• Published 7th Aug 2021
  • 1,479 Views, 59 Comments

Twilight Buys a Wand - Kentavritsa

Twilight is invited to take part in the education at Hogwart’s school of Witchcraft and Wizardry; she could not refuse the offer, taking part in a new and exciting experience of study. She had to acquire a few items, including a wand and robe.

  • ...

Taking Flight I: 21

Author's Note:

Ms. Twilight's POV

- Previous Chapter -
Introduction - Next Chapter Core of a Mistress -


“This broom is not for the game or any sanctioned competition, but I am still proud to present it all the same!” I point out.

“If this broom is not for competition, what is the point?” Dash inquires.

“Since you asked so nicely, Dash; I am only too happy to fill you in, to explain what this breakthrough is all about!” I point out; “Rarity, if you please; present the new flight suit, and maybe this should bring home the point!” I push forth.

“With pleasure, Twilight!” Rarity exclaims, as she is pulling the new flight suit out into the open.

“Rarity, are these Flight Goggles?” Dash inquires.

“Yes, Rainbow; yes, they are!” Rarity exclaims, with a hint of pride to her voice.

Can I try them on?” Dash inquires; “They look cool, even if I clearly can see they're not the Wonder-bolt issue!” she considers, on a closer inspection.

“Oh, but of course; silly Dashie!” Pinkie chimes in.

The next moment, Rarity takes a step forwards; handing the goggles over to Dash, before taking a step back.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you..” Dash chants in excitement as she is accepting the proffered goggles.

The next instant, she is donning the goggles with practiced ease and elegance.

“That does look cool, Dashie!” Pinkie exclaims, bouncing like a rubber ball.

“The goggles fit you, to a T; they really make you pop, just as they will help you in the air!” Rarity supplies; "Which brings us to the next point; your flight suit, Dashie!” she continues, as she is presenting Dashie with the suit for flying.

“Do I need this suit, Rarity; even if it is streamlined, like a Wonder-bolt suit would be!” she probes.

“Judge for yourself, once you are on the broom, Dash!” I point out.

Since we currently are alone in the room; Rainbow slips out of her robe and underwear; before she slips into the tight suit, and finally slips into the robe once more.

“It is almost as if I had been swimming under water in the lake!” Rainbow exclaims.

“That is the point!” I just suggest.

“It is very cold up there; and you know how thin the atmosphere is when you got up there, last time!” Flutters chirps in, quietly with her usual breathy voice.

“Wait..” Rainbow inquires; “are you telling me, the broom is for high altitudes?” she then elaborates, as it finally is hitting home.

“Yes, Rainbow!” I point out; “This broom is for high altitudes and speeds worthy of our favourite Rainboom!” I now put forth.

“You do realize, Dashie; this broom is almost a Fighter Jet, in its performance, but without most of the associated issues!” Pinkie bubbles over.

“As a base-line, the fighter jet could qualify; but my runes put you on top, without reliance on fuel or oxygen!” I point out; “Admiral Dash, may I present you with your personal Steed; she can take you, where none has gone before, and she will go above and beyond expectation and reason just because I say so!” I now present.

“Admiral Dash!” Pinkie puts forth; “There certainly is something Royal to the sound of that!” she then continues.

“Admiral Dash?” Rainbow queries; “Awesome” she then exclaims; “I love this!” she then concludes.

“Beautiful!” Rarity exclaims; “This makes you the unquestioned Empress of the sky!” she then offers.

“Beware, the broom does come with a few safety features; but do by no means rely upon them, or over tax them!” I caution.

“Raise your right hand up towards the sky, your hand open..” Pinkie commands.

Without a thought, Rainbow dash does as she had been instructed; before she realizes what is happening, the broom jumps her and stick to the palm of her now closed hand.

“Close your eyes and take flight, fearless Admiral of the seven skies!” Pinkie concludes.

It's a broom, but a broom like no other!” Rainbow realizes, pondering what had just happened.

While this is not my fire-bolt, but it's a broom worthy of the sky!” she concludes as she is jumping to the sky with her eyes closed.

“Just pick your wing and the second broom and suit will appear before you!” I point out, just as the broom is taking Rainbow to the sky.

This isn't a broom to play with..” Dash considers, as she is shooting up into the sky with a rush of air in her wake.


The broom shoots to the sky, as if it had Daemons breathing down it's neck.

Rainbow leisurely holds on to the shaft of the broom, as if she had been on a Sunday pick-nick; not as if she had been catapulted into the sky, with the aforementioned Daemons breathing down her neck. The acceleration is just as insane as she had experienced, on her fire-bolt; just as then, she can hold on to the broom as if it had been glued into her hands.

I guess the goggles was a sensible precaution, here!” Rainbow ponders, as she continues straight up into the air without a thought.

I love the wind in my mane, and this broom certainly does deliver in that department..” she considers, snickering to herself.

Had she been looking back, down; she may have reconsidered her judgment, but she is still Rainbow Dash.


“Look at her go!” Pinkie exclaims, her ecstatic cries clearly reflecting her exuberant excitement.

“Eeeep!” Fluttershy croaks in terror, not even daring to look up at the spectacle

“The Equestrian Hyper-sonic Broom!” Rarity suggests.

“EAB?” Pinkie puts forth; “Not quite as majestic as the RAF, but this is ours!” she points out.

Trust Pinkie to make that kind of remark!” I ponder; “The British Air Force would be green with envy, if they knew what we just launched today!” I prompt, snickering.

“Air Farces are funny!” Pinkie declares; “but install a few magic Missiles, and the LAF is ready to launch an offensive!” Pinkie concludes.

“I could probably put up the runes for a dozen of these!” I helpfully supply, before I consider what she had just suggested.

“Do you realize; what you just said, Twilight?” Rarity inquires.

“I guess I should keep that secret, just in case!” I proclaim; “While I install them, in secret!” I then point out, conspiratorially.

“This may be the world's smallest air-force, but by no means the least powerful one!” Applejack supplies.


“This is great!” Rainbow ponders, as she is plummeting up into the sky with ever increasing speed.

The sky is growing dark, black; as she continues up, upwards towards the ever-present emptiness of space.

“Still feels as if I had been swimming under the surface in the lake by the castle!” she is realizing, even when she had since long passed the cloud tops in the sky far below her.

“Curious!” she mumbles; “I could have sworn, the air should have been starting to thin by now; but I can clearly breathe, as easily as I did on the ground!” she concludes.

Since the atmosphere had grown so thin, at the current altitude; it is quiet, scarcely even above the whisper. The only thing she could hear, is the sound of her own voice; aside from her heart beating, and her thoughts pondering the situation she had just found herself in.

If it is day, or night; who could tell, when the sky is pitch black save the bright beaming stars. The white pin-pricks, visible so far the eye could see. Only the blue orb under her, telling her where she is.

She told me, I have a second broom to pass on to a friend?” Dash ponders; “But, to whom do I trust this broom?” she considers; “Draco?” she questions, but with none close by to respond.

While I do want to see just how far I could push this broom, now is not the time..” Dash considers; “I was told, not to relay too heavily on the safety features, this early!” she concludes.

Up here, it should be safe, to try a rain-boom or two..” she presumes; leveling out and shoot off to the north where it was supposedly least likely to be a sighting of her.

Looking down; she could see various large aircrafts lumbering, while she could see the satellites overhead.

Curious!” she ponders.

Of course, this had been exciting at first; but the excitement wore down pretty fast, in the vastness of open space with only the stars as company. The only direction is down, under the majesty of the stars glaring down upon her. Right and left, had lost meaning with little to no signs of the surroundings it had enjoyed mere minutes before.

Yes, I could as well enjoy my limelight; performing a Rain-Boom, where none will see, and none can hear me!” she ponders.

“At least, I still have air; she had promised me, as much!” she mouths in the dead silence of the everlasting night.

Shooting forth, with little to no resistance of air; she can reach the speed required with practiced ease, even if she never had been on the broom before. She had been on her Fire-Bolt, but that is not the same.

Even without the air, there is a moment of resistance to her progress; maybe it is the eather, but the candescent explosion occurs as the boundary is broken.

She continues for a while, pushing forth and accelerating just for the fun of it. There is still the wind in her hair.

With no spectators, the joy weans and she turns back; aiming for the school and her friends so far down below, a distance far greater than she had imagined it.

Far down below, all that can be seen is a shooting star; none is the wiser, neither Wizards, nor Muggles. All they see, and all they feel; is wonder, at the sight of the light from above. Almost, as if it had been a sign from God. What else could it possibly be. Or, so they pondered; among the few who had been lucky enough to see. Even if this could be seen far beyond the borders of magical Britain.

Magical, or; maybe not quite so magical.

To one who comes from a community, were everyone has magic; it isn't so special, in the grand scheme of things. When everyone is super, no-one is.

Looking down, Dash is scanning the ground under herself, for the one she was searching for; there, among spectators, she could clearly see him. It may not be the night of the match; but now, numerous children had been gathered around the Quidditch arena.


Of course, the sound of the boom could have been heard from the ground, couldn't it? Or, had it been the flashy light-display they had heard?

These wizards and witches certainly were not capable enough, to pick up on the thaumatic display quite this far up in the atmosphere. Though it sure had proven to be a prismatic wonder to behold, from the position where Draco had found himself now.

There is a multichromatic flash in the sky overhead, far up in the atmosphere as Draco is looking up; momentarily losing interest in the game before him, as he is looking up into the sky with wonder.

“Aw!!” he exclaims, catching the attention of a few fellow students beside him.

Just that as he is looking up, fellow Slytherins following suit; more and more students catching up, following the example to look up. Up, and away from the match in progress.

While very little of the sound is carrying all the way down, to the audience; the waves of colours are still visible, even this far down.

Crabbe and Goyle are cowering behind Draco, awestruck by the powerful displace in the sky.

Okay, I doubt even Dumbledore could set up a display of this magnitude...” Draco ponders, mouthing the words subconsciously.


Draco's eyes had been glued onto the heavens, and the brightly colourful display he had seen. None could blame him, not even his companions: Crabbe and Goyle. Of course, they had been transfixed to the wondrous phenomena, just as much as everyone else.

While they were still gazing up into the sky, eyes and mouths wide open; Rainbow Dash is descending to the ground, slowly swooping down to a position just behind and to the right of Draco. Just as she is stopping behind the boy, she is extending her left hand and lightly taps his shoulder; “May I have this dance?” she then inquires.

Taken aback, Draco remains silent. After a moment, he manages to tear his gaze from the sky; turning his head towards the sounds of the voice behind his shoulder, then blinking several times just to change his focus and collect his wits.

“This dance?” he inquires.

“Yes!” Rainbow puts forth; The match is over, and none is even watching it..” she offers; “but maybe, just maybe we could catch their attentions for a few minutes of splendid dance in the sky!” she now elaborates.

“Oh, yes...” Draco responds.

“I recall, you did enjoy my high flying plans, last time..” Rainbow suggests.

“Oh, yes...” Draco mouths.

With that, Rainbow presents a broom and a suit; “While they are busy, gazing at the sky; you can change into this flight suit and I can show you the sky, like you have never seen it before!” Dash now offers.

“For an extra bonus, we can out prank the Weasley twins in the process!” Dash offers.

Draco is accepting the suit and jumps down behind the grandstand upon which he was previously standing; hurrying to slip out of his clothes, before slipping into the proffered flight suit and donning the goggles.

Once in the suit, Dash is handing over the second broom; Draco accepting it, with eyes glistering.

“No one ever offered me anything special...” Draco mouths.

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