• Published 10th Oct 2019
  • 7,890 Views, 578 Comments

The Legend of Zelda: Wielders of Harmony - My Little Epona

Link wakes up in Equestria as a pony. He's lost the Master Sword, the Ocarina of Time, and Navi is nowhere to be seen. On the bright side....now Epona can talk.

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Two Days in a Train

Dawn of the Second Day--early morning.

Today everyone had a rather….rude awakening.

In fact, it has only been around twenty minutes since I opened my eyes, and as a consequence my hooves are rather unsteady. I hope my handwriting is still legible.

But as for the event itself….

Everyone was sleeping peacefully, and then the most horrid sound went off. It seemed that Vinnil, who had gotten “bored”, decided to awake us with her new bass cannon jr. I believe she calls it a “boom box”?

It’s strange.

The sound had us all immediately awake and out of bed, ready to be attacked by some ferocious monster. But all we saw was Vinyl, sitting with her boom box….completely unscathed.

Why all of her favorite songs include the tortured screams of cuccos….I will never know.

It took us all quite a bit of time to recover from the traumatic experience, but it certainly did nothing to curb the appetites of these peo ponies. In fact, it did not take them long before they decided to get something for breakfast.

When they left, I chose to stay behind….perhaps I’ll eat later.

For some reason, I am not very hungry. I’m not entirely sure why, but...whenever I think of the others I’ve befriended, wandering around this land with no clue of where they are….it sort of kills my appetite.

I wish that this train would go faster. I want to reach these “Dragon Lands” as soon as possible.In fact...I want to finish this quest as soon as possible.

Not that I’m not enjoying my time with these ponies. But I...honestly miss Hyrule. It’s sweet green fields, the peaceful stretch of lake Hylia….

Above all I miss my human body.

Ah, I think the others are returning now. They sound quite talkative, so it’s probably best I draw this entry to a close.

May the goddess protect you.


Afternoon of the Second Day--mid-afternoon.

Today, I learned much about those who have accompanied me. (I finally learned how to spell Vinyl’s name correctly, for one)

On the subject of names, I learned that everyone has peculiar last names. Octavia’s is Melody, Vinyl’s is Scratch, Lyra’s is Heartstrings, and Bon Bon’s….well, she says her name is just Bon Bon.

Among this onslaught of information, Saria decided to introduce her last name as well, which is “Deku”. When she said this it startled me, as I had almost forgotten the communal last name all Kokiri share. As technically we were all brothers and sisters under the parentage of the Deku Tree, we had the same last name….“Deku”. Once I realized I was a Hylian rather than a Kokiri, I decided that I wouldn’t use that name anymore….as it didn’t seem right. So I became just Link…..and memories of the name I once owned drifted away.

I feel I’m getting too melancholic now. So perhaps I should lighten the mood.

In addition to names, today I also learned a bit about Equestria….mostly about the Dragonlands. I learned they are a very hot, volcanic place across the ocean—and, unsurprisingly, full of dragons.They are ruled by a Dragon Lord, who holds almost total dominance over them all. Apparently, these dragons are quite different from the one I met in Hyrule….that is, Volvagia. They have intelligence, and are capable of reason.

I learned all of this from Lyra, who is surprisingly knowledgeable about this land.

Of course, her help did not come for free. In return for the information she gave me, she asked many questions about Hyrule. I answered them as best as I could….she asked much about our culture, and to be perfectly honest….as someone raised in a isolated village with totally different customs from the outside world, I was not of much help.

But now, she seems to be satisfied.

She’s currently sitting across from me, looking over the extensive notes she took during her interrogation. (I mean that term in the best way possible) Bon Bon is sitting next to her, reading a book. Vinyl went off somewhere….to be fully honest, I’m not entirely sure where. Epona’s sleeping...but on the floor beneath me, as she’s too large for a bed.Octavia and Saria are sitting on a chair not far from her, playing the ocarina together. Saria borrowed back her old ocarina from me, and lent her current one to Octavia.

They get along surprisingly well….in fact, I did not expect a friendship such as their own to exist. Despite the age difference, Octavia seems to look up to Saria.

Ah...now she’s teaching her some of the basic songs I heard her play when she was first learning. They’re quite simple, consisting mostly of scales, along with the occasional chord progression.

.....to be quite honest, I hope Saria doesn’t teach her the song she taught me….that is, her song.

Saria’s Song.

It may be strange, but I’ve always felt as though that song was ours, and ours alone. It was my one link to the past when I left the forest. My one link to her.

It feels special.

Perhaps...perhaps it is just me. The close quarters of this compartment must be getting to me. Perhaps I should leave and stretch my legs.

It would do me good.

May the goddess protect you.


Night of the Second Day, late night.

It is quite late—or should I say early? I’ve lost track of time. Perhaps I shouldn’t even be dating this entry as “dawn”.

Currently, I’m writing this by the meager light of the moon that shines through the window. I should be sleeping….but for some reason it escapes me tonight.

The sky outside looks so peaceful. Less stars adorn the sky than in Hyrule, but the moon seems ten times larger and brighter than it does back home.

Heh…“back home.”

I don’t exactly have a place to call home, do I? I am a wanderer, sleeping wherever night finds me. Though Saria and the Deku Tree assured me I always have a place in the forest...Mido told me to never return. It’s ironic that after all these years, I’m still following the orders of someone who used to be my greatest enemy. I remember thinking he was evil incarnate.

Now….I know just what true evil is.

Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I’d never left Kokiri Village in the first place. If I’d stayed safe, completely unaware of what was occurring outside of our haven until it confronted us directly.

I would’ve been different….no doubt, when it came, I would have cowered in the face of evil.

I should be glad I had to leave...I should be glad I was tossed into this insane adventure.

I should be glad I was forced to grow up.

Well, this entry has escalated greatly since I started. That is surely a sign that I need sleep.

Perhaps it is time I close this book and retire.

May the goddess protect you.



Afternoon of the Third and Final Day, early afternoon.

Today has been an eventful day—in fact, so eventful I didn’t even have the chance to write until now.

I spend most of today learning about the culture of these ponies—and I must say they come up with some strange things sometimes. Their holidays, for one.

I mean, who celebrates a holiday that revolves specifically around dressing in costumes and begging for candy?

But aside from my newfound knowledge on their society, I have also spend quite a lot of time learning to function with this new body.

Apparently, ponies do write things with their mouths. I find it strange, but I agree that the way I do it tends to be slow business, as well as making your hands hooves cramp up.

The hardest thing so far is trying to figure out how to lift and carry things without my hands. I also attempted to practice with my sword….

I’ll be honest, even if it hurts my pride.

That did not end well.

Not only did I end up almost giving Lyra a free haircut, but I managed to lose control of my sword and actually cut myself on the face.

Saria bandaged it—I had no idea she was studying healing, but her method certainly worked. I may have a faint scar, but for now I’m just getting over the embarrassment of having a massive wad of cloth taped to my face.

I concluded that using my mouth to wield my sword maaay not be the best idea. But how else am I to do it? I still haven’t worked up the courage to try and use my bow….

Actually, Bon Bon has offered to help me with relearning my skills. I’m kind of….glad I have others to accompany me. It still feels strange, but these ponies are starting to grow on me.

Well. It seems I spoke too soon. Octavia just got in an argument with Lyra.

I suppose….I really should go help Epona break it up….

May the goddess protect you (and me!).


Night of the Third and Final Day, late evening.

I’ve been told that tomorrow, we’ll finally reach our destination.

I’m anxious to be there...in fact, I wonder if my nerves will even let me sleep tonight. I know it’s a seaport town we’ll be arriving at, called Baltimare.

How these ponies come up with such strange names for their towns, I have no idea.

I hope we will not have too many problems securing a ride across the ocean. I’m beginning to wish we’d taken the princess’s offer of help, even though I trust Bon Bon to find us something. I wish the Bolero of Fire would work….I’m betting it would take us straight to the place we need to go. It would certainly be a lot faster than this train ride...even though I’m grateful for the extra time to reassert control over my own body.

I’m sure I’ve said this before, and I’m definitely sure I’ll say it again, but….

If there was one thing I expected to happen to me on my main quest, it was not traveling across time and space and turning into a horse. Or pony. Or Earth Pony. Or whatever these strangely adorable, squishy-looking creatures are called.

I’m so confused by this point.

Well, the others are deciding to turn off the lights now. This is where I must end my entry, for I can’t see the moon through it’s veils of cloud tonight. It may be some time before I can write again, as our adventure resumes tomorrow.

May the goddess protect you.
