• Published 11th Sep 2012
  • 19,213 Views, 2,156 Comments

Unexpected Confessions - Dianwei32

Rarity and Rainbow Dash both confess their love for Fluttershy at the same time. Shenanigans ensue.

  • ...

Out on the Town

Unexpected Confessions

Chapter Nine

Out on the Town

Fluttershy glanced around nervously as she and Rarity arrived at the outskirts of Ponyville several minutes later. Stop worrying. She reprimanded herself, to no avail. Her heart pounded in her chest as she scanned the streets and alleys they passed. Normally, she would be worried about anypony seeing her dressed up, afraid it would spark the mobs that had plagued her during her modeling career. Tonight, she was only worried about three specific ponies seeing her and Rarity on what was obviously a date. With her attention otherwise occupied, she startled when her marefriend spoke up.

“Here we are, darling.” Rarity chirped, angling towards a small Prench restaurant. She glanced up at the sign, which read Le Pâturage in an elegant golden script. Every time I see that sign... She mused to herself. I know that not many ponies in this part of Equestria speak Prench, but I would still hope they could find a better name than “The Pasture.” She pulled the door open with a burst of magic and ushered her date through. “After you, dear.”

“Oh, thank you.” Fluttershy ducked her head and trotted into the restaurant. Thank goodness. She breathed a quiet sigh of relief and blinked a few times as her eyes adjusted to the low light. At least I won’t have to worry about running into Twilight, Rainbow, or Applejack in here. This doesn’t exactly look like the kind of place any of them would frequent.

“A table for two, if you please.” Rarity informed the maitre d’. “I have a reservation under the name ‘Rarity.’”

The maitre d’, a refined unicorn stallion with a light grey coat and a short shock of white hair for his mane and tail, looked down at a list of reservations coolly. After scanning it for a moment, he looked back up, an eyebrow slightly raised. “I am sorry, mademoiselle.” He said with a slight Prench accent. “Zere does not appear to be a reservation under zat name.”

“Is that so?” Rarity put on an exaggerated smile, turning her head to face Fluttershy. “Excuse me for a moment, dear.” She trotted over and leaned in close to the maitre d’, whispering vehemently. “What do you mean there’s no reservation? My younger sister begged me to let her make it.” She even went as far as to break out her puppy dog eyes, which she knows I can’t resist. “She assured me that the reservation had been made for tonight at eight o’clock.”

“I do not know what to tell you, miss.” The maitre d’ responded, unfazed by her thinly concealed anger. “Zere is no reservation for a ‘Rarity’ in the book. I am afraid zat without a reservation, zere is nothing I can do.”

“Oh, Sweetie Belle. When I get home-” Rarity seethed.

“My apologies, miss, but what was zat name again?” The maitre d’ ran his eyes down the reservation list again.

“Hmm? Sweetie Belle?” Rarity repeated, confusion written on her face. “She’s my sister, the one that made... the...” She brought up a hoof and pressed it to her forehead. “Let me guess, she made the reservation under her name, didn’t she?”

“Zat appears to be the case.” The maitre d’ tapped a spot on the reservation list. “Here it is. Table for two, tonight at eight o’clock, under the name Sweetie Belle.” He lit up his horn, grabbing a pair of menus in a white glow of magic. “My sincere apologies for the confusion, mademoiselle. Now, if you and your lady friend would follow me, I can seat you immediately.” He turned and led the pair through the restaurant, weaving among rows of occupied tables and moving towards the rear of the dining area.

Oh, I wonder where he’s taking us? Fluttershy wondered after a time. She glanced off to the side, spotting a single empty table amidst the mostly-full dining room. She looked to the other side, finding a pair of empty tables across the room. He led them through the main dining area, directly past another empty table, and angled for the back wall of the restaurant. She was about make a comment when the maitre d’ stopped and gestured off to the side.

“Your table, mademoiselles.” He gave a slight bow, floating the menus into an alcove in the wall. Rarity turned, not having noticed a table anywhere in the vicinity. Her breath caught in her throat. The alcove held a small table, lit with two tall white candles. A slender glass vase sat in the middle of the table, bearing a single red rose. A window took up most of the back wall, but a maroon and gold curtain covered all of it, save for a small half-moon opening at the top. The uncovered half-moon window let in a small amount of light from the setting sun, bathing the table in a soft glow supplemented by the candles. The alcove made the table secluded, and a retractable curtain afforded a sense of privacy that was missing from the main dining area.

“It looks lovely.” Fluttershy supplied, after waiting several moments for her date to respond. She flashed a warm smile. “Thank you very much.” She stepped past Rarity, craning her neck forward to smell the rose on the table. The maitre d’ nodded, placing the menus on the table and turning to make his leave.

“Thank you, sir.” Rarity watched him walk away. She turned and cantered over to the table, seeing Fluttershy peeking out the window. She made a mental note to thank her sister.

Fluttershy noticed Rarity speaking to the maitre d’ and took the opportunity to walk around their table. She extended a hoof, pulling back the curtain slightly to peek out the window. She glanced up and down the street outside and was just about to step away when a familiar pair of ponies came in to view. Twilight and Applejack! She cringed backward involuntarily, torn between a fear of being seen and an intense desire to keep watching. Oh, I wonder if Twilight finally picked up on Applejack’s hints. She bit her lip to suppress a squeal of glee.

“Darling?” Rarity’s hoof landed on her shoulder.

“Eep!” Fluttershy squeaked, dropping the curtain. She turned to face her date, a rush of blood darkening her cheeks. “Oh, I’m sorry. I was just, um... admiring the sunset.” She ducked her head to hide behind her mane.

Sweet Celestia, she’s adorable when she does that. Rarity smiled warmly. “There’s nothing to be sorry for, dear.” She leaned forward and kissed her marefriend lightly on her rosy cheek, drawing a happy noise from the pegasus. “Shall we?” She gestured toward the table, pulling the chairs out in a soft glow of telekinesis.

The couple sat down just as their waiter arrived. He was a slender pegasus stallion with a light blue coat and a short blond mane. “Good evening, ladies. What can I get for you to drink tonight?”

Rarity glanced over a portion of the menu quickly. “I will have a glass of wine, a nice Marelot should do.”

“Just a rosewater for me, please.” Fluttershy replied, staring at the table.

“I will bring those out for you shortly.” The waiter gave a short bow and trotted towards the door to the kitchen.

Rarity waited until he was out of earshot before speaking. “Rosewater, darling? Are you sure you wouldn’t like a glass of wine? It is a special occasion after all.” She reached across the table and held hooves with her marefriend.

Fluttershy looked up from the table, meeting Rarity’s gaze. She felt a surge of warmth spread through her chest. Well, maybe just one glass. Her stomach flipped at the mere thought of drinking alcohol again. The blurry haze that was the memory of her date with Rainbow Dash surfaced. Then again, trying to stick to just one glass didn’t work very well last time. She smiled warmly, giving her friend’s hoof a quick squeeze. “I’m sure. Just rosewater for tonight.”

Rarity pouted, batting her eyes. “Please, for me?”

“Um... well...” Fluttershy felt her already weak resolve crumbling. “I guess just one glass wouldn’t hurt.”

Rarity smiled and dropped her eyes to the menu. “Do you have any idea what you would like to eat? I’ve heard they have an excellent tulip au gratin here. Although, a nice daisy salad sounds delectable as well.”

“Um, I think a salad would be nice.” Fluttershy looked down at the menu, running through the available entrees in the flickering candlelight. After a moment of deliberation, settled on a lily salad with strawberries in it. Her eyes shifted over, glancing at the price. Twelve bits for a salad? Um, well, maybe something else then. She continued down to the tulip au gratin Rarity had mentioned. Fifteen bits? Swallowing, the pink-maned pegasus looked up and down the menu, focusing on the prices instead of the food. Twelve. Fifteen. Fourteen. Eighteen. Twenty four? Oh dear, everything is so expensive. She bit her lip, worrying silently.

“Is everything alright, darling?” Rarity asked, a slight crease in her brow.

“O-Oh, um, w-well...” Fluttershy tried to stammer out an answer, with little success. She looked up, her breath catching in her throat as she met her date’s gaze. Rarity’s eyes shimmered in the dancing light, full of concern. She immediately felt foalish for being concerned. “It’s nothing, really.”

The unicorn gave a sly smile. “Come now, dear. I know something is bothering you. Please tell me. I want to make sure you enjoy yourself tonight.”

“Oh, but I am!” Fluttershy replied eagerly. She immediately shrank back down, self-conscious about the outburst. “It’s just that... well, everything here is so, expensive.” Her voice trailed off, barely audible by the end.

“Is that what you’re worried about, dear?” Rarity’s smile blossomed into a reassuring grin. “Please, do not trouble yourself with that. Tonight is my treat.” Her marefriend did not appear convinced. “It may comfort you know that I recently completed a rather large order for Fancypants and Fleur-de-Lis, so I have a sizable amount of bits saved up. Please do not worry, order whatever you like.”

As if on cue, their waiter returned with the drinks. “Have you decided on your meal choices, or would you like a little more time?” He asked, carefully placing the glasses of rosewater and wine on the table.

“I do believe we are ready.” Rarity lifted her glass in an aura of magic, taking a sip. “I would like the tulip au gratin, please.”

“An excellent choice, madam.” The waiter replied, writing the order down with a quill held in his wing. “For you, miss?”

“Oh, um... I’ll have the lily and strawberry salad.” Fluttershy handed the menu to the waiter. “Um, and, maybe...” She drifted into silence.

The waiter looked at her expectantly. “The lily and strawberry salad. Would you like anything else with that, ma’am?” Fluttershy tried to speak, but only managed a series of quiet squeaks. “I’m sorry, but I didn’t quite hear that.” She let out another barely audible sound, pointing at Rarity’s glass of wine with a hoof.

“She would like a glass of wine as well.” Rarity offered. “The same Marelot should do nicely.”

“Also a wonderful choice. I will go put these in with the chefs immediately.” He bowed quickly and trotted back to the kitchen.

“I’m sorry.” Fluttershy muttered once he passed through the doors to the kitchen.

“You have nothing to be sorry for, dear.” Rarity waved away the apology. “Although, I must confess that I am confused. Is something still bothering you?”

Yes. I’m lying to you and Rainbow Dash because I’m not strong enough to choose between you. Fluttershy railed at herself. Externally, she gave a comforting smile. “No. I guess I’m just a little nervous.”

“You have nothing to be nervous about, darling.” Rarity placed a hoof on her friend’s. “While it is true that this is our first official date, we have spent the past few years together each week at the spa. That has to count for something.”

“Oh, it does. You know how much I love our weekly spa visits.” Fluttershy smiled as a though occurred to her. “I guess now we can call them spa dates.” She let out a soft giggle as Rarity smiled brightly at the idea. “It’s just... this is more public and, um, romantic than the spa. I’m still nervous about other ponies knowing about... us.”

“I understand completely.” The unicorn caressed her marefriend’s hoof, delighting in the shiver that it sent through her body. “I am still somewhat surprised myself. I keep expecting to wake up and have all of this be some wonderful dream. If it will make you feel better, we can keep our relationship private for now, until you are ready to tell everyone.”

Oh, Rarity. You deserve better than this, better than me. Fluttershy felt warring surges of love and guilt flood through her, stealing her breath. You deserve the truth, if only I was strong enough to tell you. She lost herself in her date’s sapphire eyes, marveling at the unconditional love and trust she managed to convey with a simple gaze. “I love you.”

“I love you too, dear.” Rarity squeezed the hoof she held. Just then, their waiter arrived with a second glass of wine. “Well, here’s to a lovely first date.” She lifted her own glass in an aura of magic, clinking it lightly against her friend’s before they both took a sip.

Fluttershy felt her stomach clench as she brought the glass to her lips. The tart liquid splashed across her tongue, filling her mouth with hints of berries and currant. Okay, that wasn’t too bad... one more drink now to help with my nerves, then as long as I can stick to just one glass, I should be fine. She took another drink before resting her now half-full glass on the table.

The waiter returned, a tray of food balanced on his back. He quickly deposited the plates and retreated back to the kitchen, pulling the curtain closed to afford the pair some privacy. Fluttershy looked down to find her wine glass full. Oh no... not again. I just need to keep track in my head. That’s one half of a glass so far.

“Is something wrong, dear?” Rarity asked after finishing her first glass of wine. “The waiter refilled your glass when he brought the food.” She smiled as her date chewed on her lip nervously. “Don’t worry, darling. I won’t let either of us have too much.” She winked suggestively, drawing a blush from the pegasus.

Fluttershy grabbed her fork and speared a strawberry from her salad. She popped it in her mouth, chewing it slowly. She let out a small sound of pleasure as the fresh fruit juices washed over her taste buds. She picked up a lily and ate it as well. Oh, goodness. She stopped chewing and grabbed her wine glass, taking a large gulp to wash the taste out of her mouth. That lily tasted terrible! She scraped her tongue along her teeth, trying in vain to get remnants of the taste off of her tongue. Maybe it was just that one... She stabbed another lily and ate it. Her mouth filled with a bitter, acrid taste. She picked up her wine glass and took another drink.

No, definitely not just the one lily. She glanced up at Rarity, who smiled before taking a bite of her tulip au gratin. Fluttershy looked back down at her salad, biting her lip. I can’t ask for something else... everything is so expensive. Maybe the spinach will be good. She picked up a few leaves of spinach on her fork and placed them in her mouth tentatively. She chewed them a few times, keeping her expression neutral as acerbic and salty flavors ran over her tongue. She reached for her wine glass, finding it full yet again. When did that happen? Okay, that’s two halves... so one glass. She took a small sip of the wine to wash the spinach flavor away.

“How is your salad, dear? It looks positively delectable.” Rarity put down her fork and sipped at her wine.

“It’s... fine.” Fluttershy replied, spearing a strawberry and eating it.

“Is something wrong?” The unicorn set her wine glass on the table. “Does the salad not taste good? Would you like something else?”

“Oh, um, no.” Fluttershy ducked to hide behind her mane. “It’s fine, really.”

“Well, then could I have a taste?” Without waiting for an answer, Rarity floated her fork across the table in an aura of magic, picking up a lily and some spinach leaves before bringing it back to her. She floated the food into her mouth and bit down. Her eyes immediately widened and she grabbed her wine glass, taking a large drink. “My word, dear. That was positively disgusting. Next time the waiter comes by we will get you something else.”

“Oh, no, that’s okay... I don’t want to make a scene.” Fluttershy shrank down into her chair. “Besides... the strawberries are good. I can, um, just eat those.”

“Nonsense, darling.” Rarity pressed. “An establishment such as this should be ashamed to serve such a horrendous-tasting dish. Here.” She levitated her fork and stabbed a bite of her tulip au gratin. “Try a bit of mine, and if you like it we can see about getting an order for you.” She floated the morsel of food over to the pegasus, maneuvering it gently so she could bite it.

“Mmm.” Fluttershy let out a small pleased sound. “That was very good.”

Outside the window, the sky slowly darkened as Celestia’s sun set, giving way to Luna’s moon and stars and allowing silvery moonlight to suffuse the small alcove. The waiter cantered back over to the table, a bottle of wine hanging in a special saddlebag. “Is everything satisfactory, madams?” He asked while refilling the wine glasses.

“Actually, there is something wrong with my friend’s salad.” Rarity spoke up, knowing the pink-maned pegasus would not voice a complaint. “Would it be too much trouble to get her an order of the tulip au gratin?”

“I am terribly sorry about that.” The waiter lifted the salad with a wing, placing it on his back. “I’ll go let the chefs know and get that right out.” He trotted back to the kitchen.

“You see, dear?” Rarity picked up her wine glass. “We just had to let them know and they were willing to fix it. No scene made.” She put the glass to her lips and drank a small bit.

Fluttershy noticed her own glass full yet again. Okay... so a half and a half of a half, that’s... three quarters of a glass? No, that doesn’t sound right. She looked down and counted on her hooves. One, two, three halves, so one and a half glasses.

A few minutes later, the waiter reappeared, a new plate on his back. “Here we are madam. One tulip au gratin.” He placed the food on the table gently, then cleared his throat. “The chefs wanted to express their apologies for the salad, one of the apprentices knocked a bowl of spices meant for the salt-crusted eggplant onto it. To make up for it, we would like to offer you a complimentary dessert tonight.”

“That is most gracious of them.” Rarity smiled warmly. “Thank you ever so much, sir. Please pass my compliments on to the chefs.” He nodded and walked away. She turned back to Fluttershy who was awkwardly trying to coordinate her knife and fork to cut the tulip. She stifled a giggle. “Allow me, dear.” She took the utensils in her magic and cut up the flower into bite-sized chunks.

“Thank you.” Fluttershy fumbled with her fork, eventually picking it up with both hooves. She stabbed a bite of food and brought it to her mouth, smearing a bit of sauce on her muzzle.

“Oh, dear.” Rarity brought a hoof to her mouth to suppress another giggle. “Fluttershy, darling, you have a bit of sauce on you. Right here.” She pointed to just beside her mouth.

“Hmm?” The pegasus looked up. “Oh, thank you.” She stuck her tongue out, trying to lick the sauce off. “Did I get it?”

Rarity felt her heart beat spike as she watched her marefriend. Her mind filled with inappropriate images of the cream-colored mare putting her tongue to use in other ways. No! Bad Rarity! She cleared her throat. “A- Actually... it was on the other side.” Her cheeks flushed crimson as she watched Fluttershy try again to lick the sauce off of her muzzle. “There... you got it that time.” She said breathlessly.

The pair ate in relative silence, with Fluttershy concentrating to properly control her fork and occasionally sipping her wine. Rarity stared intently at her plate and tried to distract herself from various scenarios playing out in her mind that would be entirely unsuitable for a public place. The unicorn startled at the sound of hooves approaching the table.

“Was the tulip au gratin acceptable?” The waiter cantered up to the table, a small black booklet under one wing.

“Oh, yesh.” Fluttershy dropped her fork on the now empty plate with a clatter. “It was very tashty, thank you.” Her words slurred under the effects of the wine.

“I am certain the chefs will be glad to hear that.” He placed the booklet on the table. “Here is the dessert menu. I will get these plates out of the way for you and be back momentarily.” He lifted a plate with each wing, clearing the table. “Would either of you like another glass of wine?”

Rarity drained the rest of her second glass before responding. “No, thank you.” She glanced across the table at her marefriend, who nodded her head.

“Maybe jusht a teeny bit more.” Fluttershy held her hooves a small distance apart, swaying back and forth in her chair a bit. The waiter nodded and retreated to the kitchen. She tried to mentally calculate her wine consumption. Let’s see... there was a half, and a half of a half, then a full glass. No... She started counting on her hooves under the table, giving up after several unsuccessful tries. Math is hard.

Rarity ran through her own count across the table as she perused the dessert menu. Two glasses for me and... a little over two and a half for Fluttershy. Half a glass more shouldn’t hurt. She turned her attention back to the menu as a flash of color caught her eye. “How were the strawberries on your salad, darling? They have a delightful looking dessert of strawberries and cream.”

“Um...” Fluttershy scrunched up her face, trying to think back to the salad. “The strawberries were really -hic- good, it was the spinach and lilies that were bad.” She stuck her tongue out at the memory. “Strawberries and cream sound tasty.”

“Oh. This sounds delicious as well.” Rarity continued her way down the menu. “Pêches Louis. Peaches marinated in whiskey, Apple Family of course, then flambéed. How does that sound?”

“Mmm... peaches are -hic- tasty.” Fluttershy nodded.

“Have we decided on dessert, madams?” As if on cue, the waiter reappeared, pausing to pour half a glass of wine into Fluttershy’s empty glass.

“Yes, we will have the Pêches Louis, please.” Rarity closed the dessert menu and gave it back to the waiter.

“An excellent choice. I will be right back.” He gave a short bow and headed back to the kitchen.

“Th-Thank you for dinner, Rarity.” Fluttershy smiled, a light blush coloring her cheeks. “It was really nice.” She reached out and held her friend’s hoof, giving it a soft squeeze. “I really am sorry that I can’t help pay. I didn’t think to grab any bits before we left, and I-”

“Please stop worrying about it, darling.” Rarity interrupted her explanation, a soft smile on her face. “This is something I wanted to do. What kind of relationship would this be if I could not spoil my marefriend from time to time?”

Fluttershy felt a wave of guilt fighting through the fuzzy haze of alcohol, but it was soon overridden by the sight of dessert arriving. An iron skillet full of peaches floating in a pool of whiskey settled on the table. The waiter lit a match and set the alcohol alight, sending a wave of blue-tinged flames up from the skillet. “Ooh...” Fluttershy gazed into the flickering flames as they danced over the peaches.

“Truly, a fabulous show, sir. Thank you ver-” Rarity’s words were cut off by a shrill beeping from the ceiling. Suddenly, water cascaded down, soaking the three ponies around the table. Everypony in the restaurant jumped from their chairs, sending them clattering to the ground, and galloped for the exit. Fluttershy and Rarity followed suit, keeping to the rear of the herd to avoid being trampled.

Outside, they stood off to the side from the main group of disgruntled diners. Rarity ran a hoof through her soaked mane, brushing it back out of her eyes. “That was certainly... interesting. I suspect that from now on they will flambé the peaches back in the kitchen instead of at the table.” She wiped her hoof down her muzzle, sending droplets of water to the ground.

“Hehe...” Fluttershy giggled, her pink mane plastered over her face, hiding her eyes. She threw her head back, whipping her mane out of her face. “At least our first date will be memorable.” She smiled, trying to fight down another fit of giggles.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, dear.” Rarity leaned in and nuzzled against her marefriend’s neck, holding the contact and letting out a sigh. She pulled away, frowning. “Sadly, it appears it will be memorable for the things that went wrong as opposed to the things that went well.”

“Oh, Rarity.” Fluttershy shifted her position, sidling up to her date. She draped a wing around the unicorn, pulling her into a sideways hug. “It was a lovely dinner, at leasht -hic- until the unexpected shower.” She trailed off as she devolved into another fit of giggles. “Look on the bright shide...” She reared up on her hind legs, flaring her wings for balance. “At least with your spell, we don’t need to worry about our dresses being ruined.” She swayed on her hooves for a moment before falling back to stand on four legs.

A wry smile tugged at Rarity’s mouth. “How many glasses of wine did you have, darling? You seem a little... tipsy.” She pointed a hoof in mock-accusation, wavering lightly on her own hooves. “You weren’t sneaking drinks behind my back were you?”

“Oh, of course not! I only had...” Fluttershy stared down at her hooves, counting. “One... two... three... fou- Whoa!” She fell over as she tried to pull all four hooves off of the ground to count on, landing on her side and blinking in confusion. Rarity brought a hoof to her mouth, suppressing her laughter as the restaurant’s maitre d’ approached.

“Mademoiselle Rarity. I am terribly sorry about zis.” He apologized, standing in a rapidly growing puddle as water dripped from his coat and tuxedo. “We recently had a new magical fire containment system installed, and it seems ze chefs did not understand that any dishes with flammable elements are supposed to be taken care of in ze kitchen.” He glanced over his shoulder at a pair of brown earth pony stallions wearing white aprons trotting out from an alleyway leading behind the building. Both of them were wringing out their toques and pointedly avoiding eye contact with any of the soaked customers. He shifted on his hooves awkwardly before continuing. “In light of the disaster with ze sprinklers, we are offering a fifty percent discount on your meal.”

“That is very kind of you.” Rarity smiled, trying to ease his obvious anxiety. “While the... unexpected shower was an inconvenience, I would hardly refuse to pay for services rendered over it.” She pulled a sack of bits from the voluminous folds of her skirt with her magic.

The maitre d’ relaxed visibly. “Thank you for being so understanding, mademoiselle.” He reached into his jacket and pulled out a damp piece of paper. “The total comes to twenty eight bits.”

“That is most generous.” Rarity ran through a mental calculation in her head. One hundred bits. Take out the bill... the waiter... some for the chefs. She sent the sack over to the maitre d’. “Here, this should cover everything.”

He took the bag from her telekinetic grasp, blinking in surprise at the weight of it. He pulled it open with a hoof, staring in shock at the massive mound of bits inside. “M-Miss Rarity, this is...”

Rarity shushed him, glancing over her shoulder to see Fluttershy staring up at the stars. She leaned in to whisper to him. “After you deduct the amount for the bill, I would like an equal amount to go to our waiter, he was simply wonderful. After that, split thirty bits amongst the kitchen staff, please. Then, pass the remainder along to the apprentice who knocked the salt into our salad. Let him know that we all make mistakes, and this particular patron bears him no ill will.”

“Of course, mademoiselle Rarity. Thank you.” He transferred the bag to his back. “We hope zat you will come back for another, hopefully drier, meal.” He bowed curtly and trotted off to speak with another pair of customers.

“The shtars are really pretty tonight.” Fluttershy sighed. She trotted over and nuzzled against Rarity’s neck, reveling in the softness of her coat. She pulled away to see her marefriend biting her lip to keep from laughing. “What’s so funny?”

“I’m not quite sure how to put this... Actually, I know precisely how to put it.” Rarity pointed a hoof. “You have dirt all over your face, dear.”

“Huh?” Fluttershy turned to a nearby window, trying to see her reflection in the dim moonlight. After a moment, she gave up. Turning back around, her eyes were drawn to a dark streak in her friend’s otherwise immaculately white coat. “Yea? Well, you have dirt all over your neck right there.” She pointed a wavering hoof.

Rarity levitated a small mirror out of her skirt, holding it to look at her neck. “So I do.” She returned the mirror. “In that case, let us head back to the Boutique, we can wash up and dry off.”

“Now now, Rarity.” Fluttershy sauntered closer to her date, a goofy smile on her face. “I think you’re supposed to wait until we’re actually at your house before inviting me in.” Without waiting for a response, she turned and began walking down the street toward Carousel Boutique, leaving a temporarily stunned Rarity to follow her a few seconds later.