• Member Since 15th Jun, 2019
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“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.” - Patrick Rothfuss


Following his uncouth behavior at the Grand Galloping Gala, Blueblood is sent to Ponyville by Princess Celestia to make amends to the Bearer he insulted.

Instead, he falls instantly in love with a strapping peasant stallion he sees in the market.

Unfortunately he is not very good at romance.

Written for the M/M Shipping Contest, where it took third!

Featured 10/26/2021 - 10/27/2021!

Now with a live reading from the wonderful Nailah!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

best thing about the ending is it two things first it karma for how he treated rarity but it also a life lesson that could actually help blueblood grow into a better pony

Howdy, hi!

You have been successfully entered into the MxM contest! Thank you for your participation and we look forward to reading your entry.

Absolutely adorably great fun from start to finish. Bravo!

Unfortunately he is not very good at romance

Since when has he ever been good at anything in particular? :rainbowlaugh:

I really hate that Blueblood pony because after what he did to Rarity, he got what's coming to him and I hope Big Mac would kick him in the tenders.

Tbf, rarity was acting like yet another damsel who was after blueblood because of his title. Yes, he was/is an asshole. Rarity wasn't exactly genuine either.

Well that's because she didn't meet the right stallion.

Fun times. That's some good Blueblood there.

I didn't catch it at the beginning, but when you revealed the butler's full name near the end of the story, I groaned. A respectful groan, however.

Lyra tried to gently correct the visiting noble that it wasn't a harp, but once she counted the number of bits he was giving her, she realized that it was in her best interest to just go along with it.


I didn't catch it at the beginning, but when you revealed the butler's full name near the end of the story, I groaned. A respectful groan, however.

I am so glad someone noticed that joke.

The second Caramel popped onto the scene, I knew that Mac was already taken.

I do think it would have tied things together nicely at the end for Blueblood to apologize to Rarity, now himself knowing the sting of rejection despite making, err, your best effort. Or being more understanding of what it feels like to fall for someone based only on appearances.

I had some time today, and I needed a dose of happy. This was actually one of the stories I had my eye on when I first saw the contest, because it's been ages since I've read a Blueblood story.

You have a grand sense of humor, and I think you characterized Posh especially well! The unprofessional grin was great. I expected Blueblood to end up in a bigger trash can at the end, or maybe missing some crucial chinks in his winning smile, but I can tell the damage to his ego was plenty for Big Mac's purposes.

I had an inkling of what to expect when Caramel came on the scene, and I have to say Big Mac's 'peck on the cheek' was my favorite part, because I'm sappy like that. That part was very well-played, adorable, and a perfect ending.
And I'm always one to appreciate a story that writes Big Mac as more intelligent than he's often portrayed in the show, so kudos on that as well!

Thank you for the story!

Celestia's eyes narrowed when he failed to move.

Blueblood got the hint and backed out of the room with a wide, uneasy smile on his face.

nice setup so far! always love seeing a stern Celestia

The best way to accomplish a humiliating task is to do so without anypony realizing you did it.

even not being very familiar with the fanon version of Blueblood, this already feels very Blueblood

The choice of which one was obvious - it had to be Posh. Descendant of a long line of butlers, his great-great-great grandfather, Old Spice, had served Blueblood's ancestor. The latest of the line was only slightly older than Blueblood himself, but everything a butler could hope to be: stoic, unflappable, always present when needed, and with a sharp wit that could cut butter while staying dry as a desert.

i would like to formally steal this OC

Blueblood took the opportunity to admire himself, putting on his third best stunning smile as practice. (Rarity, he presumed, did not deserve better than third.)

oof, burn on Rarity! (this Blueblood is very fun!)

But in spite of his hulking size, the stallion practically oozed kindness. Every step he took was with care, every movement obviously aware of his size, power and the damage he could do to others if he wasn't careful. His eyes - bright green emeralds - bespoke a quiet intelligence, as well. This was a pony who was knowledgeable and keen, though his humble manner wouldn't allow him to flaunt it. Despite his obvious strength, this was no brute.

sigh, i miss the Big Mac we had before they gave us all the terrible episodes actually featuring him

Blueblood's voice shifted from wonder to determination. "I must have him." His head practically snapped as he turned to his butler. "Arrange a meeting, Mr. Spice."

Posh's lips pulled to a tight line. "Of course, sir." He knew his duty, however.


Prince Blueblood quickly trotted to his incapacitated butler's side, but his eyes were on the farmer's flank. "That was exceptionally hot," he breathlessly commented.

"If you say so, sir," came the muffled reply from inside the garbage can.

loving this Jeeves and Wooster routine! great pick of characters, too. the oblivious, self-obsessed aristocrat is so much more fun in this context

Blueblood scratched his chin. "Curious. Possibly he had a poor night's sleep? It might explain how he was already up and going at such an unreasonable hour."

hard not to quote every line! you really have these characters down pat

Cheerfully, Blueblood tittered. "A loyal sibling as well? I presume she is adorable and quaint."

ahahahaha oh noooooo! (especially with tjpones's recent Apple Bloom sketches in mind which is 100% my idea of canon Apple Bloom)

The corner of Posh's lips curled into an unprofessional smile for just a fraction of a second. "Of course, sir."


Blueblood was caught off-guard (and yet somehow not surprised) that the sum total of Ponyville's culinary power was a bakery, a candy shop, two food carts, one singular cafe and the grill inside a bowling alley.

but they're all run by such colorful and fun characters!

(Blueblood filed his name away for later reference - naming himself 'Rich' was rather new money of the stallion, but he might be useful some day.)

ah, the condescension, love it

"gwak," croaked Blueblood.

Big Mac looked soulfully at him. "Can Ah help ya?"

"Buh," the Prince elaborated, his lips no longer connected to his derailed brain.

big oof! and i love how much Blueblood reminds me of exaggerated parts of Rarity's character, her hopeless romanticism based on surface details (though the dynamic also reminds me of Trenderhoof as well). a dark mirror of what could have been!

Then there was a crash as Big Mac reached the nearest trashcan and deposited Blueblood into it head-first.

ah, a classic running gag. and good to see so many public trash cans around, even in a town as small as Ponyville!

He had arrived in Ponyville incognito and only expecting to stay a few hours so he could make his apology and leave, after all.

oh, right, the inciting incident! forgot all about that

"But he cannot hide from me! He cannot run! I, Prince Blueblood, shall find my quarry! I shall not be deterred from my--"

"He's over there, sir," Posh pointed out patiently.

honestly, i could just read the sitcom misadventures of these two all day

"Thank you, sir." Chest puffed with pride, Posh motioned ahead of them. "Have at him, sir. Good luck."

With a dramatic flip of his hair, Blueblood shot his second-best smile at Posh. "I don't need luck."

aww! and it is nice to see Blueblood recognizing Posh's merit, in his own way

"Nope," Mac repeated with slightly less accent.

He was met with stunned silence. "...But…" Blueblood couldn't find the words.

big oof

"Very good, sir." As they turned towards the train station, Posh added one final comment. "He doesn't know what he's missing, sir."

i loved this understated line! speaks so much to their relationship, and a great note on which for them to exit the story

With a smirk, Mac shook his head. "Ain't goin' anywhere. 'Sides - you know Ah don't care about money or titles or such. Love's about the heart, not the wallet." Then he leaned in to give Caramel a quick peck on the cheek. "See ya for dinner." And he trotted away with a cheerful whistle.

aww! a perfect heartwarming ending to contrast with the comedy of flawed character, and a tribute to the Caramac ship as well! this was a setup ripe for Blueblood ridiculousness, and you milked every bit of it. i can't imagine him without Posh at his side now, stoically balancing his duty, exasperation, and genuine care for the ridiculous aristocrat. and as i said, i really could read you write those two all day. thank you so much for the story!

I got a good few chuckles out of this.

I think Posh really makes Blueblood work as a character—a grounded "straight man" for him to play off. It also kinda gives me Pinky and The Brain vibes (though the archetypes are bit reversed), and I can imagine a whole series of farcical vignettes based around just the premise of Blueblood being given one job and getting sidetracked into chasing whatever local beau happened to have the misfortune of catching his eye.

The gibbering idiot and the long-suffering idiot's minder are always a fun dynamic.

"I give you some leeway as you weren't aware of who she was at the time. But apologizing to her - promptly - is non-negotiable."

Aware of who she was, huh.

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