• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 14,811 Views, 721 Comments

My Life As A Royal Changeling - Tangent

A middle aged brony finds herself inexplicably replacing Chrysalis as the new queen of the hive a few decades before a certain pony prophesy comes to fruition. Now the new queen must decide what direction to take the kingdom she inherited..

  • ...

Chapter 6

"I don't want to wake her up! You wake her up!"

"No! You wake her up!"

"No! You wake her up!"

"Hey! I just said that! No fair!"

"Would you idiots stop arguing about who has to wake up our Queen and just wake her up already!"

"Why don't you do it!?"

There were, Queen Whatevra Wa'Nabe relflected, far more pleasant things to wake up to than a group of changelings huddled together nearby, arguing in harsh whispers with each other over who had to wake you up.

"I have seniority. Someling other than me can wake up our Queen."

Releasing Katydid, Queen Whatevra quietly instructed the relieved attendant. "Snacks. Popcorn or something like it if we have any."

"Yes, my Queen," Katydid nodded before sneaking past her fellow attendants.

"Exactly! You have seniority, so you have responsibility!"

"I have never woken up our Queen before..."

"Of course you haven't! She was just born yesterday!"

"I meant even our previous queen, Chrysalis, you dolt!"

"So you shirked your duties even then!"

"I've been a royal attendant for over ten years! Do you think I would have lasted that long under Queen Chrysalis if I shirked any of my duties!?"

"In a heartbeat, if you thought you could get away with it!"

"Exactly! Which is why I'm delegating responsibility! You do it!"

"Fine! I delegate too! You do it, Ladybug!"

"You can't delegate to me, I'm your own sister!"

"I was laid first!"

"Well, I hatched first!"

Katydid snuck back in with a bowl of puffed love snacks, hoofing it over to the queen, and then sitting down when Queen Whatevra patted a spot next to her on the bed. The two then shared the snacks while they watched the others continue their argument.

"Let's delegate to Junebug!"

The attendant in question just levelled a gaze at Ladybird and Ladybug.

"Let's not delegate to Junebug!"

"Agreed! Katydid, you wake up our Queen!"

"Don't have to," Katydid snarked. "She's been up for a while now."


"She's right, you know," Queen Whatevra Wa'Nabe said with a grin. "Now care to explain why the four of you, while in what I am assuming is my bedchambers, felt the need to argue about who had to wake me up?"


"Perhaps, once I've figured out what I should be forgiving you for. First, some questions."

"Yes, my Queen," they all replied in near synchronicity.

"Introduce yourselves."

They all started talking at once, stopping abruptly when their sovereign glared at them.

"One at a time, starting from the left. I already know Katydid's name, so she's exempt. Begin."

"I am Junebug. I have been a royal attendant for the past five years, and am usually partnered with Mayfly on nightshift."

"I am Mayfly. I have served your mother loyally for over ten years and hope to serve you as faithfully during your reign, my Queen. As Junebug has stated, we normally see to any needs the queen may have during the night."

"I am Ladybird. My sister and I have been royal attendants for the past three years, having joined together. We rotate shifts with other attendants you have not met yet."

"I am Ladybug, the sister Ladybird just mentioned. We also acted as chaperones last night even though we weren't on nightshift and Mayfly and Junebug were."

"Hey!" Mayfly hissed her objection, presumably over being thrown under the proverbial bus, while Junebug remained stoic.

"Did anything happen?" Queen Whatevra Wa'Nabe asked.

"Nothing more inappropriate than snuggling, my Queen," Ladybug reported. "Katydid attempted to extract herself from your grasp several times during the night, but did not succeed."

"Alright then. Katydid, you're off today. Get some rest. You two as well, Ladybug and Ladybird. Junebug, Mayfly, attend me."

"Yes, my Queen," all four responded once again in near synchronicity.

All in all, Katydid mused as she left the queen's chambers with the two sisters, the morning was going a lot better for her than she had expected.

*O o O o O*​

Fully inspecting the hive spire took the better part of a week. In part due to the shifting nature of the internal structure, which tended to rearrange itself on a semi-regular basis barring only a few select facilities, and in part because Queen Whatevra Wa'Nabe actually placed some priority on getting her education up to speed. Particularly her literacy, as she actually wanted to be able to read what was in the Royal Archives sooner rather than later.

At the moment she was hung up on discerning the vowels (the pointy bits) from the consonants (the other pointy bits), and the fact that their syllabus for learning their alphabet literally started off with "A is for Anger, B is for Bored, C is for [CENSORED]…" was both funny and depressing at the same time. And her tutors were both amazed and appalled by her progress.


"That's a double-u, my Queen," Spelling Bee corrected, his tone dripping with condescension.


"That's the a, my Queen." Really, while Humblebee could be snarky at times, he at least came across as amused, whereas Spelling Bee sounded like the only reason he could be bothered to teach his sovereign was because he had been instructed to do so by said sovereign.


"That's an o, my Queen." It was quite obvious to Queen Whatevra Wa'Nabe that Spelling Bee had no actual desire to actually be there, teaching her, when he could presumably be off doing whatever it was he had been doing before (which, she later found out, had been writing an in-depth and very rudely lettered critique of the latest edition of volume three of the Encyclopedia Equestria, in which he had painstakingly pointed out each and every spelling mistake and grammatical error he could find).


"That's the a again, my Queen." And there it was again. That oh so special tone that gave Queen Whatevra Wa'Nabe the feeling that Spelling Bee thought she was a blithering idiot.


"That's also the a, my Queen."


"So close. That's actually the s, my Queen."


"That's not a letter, my... Oh, I see what you did there, my Queen. Very droll. Should I send in the next tutor?"

"Please do. And report back to whatever duty you were pulled from. I only fired you as my tutor." The Noble Grammarian and Publication Society of Equestria would not be thanking Queen Whatevra Wa'Nabe anytime soon for releasing Spelling Bee back to his self-appointed task of pestering them relentlessly. On the other hoof, once several schools in Equestria had compared notes and discovered that the reason that the books they were forced to rely on so much to teach their students were now being held to the same exacting standards that the NGPSE inflicted on everypony else, they decided to start hosting a celebratory interschool competition honoring Spelling Bee (oddly enough, the competition they chose to honor Spelling Bee with was a bake off featuring copious amounts of pi).

"Thank you, my Queen."

"And can someling bring me that book that was written in contemporary new ponish again? I could actually read that! Why do all of our letters have to look like eye gouging sharp angles and bug-splats anyway when we speak the same language that our neighbors do?"

"The history behind the basis of our particular alphabet is quite fascinating..."

"That was a rhetorical question."

"But it may be relev…"

"Rhetorical. Question."

"Yes, my Queen. I'll see myself out."

It took a while, but a tutor who was able to instruct the new queen without making her grumpy and irritable was eventually found. And once Queen Whatevra Wa'Nabe felt that she was sufficiently far enough along to pursue self study, she placed the newly renamed Luminous Syllabus in charge of educating a cadre of nymphs, to see if her teaching methods were better suited for the task than those currently used by the hive's educational system.

*O o O o O*​

Of course, even with the ongoing inspection tour, between spending so much time getting her education up to speed and the shifting nature of the hive itself, some things managed to escape the new queen's notice until they caught her attention in a big way.


"Yes, my Queen?"

"Did I just see a bunch of changelings..."

"Cluster, my Queen. A gathering of changelings is known as either a cluster or a swarm, depending on the overall size."

"Right." Well, at least Humblebee came across as sounding like he wanted to be genuinely helpful, even when he was snarky, which counted for a lot in Queen Whatevra's book. "Anyway, did I just see a cluster of changelings hauling what appeared to be an airship up the side of the spire?"

"I wouldn't know, my Queen. I saw no such thing myself, but I may have been looking in a different direction."

"They were right over there, visible through the window that was there only a moment ago."

"Give it a quarter hour, my Queen. I'm sure the window will open up again within that period. Perhaps the cluster with the airship will still be there at that time."

"I think that I'd prefer to meet them at their destination."

"That might not be wise, my Queen."

"Why not?"

"That's one of Honeydew's projects, my Queen. She's attempting to discover how airships fly."

"I see," Queen Whatevra stated in a tone that clearly indicated that she did not, in fact, see anything of the sort. "That still doesn't explain why it wouldn't be wise to meet them at their destination."

"This will be the third time that Honeydew has attempted to launch this particular airship. The second time she tried making the ship lighter."

"Well, that would be a step in the right direction."

"By reducing the size of the... I believe it is called an envelope?"

"And that's a mad dash in the exact wrong direction. Lead the way, Humblebee, I must speak with this Honeydew..."

*O o O o O*

"Now get in the test craft, Beaker."


"Don't be silly, Beaker! You'll be perfectly safe this time! We lightened the load by removing the envelope entirely this time, so it won't be there for you to get tangled up in again if it achieves negative lift results. Stop being a sissy!"


"Actually, you'll want to replace the envelope with a larger one rather than getting rid of it."

"Well, excuse me whoever you are, but who's the scientis… My Queen! Forgive me, my Queen!"

"You are forgiven. For now."

"Right, right. Now, you were saying?"


"Not now, Beaker."


"Quiet, Beaker, can't you see that the Queen is speaking with us!?"

There was a snap and a sudden grinding noise of wood scraping across stone as the airship Beaker was on slid off the top of the spire and began it's third decent to the ground far below, much faster than the previous two attempts.


"MIMIMIMImimimimimimimimimi!!!" CRUNCH

"Will he be fine?" Queen Whatevra Wa'Nabe asked, her voice filled with concern.

"Oh, he'll be fine. This sort of thing happens to him all the time."

"Look, for the safety of the hive, I'm going to have you move all of your projects to... That mesa over there. I'll assign a security and safety detail for the protection of you and your staff. Just try not to get yourself or anyling else killed."

"I shall endeavor to do my best, my Queen! ah... Which mesa was that again?"

"That one. The black mesa."

"That's more of a burgundy, my Queen. Quite lovely, but not actually black at all, I'm afraid."

"Oh, trust me. It will be black soon enough." If nothing else, she expected that the mesa would be darkened eventually by Honedew's own experiments. And possibly Flambé's as well, as this seemed like a prime opportunity to relocate the little pyromaniac before she figured out how to ignite stone...

Author's Note:

Okay, that's it for all six of the chapters that I had already posted on SpaceBattles.

Chapter seven is in progress, but nowhere near finished, so this is the end of the daily updates.