• Published 15th May 2020
  • 7,246 Views, 128 Comments

A Shadow of Your Former Self - anonbecause1

Every citizen of the Crystal Empire seemed to go through memory loss after the 1,000 years banishment. What if King Sombra did as well?

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Chapter 17

“I feel just awful about all of this.” Fluttershy admitted during her Tuesday tea with Discord.

“Yes well, nothing to do but move on and deal with the consequences.” Discord said while inspecting his tea cup before taking a bite. “Is this clay my dear? How thoughtful of you to mix it up. Porcelain is good but it was getting a bit old.”

“I’m glad.” But her face did not concur, perhaps now was a good time.

“You know that was not the conclusion I wanted Twilight to make.”

“I know.”

“You did?” Discord disappeared from his spot on the ceiling to face Fluttershy more directly, “Then why didn’t you stop her!”

“I thought it would work out. It usually does. But now everything is a mess and everypony is so upset.”

“Everypony except the ponies from the crystal empire and the small-minded equestrians who liked the pretty light show.” Discord pointed out, he snapped his fingers and a portal to his dimension opened up. “Why don’t we move this to my place? I’m feeling too chaotic for this conversation.”

“Oh, of course.” Fluttershy set her tea cup down and grabbed a couple of butterfly nets just in case. “Did the seeds I give you for your garden grow?”

“They did,” Discord ushered the mare into the portal, pointing at the underside of some floating debris in the ether. “You were right, planting them in a place where the air would be less stifling did them wonders.”

After inspecting Discords garden, Fluttershy suggested some fertilizer just to be safe and they entered his home to continue their visit. Fluttershy found a seat on a lamp instead of a chair, she found lamps more comfortable in this dimension and it seemed to make Discord happy when she embraced the absurdity.

“I like your new soda fountain in the sideboard. Did you think of that because of the alliteration?”

“Oh, you know me so well my dear. Soon I won’t be able to surprise you at all.”

Fluttershy giggled, “I doubt that. May I catch some butter-fly flies?”

“You’ll need this.” He snapped his fingers and a Venus fly trap made of bread appeared. Fluttershy giggled again as she took it.

“See? You surprise me every day.” She looked at Discord like the world had been lifted from her shoulders. “Thank you, I needed this.”


They both ran around the house holding their carnivorous wheat products, trying to get close enough to the condiments for the ‘plants’ to snap. After enough flies made out of butter or butterflies made out of peanut butter were caught, a ‘leaf’ would grow a perfect crustless sandwich for them to enjoy. Fluttershy was having so much fun that she almost didn’t hear the moaning.

“Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?” Discord asked, hoping the noise would not repeat. It did.

“That. It sounds like it’s coming from down stairs.” Fluttershy began to make her way upstairs knowing it would eventually loop around. Discord appeared in her way. “It’s probably nothing, realm of chaos and all, odd noises all the time for no reason.” Fluttershy looked at him oddly and flew past him.

“I’m sorry to disagree but no. There is always a reason for noises here, maybe the boiler has a tummy ache again. We don’t want it to cough up orang sludge all over the house.”

Discord reappeared in her way again, this time in a plumber’s outfit. “I love orange sludge, it’s the best sludge, reminds me of my friend the Smooz. You remember him? He says hi by the way.” He began to push the mare back the way she came. “I’ll take a look at it when you go home. In the meantime, have I showed you my latest vacation photos?”

Fluttershy gasped, Discord looked around and froze. He had forgotten that in this realm, the fastest way to your destination was to turn back when you were almost there. He had inadvertently pushed Fluttershy where he least wanted her to go.

“Oh, poop.”

“Discord.” Fluttershy flew over to the hospital bed; a steady drip of shadowy ooze feeding into a comatose Sombra. “Oh my, he doesn’t look good at all.” She tentatively touched the stallions resting hoof.

Sombra was alive but that was about all you could say. His skin had cracked like porcelain to reveal whips of smoking shadow. He looked to be in great pain and barley breathing. Discord wandered up to stand behind Fluttershy, she looked at him with pleading eyes.

“Please tell me the truth.”

Discord sighed, “I knew that even if Sombra was ‘good’ that the elements would kill him. He’s a Umbrum, not a pony. They’re very strong but incredibly weak to even the simplest of light magic. The crystal heart is barely anything in the grand scheme of things and even that would kill him. I wanted Twilight to realize that she was already the best judge and to make a choice on her own. You all have too much faith in the elements as artifacts, they can be dangerous too.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I tried! I even tried convincing Sombra to advocate for himself but the fool was so set on being a martyr; it was over too fast! The mare who punched Twilight had a point you know.”

Fluttershy looked sadly at the sleeping male, “Is there anything we can do?” She looked back at Discord, “Why didn’t you tell me you saved him? Twilight is so upset.”

Discord tapped his claws together nervously, “I…Still wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to do, even after it was done. It seems like whenever I make a choice that I feel is the right choice, it all goes terribly wrong.” He got down on his knees to look Fluttershy in the eye better, “I can’t hurt you again. I won’t be able to stand it.”

Fluttershy placed her hooves on either side of Discords face, he leaned into the touch, she smiled. “Is that why you’re kneeling?”

Discord looked a bit confused until he thought about what he just said again and laughed. Fluttershy soon joined him as they held each other. Sombra started to cough and ruined the moment, Fluttershy flew back to his bedside.

“We should get him to a real hospital.”

Discord got ready to snap his fingers, “If that is what you think is right.”