• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


Promises don't count unless they're fulfilled, so when Bay Breeze is promised eighteen inches, she'd better get eighteen inches. Anything less would be an affront.

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 94 )

And then Bay Breeze stole all the hot chocolate.

Can’t beat hot chocolate on a snow day, let’s face it.

Just the warmth of the cup is good, and then the first sip . . . yeah, she knows what’s up.

I was cuddling a pony and all was right with the world.

Goals. :heart:

Narrator knows what’s up.

I don't mind snow in of itself, what I do not like are the bitter cold days where it feels like the wind is trying to actually slice you up, and the sniffles.

I'd love to have a pony in my life. Snuggling up with a warm beverage or two, some cozy blankets, a fire in the fireplace, and something good to read. My state is expected to warm up this weekend into next week.

TBH his boss would have to be a real piece of work to not understand how much one needs to play in the snow with their marefriend.

We all have days like this. They are good days.

She was at my side as I opened the door, already dressed in her snow boots, and I couldn’t help but notice how high the snow had drifted against the door before she was off like a puppy into the fresh, unmarked snowscape.

I read this, then had the visual of the pony in the cover bouncing out the door and getting stuck in the snow, and I giggled like an idiot. :rainbowlaugh:

18 inches of most anything else is too much.

Like baguettes, 18 inches of that is just too much for one person to handle.

Snow... hmm. *looks at the swamp thatused to be the front yard* I'm fine with my tropical climate.

Kansas gets six inches of snow and we're excited. Know what we call somebody with a snowmobile here? An optimist.

(We do get 30mph winds with that snow sometimes, which gives a few thousand feet of ground with no snow, and forty foot drifts that swallow trees and roads. Some sections of the counties just cut the barbed wire fences and drive across the frozen pasture until the plows make it through in a few days.)

Snow days are waisted on the youth. I am glad to see that they got just about the amount forecasted. Even today when it gets super cold, or at least super cold for where you live, the world just keeps moving on. I cannot remember the last time where the weather made it impossible to me to do my job*.

*My company did delay the package car drivers one day by several hours in 2020 I think and limited the time they spent on the road. Or they have called them in early because the weather was not good for them. We still had to get the volume processed and out on time.

As a kid, I’d loved snow, and the more the better. As I grew old enough to hold a snow shovel and then a job, it got less appealing. No longer was it a fun toy that fell from the heavens, it was a chore to deal with. A couple inches to make everything look wintery, and maybe a light dusting every now and then to keep it looking fresh would be the perfect winter for me. Kids got snow days when there was enough on the ground, but I didn’t, not any more. Unless the state actually forbade travel, there was no excuse for not making it to work.

Even as an adult I continued to love the snow. That is, until I started working on an airport ramp. Snow’s not so great anymore.

"Yeah boss, I'm dead, today. Probably food poisoning... yeah, Breezie made seafood for dinner again—OW!"

I can appreciate her joy of the snow. With the name Bay Breeze, she kinda strikes me as something of a California pone: snow is rare here, so heading to the mountains to get to the fun was compulsory.

Infectious joy, indeed! The story made me forgot how much I hate snow! Wonderful!

Northerners. Here in Albuquerque, 18 inches of snow would shut down the city hard. (Well, if the next day wasn't over 50 degrees and everything melted by noon.)

Heh, I used to live there, and you're correct.

It's even worse where I live now.

I haven't had a snow day for 6-7 years now and we get terrible road conditions all the time when it snows and we still get to school

"I was cuddling a pony and all was right with the world" is a cosmic truth.

In any case, lovely case of ponies doing something ponies do very well. Namely, reawaken one's inner child. The perfect thing to read while there's a storm passing through. Thank you for it.

Didnt some country pass laws against not clearing your vehicle Fully of snow, not only for obscuring your drive sight, but also due to it being an unsecured load that causes hazerdous conditions forother users?

I am adding this to pornshelf and I plan to be damn disappointed

Dawhh, this all is just super sweet! Then again, they don't call ya the King of Slice of Life for nothin'! I also love the innuendo, by the way! Gives it a nice extra pizzazz to the already fantastically fantastic fics you make! I hope ya didn't mind, but I simply had to make a reading of this sweet lil fic!

Audio Linkyloo!: https://youtu.be/VcFRR8IxO2c

(I don't mean to offend anyone with this comment in any way!)

*points at self* Snow!

I believe TECHNICALLY Canada has those laws... But they aren't really enforced in Ontario unless it's REALLY bad.

Another banger, Admiral, and right on the end of my own four days off work. (Two snow days ,followed by a weekend). My excuse is simple and straightforward, though: I work nights, and live over thirty miles from work. So that's not happening if the roads aren't cleared. :rainbowwild:


I don't think it's possible to be disappointed by a Biscuit fluff piece. You knew what you were getting into by clicking his name!

“It’s just a forecast,” I cautioned. “You know how reliable weather forecasters are.”

They really should hire more pegasi...

She burrowed her head under my chin and I wrapped an arm over her back and my feet were still cold and the promised snowstorm hadn’t yet materialized but I was cuddling a pony and all was right with the world.


The alarm beeped too early, as it always did. I smashed the snooze button [...] and I debated if I should get up when the snooze expired, or wait for the third alarm.

A well-known struggle every morning.

There are many other notable quotes, but I don't want to repost the whole thing...

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.


I just wanna see one idiot pulled over for riding with 2 inches on their roof. Its inevitably going to fall onto the front and block vision- and yet, after the snowstorm last week, they still happily drived with all but their front window and mirrors covered with snow.

That's a better porn title than "Dick Dickington, Vice-Dick of Dickburg, Invades Pussytown (With his dick)"

I momentarily confused the title with GAY Breeze. ROFL.

"eighteen inches" and a human tag made me thonk for a second

Well, that didn't take very long. (The porn version has appeared)

Oh, now that I’m actually awake and thinking, you probably ought to take the link down; I don’t think you’re supposed to link mature stories.


Some real good roof only imagges, but found one from last week in UK, Its enough to see out of?

You sly fucker i got a different idea by the title if you know what i mean?:ajsmug::ajsmug::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

My third leg is 34 inches long!

(holds up artificial leg) Neat, isn't it? Got it at a yard sale!


I was cuddling a pony and all was right with the world.

When you have a mare that cute, she must be cuddled.

I know, right? :pinkiehappy:

Pony's in her cuddle all's right with the world


I don't mind snow in of itself, what I do not like are the bitter cold days where it feels like the wind is trying to actually slice you up, and the sniffles.

Agreed . . . snow’s nice; the cold and wet that usually comes with it, not so much.

I'd love to have a pony in my life. Snuggling up with a warm beverage or two, some cozy blankets, a fire in the fireplace, and something good to read. My state is expected to warm up this weekend into next week.

Let’s face it, all of us here would love to have a pony in our life. :heart:

We’re going to be in cold snowy mode for another week at least, and then who knows? March in Michigan is either nice or horrible, and it’s too early to call just yet.


TBH his boss would have to be a real piece of work to not understand how much one needs to play in the snow with their marefriend.

That’s the kind of boss I work for!

Now I’ve made myself sad.

On the plus side, I’m practically fire-proof, so if I did call in and he grumbled about it, nothing would come of it. Heck, when it comes to vacations, I don’t ask, I tell.


We all have days like this. They are good days.

TBH, I haven’t in a while, which is my failing. I need to have a day like this for my sanity, I think.

I do like driving in the snow, though, so some snowy days the commute to work it more fun than it has any right to be.

It's okay, none of us have marefriends to stay home and play with the snow in anyway, so it's a non-issue!



I read this, then had the visual of the pony in the cover bouncing out the door and getting stuck in the snow, and I giggled like an idiot.

That could be a problem, I suppose. And now you’ve got me thinking about it, Bay Breeze stuck in a drift . . . “a little help, please?”

I suppose if your pony gets stuck in the snow, you rescue her. That’s just good manners.


18 inches of most anything else is too much.

And snow, too, eighteen inches is pushing it.

Like baguettes, 18 inches of that is just too much for one person to handle.

Well, there was this one time in France . . .


Snow... hmm. *looks at the swamp that used to be the front yard* I'm fine with my tropical climate.

Oh, man, you’re missing out. Swamps have their place (my backyard sometimes tries to be one), but you can’t beat a nice cover of snow to brighten up the place and make the commute exciting.

Plus, mosquitos don’t work in the cold.

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