• Published 15th May 2020
  • 7,230 Views, 128 Comments

A Shadow of Your Former Self - anonbecause1

Every citizen of the Crystal Empire seemed to go through memory loss after the 1,000 years banishment. What if King Sombra did as well?

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Chapter 14

It was the 14th, this was the one she had been looking forward to the least. Moon Dancer used to be one of her friends from Canterlot but she left without telling her goodbye. Now she not only had to apologize for being an awful friend in the past, she also had to deliver the bad news about Sombra. She didn’t know how much more she could take, she had one more delivery after this but every one she made only brought misery. It was clear now that Sombra was important to the lives of so many but his absence would bring peace to an entire nation.

What was right in this situation?

Spike tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention and pointed to the pony in the far booth. Sombra had emphasized to not be a second late for this appointment, Moon Dancer had apparently become very sensitive about that sort of thing. Wonder why.

“Moon Dancer?” The disheveled mare looked up at the princess. “It’s me, Twilight. Do you remember me? We used to be friends?”

Moon Dancer scrutinized Twilight who smiled wider out of awkwardness. Moon Dancer rolled her eyes and picked up her menu to put a barrier between them. “Look Twilight Twinkle, I don’t know what you want but I’m very busy. I’m supposed to meet somepony in 5 minutes so I don’t have time to reminisce.”

“Um, it’s Twilight Sparkle and um. About that.” Twilight levitated the letter right in front of Moon Dancer’s snout. The mare wrinkled her nose in annoyance but she had never refused to read something put in front of her a day in her life. She grabbed it in her levitation field, “Sombra won’t be coming tonight. He… was arrested a few days ago. He’s really sorry but the letter should explain everything.”

Moon Dancer dropped the letter to give the princess her full attention. “Arrested? For what? He wouldn’t even take candy from the free candy bowel without asking the secretary first.”

“I’ve come to realize that this news comes as a shock to ponies who know him but I’m afraid it’s true.”

Moon Dancer opened the letter, “It is his hoof writing. His punctuation is terrible.” Her eyes scanned over the letter. She squinted at it a few times as if not able to comprehend what was written. She must have read it three times before she gave Twilight her attention again.

“This always happens. I should have known.”

“Are your friends usually arrested for international crimes?” Spike asked hesitantly.

“He’s not my friend! I don’t have any friends!” She looked Twilight right in the eye, “Never have.”

Twilights ears flattened against her head in shame. “I really need to apologize to you. I know I was a terrible friend in the past and that I probably hurt you and I’m so, so sorry for causing you pain. If there is any way to make it up to you-“

Moon Dancer shoved the letter into Twilights chest to move her out of the way. “You can start by leaving me alone. I don’t need your pity, and I certainly don’t need your friendship.”

“Moon Dancer wait!” But the mare was already out the diner’s front door. Twilight hung her head in defeat, now she had a deferent problem on her hooves. Spike picked the letter up off the ground to read it himself.

“Wowh. Sombra was going to ask Moon Dancer out on a date.”

Twilight sighed, “Terrific, so far I’ve traumatized a sphinx by reminding him of his dead mother and broken up two relationships. I’m done for the day; we’ll visit Shady Scholes tomorrow and come up with a plan to get Moon Dancer some friends.”

“Sounds like a good idea.”


Daisy Chain made the best coffee, the perfect distraction from giving her Sombra’s letter. “This is the best coffee I’ve ever had. I wish I knew about your restaurant; I would have gone there all the time.”

“It was why I was in business for so long. Sold it off to some youngsters but I’ve heard it never did as well without me.”

Twilight smiled at the kind mare. She was so nice and had been all around the world with her husband Cartwheel. She could just talk to her for hours.

Yep. Just a pleasant conversation until her husband got back from fishing. Nothing hanging over her head at all. No other reason to be here today. Nope.

“So, you’ve met the previous dragon emperor?” Spike asked as he pointed to one of the photos in Daisy’s scrap book. The old mare took the book from him and turned to a page with a larger picture of them surfing on lava together. Spike ‘oohed’ and ‘awed’ over the picture of a much younger Daisy Chain causing the dragon emperor to wipe out with Cartwheel in the back holding up a supportive sign.

“Once you mastered surfing on water, you can surf on lava. I actually prefer it; the sea is unpredictable but lava is always consistent.”

“That’s amazing! Do you think you can teach me?”

“Of course, what good is there in living next to a beach if you can’t teach the young to shred some sick waves.” They high-fived as Daisy showed him the next picture of Cartwheel holding her up high on a mountain so she could moon a passing Storm King’s ship. “This was last summer. The one taking the picture is our friend Sombra, you can tell because his hoof got in the way.” Daisy pointed to the grey blob taking up a third of the picture. “Poor dear never was much of a photographer. Half the pictures he took were completely unusable.”

“S-Sombra?” Twilight stammered; Daisy Chain looked at her oddly.

“Yes, do you know him?”

“Know him, why would I know him, doesn’t ring a bell hahahaha…” She took a large sip of her coffee. Daisy came over and took the cup from her as politely as she could.

“I think you’ve had enough.”

Twilight sighed, Spike placed the photo album down to sit next to her and offer some emotional support. “The truth is we came to deliver a letter from him to you. But I think it’s best if Cartwheels back first so you can read it together.”

Daisy set Twilights cup down as she climbed up into the adjacent arm chair. “Is he dead?”

“Not exactly.”

Daisy straightened herself up in the chair, “But it’s not good.”

Twilight and Spike shook their heads at the same time.

“I see…” Daisy seemed to consider the situation before reaching her hoof out. “Give me the letter dear.” Spike and Twilight shared a look before handing the letter over. Daisy took it and read it calmly, even took a sip of her own coffee as she read. When she was done, she folded it back up and set it down. “I’m sorry you had to be the bearer of such bad news. He should have gone to everypony himself before turning himself in. I don’t know if this was cowardice or his need to get unpleasant things over quickly. Maybe both.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“Why? Nothing to do with you. If anything, I’m grateful for your charity. Takes a wonderful mare, and dragon, to travel across Equestria on behalf of a pony on death row.”

“You’re not upset?”

“I am but not at you, not even at him, just at how things turned out. Cartwheel got mighty attached to him in a short amount of time. So, did I to be honest. We have three foals but they’re all ‘busy’ and I understand but it was nice having somepony visit and write so regularly.”

“He seems like he made a lot of time to make sure everypony knew they were valued.”

“Except at the end.” Daisy pointed out as she held up the letter. “I’ll tell my husband for you; you’ve done more then enough already. I’m sure you’re both tired.”

“We are.” Spike admitted.

“Thank you again for your hospitality.”

“My pleasure, come back again if you want under better circumstances. I do mean it about the surf lessons young dragon.”

“Thanks Daisy Chain.”

“Bye, bye now.” Daisy waved the princess and the dragon off before looking at the letter on the table again and sighed. “Poor old coot is going to be heart broken.”