• Published 11th Sep 2012
  • 19,214 Views, 2,156 Comments

Unexpected Confessions - Dianwei32

Rarity and Rainbow Dash both confess their love for Fluttershy at the same time. Shenanigans ensue.

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The Grass is Always Greener...

Unexpected Confessions

Chapter Five

Grass Is Always Greener...

The Following Evening (Friday)

Fluttershy stood in front of her bathroom mirror, pulling a brush through her mane and futilely trying to calm her nerves. Don’t panic. Don’t panic. Don’t panic. She chanted to herself. It’s just your first date with Dashie... who happens to think you’ve broken up with Rarity even though you haven’t. I’m sure it won’t be anything too bold, we’re just going to... I don’t know. Dashie never told me what our plans were, just to show up at her place at seven. Fluttershy felt her chest tighten and her heart rate pick up slightly. Just a first date... with my best friend... and I have no idea what we’re doing. Why am I not panicking again?

The canary mare jumped as she heard the clock tower start to chime through the open window. “Oh no! It’s already seven!” She threw down her brush and galloped out of the bathroom. “I’m late. I’m late. I’m late.” She skidded to a stop as she got to the front door. Angel Bunny was blocking her path, visibly straining to hold up a bouquet of red roses.

“Angel, what are you doing with those?” Fluttershy asked, reaching down to take the flowers. The small rabbit pointed to her, pantomimed giving something, and then hopped around wildly, flapping his arms. “You want me to give these to Rainbow Dash?” She translated, looking over the bouquet. She briefly considered questioning where Angel Bunny even got the flowers, much less why he would want her to give them to Dash, but did not get the chance as she noticed him frantically waving a pocket watch and pointing at the time.

“Oh, right, I’m late.” Fluttershy pulled the door to her house open and stepped outside. “Um, thanks for the flowers, I guess.” She looked back to see Angel waving a paw, shooing her away, before shutting the door. She shook her head slightly and trotted a short way before leaping into the air and spreading her wings. She flapped them a few times to climb above the tree line and then angled northwest towards Rainbow’s sprawling cloud mansion.

The flight took longer than normal as Fluttershy flew slowly to avoid damaging the roses. Several minutes later, she passed the liquid rainbow fountain in front of Dash’s house and alighted on the porch. How much does it cost to keep that thing running? She wondered to herself as she reached up to knock on the door. Before she could continue that train of through, the door swung open.

“Hey there, ‘Shy.” Rainbow stood on the other side of the threshold, a towel draped over her shoulders. “I was starting to think you might have gotten cold hooves. You’re never late.” Her eyes drifted down to the bunch of roses her friend was carrying. “Are those for me?”

“Y-Yes.” Fluttershy stammered, holding out the flowers.

“Wow, red roses already? Moving pretty fast for a first date, don’t ya think?” Dash took the bouquet and smelled it briefly.

“Oh... um, I-” Fluttershy tried to explain, fighting the urge to hide behind her mane.

“I’m just messin’ with ya, ‘Shy.” Dash chuckled, standing to the side and waving her friend in. “Come on in. Food’s almost ready.”

“Food?” Fluttershy asked warily. The prismatic mare was not known for her culinary prowess. “Um... are you sure about that? Wouldn’t you rather go somewhere?” She asked, tentatively sniffing the air for signs of burning odors. The smell of charred food was absent, but a tantalizing aroma was wafting out into the entryway.

“Nope.” Dash responded, trotting back into the kitchen. “I’ve been working on this all day, and it’s gonna be awesome.” She passed through the doorway into the kitchen, leading to the sounds of lids clanging among pots and pans. “Make yourself at home. I’ll be out there in a second.”

Fluttershy slowly made her way around the living room of Rainbow’s home, taking time to admire the various pictures hanging on the wall, most of them either of The Wonderbolts or Dash performing one of their various aerial tricks. Fluttershy’s attention was drawn to a large black stereo in the corner of the room. She looked over the various buttons and knobs before finding one labeled “On/Off.” She reached up with a hoof and pressed the button, causing a booming rhythm to erupt from the speakers. After a moment, a deep bass voice came out of the stereo, speaking too rapidly for her to understand.

“No no no no no.” Dash appeared next to the stereo, frantically punching the power button until the music died away. “Eh heh... sorry about that...” She chuckled nervously, running a hoof along the back of her neck. “I was going to set up some nice, romantic dinner music, but I got distracted making the food.”

“What was that?” Fluttershy asked, arching an eyebrow in surprise.

“It... was...” Rainbow looked down, a light color rushing into her face. “The newest Fifty Bit song, ‘In Da Stable.’” She reached up and pressed several buttons, causing a slight whirring sound to emanate from the machinery. After several seconds of silence, the soft notes of a string quartet flowed from the speakers, gently filling the room. “There.” Dash said, scrunching her nose up slightly. “That’s... better, right?”

Fluttershy giggled lightly and leaned in to nuzzle Rainbow’s neck. She smiled as she felt a shiver pass through the chromatic-maned pegasus at the contact. “It’s lovely.” She cooed. She felt Dash relax and lean into her for a moment before she pulled away, trotting back towards the kitchen. “Um... Dashie?” She asked nervously.

“What’s up, ‘Shy?” Rainbow turned back.

“D-do you, um, th-that is, if you don’t mind... could you, um...” Fluttershy felt her face heat up and she scuffed a hoof on the floor.

“Calm down, Flutters.” The cyan mare made her way over to her marefriend and leaned in to nuzzle against her neck. “Just take a breath and say whatever it is. I’m sure it’s nothing bad.”

“O-okay.” Fluttershy closed her eyes and took a calming breath. Opening her eyes, she locked gazes with Dash. “C-Could you say it again, please? You know, that... well, um, wh-what you said at my house?”

Rainbow cocked her head to the side in confusion. An instant later, she pieced together the meaning behind her friend’s cryptic request. She immediately felt a wave of guilt crash over her. I haven’t told her again since that fiasco at her her house. Some marefriend I am. She broke out of her self-criticism, and reached out to hold one of Fluttershy’s hooves between her own. “I love you, Flutters. More than anything in the world.”

Fluttershy instinctively hid behind her mane, biting her lip to try and suppress a squeal of glee. She felt her already flushed cheeks deepen in color and her heart rate pick up slightly at the other mare’s words. She leaned forward and tentatively pressed her lips against Rainbow’s in a soft kiss. She lingered there, relishing the light contact, before pulling away slowly. “I-I love you too, Dashie.”

“The, uh, th-the food’s ready.” Dash stammered, her own face blushing a light pink through her coat. “You hungry?”

Fluttershy followed her friend into the kitchen, only to be confronted with a veritable mountain of dishes, pots, and pans stacked in the sink, all of them encrusted with charred, black remnants of what presumably used to be food. “What happened here?” She asked, warily extending a hoof to poke at a crumbling ball of thoroughly burnt vegetable matter.

“Oh, yea.” Rainbow replied as she placed a bowl on the dining table. “I finally got this whole cooking thing down... but the first three or four tries didn’t work out so well. That’s why it took all day.” She laid two cushions by the table. “Alright, dinner is served. We’ve got baked eggplant parmesan with spaghetti and garlic toast.” She held up a bottle full of a red liquid. “I even got a nice bottle of wine to go with it.”

“Wow.” Fluttershy looked over the food arrayed on the table, her mouth starting to water slightly. “This all looks amazing. I’m impressed.” She sat on one of the cushions and used her fork to spear a slice of the eggplant parmesan. She jumped slightly as a glass full of wine appeared next to her plate. “Um... I’m not sure if I should be drinking.” She reached out and inched the glass away from her.

“Come on, ‘Shy.’ Rainbow pushed the wine back towards the timid mare. “The nice earth pony at the market said that this wine was supposed to be amazing. Besides, this is a date. One glass won’t hurt.”

Fluttershy picked up the glass in her hooves and sniffed at its contents. The smell stung her nose. She steeled herself and took a small sip. The potent liquid burned slightly as it traveled down her throat, but behind the burn she tasted several sweet and fruity notes to the wine. Well, I guess one glass won’t hurt. She thought to herself. Just enough to take the edge off of my nerves.

Two hours and seven glasses of wine later, Fluttershy stood up from the table and glanced over to a clock on the wall. “Ni -hic- nine o’clock?” She stared at the time piece on the wall, swaying slightly on her hooves. “I... I have to get home. I have to wake up early and... and...” She trailed off into silence as her eyelids slid closed. After a moment, she shook her head and began stumbling back to the living room, bumping into several counters and door frames along the way.

“Are you sure you’re okay to fly?” Rainbow Dash stood from the table as well, markedly less intoxicated since she only drank two glasses of wine. She cantered through the kitchen to catch up with her inebriated date, who was currently attempting to open the grate to the fireplace.

“I’ll be fine. Hic!” Fluttershy responded as she continued to fumble with the grate. “I just need to -hic- get this door open.” She furrowed her brow in concentration, alternating pushing and pulling on the fireplace cover.

“Well, when you’re done trying to get into the chimney, the front door is over here.” Dash stood in the entryway to her home, a bemused smile on her face. She turned and locked the door with a swipe of her hoof. “Not that it matters. You’re way too drunk to fly. You can crash here for the night.”

“Sleep? Here?” Fluttershy looked up from the grate, a confused expression on her face. Soon it was replaced by a predatory grin as she stood up and sauntered over to Rainbow, swaying her hips excessively. “Well well well, now who’s being too forward for a first date?” She stopped walking, her muzzle hovering inches from Rainbow’s and allowing her alcohol-infused breath to play across her friend’s face.

“Huh?” Rainbow asked, confused. Her brain was slow to piece together the drunk mare’s meaning, as it was too busy focusing on her sudden proximity and a desire to lean out and kiss her. After a few seconds, Dash caught on to the meaning and a deep blush flooded her cheeks. “Oh, no. I didn’t mean it like that.” She dropped her gaze to the ground and pawed at the cloud floor. Although... if she’s offering, it would be rude to say no. She shook her head. “No. You’re drunk, ‘Shy. You can take my bed and sleep it off. I’ll bunk on the couch tonight.”

“Uh huh. Sure you will.” Fluttershy leaned in and nuzzled against Dash’s neck. Mmm... her coat is so soft. She thought to herself. With her diminished attention span occupied, Fluttershy did not notice as Dash nudged her and led her down various hallways to the master bedroom. It was not until she bumped into the bed that she realized she had been walking. “Huh?” She mumbled. She looked up at the bed and quickly climbed in, closing her eyes and reveling in the softness of the cloud mattress. She waited for a minute for the feeling of Dash climbing in the bed with her, but when it did not come, she opened her eyes and looked around the now empty room.

I guess she was serious about sleeping on the couch. Fluttershy thought, feeling herself pout slightly. Well, it’s probably for the best, I did drink a little too much. It was very nice of her to let me take her bed, even if it is a little big for just one pony. Very gentlecoltly of her. Still, I have to admit I was looking forward to at least-

“Are you okay, ‘Shy?” Rainbow’s voice broke in, interrupting her train of thought.

Fluttershy looked around, realizing she was back in the living room. How did I get back here? When did I get out of bed? She quickly gave up on trying to figure out how she had gotten back to the living room, turning her attention back to Dash on the couch. “I was just thinking about how big and lonely the bed is by myself.” Wait... did I just say that out loud? She felt a flood of heat in her face as she waited for a response.

Rainbow closed the latest Daring Do book she was reading with a chuckle. “Ha. Lost the old brain-to-mouth filter, huh?” She let out a heavy sigh. “Listen, ‘Shy. It’s not that I don’t want to join you in the bed.” She paused, blushing through her coat. “It’s just that... you’re drunk, and I don’t want you to do anything that you’ll look back on later and regret because you had too much wine. Besides, this is only our first date. We’ll have plenty of time for that later.”

“Why wait? We have plenty of time now.” Fluttershy replied, causing Rainbow to stare at her with a shocked expression. “That was out loud too, wasn’t it?” She waited for the familiar feelings of panic and embarrassment to flood over her. They never came. She felt oddly comfortable, despite saying things she would never even think under normal circumstances. “Besides, I doubt that there’s anything I could do with you that I would regret.” She added, her mouth still running ahead of her mind.

Dash sat on the couch, stunned silent and blushing furiously. I should get her drunk more often. She shook her head, reprimanding herself. No, don’t think like that. I can’t take advantage of her. Not that she’s making it easy to refuse. She let out an inaudible sigh, silently cursing herself. “Maybe not, but I don’t think that taking things slow for one night will kill either of us.” She tried to give a reassuring smile, hoping that her wavering self-control was not obviously apparent.

Fluttershy pouted and let out a small whimper. “If you say so.” She finally relented. “I’m not really sleepy yet, is it okay if I sit out here on the couch with you?” She batted her eyelashes, trying her best to look innocent.

“I, uh...” Rainbow tried in vain to keep a light twitch from passing through her wings. “S-Sure, that would be okay, I guess.” She attempted to keep her eyes from drifting down to her friend’s flank as she strolled past the couch, failing miserably. She almost dropped her book when a particularly forceful sway of the canary mare’s hips sent her tail off to the side, teasing Rainbow by not quite revealing what lay beneath. Dash immediately opened the Daring Do novel to a random page, burying her muzzle in the paper to hide the immense blush spreading across her face. Sweet Celestia of Equestria, I need a cold shower.

“So, what crazy trouble has Daring Do managed to get herself into this time?” A soft voice asked. Rainbow pulled her face out of the book, only to narrowly avoid colliding with Fluttershy, who was laying on the couch as close to her as possible without actually touching her. Dash suddenly found herself face to face with the mare who had been occupying her dreams recently, with only a scant distance separating them.

“She, uh... I-I can’t remember.” The cyan pegasus was suddenly acutely aware of the situation. The feeling of her crush’s breath playing across her face, carrying with it faint traces of the wine from earlier. Those large turquoise eyes, normally perfect pools of tranquility, locked on her, a rarely-seen fire burning slowly beneath the surface. Dash felt a slight burning in her chest and realized the was involuntarily holding her breath. She inhaled, catching a light floral scent off of the light pink mane in front of her.

Don’t do it. Dash tried to convince herself, though the thundering pulse of her heat beating in her ears almost drowned out her thoughts. Whatever you do, do not kiss her. Her train of thought was interrupted as Fluttershy leaned forward, closing the last inches between them and pressing their lips together, softly but insistently. Well, I guess one or two won’t hurt.

Rainbow dropped her book to the floor, turning and adjusting her position on the couch to fully face her marefriend. She belatedly realized that her own lips were still motionless and began returning the kiss. This elicited a light moan from Fluttershy, who in turn leaned further forward, pressing into the contact and forcing Dash to roll over onto her back and allowing the inebriated mare to climb on top of her.

I’ve never seen her like this. She’s so... aggressive. Dash mused to herself as she reveled in the silken feeling of Fluttershy’s coat pressing against her. She felt the other mare’s tongue dart forward, brushing her lips with the briefest of caresses. Her mouth parted slightly allowing her own tongue to venture out and dance with her partner’s.

Stop. Don’t do this. She’s drunk. A small portion of Dash’s mind tried to argue. The warnings went unheeded as Fluttershy ran a hoof down Rainbow’s side, drawing a shudder and sending her mind in to a haze. The primrose mare pulled away, lightly nibbling at Dash’s lip as they separated.

“Are you sure I can’t convince you to join me in the bed?” Fluttershy asked, a smoldering glint in her half-lidded eyes.

Don’t do it. I repeat: DO NOT DO IT! It’s a trap! Dash’s mind railed against the idea, but to no avail. “S-Sure.” The word escaped her almost against her will. Fluttershy gave a predatory grin, knowing she had won, and began climbing down from the couch, pausing to flick her tail across Rainbow’s nose as she clambered down to the floor. They made their way back towards the master bedroom, Rainbow Dash trailing behind and trying to keep her eyes off of the swaying flank in front of her. As they reached the bed, Fluttershy climbed up and beckoned with a hoof for Dash to follow her.

Rainbow stood on the floor next to the bed, her eyes roaming over the seductively reclining figure in front of her. Everything she dared to hope and want out of the night was being presented to her on a silver platter and she felt... scared. The realization that she was afraid of what was happening shattered the hypnotic hold that Fluttershy seemed to have on her. She suddenly found herself able to resist the utterly alluring gaze that her crush was giving her, barely. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to force her heart to slow from its hammering pace.

“Is everything alright, Dashie?” Fluttershy asked, her voice laced with new-found sensuality.

“Yea, everything’s awesome.” Rainbow replied, not risking to look at the mare in her bed. She racked her brain for a way out of her predicament. She opened her eyes and looked up, giving her own best seductive smile. “I just need to visit the little fillies’ room before we get started. You stay there, I’ll be right back.” Without waiting for a response, Dash turned and galloped from the room, careening down several hallways before leaping into a nearby bathroom and slamming the door behind her. The prismatic mare turned on the sink faucet and splashed cold water on her face several times.

I’m... scared? Me? Rainbow Dash is scared? Dash stared at her reflection in the mirror. What is Equestria am I afraid of? Fluttershy is practically throwing herself at me, and I’m shaking like a scared little filly. She paced around the small room. What if she wakes up tomorrow and is mad at me for what we do tonight? What if she’s so angry she leaves and goes back to Rarity?

“Get a hold of yourself, Dash.” Rainbow reprimanded herself, staring at her reflection in the mirror. “You may not have known that Fluttershy turns into some kind of magical, sexy goddess when she gets drunk, but that doesn’t mean you have to act like you’re in heat. Get it together, girl.” She took a break from chastising her behavior to throw some more cold water in her face. “Alright, it looks like I’ve got two options. I can either go back in there and find some way to turn down ‘Shy’s advances, or I can sleep in the bathtub tonight.” She turned to look at the room’s tub. It was of cold, hard, and functional cumulonimbus cloud, just like much of all cloud buildings. Meanwhile, her bed was made of soft, puffy cumulus cloud, complete with a cirrus blanket.

“I never thought I’d say this, but curse my awesome bed.” Dash slowly pulled open the door, trying to make her way back to the bedroom as silently as possible. As she crept around the final corner, she glimpsed Fluttershy’s prone form laying on the bed, her chest slowly rising and falling in the soft moonlight. Rainbow leaned forward slightly, straining her hearing. After several seconds she heard a light, almost dainty, snore escape the now-sleeping pegasus, sending an overwhelming wave of relief through her. She turned and tip-hoofed back towards the living room.

“Okay, option three. 'Shy passes out and I get to sleep on the couch.” She muttered under her breath.


Fluttershy awoke the next morning to find herself sprawled out on an immensely comfortable bed, one far too large to be her own. She briefly wondered where she was before she was struck with a splitting headache and a wave of nausea. Sweet Celestia, what happened last night? She wondered as she reached up blindly, pulling down a pillow to press over her eyes and block out light from the room’s windows.

Wait... last night. Dashie! Fluttershy bolted upright, only to have the pain in her head increase exponentially and the nausea threaten to overwhelm her. She quickly lay back down, curling up into a ball and pressing her hooves to her temples. Oh, why do I feel so horrible? All we did was have dinner. The mere thought of food was enough to make her fee like vomiting. Oh no... the wine. I only meant to drink one glass, what happened? She tried to recall her memories from the previous night, but everything after dinner was hazy. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of what could only be a herd of angry buffalo stampeding through a nearby hallway. She cracked open one eye to see Rainbow Dash coming into the room, a glass of water in hoof.

“Hey there, ‘Shy. You finally awake?” Dash called as she reached the doorway to the bedroom. A light smirk pulled at her mouth as she watched Fluttershy cringe away from the sound. “Hungover, huh?” She guessed, lowering her voice to barely above a whisper. She offered the glass of water. “Here, drink this it will help some. If you feel like you can stomach real food, I made some eggs and hay waffles.”

“What happened last night?” Fluttershy asked after draining the glass of its blissfully cool contents. She sat up, slowly this time, and ran a hoof through her disheveled mane. “I remember dinner, at least the beginning... and then if gets kind of fuzzy.” She paused and felt a rush of blood flow to her cheeks as a memory came back to her, causing her to blush and making her hangover worse.

“What’s with the blush, ‘Shy? Remember something?” Dash prodded her, bouncing her eyebrows.

“Oh, um, no.” Fluttershy dipped her head to hide behind her mane. “I just had some... crazy dreams after you put me to bed.”

“Really?” Rainbow tried to keep a smile from spreading across her face. “What kind of dreams?”

“I... I don’t wanna talk about.” Fluttershy mumbled.

“Is that so?” Dash allowed herself a little knowing grin. “Let me guess... You got out of bed, came to the living room, and seduced me into coming back to the bed with you?”

“Th-That...” Fluttershy tried to respond, all of the color draining from her face. “That really happened?” She stared in horror as Rainbow nodded, then leapt off of the bed towards one of the windows. She gently lifted the window open and tried to jump out, only to be stopped by her tail being pinned in place. She looked back to see Dash holding her in place with one hoof and trying to stifle her laughter with the other.

“Don’t worry, ‘Shy.” Rainbow finally managed to say after calming down. “Nothing happened, not that you weren’t trying.” She added with a wink, drawing another round of blushing from her friend. “It’s cool though, nothing too bad happened in the end.”

“Wait, what?” Fluttershy perked up, her face showing relief tinged with slight disappointment. “N-Nothing happened?”

“Not really.” Dash replied, shrugging nonchalantly. “Sure, we made out on the couch a little bit, but I ran to the bathroom for a second and when I came back you were fast asleep.” She felt her own cheeks flush with color as memories of their activities on the came back to her. “So... you feel good enough to eat?”

“Oh, um... no, that’s okay.” Fluttershy pawed at the ground nervously, wanting only to leave before further embarrassing herself. Before she could attempt to excuse herself, an audible growl emanated from her stomach, betraying her hunger. “Well, maybe just a little bite to eat.” She followed Dash back through the various twists and turns leading to the living room and kitchen. How did I make my way through that drunk? She wondered to herself.

“Here you go, eat up.” Dash dropped a plate onto the table in the kitchen, causing it to sink into the deformable cloud material slightly. A large platter on the table was stacked with hay waffles, and a nearby bowl contained heaps of scrambled eggs.

“I thought you weren’t good at cooking.” Fluttershy said as she lifted a waffle onto her plate. “Where’s the mountain of failed waffles and eggs?” She gestured with a hoof over to the now empty sink that had held mounds of burnt food the night before.

“I’ve always made great hay waffles. They were practically all I ate when I first moved in here.” Rainbow speared her own waffle, taking time to drizzle syrup on it. “The eggs were originally going to be sunny side up, but the yolks kept breaking so I just scrambled ‘em up.”

“Ha ha.” Fluttershy gave a forced laugh before quickly becoming serious. “I’m so sorry about last night, Dashie. I only meant to have one glass of wine, but the glass was always full. I’m sorry if I did anything... inappropriate.” She poked at her waffle, not eating it.

“Seriously, it’s all good.” Rainbow waved a hoof dismissively. “No harm, no foul.” She stopped for a moment as a light blush rose in her cheeks. “Besides, it was kind of... nice. What with you being so... aggressive. Lesson learned, though. No alcohol on our next date.”

The remainder of breakfast passed uneventfully. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash ate in relative silence, occasionally trading bashful smiles and glances. As they finished eating and made their way towards the front door, a lingering question pressed to the front of their minds.

“So...” Dash pulled open the door and stared off towards the horizon. “When do you wanna go out again?”

“Um... I’m busy for the rest of the weekend, but maybe sometime next week?” Fluttershy ducked her head to hide behind her mane. “How about I come by on Monday or Tuesday and we can work something out?”

“That sounds good.” Rainbow smiled, leaning forward to plant a light kiss on her marefriend’s cheek. “I’ll see you later, Flutters.”

“Oh, um... okay. Bye.” Fluttershy made her way out the door, leaping from the take-off pad and flaring her wings. She started flapping her wings, but they twitched and flapped stiffly as she flew.

Well... one date down, one more to go.