• Published 7th Aug 2021
  • 1,479 Views, 59 Comments

Twilight Buys a Wand - Kentavritsa

Twilight is invited to take part in the education at Hogwart’s school of Witchcraft and Wizardry; she could not refuse the offer, taking part in a new and exciting experience of study. She had to acquire a few items, including a wand and robe.

  • ...

Fudge, at the Shop of Wands: 20

Author's Note:

Minister Fudge's POV

- Previous Chapter -
Grabbe and Coyle - Next Chapter Core of a Mistress -


Pure Blood wand?” I ponder; ”what a preposterous name; so I guess I can see, how it made Lucius Malfoy see red!” I continue.

“Maybe I should be going to see Ollivander, and straighten this out!” I mumble to myself.

“Yes, maybe you should?” I hear the voice of Albus Dumbledore.

I did not hear him enter..” I ponder; “If you think I should?” I then put forth; “Then, maybe indeed I should!” I propose.

“Did you say: Pure Blood Wand?” he now inquires.

“Preposterous name, wouldn't you say?” I inquire, desiring a moment with Albus in person.

“If you knew where the name came from, maybe it isn't quite as far-fetched as you may like to think!” he now suggests.

“Are you mad?” I inquire.

“I would rather face You-Know-Who with the Elder Wand, than the girl who owns that particular wand!” he now chuckles.

“Are you suggesting there is a wand more powerful, than the Elder Wand; or that there is a girl, who could be more dangerous to face?” I inquire.

“At least these are known quantities; this girl is literally reshaping the education at Hog Wart's, as we speak!” he now points out, with a resigned sigh.

“I don't think I like what you're suggesting now, Dumbledore!” I grumble.

“You probably shouldn't!” he just concedes.

“I hope, that was not supposed to make me feel better!” I point out; “Because it certainly did not!” I conclude.

“The girl just up and revolutionized the study of Astronomy!” he suggests.

“How in Merlin's Beard did she possibly do that?” I inquire.

“By imposing a permanent eclipse on the top of the Astronomy Tower, hence forth known as the Twilight Tower!” he explains, matter-of-fact.

“I guess that would be revolutionary, if it had been even remotely possible in the real world!” I point out.

“You could always study the report of the incident, or you could come over to the school and experience it for yourself firsthand!” he promptly pushes forth.

“I would not even think that, if I were you!” he points out; “Let alone, pronouncing the words!” he continues; “Her friends have the ability to sniff out thoughts on sight; not to mention, she can juggle countless highly accurate prediction easier than you can breathe!” he concludes, now once more chuckling.

“I know divination is a class, but the subject is a Joke!” I point out.

“Speak of the Devil, and she shall appear!” he suggests.

“You rang!!” is heard, just a moment before Pinkie is popping out of the either before me.

“What in Merlin's Beard?” I inquire.

“I warned you!!” Albus chuckles.

“So!!” she puts forth; “This is the Ministry of Magic!” she then continues.

“Oh, and hiya, Dumbledore!” she then pronounces.

“Weren't you supposed to be in class?” Dumbledore inquires.

“This IS class!” she exclaims, snickering.

“Aren't you a bit young, for the Apparition class?” I inquire; “and you couldn't apparate from Hog Wart's or the Ministry by way of the wards!” I then explain.

“The wards doesn't stop me, more than they stop the House elves.” she points out; “Just so you know!” she concludes.

“The House Elves don't apparate!” Dumbledore points out.

“Well, neither do I!” she points out, only to demonstrate the trick before my very eyes.

The next moment, I feel a light tap to my right shoulder.

I turn around, and no-one is there; save for that deep pink hoof, belonging to the Pony who had just entered my conversation with Dumbledore. Where she came from, I have no idea; short of, from the castle of Hog Wart's school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Which did not exactly tell me all that much.

The next moment, the hoof spins me around; making me face her, and her wide grin.

“Let's have some fun, while Albus here can take care of his very important and urgent business in peace!” she points out.

As she is speaking, I can clearly seeing her poking and prodding the space before herself. As if there had been something there, to poke?

She just giggles, as if waiting for the punch-line of a very good joke.

“What??” I exclaim, perplexed.

“Exactly!” she points out, just as she is pushing me forwards.

“Say 'Hello' to an old friend for me...” she then points out, just as I find myself falling through the air.

“Hello!” I cry, as I fall through the gate; almost as if it had been a Port Key, or possibly the Floo.

I find myself tumbling, head over heal. A moment later, I pop out of the eather with merely a pop and ringing in my ears. I am looking frantically around, only to realize where she had dropped me. I had been dumped into the Wand Shop of one Ollivander.

“But, of course..” I groan; “she just dumped me into the location of which I had been speaking to Dumbledore about!” I realize.

There are a few panicking noises, from the back of the store. My sudden, and unannounced entrance is bound to garner me some reaction from the old man. What had I been expecting? Not even an Ollivander could predict my sudden appearance.

“Hello!” I squeak, just as the old man's face appears in the shop.

“Hello..” he responds; “Minister Fudge..” he continues; “what an unexpected surprise!” he finally concludes.

“Yes.. that is me!” I respond; I assure you, it is!” I then continue.

“Your wand is still serving you well?” he inquires.

.”.. ! ..” I open my mouth, then closes it again several times; without a single noise coming over my lips.

“Yes...” I then put forth.

“Did you by chance see, or hear about my newly acquired poster on the front window?” he now inquires.

“Is there anyone, who has yet to hear of the poster?” I inquire; “Yes, of cause I heard about it!” I then respond, in order to answer the original question.

“Ah, yes..” he responds, chuckling; “I guess you are right!” he then offers.

“The poster is featuring a very troublesome wand, with a preposterous name!” I suggest.

“Are you by chance, referring to the: Pure Blood Wand” he inquires.

“Yes..” I respond.

“The less said, about this wand, the better!” he merely scolds.

“What?” I inquire.

“The wand goes by different names, depending on who is watching the poster!” he informs me.

“It is a Wizard Poster, yes?” I inquire; “But still!” I then add.

“We can as well have a look, and maybe you will be seeing the light..” he offers; “or, reason!” he then adds, almost as if it had been an afterthought, or he changed his mind as to what he intended to say.

“Yes, I guess we could..” I respond; “since we don't have anything better to do, right now!” I then suggest.

He leads the way through the shop, opening the door; before he is turning towards the poster, pointing a finger at the wand in question.

Unicorn Wand” I read; “Neighponian Cherry” ;“Thestral Wand”.

“Since when were Unicorn horns ever used to craft wands?” I inquire; “And didn't you quit using Thestral hairs?” I inquire.

“That is indeed a Unicorn's horn!” he confirms; “and that wand is containing Thestral hairs, but the girl provided the core material herself!” he now points out.

“I believe I recall it was the old tradition, to provide the core material for your own wand; but you did discontinue this practice, did you not?” I inquire.

“Yes, that was the old tradition, and I did indeed discontinue that practice; in the pursuit of the more serviceable, more power-full wands I now produce!” he points out.

“It would appear, these girls had managed to get their hands on not just serviceable, but impressively powerful materials?” I now probe.

“Almost, as if they had known the tradition, as well as being familiar with the wand lore as well!” he points out.

“Who are these girls, and where are they from?” I inquire; “How could they be familiar with the deeper secrets of your wand lore?” I inquire.

“Your guess is as good as mine, or anyone else's for that matter..” he prompts; “but, I suggest you stay quiet about this!!” he now points out.

“Let's go in...” I just respond, opening the door to his shop.

He slips in behind me, before he quietly closes the door quite forcefully.

“Neighponian Cherry?” I now mumble, the name eliciting images in my head.

“I believe Cherry is commonly from Japan, also known as Nippon!” he offers.

“Did the Japanese favour Cherry?” I inquire.

“Cherry is a very beautiful Tree, a powerful image behind a Japanese tradition!” he offers.

“Oh!” I respond.

“You should have seen the Cherry blossoms her wand produced, upon confirmation!” he prompts; “That much, I can tell you!” he now points out.

“Power-full images..” I mumble; “are dangerous!” I continue.

“Maybe, just maybe I should be returning to the ministry; just in case I can pray a few details on the matter, from Dumbledore, in his position!” I put forth.

“Yes, sounds reasonable!” he suggests.

“May I use your floo?” I inquire; “Since I have not been seen walking up to the shop..” I ponder; “even if I did exit the shop in order to inspect the poster with you...” I then concede.

“Yes, by all means; help yourself, you do know where it is!” he just concludes.

With that, I walk farther in, into the shop on my way to his floo.


“Finally!” Dumbledore sighs, just after I had been pushed out of his office at the Ministry.

“He takes up far too much of my time, when I have far more pressing and important issues to deal with!” he ponders; “And he is quite a pain, to deal with!” he concludes.


“Such a nice man, Ollivander!” I ponder, as I enter the Ministry, via the floo.

“Wait, where did you come from?” Lucius Malfoy inquires; “I thought you were in your office!” he points out.

“I was sent on an errand!” I respond; “To make a few further inquiries on the matter of the wands old Ollivander is presenting on the poster in the window of his shop!” I explain.

“Oh..” he responds; “What did you learn, about these preposterous wands?” he inquires, now even more curious than before.

“Not much..” I respond; he is quite tight-lipped about these wands!” I point out; “As if he had been scared, or if someone is putting pressure on him!” I explain.

“Oh?” he responds.

“You remember the legend of the Elder wand?” he inquires.

“Uhm, yes..” he responds; “but, why?” he then inquires.

“While it may still be a legend; but it has been reduced to a play-thing for little girls, by the looks of things!” I suggest.

“You must be joking...” he suggests.

“I wish I was!” I put forth.

“Aah...” he mouths.

“I suggest, you go to Hog Wart's; to enjoy the view, at the top of the former Astronomy tower!” I just suggest, in the hopes to incite him into stepping out.

“The former Astronomy tower?” he inquires; “What happened, and what became of it?” he inquires.

“Oh, the Tower is still there; just that it is known as the Twilight tower now, on the account of certain changes!” I whisper, conspiratorially.

“Ooh??” he mouths, and I step past him, scurrying further into the Ministry.

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