• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 25,000 Views, 1,581 Comments

"Little Pony" - ButterscotchFTW

Second chances are often times a rarity. Yet, when some higher power decides to bestow one upon you? You tend to make sure it isn't wasted.

  • ...

Chapter 58

In Between Chapter 56 & 57 - Luna’s interlude.

"Unhand me you stupid overgrown pony!" The Queen would continue to struggle against Luna's magic as she dragged her along the winding tunnels of the hive. Luna let out a puff of air as she lit the way with her horn and dragged the changeling by her hooves. "I will not let you- mmph!" Luna snuffed her speech by wrapping her magic around her mouth.

"I preferred when you were hissing, bug," Luna said as she sent out a pulse of magic as she stepped into a much larger opening. A few screeches and clicks were beard before various figures fell from the ceiling, falling unconscious as soon as they hit the floor.

The Queen let out a hiss as Luna stepped over the forms of her children, but as ignored as Luna glanced up at the spiral of unused cocoons along the walls. A disgusted grimace formed on her face before she started popping them with her magic. Short but precise beams shooting out of her horn as she cleared out the room.

"Unhand the Queen!" A masculine voice hissed out from behind Luna. This caused her to spin around on her hooves and narrowed her eyes as they landed on a taller armored changeling. They wore an officer's hat, it looked old, most likely pilfered from Equestrian guards in the past.

"And what makes you think I shall do that?" Lyna would respond as the changeling unsheathed a sword. "Are you going to fight an alicorn, little changeling?" She said in an amused tone.

The officer gritted his teeth, "no.. but she Is," he said before stepping to the side as Luna titled her head in intrigue. Her eyes fixated on the glowing eyes she could see in one of the dark entrances above them. The eyes were massive as they blinked and moved, a deep hiss filling the room as Luna shifted her footing.

The rapid movement of many feet was heard before two large black hooves reached out and showed what seemed to be a regular changeling. Albeit larger as it stared at Luna, the princess readied her horn, but gave pause as the changeling exposed its full form.

A large centipede-like body unraveled from the darkness as it lowered itself to the floor, skittering closer and shifted its eyes over to the Queen.

"I've faced beasts thrice the size of you," Luna said as she tossed the bound Queen aside and gave the centipede-changeling hybrid her full focus.

Its mouth opened wide, its fangs razor sharp as mandibles outstretched themselves, it's for rearing up before lunging at Luna.

The princess let a smile form onto her face as she unfurled her wings and took to the air as the changeling pulverized the ground where she once stood. Sending rocks and hive material everywhere as if quickly glided across and leapt up at her. She shot a beam of magic at it that sent it careening in the opposite direction.

It crashed into a pillar, taking a chunk out of it as it crawled around it, climbing upwards and onto their ceiling as Luna shot more beams at it.

A ball of green viscous spittle formed in its mouth before it shot it out, Luna rolling to the left as the spittle bubbled and melted the wall it landed on.

"Peculiar," Luna said as she charged the monstrosity head on. There was a hint of excitement within her as she charged it head on. A shield blocking another glob of acidic spit before she reared a hoof and socked it across the face as she collided against it.

It let out an echoing shriek as her strength sent It flying back, it crashed onto the floor, it lifted itself up and spit out a mandible that had come loose. Its eyes narrowed dangerously before it charged again, it's own horn glowing as tentacles of green magic shot out like vines.

Luna simply took this in stride, her grin growing bigger as she sent her magic out towards it.

As the two beings clashed, their powers creating bursts of light and sound, Luna felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins. She had always enjoyed a good challenge, and this centipede-changeling hybrid was definitely a nice challenge to her rusty combat skills.

But Luna was not one to back down easily. She dodged and weaved through the tentacles of green magic, her wings fluttering gracefully behind her. With each move she made, she felt more confident, more in control. More like her old self.

The changeling, however, was not giving up. It lunged at her again and again, its sharp fangs and mandibles snapping dangerously close to her face. But Luna was always one step ahead, always anticipating its moves.

Finally, with a blast of her magic, Luna sent the changeling flying across the room. It crashed into the far wall, leaving a large dent in the stone.

Luna landed gracefully on the ground, her wings folding neatly behind her. She approached the fallen creature cautiously, ready for any last-ditch effort it might make.

But the changeling lay still, its body twitching slightly as it breathed its last. Luna sighed in relief, her heart still pounding with the thrill of battle.

She then walked over to where the armored changeling was still trying to remove the bindings that Luna placed on the Queen. It lets out a myriad of hisses and clicks before jumping and turning to look at her.

"Well, now what did we learn?" she said with a head tilt.

The armored changeling hissed and clicked in response, its eyes darting back and forth as if searching for an escape route. Luna raised an eyebrow, amused by its defiance.

"I see," she said, nodding slowly. "You've learned nothing at all."

With a flick of her horn, Luna summoned a beam of light that enveloped the changeling, rendering it powerless. She walked closer, her eyes fixed on the struggling creature.

"You know," she said, her voice low and dangerous, "I have a particular distaste for those who would harm my subjects."

The changeling hissed and thrashed about, but it was no use. Luna's magic was too strong.
"I suggest you remember that," she said, her tone leaving no room for argument.

With another flick of her horn, Luna released the changeling from its bindings and watched as it scurried away, its armor clanking against the ground.

Luna turned back to the Queen, who was looking at her with a venomous glare. Though she simply turned and lit her horn again as she started walking back the way she came from, dragging to Queen along with her as her magic reached deep into all the passageways and nooks and crannies of the hive. The tendrils of deep blue magic grabbed onto either conscious or unconscious changelings and started dragging them towards her as she stepped back into the room where she’d saved Speckles.

She admired the unconscious changelings around her and the ones that were promptly dropped into the room by her magic and let out a small sigh, that was quite tiring. But nevertheless she materialized a letter and used her magic to write words on it before rolling it up and teleporting it back to Canterlot Castle. Luna then turned and dropped the Queen unceremoniously onto the floor and stepped into the center of the room, she lit her horn and placed a hoof up to it, she focused the magic into her hoof before stomping it down into the ground.

The area around her pulsed with magic before she took a few steps back and watched as a deep blue pillar formed out of the ground, it stretched out into a sort of platform with a swirling vortex hovering in the middle.

She smiled, Star Swirl made it very easy to long distance teleport if you just put down an anchor to and from your destination.

“Now, we wait,” she said as she plopped down onto the floor.

Meanwhile Celestia was face first in a cake, absolutely devouring the baked treat before pulling her head back at the sound of an item being teleported to her. She looked up with the crumbs and icing of the cake and used her horn to grab the letter out of the air.

Celestia wiped the crumbs and icing off her face before opening the letter with her magic. As she read the contents of the letter, her expression grew serious.

"This is urgent," she muttered to herself. Before glancing down at her cake, "I've run out of cake."

Then her serious expression turned into one of relief, "finally Luna," she muttered before using her horn to grab onto the anchor that Luna had thrown through the magic field and watched as a platform and a swirling vortex appeared off to the side where she was sitting.

She then turned to where an earth pony guard stood resolutely near the door, “My little pony,” she said to catch his attention.

“Yes, princess?” he quickly saluted.

“Please gather your fellow guards and tell them to meet me here, oh, and tell them to bring cages and binders,” she said with a smile as she nonchalantly floated the cake up and tossed it into a trash can.

The guard nodded but internally grimaced, the barracks were halfway across the castle, and he would have to take a shortcut through the maze if he wanted to get there quickly. So without saying anything more, he turned and booked it out of the room, his hooves clapping along the tiled flooring as Celestia watched briefly.

It took a good bit of time before three separate pulses of magic popped into the room, each pulse with a unicorn at the head of a group of royal guards, each group had a couple of decent sized cages that could fit many different creatures inside of them.

“We are going to assist Luna in capturing the changelings from their hive,” she said as she stood up, brushing the cake crumbs off her regalia and coat. She took a deep breath and stepped onto the platform, feeling a familiar rush of magic as it lifted her up and carried her through the vortex.

She then blinked as she appeared inside of the run down interior of the changeling hive, her eyes flicking around before landing on Luna as her younger sister stood up, “Sister! It took you long enough,” she said with a smile.

“I see you have been busy,” she said as she glanced at the giant hole in the wall and at the various amounts of changelings laying on the floor unconscious.

“Very,” Luna nodded.

Meanwhile one of the lieutenants was standing nervously at the front of the vortex, he turned and looked at the rest of the royal guards, “Do I really have to go in first?” he said with hesitation.

“You drew the short hoof,” one of them said, “tough luck.”

“That game is unfair, I have short hooves,” he said as he sighed.

“Who cares, go in.”

He sighed before adjusting his helmet and stepping into the vortex.

The other looked at each other, “well, I don’t feel his magic being snuffed out,” one of the
unicorns said as he lifted up one of the cages with his magic. “So I guess we’re good to go.”

Luna curtly dodged a conversation with her sister after they did the laborious job of dragging all the changelings back to the castle and into the dungeons, and then making sure that there weren’t any changelings left. And then she had to make sure that none of her guards or her guards were changelings, which cost her a few hours as she had to capture twenty or so compromised guards. Much to her annoyance because she thought that Celestia had already taken care of them, but nevertheless, she did that and then more of that.

And now she was in her room, kicking off her shoes and floating her crown onto her bedside table, and then taking off her chest piece before she threw herself onto her bed, a deep groan coming out of her as the exhaustion from the day hit her. Though it was muted by the plushness of her bed, she still groaned as she rolled over.

Her job wasn’t done yet, she still had to go into the dreamscape and see if anyone was having nightmares, dying in their sleep, getting possessed by shadowy ponies, and just watching over to make sure things were all right.

She also had to check in on Speckles and see if he was alright. And that made her groan even louder, that foal was very ridiculous when it came to his dreams. If only he would simply let her into his dreams and to talk, and or help him with his feelings, everything would go along smoothly.

But no, that foal had to kill her, place a stupid maze in his head, and then kill her again!


But without further delay, she lit her horn and casted a spell that knocked her out instantly, her loud snores filling the room as she dived into the dreamscape. She sighed and watched as the myriad of doors started falling into place, the hallway extending as all of the doors started appearing with their names hovering over them. She then walked forwards and pressed a button on the side of the start of the hallway, the doors shifted and the hallway started sectioning off into small sectors before she pressed on a letter and watched as it moved like clockwork.

The doors shifted and shifted until finally, Speckle’s door appeared in front of her. If she could call it a door, because she had no idea what she was looking at. This was completely different than it was last time, the chains were gone and instead was a wall of bright yellow fog. It was dark in some places and lighter in others, but she simply tilted her head before stepping into the fog.

A strange sound echoed around her as she stepped out of the fog and looked around, only to grimace as she recognized the long and winding walls all around her, “Faust damn it, Speckles,” she muttered to herself.

Princess Luna continued her journey through the twisting and turning maze, her horn glowing brightly as she illuminated the path ahead. As she walked, she came across a passage that seemed to lead into a large room.

Curiosity piqued, Luna cautiously made her way through the passage and into the room beyond. The space was dimly lit, but Luna's horn illuminated the area and she saw that she was in a grand hall. The room was vast and circular, with a high ceiling that seemed to stretch up into the darkness.

In the center of the room, Luna saw a group of figures gathered around a large bonfire. She was both curious and apprehensive at what imaginative manner of creatures these were. The foal was very creative with what he used in order to hinder her progress in his dreams.

She still shuddered when she thought back to when the child made a disfigured version of her sister attack her.

Nevertheless, she stepped into the room. She turned and jumped when the entrance she came in from had a murky yellow fog billowing from it, she couldn't see through or even put her hoof through

As she looked towards the center of the room was a massive bonfire, its flames casting a warm glow across the arena.

What surprised her more was the sudden jump to action in the center of the room.

The figures themselves were a sight to behold, clad in ornate armor and wielding blazing swords. They moved with a fluid grace, their bodies twisting and turning as they fought one another in a dance of death.

The sound of clashing swords echoed throughout the arena, accompanied by the occasional grunt or roar of exertion. Sparks flew as swords collided, and the room was filled with the acrid scent of burning metal.

The figures fought with a ferocity that was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. They moved as one, their blades striking in perfect unison. Each warrior seemed to anticipate the other's moves, their instincts honed to a razor-sharp edge by years of endless combat.

The battle seemed to go on forever, until finally two armored figures stood remaining in the carnage. Luna was albeit horrified, actually very intrigued and felt a sense of respect for these creatures, even if they were fictitious. It had been many millennia since she'd seen actual combat, and despite the violence and chaos, there was a strange beauty to the scene. The figures fought with a fluidity and grace that was almost poetic, their swords traced intricate patterns in the air.

But her wonder and awe was cut short as the two figures turned and locked eyes on her, their towering hunched form straightened as either of the two raised their blades. A sword and a dagger drenched with the blood of the fallen combatants, with which they shifted their feet and crossed their blades over either arm.

A sense of apprehension started filling Luna as things were looking as if she would have to fight these creatures. And looking down at herself, she didn't have any weapons and her magic was predictably ineffective against the child's constructs. But even so, she lowered her head the slightest bit and spaced her hooves to match their dispositions, her eyes narrowed as she honed in all the years of combative experience she'd garnered. Her hooves would have to suffice for now.

But from the endless darkness above, a bell rang. She paused and glanced up, taking her eyes off her two opponents as they stood silent. She squinted and took a few steps back as something narrowly missed hitting her.

Luna looked down and saw a scythe lying at her feet. It was a beautiful weapon, with a long curved blade and a sturdy wooden handle. She picked it up, feeling the weight of it in her hoof.

Strange, but everything about this colt was strange.

But it didn't matter right now, this was one of her favorite kinds of weapons, she thinks she still has her own forged one in her personal chest back at the castle. And to be honest with herself, she was eager to use the scythe.

Luna raised the scythe and charged at the figure, eager to test her skills against theirs. The figures moved swiftly in turn, their blades flashing in the dim light of the bonfire.

The sound of the ringing bell echoed around them as they clashed, their weapons flashing in the firelight as sparks flew, she spun the scythe around as she parried and redirected the quick flurry of attacks that they were throwing at her. Her teeth grit and her heart races with excitement as she feels herself actually having to put more effort into the fight.

The figures fought with a ferocity that matched Luna's own, his movements fluid and precise as he swung its own weapons at her. Luna spun her weapon around, deflecting their blows and redirecting its attacks with ease.

As they fought, Luna felt her heart racing with excitement. She had fought many battles before, but this one felt different - more exhilarating, more alive. She could feel the adrenaline pumping through her veins, her muscles straining as she parried and dodged.

The sound of the ringing bell echoed around them, its steady beat punctuating their every move. Luna and the figures circled each other, each one trying to gain the upper hand.
Suddenly, the figure lunged forward, their weapons flashing through the air. Luna dodged to the side, feeling the rush of air as the weapon whistled past her ear.

She spun around, bringing her own scythe up in a swift arc. The weapons clashed, sparks flying as metal met metal. Luna pushed forward, using all her strength to force the figure back.

For a moment, it seemed as though she had gained the advantage. But then the figure regained his footing as the other lunged forwards as well, the three of them were once again locked in a fierce struggle.

Their weapons flashed in the firelight, ringing out against each other with a deafening noise. Luna's teeth were gritted, her hooves pounding against the stone floor as she fought with all her might.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, the figures stumbled back, the two falling to their knees. Luna stood panting, her scythe held at the ready.

But the two simply looked at each other before nodding as they glanced up at her, and as if they were never there, the two figures disappeared in a yellow mist, as well as the room around them as it shifted back into the familiar look of the maze. She glanced down and watched as her scythe also disappeared, she let out a breath of air and looked back up.

That was.. Strange.

Author's Note:

Like the chapter? Because I had fun writing it. I'm having even more fun writing the one after it.

I forgot how fun writing was. Anyways.

Meanwhile on the next episode:

"So you got kidnapped?"


"By changelings?"





"I know."

"And you're friends with a wonder bolt?" 

"I'm also living with one."


"Mhm. But don't tell anyone."

"I'd say they wouldnt believe me but, dude, shes sitting right in front of me."


"Dude!" He said as he shook me back and forth.

"Yep." I said with a nonchalant grin.