.”

“There’s something down there.” Link gasped, clutching the stitch in his side. “I was….worried.”

“Was it Ruto?” Epona asked. Lyra and Bon Bon trotted over to them, looking curious.

“I don’t know.” Link admitted, finally regaining his breath. “I couldn’t tell. Whoever it was, they were keeping their distance. I just….had the feeling I was being watched. I’m not sure what to think.”

“Hmm.” A frown creased Epona’s face as she turned, scanning the surface of the water.

Then without warning, the lake exploded.

A mass of shimmering blue charged out, slamming straight into Link. He crashed to the sand, a wave of water flooding his face. Epona yelled a garbled curse—she’d gotten a face full of water too—and Lyra panicked, sending a stream of vibrant red light from her horn. Bon Bon’s only reaction was a startled gasp as she reared on her hind legs, preparing to attack the intruder.

Link coughed up a mouthful of water, blinking wet sand out of his eyes, and found himself pinned to the ground with a pony on top of him.

Her skin was shimmering blue, sleek and scaly rather than furred. Shimmering, flickering fins sprouted off where her forelegs bent, also forming a skirt-like ruffle off her back end. Her back hooves were strangely shaped, splitting into a distinct three-toed, webbed foot. Her large, purple eyes stared at Link, wide with excitement.

“Link!” She cried, hugging him. “It’s you!”

Link gave a sigh. He now felt rather foolish for having panicked.

“Sorry...” Lyra said sheepishly. “Was I…not supposed to panic?”

“Hello, Princess Ruto.” Link groaned. “Would you, uh, mind getting off me?”

“Oh—! Of course!” Ruto stood up, stumbling slightly. She rose onto her back hooves, quite similar to how Link had stood upon his arrival to Equestria.

Epona trotted over, grabbing Link’s foreleg and pulling him off the ground. She began brushing off some of the wet sand that now coated Link’s tunic.

“Thanks.” Link sighed, trying to help her. They weren’t getting very far—the sand seemed to have a mind of it’s own. Link guessed he would probably have to dip into the lake again to get it all off.

“Who’s she?” Ruto snapped, glaring suspiciously at Epona.

Oh, no. Link thought.

“She’s my—” He said hastily, but Ruto stepped forwards, throwing out a hoof and cutting him off.

“Look, sweetie.” She said, a condescending smile on her face. “I can’t blame you—any of you—” here she gestured to Bon Bon and Lyra, who were looking confused. “—for chasing Link. But I hate to tell you….he’s already taken.”

Epona rolled her eyes. Lyra and Bon Bon exchanged confused, slightly uncomfortable glances. Link groaned loudly, burying his face in his hooves.

There was a second of silence. Link wished he could’ve grabbed his sword and cut the tension.

“Heh.” Ruto giggled. “It’s kind of cute how you’re still here. But maybe you didn’t understand. You can leave now, because Link is mine. Isn’t that right, my fiance?” She leaned on Link, a satisfied smirk on her face.

“Wait, fiance?” Bon Bon raised an eyebrow.

“Link!” Lyra said. “You didn’t tell us you were engaged! Congratu—”

“Well, that’s because I’m not.” Link groaned, shoving Ruto off his back and stepping away. The Zora fell onto all four hooves, a pout on her face.

“Wait, you’re not?” Lyra said, a confused expression on her face.

“Oh, he definitely is.” Ruto said, trotting over to Link, except this time she opted to walk like the rest of them. “We’ve been engaged for seven years.”

“We’re not engaged!” Link said, stepping away again.

“GUYS!” Saria and the others exploded out of the trees a few feet away, sprinting for them.

Great. Link thought, stifling a groan. Just what we need now…

“Are you okay?” Darunia asked urgently.

“Yeah!” Saria said, panic on her face. “We saw your signal and—” She broke off.

There was a second of silence, broken only by the heavy panting of Vinyl and Octavia.

“Oh.” Saria said, her voice and expression totally deadpan. “You found her.”

“Yep.” Link said, an uncomfortable smile on his face.

“Um…do we know each other?” Ruto asked, squinting at Saria. The Kokiri frowned.

“Oh wait!” Ruto said. “Now I remember.” She turned to Darunia. “You’re the big dumb one,” she said, “And you’re the vertically-challenged one who was obsessed with Link.” With that comment, she’d turned to Saria. “Did I get it correct?”

Darunia frowned. Saria gave an uncharacteristic growl.

“Ruto, please don’t be so rude...” Link sighed, rubbing his forehead.

“Well, if my dearest fiance tells me too, I will!” Ruto giggled, her entire manner changing. “Why don’t you introduce me to the rest of your lovely friends?

“That emphasis was totally unnecessary.” Link muttered. Out loud, he said, “Fine.”

He turned to the others, pointing to each as he said their names. “This is Lyra, Bon Bon, Vinyl, Octavia, Epona, Sa—”

“Yes, I know the child and the giant.” Ruto waved a hoof at them in dismissal. Link began massaging his forehead again, a pained expression on his face.

“Everypony….” He sighed. “Meet Princess Ruto. She’s the princess of the Zora, an aquatic race of fish-like people from Hyrule.”

“I’m also his fiancee.” Ruto added. Saria’s scowl only deepened.

There was an extremely, extremely long second of awkward silence.

“Well.” Epona said, then gave a rough cough. “Excuse me. Um. Anyway. So….now we can leave this place! We have Ruto, so—”

“But I don’t want to leave.” Ruto interrupted. “There’s no one here—which means no one will see me. Don’t get my wrong, I can pull off anything, but the body of this kind of beast is anything but comely.”

Now it was the Ponyvilleians’ turn to frown, looking insulted.

Congrats, Ruto. Link stifled another groan. In less than ten minutes, you managed to get everyone here to dislike you.

“Well, we’re on a quest right now.” Epona said,obviously trying to explain. “And now we have to return to a village and figure out what to do next. You see, this is kind of a different world from Hyrule, and—”

Ruto gave a long, loud yawn, completely drowning out Epona’s next words.

“Oh, sorry.” She said, though it sounded as if she didn’t mean it. And her next words confirmed that. “I just...really don’t care about any of that.”

Epona blinked, clearly taken aback.

“...where were we?” Ruto said, apparently oblivious to the expressions of everyone around her.Lyra, Bon Bon, Octavia, and Vinyl’s shock, Darunia’s unhappy frown, Epona’s disbelief, and Saria’s deep scowl.“Oh yes—I’m not planning on going anywhere any time soon.” She grabbed Link’s foreleg, making him jump. “Come swimming with me! That water really is quite lovely. Small comfort, but all the same.”
Now, the collective reaction of the group seemed to be utter shock at Ruto’s attitude.

“Look,” Link said quietly, trying to ignore cold silence and judging glares of the others. “We can’t do that right now, okay? We need to go back—”

“Of course we have time for it!” Ruto giggled, dragging him towards the water.

“Hang on a second.” Epona said, her face grim as she trotted towards them. Link gave a nervous swallow. But to his surprise, she freed him from Ruto’s grip, instead of knocking the Zora princess unconscious like Link thought she would.

“I just need to talk to him for a second.” She said, ignoring Ruto’s indignant sputters as she dragged Link in the opposite direction.

“I can walk, you know.” Link raised an eyebrow. Epona ignored him.

“We really don’t have time for this.” She said, trying to keep her voice to a level where only Link could hear it, which was difficult in the icy silence. “How are we going to get her to come with us?”

“Look…” Link sighed. “I’ll just….I’ll just try talking to her, okay? I think she’ll listen.”

“I’m not so sure about that.” Epona said dryly.

“Okay, long enough!” Ruto trotted over, grabbing hold of Link again. “Come!”

All Link had to offer was a helpless shrug as he was dragged bodily into the lake. Epona facehoofed.

Ruto refused to let go of him, even in the water. She towed him a ways out from shore, then finally set him free.

Link opened his mouth to talk, but Ruto flipped over, causing a wave to wash over his head and his words to dissolve into splutters.

“It’s much better now that those other people are gone.” Ruto commented, ignoring his wet coughing.

“Look, Ruto...” Link said, treading water. He tried to maintain eye contact, but Ruto kept circling around him, making him dizzy. He shivered. She almost looked like a shark.

“This quest really is important.” He tried. “We do need to go back to that village.”

“Oh, surely it’s not that important.” Ruto giggled.

“Does the fate of the two entire worlds and universes sound important?” Link asked.

Ruto paused for a few seconds, clearly thinking, then shrugged.

Link sighed.

“Okay.” He said. “We really need to get back to shore now. Okay?” He turned around, preparing to swim.

Ruto popped up in front of his face, close enough to be uncomfortable, causing him to yelp and backpedal furiously.

“Come now!” She said. “We at least have some time to swim.”

“Listen to me!” Link begged. “Please.”

“I’m listening.” Ruto batted her eyelashes.

Link bit his tongue, fighting back the urge to groan again.

“Ganon. Is. Threatening. Everyone’s. Life.” He said, slowly and clearly. “And we need to defeat him. The next step in the quest is to go back to the village. And we need you.”

Ruto nodded, frowning intently.

“So...” Link said. “Do you get it? We need to go back now.”

“Okay, fine, but there’s one thing I want to show you first.” Ruto insisted. Link let out a frustrated sigh.

“We don’t have time!” He snapped. “We need to go!

“I insist.” Ruto said, as if she had a choice. Link rolled his eyes, but Ruto grabbed him, yanking him beneath the water.

There wasn’t much Link could do against her now. She had a vise-like grip on him, and they were swimming along far too fast for Link to grab on to anything.

He sighed, finally giving in, and let her drag him to the center of the lake.

Ruto finally slowed down, causing Link to crash into her. He shook his head, giving her a glare, but she tugged on his arm, pointing at something before them.

He sighed, turning to look, and his mouth dropped open.

There was a tall, forbidding-looking boulder planted firmly in the sandy ground. It was alien to it’s surroundings—black as night, big enough to be an island, crushed strands of plants sticking out from beneath it.

Link tried to ask Ruto what it was, but all that came out of his mouth were a bunch of bubbles and garbled noises. The Zora giggled at his efforts, shrugging helplessly.

She pulled Link closer to the rock, tapping a section of it, as if telling him to look. He peered closer, and his gaze met with a thin black crack in the stone, barely perceptible, running upwards and out of sight.

What is it?” He mouthed. Ruto looked at him, confused.

Link sighed, tugging his foreleg from her grasp and swimming down towards the bottom. Using the tip of his hoof, he wrote a word on the sand.


Ruto shrugged. She pointed towards the surface, then grabbed Link’s arm and dragged him upwards. Their heads broke the surface, and Link inhaled deeply, gulping down the welcome oxygen.

“The crack runs all the way up and over, like a giant door.” Ruto said. “But look at what’s at the top!”

Link caught sight of a giant, blue crystal set in the rock, right at the surface of the water. It looked faintly familiar...in fact, he felt like he should know what it was. But he couldn’t place exactly where he’d seen it before.

“I kind of want to touch it.” Ruto admitted.

“I feel like that’s a bad idea.” Link warned.

“I’m going to touch it.” Ruto said.

“What?” Link yelped. “Did you not hear what I just said?”

The Zora ignored him, swimming over to the rock, and tapped a hoof against the solid blue facets of the gem.

It moved.

Ruto backpedaled furiously, grabbing Link on her way. The crystal rotated, then popped free of the rock.

A furious, muted rumbling echoed through the air, like an underwater earthquake. Then the boulder cracked open.

Endless black appeared beyond it, sucking in the water like an animal lost in the desert. The two Hyruleans were yanked along by the force, hurtling towards the dark abyss.

Link managed to grab a passing rock, wrapping both of his forelegs around it. Ruto sped past him, reaching out desperately, but she was swept out of reach and vanished into the blackness beyond.

Author's Note:

Yep, finally, an update! Sure hope I didn't lose any readers with that month-long hiatus.....
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! It's going to take a little longer for the next one to come out--turns out I'm terrible at writing dungeons.😅
Yeah that's right. I'm making them go through the dungeon. Anyway, can't wait to see what ya'll think! Hope you enjoyed this as much as I did!