• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 14,812 Views, 721 Comments

My Life As A Royal Changeling - Tangent

A middle aged brony finds herself inexplicably replacing Chrysalis as the new queen of the hive a few decades before a certain pony prophesy comes to fruition. Now the new queen must decide what direction to take the kingdom she inherited..

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Chapter 8

Captain Mayhem reflected on how far they had all come during the months since Queen Whatevra Wa’Nabe had assumed the throne. Under Queen Chrysalis, the only permanent military unit the Badlands Hive could be said to have had been the Royal Guard, commanded by Captain Meta Knight. Which, due to their connection to the Throne of Gandahar, could not actually leave the Badlands without losing the empowerment that made them so effective as defenders of the hive. The best training that a changeling could otherwise hope for under the late Queen was if they happened to be lucky enough to have been able to temporarily replace an officer, soldier, or mercenary of either Equestria or the Confederation of the Wastes. Or, if they were very fortunate, both.

Queen Whatevra Wa’Nabe had deemed this to be inadequate, and had thus had set out to fix this issue straight away. On the very day she was born. Granted, the initial motive seemed to be the new Queen’s fear of giant spiders invading the hive-spire from below. Something that only ever happened in nymphs’ stories and really really old history books, but Mayhem didn’t consider it to be her place to question how necessary the mission the Queen had set them on actually was. If her Queen wanted Mayem to hunt for closet monsters, then closet monsters were what she would hunt.

The fact that this closet monster hunt came with exceptional training was just a bonus, really, and Mayhem knew better than to look a gift lover in the mouth (for one thing, the dietary requirements of other races sometimes made this practice a little disquieting - especially if they didn’t brush their teeth first).

And it wasn’t like they weren’t doing anything useful during their search for their long absent ancestral enemies, as it had been long enough since the last time the various tunnels and caverns below the Badlands had been charted that the maps had gotten more than a little out of date. Mostly due to the activities of Maulwurfn, tatzelwurms, and the occasional foray of Diamond Dog miners poking around for gems. Not that changelings got lost easily, given the constantly shifting nature of the hivespire they lived in, but it was nice to have at least a general idea of where things actually were in the more static regions of their kingdom.

“Another set of new tunnels,” Lieutenant Calamity noted. “Tatzelwurm work by the look of them. The rock in this area is just soft enough for them, and we’re far enough away from the hivespire to be outside the protection of the Throne at this depth.”

“There’s going to be another sinkhole at this rate,” Mayhem observed. “If I’m right about where we are, then this is about seventy-five klicks north by northeast of the hivespire. Nothing of value above ground, and nothing more notable between the surface and us than a long abandoned Diamond Dog warren.”

“Wouldn’t that be within the anti-magic zone? I know the field doesn’t spread as far underground, but even this far out it should still be running deep enough to drain away any expressed magic not produced by a Changeling that close to the surface.”

It was different above ground, where the anti-magic field was apparently shaped like a huge cylinder or dome (noling could really tell, since the field itself wasn’t actually visible other than how it affected any expressed magic that didn’t come from a Changeling). Below the ground, the field was more like a compressed disc or lens in shape, even though it did still ran pretty deep into the Umbradepths under Gandahar.

“I was there for the raid Queen Chrysalis sent to clear them out. Apparently these particular Dogs brought mining tools with them rather than simply relying on their claws. We still have them in storage if you want to see them sometime.”

“The Dogs or the tools?”


The two officers grew quiet as Sergeant Inky trotted up to them. “Sirs, Flambé and Frost have come across another pony camp. Waspinator says that it looks older than the last one we found. He’s pretty sure he can now track the pony who made them both though.”

Captain Mayhem thought about it for a moment, before coming to a decision. “Do it. Once you find the pony, stay back and observe unless they seem to be in trouble and send Waterbug and Aphid to come get me.”

“Yes, Captain!”

“Now where’s your designated buddy? The Queen said never to separate our units down past two buddies if we could at all avoid it while we we on this mission.”

“Clyde is dropping off copies of the charts we made and picking up more quills, inks, and parchments, Sir.”

“Fair enough. Try not to get separated outside of any of the camps.”

“Yes, Captain!” And, with that, Sergeant Inky was off to rejoin his buddy.

“We’re not capturing the pony?” Calamity asked.

“Not unless they seem dangerous, or happen to match any Equestrian wanted posters that we know are still current,” Mayhem shook her head in response. “Queen Whatevra Wa’Nabe intends to make diplomatic overtures with Equestria some time in the next few years, so it would be helpful if reports about peaceful encounters with us started filtering into their rumor mill.”

“We could just fake those.”

“Yes, but this gives us an opportunity to have a report backed by a pony that isn’t actually an infiltrator who has to return eventually. Apparently, eye witnesses that don’t spontaneously disappear after a year or two are easier for other governments to accept for some reason.”

“Weird. Then again, ponies do tend to form more long term associations than other races, if what we’ve seen in the Confederation of the Wastes is any indication. Should I have the other sergeants bring their squads in? It’s one thing to spread out like this when all we have to do is keep track of possible tatzlewurms, but a pony complicates things.”

“Somewhat. Have them tighten the overall search spread, but keep the size of each squad between four to eight members in a group. We don’t want to leave any one squad too weak to fight off one of the big tunnelers until reinforcements arrive, nor do we want to risk losing too many at a time to any one tunnel collapsing on them. We’ll reorganize again once we’re back in a more stable section.”

The Changelings of Gandahar were still getting used to the differences between how their late Queen, Chrysalis, had run things and how their new Queen, Whatevra Wa’Nabe operated. One of the biggest being that the young Queen apparently cared more about their lives than the old Queen had. Not that either of them were wrong: their subjects were their subjects, to use and direct as the Queens saw fit. The Changelings just had to… adjust… to Queen Whatevra Wa’Nabe’s personal style.

Mayhem idly wondered if the ponies would have to make similar adjustments if the rumors she had heard of their Queen’s selection of an apprentice with a similar design on her flank turned out to be true. The Confederation hardly had proper leadership to speak of as far as anyling could see, but noling could deny that Equestria was successful. Maybe that was why Queen Whatevra Wa’Nabe wanted to forge an alliance? After all, with Queen Chrysalis having died in childbirth, the young Queen had no one with proper experience in the hive to teach her what noling remaining in the hive really could.

“Do you think it’s time to contact the Queen, since we now know that the pony is heading deeper into our territory?” Calamity prompted, drawing Mayhem out of her musings. The young Queen encouraged her officers to think, but the Changelings were still getting used to how to properly balance between thought and action now that they were expected to do some of the process themselves. Granted, they were also getting used to having officers other than the Captain of the Royal Guard, and Captain Meta Knight hardly interacted with anyling other than his fellow guards prior to training the new army.

“All we have to report so far is two camps and a general heading for a single pony, but you’re right. The Queen probably would want to know that there’s a pony heading deeper into Gandahar. I’d also like to be able to tell her why, but it’d probably be a good idea to contact Queen Whatevra Wa’Nabe so she can decide how we are to proceed with contact.”

There was a muffled rumble and a wash of air traced with barely noticeable flecks of ice and cinders.

“Apparently the Dirty Pair have found the Tatzlewurm,” Calamity commented dryly.

“They prefer to be referred to as the Lovely Damselflies.”

“The Queen has referred to them by both designations.”

“The Queen isn’t down here with them. We are.”

“The Queen has referred to them by both designations, to their faces, while reprimanding them for explosively redecorating the Black Mesa facility last month.”

“She’s the Queen. She’s automatically far scarier than anything those two could come up with on their own.”


“Besides, I think the Queen was more irritated that their stunt didn’t actually paint the Black Mesa facility black.”

“I’m still wondering where they got that much dayglow yellow myself.”

*O o O o O*

Moonbeam peeked out from behind the stalagmite she had hidden behind and stared at the half crispy/half frozen remains of the giant worm monster that she had been running from. The head was even more horrifying now that she was able to get a proper look at it: it had a huge head with a triple jawed mouth large enough to swallow a pony whole; inward angled teeth intended more for preventing food from escaping than actually chewing, and several tentacle-like tongues.

“Eeep!” One of the tongues just moved!

Only to be frozen in place and then blasted with fire, just like what had happened to the bulk of the creature only moments ago, albeit on a smaller scale this time.

She could barely see her rescuers against the background of faintly glowing lichen (broken up by numerous pitch black splotches that she now realized were freshly dug tunnels bored through the rock by the worm thing). They were… pony shaped, at least. With eyes that shone bright blue with the reflected light from her lantern. And… Was something wrong with their legs? It was hard to tell with them standing almost all the way out of the light cast by her lantern.

Maybe these cave ponies were like the ones from that time machine novel? Marelocks or something like that? Oh, she hoped not. Marelocks weren’t nice ponies, even if they could sort of be held at bay by bright lights.

“Are you okay?” one of the shadows asked in a concerned tone. Oh, good, these cave ponies were civilized! Moonbeam suddenly felt much better about her situation than she had moments ago.

“Thank you so much!” she gushed, her voice heavy with relief. “That giant worm thing surprised me and started chasing me! I was trying to circle back to where the surrounding rock was granite rather than sandstone, but I think I took a wrong turn…”

“No,” one of the cave ponies interjected. “Had you gone another twenty paces in the direction you were running, you would have reached the pocket of granite you were looking for.”

“Well, still, I am really grateful for the rescue regardless.” Oh, right, she needed to introduce herself… “Ah… My name is Moonbeam…”

“I am Flambé, and my partner’s name is Frost. Our Queen has designated us as her Lovely Damselflies.”

“Queen, eh? Well, I knew I wasn’t in Equestria anymore anyway, but I never even dreamed that there were any kingdoms under the Badlands.”

“Oh, Gandahar is not just under the Badlands. The entire basin is the sovereign territory of our Queen.”

“Are you really sure that you should be telling this pony that much, Flambé?” the one apparently called Frost asked in a cool tone.

“Nah, it’ll be okay. I’m being duplicitous!”

“I think you mean diplomatic.”

“Same thing, right?”

“Hardly. And if you were using the right word, then you were doing it wrong.”

“Was not!”

“Were too!”

“Was not!”

“Were too!”

“Was not!”

“Were too!”

“Let’s ask the Captain!”

“You were using it wrong, Flambé,” stated a voice, suddenly, from way too close behind Moonbeam. She spun around and got a really good look at what could only be a Bug Pony. With lots of other bug Ponies right behind her. Moonbeam’s body chose that exact moment to give her brain a break and settle down for an impromptu nap…

*O o O o O*

“...and that is the situation as it currently stands to the best of what I have been able to determine from my troops and my own observations, my Queen,” Captain Mayhem’s voice reported crisply through the scarab-comm system’s voice only mode (which only required two of the specially enchanted talismans at this range and depth beneath the surface).

“I see,” Queen Whatevra Wa’Nabe replied. “Copy Paste was right to forward your call to my immediate attention.” She idly noted that the clerk had perked up at this comment, seeming to be pleased with a job well done. Whatevra let the assumption stand as it was correct in this instance. Copy was at least trying to do well with her current assignment, and could be trusted to dutifully register and duplicate each report that came through her without bias or embellishment, even if she did have some difficulties with determining what needed who’s immediate attention and what could be left for weekly compiling and review.

“Have someone familiar with Pony bedding arrange something reasonably comfortable for Moonbeam to rest on while she recovers,” Queen Whatevra Wa’Nabe instructed. “And set her supplies nearby so that she can see that they have not been taken from her. She is to be guarded but not detained. I wish to speak with her once she awakens, but allow her to fully awaken at her own pace and try to put her at ease.”

“Yes, my Queen!”

“Without using any spells, potions, or venom unless it is actually medically necessary.”

“...Yes, my Queen!” The slight hesitation before Captain Mayhem’s reply told Queen Whatevra Wa’Nabe that she had made the right call in issuing the additional instruction. Her little Changelings were learning how she wanted them to do things, but they still had a long way to go.

“I will remain available until moonrise. If she has not awoken on her own by then, pod her and bring her back to the hivespire to hand off to our medical specialists, then report directly to me immediately afterwards even if my aides have to awaken me. I will inform them and my guards to be prepared for this eventuality so that they will not be surprised if you try to reach me in my chambers.”

“Yes, my Queen!”

“Now, before I end this call, is there anything further to report.”

“No, my Queen. That is everything I have to report at this time.”

“Very good. Then I will leave you to your current duties. Dismissed.” Breaking the connection, Whatevra left the communications hub, heading back towards the Royal Archives. Then thought better of it and decided to head for Intel and Coordination instead. Moonbeam sounded vaguely familiar and she didn’t know why, so she was going to check to see if any recent reports had come through Gandahar’s intelligence network.

If not, then she was going to have to try to remember where she had heard of a pony by that name from her previous life. Which was going to be a headache, as Whatevra knew that Moonbeam was neither a major nor recurring character from the show itself. Maybe a minor role or a one-off? Or possibly an OC from some other source?

Oh, this was going to bug her for a while. Hopefully it would either come to her or otherwise turn out to be unimportant, but for some reason the young queen felt that remembering who Moonbeam was might turn out to be very vital indeed...