• Published 18th May 2022
  • 1,868 Views, 39 Comments

Shadows Among Everfree - RedPegasus

The months have passed since the Anon-a-Miss incident, and with the arrival of summer, Sunset Shimmer and her friends from Crystal Prep are ready for a new venture. Camp Everfree awaits them.

  • ...

The Camp Everfree

It begins to dawn. The golden light of the sun dissipates the shadows that cover the sleeping city in its path, until it runs into an apartment building.

Upon making contact with a window, is stopped by its curtains. Only a few small rays manage to pass through the small openings, just enough to dimly illuminate the interior of the room.

The sheet, and even the pillow, had ended up on the floor, leaving only a sleeping girl on the bed spread out across her mattress with one leg dangling off the edge. Her fiery hair, completely tousled, spreads out in the same way; soft snores, and a trail of already dried saliva, escape from her wide open mouth.

Her snoring is the only thing that accompanies the enduring shadow of the place, at least until the cell phone sitting on the nightstand starts to ring. Even so, it takes a few seconds for her eyes to open, revealing an almost emerald green color dulled by the sleep that still dominates her.

With an expression wich could only be classified as one of a ‘living dead’, she extends her arm hitting her nightstand in search of the annoying device. To her misfortune, she ends up knocking it to the ground. She moans like an ‘undead’ before turning on herself; for her pain, ends up falling to the ground as well. Moaning again in frustration, hears the sound of the infernal device right in front of her. Guessing the location a bit, she taps it a few times with her finger until she finally manages to shut it down.

There is silence in the room…until a voice is heard on the other end of the set.


“… gmmmh…” A tired moan is the only response from the girl on the ground.

“Don’t tell me you’re still asleep.” The voice on the other end of the phone speaks.


“Come on girl, up!”


“Oh, come on!” The person exclaims behind the call. “Don’t tell me you forgot what day it is!”

“…hmm hmm?... ”

A sigh is heard from the other end.

“Look, we’re outside. At least open the door for us.”


“No complaints. Either you open us the door, or I pick the lock.”

“…gmm mmh gmmmmmmmh…”

“Again, yes. So open up.”


The call is cut off and after a few seconds – plus another moan mixed with a sigh – the fiery-haired girl makes an exaggerated effort… to stand up.

Arms firmly drooping, back hunched, and head so drooped that her neck seemed about to snap, she walks. Rather, she leaves the room dragging her feet. She crosses her small living room, literally bumping into the door to her apartment.

The fright only makes her take a step back and open her eyes, wide enough to see her key in the lock. Fails twice in her attempt to take it, but she succeeds and turns it off the safety catch; she also removes the small chain that serves as extra security and opens the door.

What she gets is a curious sight: her friends are standing outside.

Indigo Zap, Twilight Sparkle, Sunny Flare, Sonata Dusk, Lemon Zest and Suri Polomare, accompanied by her partner Coco Pommel. Curiously, they all wear similar shirts with a particular logo in the center.

The teens look at Sunset with curiosity and some surprise. Sunset just stays quiet, and after covering a big yawn with her hand she looks at them again.


Indigo Zap rolls her eyes and doesn’t even ask permission to enter. She walks past Sunset, who seems to be falling asleep standing there.

“Seriously, Sunset! I can’t believe you forgot what day it is today!”


“Good heavens Sunset!” Sunny exclaims as she walks past the owner of the place. “You look horrible!”


“Hello Sun Shim! Cute style. It’s so rock!” Lemon congratulates her with some amusement.


Indigo walks over and uses a hand to pry Sunset’s eyelids open.

“Hey Sunset! Are you there? My God. Girl, you look more dead than alive.”

Instead of a moan, there is now something very much like a snore from the fire-haired girl.

Twilight looks a little worried at her friend. “Mh, Sunset has never been good in the mornings.”

“Urgh, oh well.” Indigo groans and then looks at everyone. “Sunny, Suri, take her to the shower. Make sure she’s clean.”

Both named girls nod, the younger one in a very animated way.

“Twilight, go pack her bags for her. Don’t miss anything,” Indigo tells the girl with glasses and then heads towards the Siren. “Sonata, help her.”

“Aye sir!”

“Lemon, Coco, prepare breakfast. Today she is going to need energy.”

Both girls nod.

Indigo takes her cell phone and starts playing it. “I’ll call the dean to tell her we’ll be there soon.”

Lemon and Coco Pommel were already on their way to the kitchen.

“Don’t forget her coffee!” The girl with glasses exclaims to those who go to the kitchen. “Sunset can’t start the day without her morning coffee.”

Twilight says this as she almost gets pulled by the blue haired Siren, they both go to the former equine’s room. Sunny and Suri, on their side, take the ‘living dead’ to the bathroom. Indigo is left alone in the room and takes out her cell phone.

While she waits to be attended, Indigo listens her roommates in the house.

“GAH, IT’S COLD! GAH, IT’S HOT NOW! GAH!... Now that’s better.”

The athlete rolls her eyes at the screams of the apartment’s owner in the bathroom.

About ten minutes later, the owner of the place and her two friends come out of the bathroom. Suri looks dizzy and very flushed, but very smiling.

Sunset, now dressed in her light blue robe, towels her hair dry and then straightens her body.

“hmmm… Ok, now I’m awake. What’s up girls?”

“It’s thanks to you we’re late!” Indigo states with some frustration.

“Um, late for what?” Sunset Shimmer asks curiously.

Sunny is the one who answers her. “Sunset honey, do you really don’t remember what day it is?”

“… Wednesday?”

“Actually, today is Friday.” The messy green-haired girl corrects as she puts a plate of toast on the living room’s table. In turn, Coco Pommel gives the former equine a cup of coffee. She earns a grateful smile from the freshly cleaned girl.

“Okay, I don’t know what day it is.” Sunset leans against the wall. “What’s so special about it?”

Sonata appears with a backpack in her hands.

“Sunsite! Silly! We are going camping today!” She exclaims happily handing the backpack to the owner. Behind her appears Twilight carrying, with great difficulty, a large bag.

Sunset raises an eyebrow. “Camping?”

“Yes, camping!” Indigo Zap claims again. “We’re going on a trip today, to spend a week at Camp Everfree!”

Sunset seemed still intrigued and confused, she takes a sip of coffee while keep looking at everyone.

* ~ * ~ *

Shadows Among Everfree

* ~ * ~ *

Not long after, dressed in her own T-shirt with the same camp symbol and shorts, Sunset reunites with all of her friends and together they head to school.

Back at Crystal Preparatory, Dean Cadence puts all the students on the buses. Sunset’s group arrives, they get on with the others and in a few minutes everyone leave for the city’s outskirt.

~Shadows Among Everfree~

The ride was quite spirited for Sunset, sitting in the back of the bus with Twilight and Sonata to her left while Sunny and Lemon were to her right. Indigo is a little far talking with Lightning Dust, Suri and Coco were together near the rest of the students.

Sunset overheard everyone talking about camp activities, they seemed to expect a lot of fun. Twilight was cheerful too, but she didn’t talk as much; Sunset for her part only made supportive comments. She agreed that it would be fun.

Through the windows Sunset could see how the landscape changed from the city to the countryside, filling up with green decorated with so many bright summer colors.

The fiery haired girl laughs at the occurrences of her friends while she thought about what it would be like to be camping, she couldn’t help noticing a whitish flash in the window but when she paid attention only saw trees. She was surprised, however the good mood of her friends instantly infected again on her.

After a long trip that felt quite short, the dean stands up and takes the floor making all the young people fall silent.

“Alright, we’re almost there.” Announces Cadence gaining everyone’s attention. “A good friend recommended me to come to this place, in order to celebrate the good year we have had. Let me just say our school has changed quite a bit in the last few months, and I think it’s for the better. I hope everyone has a good time and we can have a lot of fun.”

No response except good smiles from everyone.

Cadence picks up the word, showing even more spirit. “Well, who’s ready for Camp Everfree?”

The energic question receives equal or more energic answers.

Sunset and her friends smile along with everyone else.

~Shadows Among Everfree~

Finally both buses stop in the center of the camp.

Cadence descends and is nearly run over by the youths as they rush out of the vehicle.

The impact of the boys makes her lose her balance, and although she tries to wave her arms to push herself off, she ends up falling on her back. Luckily for Cadance, instead of the ground, she feels a pair of arms grab her. She looks up, meeting a pair of green eyes and a slightly amused smile.

“For things like this I told you not to wear heels.” A woman with dark skin and long greenish hair speaks to her. Cadence is a bit embarrassed but she smiles.

“Thank you Chrysie. I mean!... Superintendent. I mean!... Chrysalis.”

Chrysalis is still smiling. She wears a white sleeveless shirt and very dark green mid-calf pants.

“No problem. Just be careful, in summer the youngsters become very energetic."

Both women see how the young people, after getting off the buses, look for their things and walk around observing the facilities.

“It’s the first time I see this school so lively.” The emerald-eyed woman comments.

“I know, a lot of things have changed since a few months ago.” Cadence speaks in an almost wistful voice. “Hey, thanks for coming to help me with this.”

“It’s a pleasure. Cinch is not a fan of wildlife, so you needed help. Besides, a vacation will do me good. Let the kids have fun and we can do the same.”

Cadence nods looking very happy at that idea.

Finally all the students, now campers, get off the bus as does Sunset and the others.

Indigo jumps out of the vehicle onto the ground. “Finally! That trip seemed like an eternity to me, I already needed to stretch my legs.”

Says our girl in googles as she begins some stretches. Lightning gives an almost mocking smile. “You look like a child. You kept kicking and screaming all the way to get here soon.”

“I wasn’t kicking! I only moved my legs because they were falling asleep.” Our sporty girl exclaims at her blonde friend.

Both athletes continue with their conversation, while the others go for their things.

“I’ve never been camping, are they fun?” Sonata asks excitedly and eager for an answer.

Lemon is the one who answers her. “Are you kidding?! Camps are great! You can crawl in the bush, fill yourself with dirt and eat until you are indigestible and vomit! And no one stops you! It’s like a paradise where there aren’t rules and insanity reigns!”

“I like insanity!”

They both smile excitedly.

Sunny Flare, already carrying her luggage, walks over and joins in the conversation.

“Although I don’t share Lemon’s enthusiasm for the activities mentioned, a camp is certainly an enriching experience. The exploration and walks through the forest, the contact with nature, is entertaining and educational in equal parts. In addition to feeling the breeze, perceiving the aroma of nature and being able to see the stars at night. They are wonders that make you bring out your interior.”

“Let’s go skinny dipping in the lake!” Suddenly Lemon Zest yells.

“Yay!” Celebrate Sonata.

“No! We won’t do that.” Sunny Flare exclaims.


Sunset did nothing but laugh as she saw and heard her friends. Accompanied by Twilight, they took her things.

Indigo and Lightning are seen saying their goodbyes, and soon the whole group is reunited.

“This will be the best week of our lives!” Assures our Crystal’s athlete. “We'll go hiking, climb the mountain! Swimming and target shooting contests! It will be great!”

Twilight hesitates for a moment. “Um, I’m not sure the camp has all of that.”

Indigo shrugs. “We’ll do it anyway.”

Sunny Flare takes the floor. “Personally, I want to relax. This year has been pretty crazy, honestly.”

“Tell me about it!” Lemon suddenly exclaims. “Since Sun-Shim arrived, super crazy and fabulous things have happened!”

That last one makes Sunset wipe the smile from her face. “Err, I…”

Sunny puts a hand on her shoulder. “Oh, don’t worry honey. We are glad you are with us.”

Indigo supports her. “Exactly! The school is so much more fun since we met you.”

“Sunsite, we love you!” Sonata exclaims giving Sunset a big hug. The dimensional girl can’t help but smile, touched by their words.

“Thank you girls.”

They all share smiles.

Suri and Coco had also arrived carrying their bags. And that’s when a voice comes over the camp’s loudspeaker.

“Attention campers, gather in the central area of the camp! It’s time to start the best week of camping in history!”

A jubilant female voice is heard, immediately all the teenagers gather in the center of the camp where there is a curious kiosk. In it, two people - a woman and a very young man – taking a look at them.

“Welcome everyone!” The woman speaks in the same jubilant voice through a microphone.

“My name is Gloriosa Daisy. I’ll be your camp manager! Consider me your friendly nature guide. And this is my brother, Timber Spruce.”

She introduces the young man next to her, who instantly grabs the microphone to speak.

“Consider me the awesome guy that should be invited to the Fun.”

Gloriosa shakes her head a little amused by his attitude.

Lemon gives her friend with googles a little hit. “Wow Zap, that guy’s ego is almost as big as yours.”

“Yeah… HEY!”

All the friends laugh at the comment.

Gloriosa begins to ask and listen to requests from various camping activities.

“Sports competition! No! A triathlon!” Shouts our athlete.

“A rock concert!” Exclaims our rocker girl.

“Uh-uh! Karaoke, karaoke!” Says our happy Dazzling.

Coco Pommel speaks quietly but enthusiastically. “Can we, um, do crafts?”

Sunset had no particular idea, so she was just silently watching her friends and other campers place orders. However, she did notice the way her bespectacled friend had been looking at that Timber boy. The strong blush on her cheeks made the former equine laugh.

“I’ll be listening to your requests throughout the day,” says Gloriosa after listening to a few more suggestions. “So don’t hesitate to ask me whatever you want.”

Timber then pulls out a small leather bag. “Well, I think it’s time to do some fun stuff. Time to assign them their shops! I’ll assign the girls, so come-“

Timber tries to move forward but his sister grabs him by the collar of the shirt and stops him.

“Oh no, you won’t.” She somewhat roughly pulls Timber and pushes him to the opposite side. “Girls, come with me! Boys, with Timber.”

The camper girls approach the camp manager, Timber looks frustrated but doesn’t say anything as he rejoins the boys.

Sunset seems curious about the scene, but doesn’t say anything as she is soon almost pushed by the others towards Gloriosa.

From the small Gloriosa and Timber’s bags each camper takes out a small card containing a picture of a gem.

Lemon opens hers and almost jumps at the sight of it. “Check this out! I have the emerald!”

Sonata sees hers and jumps likewise . “Hey! Me too!”

Both surround each other with an arm, happily to be partners.

Indigo shows her card for all to see. “I have the aquamarine.”

“Look who else has it.” Lightning says showing her own card. They both applaud with good humor.

Coco looks curiously and smiles. “I got turquoise, it’s my favorite stone!”

Suri next to her sees her card. “Um, I have the amethyst.”

Sour stops and listens. “Well, guess who you’ll be with.”

The girl with freckles smiles softly as she walks over showing her card. Suri is surprised but she smiles.

Sunny takes her card, but before she sees it looks at her red and golden haired classmate.

“What stone do you have, Sunset?”

The aforementioned looks at her own card. “Sapphire.”

Sunny sees her own card and frowns a little. “Mh, bad luck.”

“I have the sapphire too!” Our purple-haired scientist exclaims excitedly, earning a smile from both of them.

“You win this time Sparkle, but we will meet again.”

“Well, I guess it is. I mean, sapphires aren’t just blue; they can be pink, purple, yellow.”

“But they are mostly blue.” Timber suddenly comments as he approaches them.

Twilight can’t help but get a little flustered when she sees him.

“That’s why his name comes from the Latin, ‘Sapphirus’.”

Twilight looks at him amused. He whispers to her. “It means ‘Blue’.”

“I know!” Twilight also exclaims in a whisper. “But did you know that sapphires are just rubies with no chrome?”

“No! But did you know the sapphire tent is the best in the camp?” The green haired boy asks as he takes the card, brushing his hand with the girl’s making her blush.

“I didn’t know…why?”

“Because you’re in it.”

Twilight looks at him amused. Sunset also smiles at the sight of them, though her smile fades at Sunny’s frown.

Twilight and Timber’s talk ends as he goes to escort some of the boys. Twilight by her part watches him go with a blush. As she turns around, sees the sour look Sunny Flare gives her.


“Twilight honey, be very careful with that guy.”

“Why is that?”

“Didn’t you notice? He was flirting with you.”

“What?! No! He was just…playing, hehe…”

Although Sunset seems uncomfortable, she decides to join in on the apparent conversation. “Um, what if he flirts with her, is that a bad thing?”

Before the conversation can continue, a hiss is heard. It’s Gloriosa Daisy.

“Allright guys! Go get settled. We’ll meet at the dock in fifteen minutes to give you the camp’s safety rules.”

Said and done, the rest of the campers go to their respective tents to accommodate their belongings.

Sunset does the same, but stops when she feels a breeze that sends chills down her spine. She wonders about it, but as soon as the feeling wears off she forgets about it and keeps walking.

~Shadows Among Everfree~

Sunset and Twilight had already arranged most of their things, even the puppy Spike had his bed in the corner.

“Well, I guess we’ll be here for a week.” Comments Sunset to start a conversation.

Twilight thinks about it for a second and answers. “Technically, it will be six days and five nights. But yeah, I guess you could say a week.”

Surprisingly, she is caught in a hug from the fire-haired girl.

“You’re so adorable when you get nerdy like that.”

Her voice is warm but teasing, Twilight makes an annoyed moan but she can’t help but smile.

“Who’s a cute kitty?”

That makes the scientist take her friend away from her.

“Don’t call me kitty!”

The former equine just laughs at her reaction. They both continue to order their things, when Sunset puts on a knowing smile.

“It will be fun to be here. Gloriosa seems to know how to run a camp.”

“I guess so, she seems to have a good experience.” Twilight answers by getting her belongings in order.

“Yeah, and Timber seems like a nice guy. He’s really cute too, right?”

Our equestrian girl’s smile only widens when she sees her friend stunned for a moment, who then smiles trying to hide her blush.

“He’s fine, I suppose.”

“Oww, I think someone is crushing.” Says Sunset jokingly.

“Wh-Wha-what?! No! Of course not. I mean, he’s cute and friendly-“

“And you like him.”

“No! I mean… I… I like him, he seems like a nice guy.”

“Owww, my Twiley is growing up.” Says Sunset in a voice meant to be sad. “I’m…so proud…sniff.”

Sunset makes an exaggerated gesture as if she’s wiping away a tear. Twilight just looks at her in frustration.


“It seems like just yesterday you were running around the garden in your underwear…”

That earns her a balled-up t-shirt projectile aimed at the face.

“Sometimes I don’t know why I’m your friend!” Twilight coments in a tone somewhere between annoying and amused.

“Because if you weren’t, I’d call the princess to give me some affection.” Sunset answers with a certain joking tone.

“No princesses! You’re my best friend!” The girl with glasses exclaims and then hugs the fire-haired girl possessively.

“The princess can find another friend. I won’t leave you.”

“Neither do I to you, Twiley.” Our girl from Equestria smiles and responds to the scientist’s hug. They both hold that hug for a moment before separating.

“Seriously, Sparky, it seems you and he like each other. You should talk to him and see if you can meet him.”

Twilight averts her eyes a bit biting her lip.

“I…I don’t know…I couldn’t…I’ve never talked to a boy before…except, well, Flash but…that’s just because you were there.”

“Come on Twiley, you can do it. You two already talked a bit earlier. You just have to show yourself as you are.”

“I don’t know…”

The conversation ends when they hear the voice of their Siren friend from outside.

“Sunsite! Twi-Twi! Come on, we are waiting for you!”

“Here we go!” Sunset answers loud enough for her to hear. “I just hope I don’t get sunburned.”

Twilight opens the pocket on the side of Sunset’s bag and takes out some sunscreen.

“I can always count on you Sparky.”

Both put together a new hug.

~Shadows Among Everfree~

Soon after, everyone in the camp gathers at the lake.

“Water activities are available until sunset,” the camp manager announces. “If you want to practice canoeing, sailing, swinsport or swimming, just let me know.”

Our known group watch the water with some attention.

“The water is so clear and clean.” Sunny comments smiling as she looks at the lake. “It looks like a beautiful jewel that shines in the sun.”

“And the lake is perfect for a swimming contest!” Indigo says animatedly. “Perfect for a triathlon.”

Sonata looks at the water smiling. “Will there be fish?! Fish grilled over an open fire, sure to taste delicious!”

Our blue Dazzling smacks her lips at the thought.

Twilight stood apart from the group. With an oar in hand, she seemed to be going to practice some canoeing, when suddenly the pier’s wood breaks and makes her fall. To her luck, Timber catches her.

“Woah. Hey, I know I’m charming, but you don’t have to go down like that.”

He helps Twilight to put back on her feet and earns a playful poke from the girl.

“Don’t feel so special, although thanks for catching me…” She comments with a small blush. Timber just smiles at her.

“It’s a pleasure. If it happens again, I will be there for you again.”

Twilight blushes a little more. To her surprise, Sunny Flare appears and grabs Twilight’s shoulders to gently pull her away from him.

“What a charmer. Excuse us Timber, we need to talk.”

“Ah yeah, sure.“ It’s the only thing the young man can answer as he watches her carry the purple haired girl past the pier.

Twilight is very surprised as Sunny almost drags her away from the place. They both meet Sunset.

“Twilight! What did I tell you?!” Sunny berates her friend with glasses.

“What?! What did I do?!”

“I've told you. Be careful with that guy, he’s dangerous.”

“What are you talking about?”

Sunset is just as confused as Twilight. She then decides to ask.

“Why do you think Timber is dangerous?”

“Please Sunset, Timber is trying to take advantage of our little Twilight.”

“Take advantage?”


Sunny doesn’t care about their apparent bewilderment, but instead she keeps talking. “I’ve seen guys like him. They are like wolves that always goes after the most susceptible sheep. Don’t trust him little Twilight, he’ll only hurt you.”

Sunset scratches the back of her neck. “Um, I think you’re exaggerating Sunny Flare.”

“’Little Twilight’?”

“I’m not exaggerating Sunset, I’ve met boys of such kind more than once. They think they can attract anyone with their looks and smiles; not on MY guard.”

Sunset is still puzzled. “Uh, I don’t think so. He seems like a good guy to me.”

Suri comes out of nowhere and appears between them. “I agree with Miss Flare!”

The three girls let out a faint cry from the sudden fright.

“I also think he isn’t trustworthy. People like him are experts at pretending to be what they’re not. They are attentive, sweet, kind and polite. And they hide their true self: someone petty, sinister and Machiavellian.”

Sour Sweet, who was passing by, makes a funny comment as she looks at the younger girl.

“Sure. You know a lot about that, don’t you kiddo?”

Sour doesn’t stick around to talk and just walks away from the rest. Sunset still isn’t sure. “I think you are both exaggerating.”

“Yeah, you don’t even know Timber.” Twilight, who now looks upset, reassures them firmly.

“Oh, and you do?” asks the youngest newcomer.

“Um… well… maybe not, but-“

“I still think he’s a good guy.” Says Sunset Shimmer. “Seems nice.”

Both Sunny and Suri let out a sigh.

“Miss Shimmer is too lenient.”

“I love that quality about you honey, but seriously, you need to be less trusting. And you Twilight, I’m telling this because I appreciate you, keep that boy away from you.”

Cyan and Amethyst exchange glances, both insecure due to the attitude of their acquaintances.

While on the dock, the dean’s prep and her emerald-haired chaperone had gone to check out the damage with Gloriosa.

“I’m afraid this pier appears to be in poor condition.” Chrysalis says. “It’s not safe. It’s better to close it down for the rest of the camp.”

The protest of several campers doesn’t take long in coming. Gloriosa smiles for everyone.

“Oh ho ho! I’m sure it won’t be necessary to close it down the entire camp. It just needs a few tweaks and updates here and there, and it’ll be good as new. ~I've got this!~” She exclaims in an almost singsong voice.

Indigo seems to think of something.

“Mmh… or maybe we take care of that! I know a lot about carpentry.” Suddenly, Indigo grabs Sugacoat by her shoulders and pulls her close. “And Sugarcoat knows architecture! We can make a new dock in seconds.”

“Don’t integrate me into your ideas without my consent, Indigo Zap.” It’s the response of the young platinum haired girl while she look the situation with indifference.

Indigo ignores her complaint. “We can make it bigger and better! Perfect for the sport triathlon starting line!”

Timber approaches unsure. “I’m not so sure about that. Building a whole new dock sounds like a lot of effort, I wouldn’t want you wasting your fun time on something like that.”

“Pfff, we are Shadowbolts!” Indigo says confidently. “We can do anything! We’ll have a new dock ready before any can say ‘ready, set, go!’ After saying that, she looks at Sunset. “Sunset, what do you say?”

Sunset is a little surprised to find herself included in the conversation. “Mh? Oh well-“

Indigo interrupts to get everyone’s attention. “Let’s hear what the Shadowbolt Queen has to say!”

Sunset just rolls her eyes in amusement at the title. Soon all her eyes are on her.

“I think it’s a great idea. A new dock will serve us all and future campers as well. It will be like leaving our mark on this place.” She smiles at everyone, and the campers seem convinced by her words.

Indigo only gets more excited. “You heard the Queen! Let’s go, Shadowbolts!!”

Cheers full of encouragement fill the place. Cadence can’t fight the smile that spreads across her face, Chrysalis smiles at her and everyone too. Gloriosa is as animated as everyone; Timber is calm, although he seems a little worried.

Sunset on her part receives smiles from several students, the good humor was contagious. She still can’t help but feel a chill from a sudden breeze.

Looking around she only sees her classmates still excited by the idea. Indigo had already gone with Sugarcoat, apparently to discuss the project.

The feeling was only a second, and as soon as Sunset gets a couple of surprise hugs from her friends she forgets about the matter.