• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 25,051 Views, 1,582 Comments

"Little Pony" - ButterscotchFTW

Second chances are often times a rarity. Yet, when some higher power decides to bestow one upon you? You tend to make sure it isn't wasted.

  • ...

Chapter 65

Author's Note:

I live. And I changed some things about Equestria's history, and will do so, albeit slightly, in the future.

Twilight was in a panic, Why? – because she was Twilight Sparkle. Resident librarian of Ponyville, Element of Harmony bearer, destroyer of Cheerilees kinder – prestigious student of Princess Celestia. She had to shake her head at the stupid memory of a spell gone wrong and instead focused on how Princess Celestia was going to absolutely admonish her for messing up her missing of utmost importance, stalking a chi– no, watching! Watching a foal. It was completely justified, Princess Celestia gave her explicit reasoning as to why. Also, was there ever a reason to doubt Celestia’s judgment? Twilight didn’t think so, never did she once doubt her mentor, and never did Celestia once let her down.

Moreover, panic was readily settling in as she paced around the center of the library, the bright purple manifestation of her aura encompassing a literal tornado of books as she tried to find the historical, theoretical, and or falsified reasoning that Captain Spitfire gave Rainbow Dash. From the book denoting the earliest bits of information that was recorded before the Unification Era, to every single bit of recorded history of Ponykinds form of law and rationality. She could, for the life of her, not find anything close to: “The Hurricane Clause.” Even when she narrowed down her search to a hoof full of books, about a hundred or so that all dealt with Ancient Pegasi.

She even reread all five thousand pages of Commander Hurricane's autobiography. Unfortunately, it was the censored version of the book, since Princess Celestia had the original uncensored version of the book back in her own personal library and refused to let Twilight read it. And while she trusted Princess Celestia's words, she was still disappointed that she wasn't able to read it. She was a grown mare, she could handle reading through a historical figure's traditionalist views.

But even then, there wasn’t a mention of the clause in any sense in any of these books.

“What are we looking for again?” The slightly bored voice of Spike, her loyal assistant, caused her to pause momentarily and glance over to where he was handing an ice pack to Rainbow Dash. The latter let out a small wince as she took the ice pack and pressed it against herself, though still gave a brief thanks to Spike as he turned around and focused his attention on Twilight.

We - are looking for anything in this library that mentions the existence of a: “Hurricane Clause”, which I have to imagine was created by Commander Hurricane if the name didn’t give it away,” she trailed off to herself as she turned back to the books floating around her. She used her magic to rapidly flip through the pages of the book before sighing dropping it onto the floor and floating another in front of her.

"I've practically torn this place apart tr-" Rainbow Dash let out a snicker to herself, though let out a small wince as she pressed the ice pack closer to her face. Her reaction brought an unamused expression to Twilight's face as she shot a warning look at Rainbow Dash before turning her attention back down to where Spike was standing at attention.

"Spike," she said when she cleared her throat and looked down at him. "Do you think you could go back and look through the book titles I've already gone through just in case I missed anything?" She asked as she set another five books back down in their place on the shelves before pulling another ten from the shelf to its left. "I'm currently looking from W to Z," she said as she looked down at the baby dragon.

"But that's more than half of the whole library," Spike said after a moment of realizing what Twilight said to him. His eyes narrowed for a few moments before widening in slight disbelief. But then he let out a small sigh and nodded his head, "Alright Twilight, I'll do it."

"Thanks, Spike, you're the best!" Twilight said as she brought the dragon into a brief hug before setting him back down and engrossing herself in the books around her once again.

Spike smiled to himself for a moment before turning and walking over to the left side of the library and preparing himself to start the daunting task of making sure Twilight of all ponies didn't overlook something. It happened, sometimes.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was still running the ice pack along her scrapes and bruises, quietly thinking to herself as she alternated from watching Spike to watching Twilight. Her brows furrowed as the memory of her absolutely getting blitzed by Speckle's mother played once again, causing her to frown in slight embarrassment. If any of the other girls found out that she lost to a meager housemare, she would never live it down. Especially since Fluttershy never forgot these kinds of things, so whenever they'd have a disagreement in the future, she'd mention Rainbow Dash getting bested by Hazel in that passive-aggressive tone of hers.

She sighed, trying to brush off the thought. Instead, she thought of the main focus of why Twilight was in such a panic. The Hurricane Clause, she'd never heard of it before. And Twilight would've probably mentioned it before if she knew about it, but seeing that she didn't, Rainbow Dash was still forcing her mind to think beyond her usual simpler thoughts.

Hurricane Clause..

"Hmmm..." She said as she set the icepack down next to her and rubbed at her chin with a hoof.

Oh wait, now that she thought about it. She did remember Fluttershy mentioning something along those lines when she took that one class back in flig-

A knock at the door caused two of the three inhabitants to jump, while Spike simply looked down from where he was standing on top of the ladder he used to reach the higher shelves. "You know, you should really place a sign outside saying that people don't need to knock to enter a library," Spike said as he made to climb down the ladder.

"I got it, Spike," Twilight interjected as she looked up from the books that were in a spiral around her. She took the time to set them all down on a nearby table before shaking her head and walking over towards the door.

Rainbow Dash turned and watched as Twilight opened the door to Captain Spitfire, like she said she would, she arrived and greeted Twilight before asking if she could step inside. The purple unicorn nodded before taking a step back and letting the yellow pegasus in.

"So I bet Rainbow Dash has already told you why I'm here?" Spitfire said as her gaze trailed from Rainbow Dash to Twilight. The latter of the two bit back the instinct to flinch at the shift in the pegasi's tone, it felt a lot more intense than she was used to.

"Yes, it was the first thing that Rainbow Dash told m-" Twilight was interrupted as Captain Spitfire held up a hoof, causing the purple unicorn to pause and look at her with some confusion.

"Now that you're aware, I'll keep this short." She said as she set her hoof back down. "By enacting the Hurricane Clause under a justifiable situation, I as Captain of the Wonderbolts, hereby nullify the orders given to you by Princess Celestia. And all dealings with the individuals that originate from the sovereign state of CloudsDale will be dealt with by the ruling party of Cloudsdale." Which caused both Rainbow Dash and Twilight to pause.

In Rainbow Dash's case, she had no idea what sovereign meant.

But for Twilight, this was like telling her that Princess Celestia was never an Alicorn. All the previous thoughts in her head froze and she only focused on the words that Captain Spitfire said to her. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was agape as she tried to process it. She failed once, twice, and finally a third time before fervently shaking her head.

"Since when was CloudsDale independent from Equestria?!" she said as she quickly walked up to Spitfire and looked up at the yellow pegasi's impassive face.

"Technically, it always was." The voice of Rainbow Dash caused Twilight to spin around and look at the cyan pegasus immediately. "Er.. like when there were still tribes. Commander Hurricane only agreed to unify the tribes if the pegasi could keep their independence," she said as she rubbed the back of her head.

"What? I paid attention in class, sometimes.." she muttered as Twilight gave her a surprised look.

"No, I'm confused as to why I never heard of this?" Twilight said as she tried to wrap her head around the idea. "I've read almost every history book about the formation of Equestria and did not know that CloudsDale was its own state." She said with confusion.

"That's because that detail is almost always missing from modern-day history classes," Captain Spitfire said as tried to focus the conversation back to what she needed to say, as she stepped closer to where Twilight walked over. "But nevertheless, you can look into it more on your own time. Right now I need you to send a letter to the Princess for me."

I was sitting on the couch watching as Mother paced around in front of me, walking from one side of the living room to the other side as the frown forming on her face deepened with every step. The moment that we stepped into the living room from where we were in the kitchen, I noticed that her expression changed from a smile to a frown whenever I so happened to look away from her. And of course, the reason for that was extremely obvious and I'd be stupid to think that the whole that happened with Rainbow Dash wouldn't linger around in Mom's head.

It didn't for me - well, it did. I mean in a bad way because I honestly found the sight of Mother absolutely beating the crap out of Rainbow Dash hilarious. With any other kid, it'd probably be a traumatizing thing to happen to them. That and all the other crap that's happened to me over the course of.. eh, a month? yeah, it's insane. Luckily for me, I'm pretty much desensitized to stuff like this because of a few unfortunate things that happened to me before even coming to Equestria, which is already on top of being kidnapped, choked out, etcetera, etcetera.

A stray frustrated mutter coming from Mother caused me to frown as I looked down at my hooves.

Mom was clearly not okay. And it was my duty to make sure that that wasn't the case.

So I did what any normal small adorable child would do when their parent is in distress, I tried to get a smile out of her.

I stood up and took a second to hop off of the couch and walk over to where she'd turned and paced to the other side of the living room. So when she turned around and came back, I was in her path. And like I thought, I'd immediately brought her out of her own thoughts as she stopped and looked down to where I was blocking her way. I looked up at her with as much cuteness as I could physically add to myself, trying to emphasize my eyes as I smiled up at her.

And she could never really keep her face straight whenever I was intentionally trying to get her to break it, it was like that for basically everyone I'd talked to up 'till this point. So when our eyes locked, her frown flipped upside down and she was now softy smiling down at me as I enacted my second tactic. I sat down on my haunches and brought both of my arms upwards so that I was reaching up at her, tilting my head so that it'd have a greater effect.

I tried not to grin deviously as she practically melted, her eyes softening even further before not letting a second go to waste and immediately reaching down and lifting me up and into her arms. I was smothered in her warmth as she held me close to her chest, nuzzling down into my head as I wrapped as much of her neck as I could fit around my arms.

"Are you okay honey?" she asked with concern as her grasp lessened just the slightest bit and I brought my head up to look at her, a small frown forming on my face as I shook my head.

"I'm okay, I just wanna know if you're okay, Mom," I said as I looked up at her earnestly. "You said you were okay earlier, but you've been pacing around the room for the past ten minutes, I can't help but be worried."

She let out a small sigh as she leaned down and rubbed her nose against mine, more for her comfort than my own.

"I just can't help but be worried that whenever I take my eyes off of you, you'll be swooped up and taken away somewhere where I can't find you this time," she said with a tone absolutely laced with worry. And I hated that she felt that way, and I hated the fact that I couldn't really do anything to alleviate that fear if things continued how they were most likely going to keep going. Constant problems with the royalty of this place, the changelings that have that insanely strange focus on me, and just the random ponies that are watching me for no apparent reason.

"I'm sorr-" though I was interrupted as Mother simply tutted down at me in disagreement. Another nuzzle against my face before she spoke, "You have nothing to be sorry for, sweetie, absolutely nothing. If anything, it's my fault." She said as her voice dropped a few tones lower.

And this time it was my turn to disagree as I fervently shook my head, because one, that was a lie. And two, I was the one that kinda messed up and kickstarted the whole thing. I say that because if I didn't follow the whole "Stranger Danger" thing to a fault, I wouldn't have garnered the attention of these bugs.

That's the second thing that's been my fault.

I bit back a grimace and shook my head once again. I didn't want this to trail into a who's fault it is situation because that'd get us nowhere. But I don't think I'm gonna be able to convince her that it was my fault instead, it'd probably give her even more guilt than she's already probably feeling. And I didn't want that. Not one bit.

"You can't say that, Mom," I finally decided to say. The words that were jumbled around in my head were finally able to sort themselves into something I deemed reasonable. "Because I know that with how much you've done for me and how hard you've been working to keep me happy, that I know one million percent that it's not your fault, Mom." I didn't have to worry about intentionally staggering my words. Mother was already well aware of the fact that I could speak very eloquently.

Well, when I wanted to.

"You're not a bad mom," I firmly stated.

"Honey.." Mother's voice wavered just the slightest bit as I looked back up at her.

"It's the truth, Mom. And you can't make me think anything otherwise," I said with finality. "You have been the best mom that I've ev-" I then made it so that it sounded like I was stuttering over my words as I tried correcting what I was going to say, a small blurb of panic rose in my chest before I shook my head. "You're the best mom I could've ever asked for," I said as I smiled up at her.

Almost messed up there.

But it seemed like Mother didn't notice as I scanned her features. There was a quivering smile on her face and her eyes were soft, the beginnings of tears brimming in their corners as I went to continue.

"So please, don't blame yourself. None of this is your fault," I said as I pressed myself against her chest. My hooves were trapped against her so I wasn't able to hug her back, but I think she got the intention as the grip she had on me tightened and her head lowered. I could feel the teardrops landing in my hair as her sniffles trailed into actual crying.

"Thank you, sweetie.." she said with a quivering voice.

We held each other in silence for a few moments, with us hugging each other tightly and with me silently listening to her heartbeat.

"Mom, it's going to be okay," I murmured softly after a few more moments of silence. "We'll figure everything out. We always do."

She sniffled and nodded, her grip on me loosening just enough for me to look up at her tear-streaked face. "I love you so much, Speckles. Sometimes I just... I can't help but feel like I'm failing you."

I wormed one of my hooves up and wiped away a tear from her cheek. "You're not failing, Mom. Not at all. Look at me." I gestured to myself with another smile. "I'm happy, I'm safe, and I'm loved. What more could I ask for?"

A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips, and I continued, "We've been through a lot, and we've handled it together. And we'll keep handling whatever comes our way. Okay?"

She nodded again, the weight on her shoulders seeming to ease. I could sense the shift in her mood, and it made me feel like I was doing something right. It was a good feeling.

"Now," I said, trying to lighten the mood by using some of my usual humor, "how about we do something like going to the SugarCube Corner? I wanted to try some of the delicious-looking cookies that they make."

Her eyes brightened a bit, and she chuckled through her remaining sniffles. "Cookies sound wonderful. You always know how to make things better, Speckles."

I beamed up at her, "You should know, I get it from you."

"That you do," she said with another small chuckle, giving me another tight squeeze before finally letting go. "Now, let's go get some cookies."

"I love you!" I said as I stood up, watching as that smile never left her face as she made to stand up herself. She stretched a hoof outwards before quickly reaching down and wrapping me in that same hoof. I giggled as she lifted me up and brought me close to her face, nuzzling me as she let out her own chuckles.

"And I love you more," she said with a warm tone.

It was a good feeling.

Princess Celestia was sat in her office, a myriad of different and important scrolls and papers stacked on either side of her desk. A quill was held aloft in her magic as she mindlessly sorted through the rather annoying, and abundant amount of petitions and requests from the local nobles who'd chosen not to attend her rather daily day courts. A cup of tea sat almost empty next to her ink well as she sighed and set down the latest scroll she'd had to sign off on, it was a generous request, a baker in Canterlot had been trying to obtain a loan to start building a sister shop in the lower parts of Canterlot.

She smiled at the scroll before rolling it up and magically tying a golden ribbon around the rolled-up parchment and setting it down beside her before ultimately letting out a small sigh. It was a good distraction, tending to all the more minuscule items on her list. But now she had to go back to sorting through what covered the majority of her desk, reports, concerns, and backlash concerning the recent resurgence of the changelings.

A grimace wormed its way into her regal features before turning into a surprised expression the air crackled and popped before a small green swirl of flames appeared in front of her, dropping a scroll from Twilight.

She smiled, a friendship report would give her something to be less stressed about. She picked up the new scroll with her magic and untied the ribbon, setting it aside before turning the scroll and unrolling it. And as her eyes read the first few words of the letter, her smile immediately fell and her eyes narrowed.

Maybe she'd read it wrong.

But as she reread the letter for the fifth time, she couldn't help but grimace once again.

"Here you are thousands of years later, still being a pain in the flank," she muttered to herself as she set the letter down and made to stand up. She'd have to have a word with Captain Spitfire and a chat with Luna, even if the latter was still angry at her.