• Published 18th May 2022
  • 1,857 Views, 39 Comments

Shadows Among Everfree - RedPegasus

The months have passed since the Anon-a-Miss incident, and with the arrival of summer, Sunset Shimmer and her friends from Crystal Prep are ready for a new venture. Camp Everfree awaits them.

  • ...

The Winter

Those ghosts created from the wind and the ice move over the camp.

The hot summer atmosphere fades away, the gloomy clouds cover the whole place. Snow and icy wind surround the entire forest. The whisper of the wind and the howl of the specters are what is heard, accompanying the screams of several campers trying to hide.

But the real threat is the feeling of conflict among the local teens.

Clashing into each other while running away leads to an argument. Looking for a hiding place makes them fight among themselves in order to stay safe. More than a few yelling ends in unreasonable accusations, dedicated to one’s guilt or irresponsibility towards the other.

And that only makes the spectral beings stronger.

The silhouettes of the Windigos little by little lose their translucent aspect, becoming more opaque, more real. Their howls ceased to be whispers, being heard as if they were remarkable laughter that echoed along with their wind.

All of this it’s what Chrysalis can see, standing in front of one of the camp cabins.

“Chrysi! Come on!”

Candence calls from inside the cabin. Chrysalis seems to hesitate for a moment, but she finally runs inside. Cadence rushes to close the door. Both women see the campers who managed to take refuge inside, all clearly scared.

“Dean Cadence, what are we going to do…?” Asks one of the campers, showing his fear.

“Easy,” Cadence says almost reflexively. “We must remain calm. Everything will be fine, it’s just-“

“Fine?! FINE?! Exclaims an annoyed Sour Sweet. There are ghosts outside freezing the summer! This can’t be fine!

Neon is the next one to speak. “We have to get out of here, find a way to get back to the city-“

“Oh ho ho~ and how are you going to do it~?” Sour asks in a soft voice wich soon changes to an aggressive character. Those ghosts are outside, and the city is tens of kilometers from here!

Cadence approaches and tries to control the situation. “Guys, don’t argue please. You have to-“

Neon responds to the freckled girl. “And what do you expect we should do?! Stay here and freeze to death?!”

Sunshower takes the floor. “If we go out, we will die anyways. We haven't salvation.”

“We aren't going to die!” The Dean yells. “Please-“

“You can stay and die if you want!” Replies Neon Light. “I still have a lot to do!”

This is how a new discussion begins among the young people.

Chrysalis doesn’t say anything, but she turns to see how the windows of the place begin to freeze, and the breath of the wind outside the cabin is heard with more force. Even the silhouettes of these beings can be seen hanging around outdoors.

A soft sob snaps her out of her thoughts. When she turns around, she can see Cadence shaking. A couple of tears falling to the hardwood floor.


“…Forgive me…”

The Dean begins to sob, covers her face with both hands, and wails. Seeing the dean sob manages to calm down the fight between the campers, changing their anger to pity.

“Forgive me… It’s my fault…. I brought you all here… I just… I just wanted the school to have a good trip…”

Chrysalis sees Cadence, then the young people, and her attention is diverted to the windows where she can see the ice slowly melt away. This surprises her, Chrysalis allows herself to think for a few seconds.

“Cadence, this is not your fault. You wanted the best for the students, and for Crystal Prep.”

“…And now we are here. Trapped… in fear…”

“You couldn’t know something like this was going to happen.” The dark-skinned woman comments. “No one here could know.”

Cadence wipes her face and Chrysalis turns to look at her.

“Cadence, you did the right thing. You wanted to keep the wonderful feeling that has been growing at the academy , and you still can.”

Both women look at each other. One impassive, yet determined; the other doubtful and still sad.

“There are still a lot of young people out there,” says Chrysalis. “I’ll go see if I can help them.”

Dean Cadence is surprised to hear her. “What… what can you do…?”

“I don’t know, but I will. I need you to stay here. You have to keep the guys together.”

“How… how can I do that…?”

The emerald-haired woman takes the colorful-haired woman by her shoulders.

“You can. Your heart is beautiful and pure like crystal, and you can spread love to everyone around you. With you here, those creatures can’t do anything.”


“I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Saying nothing more, and in a hurry, Chrysalis breaks away from Cadence and heads for the door. Cadence can only watch her go.

Chrysalis takes one more look around, then leaves. The teenagers approach the Dean, all of them doubting and fearful of the situation.

“Dean Cadence…”

The tricolor haired woman takes a deep breath, forcing herself to swallow her insecurity and puts on a determined look. Taking Neon and Sunshower’s hands, she looks at the campers.

“We will be fine. As long as we stay together.”

The students/campers look at each other. Following the Dean’s lead, Neon and Sunshower also extend their hands to a partner’s; in turn, they follow the chain of union joining hands, staying close to each other.

Sour Sweet stands back from them, serious and with her arms crossed, but when a hand is extended invitingly, she sighs through her nose and accepts, joining the others.

The cabin remains silent, but from the outside it is noticeable how slightly the weather around is softening.

~Shadows Among Everfree~

Instead of attacking the girls, the Windigos begin to circle over them, forming a kind of encirclement.

Lemon stands in front of her friends full of confidence. “Leave them to me, guys. I suggest you cover your eardrums.”

With a lot of courage, Lemon stands in the middle of that snowfall. Sunny and Indigo also gain confidence and take the advice, covering their ears.

As the Windigos snarl and fly rapidly making their strongest snowfall, Lemon stomps the ground as if she wants to stay on her feet. She takes a breath of air and, looking directly at the sky, lets out a thunderous scream creating sound waves that shake the ground and stop the air; in this way she stops the flight of the Windigos and shakes them. Some of them are thrown into the distance.

The thunderous cry is heard even in the distance.

Winter White was wandering around the place with a smile, but he erases it when he hears the scream. Turning around can see the Windigos being shot into the air like missiles.

“What’s that?!”

Hyberna, as well as the group of Windigos that were freezing and terrifying every camper they found in their path, stops when she contemplates such agitation.

Even Sunset, Twilight and Sonata – including Spike himself, who accompanies them – hear the cry in the distance and are surprised, although the former unicorn soon smiles.

“What was that?!”

The bewildered teen with glasses exclaims. Sunset keeps her smile.

“It was the girls.”

Lemon’s scream shakes the Windigos to such an extent they end up running away. Running out of air Lemon stops her screaming, and although she gets a little dizzy Indigo and Sunny hold her up and help her stay on her feet.

“That…was…so... BADASS!” Lemon Zest yells in high spirits. “I take back what I said! Being a walking speaker is the best!”

Indigo seems to support the situation. “Sunset was right, we really can do this!”

The athlete announces by bringing her palms closer, seeing the electrical currents that form between them. Likewise, Sunny turns her hands on and off by clenching her fists.

“After this we have to buy her a few drinks.” Comment Lemon Zest. “To celebrate and apologize.”

“You got it, girl. But first… ” Indigo Zap prepares to fight. “Let’s kick some transparent butts with the Power of Friendship! Because friendship is shocking!”

The google’s girl exclaims with waves of electricity moving through her body.

“Because it’s warming.”

Sunny announces with a snap of her finger, producing flames that soar.

“And it’s LOUD!!”

Lemon takes a breath, her friends proceed to cover their ears and the rocker lets out her scream.

~Shadows Among Everfree~

Suri Polomare and Coco Pommel embrace each other, trembling with cold and fear due the three Windigos surrounding them. The feet of both begin to freeze.

“Coco, I know I’ve always treated you badly… but I want you to know you’ve been my best friend ever…” Suri confesses, about to cry.

“I used your clarinet to unclog my toilet.” Answers Coco in the same state.

Suri’s fear turns to surprise. “You WHAT?!”

Coco just smiles nervously.

Sunset, Twilight, and Sonata manage to see both girls being threatened by the Windigos who begin to freeze them.

Instantly the three Shadowbolts and Spike the puppy run towards them.

The howl of the Windigos causes both girls to scream in terror. To the three ghosts’ surprise, a voice calls out for them.

“Leave those girls alone!”

The three spirits and the two teenagers manage to see Chrysalis stand firmly a few feet away.

“Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?”

The Windigos smile with a certain grace. One of them walks away from the girls and flies towards the woman.

A cold wind hits Chrysalis and the Windigo surrounds her. Even so, the woman doesn’t react; her impassive gaze, her body motionless, she doesn’t try to run away or bother to stop it.

Although the cold wind surrounds the woman, she doesn’t seem to feel anything. Her body doesn’t tremble. The Windigo is surprised to see there isn’t ice forming on her. A growl is heard, its movement ceases and the ghost quickly approaches menacingly.

Surprisingly, Chrysalis reaches out with her right arm and grabs the ice spirit by the neck. Looking at him seriously, and with a cold voice, she speaks to the Windigo.

“I’m sorry, I think my heart is too cold for you.”

Chrysalis raises her left arm and delivers a strong blow directly to the wraith’s face, sending him flying into the air and onto the ground.

The other Windigos are very astonished. Not only them, our trio who watched the scene do the same.

The two Windigos snarl and lunge at Chrysalis, she turns to face them but a shrill sound shakes the air. It pushes the spirits, the other girls, the puppy and the woman forces themselves to cover their ears.

Soon everyone sees the rest of our group running.


“Sun-Shim! Twi-Park! Duskie!”

The Sunset Among Shadows come together in a hug, an especially strong one bestowed on the fire-haired girl.

“Girls! Are you alright?” Sunset asks.

Indigo is the one who answers first. “Better than alright! Look what I can do!”

High-fiving her hands and rubbing them together, the girl with googles creates an electric current throughout her body. Everyone present can feel their clothes and hair are slightly attracted to her.

Sunny Flare also does a demo. “You were right Sunset. This magic we possess, we can control it.” She says as she lights and extinguishes the flames in her hands.

Lemon joins them. “Sure we can! Do you want to hear my scream?!”

Excitedly, the rocker takes a breath and gets ready. But she stops when everyone answers her with a big…


Sunset can only laugh with some grace. She then walks over to the two younger teens, who still have frozen legs.

“Suri, Coco. Don’t worry, stay together and think about the good times.”

Sunset takes the two girls by the shoulders and gives them a friendly smile. The teens lock eyes, and as they think, they both feel the other’s embrace tighten a little more. Within seconds, the ice on their legs melts and breaks, allowing them to move.

“Miss Shimmer!”

Suri, now free, jumps up and hugs Sunset tightly. Coco does the same, although with less force.

Sunset hugs them back and pats them on the head.

Everyone present is allowed a moment of calm and smiles, unfortunately it ends when a cold voice full of anger is heard.


The teenagers, the talking dog and Chrysalis turn their eyes towards the sky to see the origin of that voice.

It’s Hyberna, who is above all. Her eyes glow blank, with a look of fury on her face.

“Hyberna.” Sunset says quietly.

“~How are you here?!~ ~You should be frozen!~”

“You can freeze my body, but never my heart!” Sunset says sternly, though afterwards she seems almost apologetic. “As cheesy as that sounds!”

“It’s also contradictory,” Twilight adds. “Since the heart is a muscle of the body. And if the body freezes, therefore also the-“

Indigo Zap interrupts her. “Twilight, this is not the time to be an egghead.”

Lemon Zest seconded. “And it’s not like there’s really a time to be.”

“Sunsite, aren’t you going to introduce us to your semi-transparent friend?” Sonata asks. Even if she was joking, the siren’s face still has a serious expression.

“~You’re not going to ruin our meal again, Sunset Shimmer!~”

Hyberna yells, raising her arm creates a strong wind that whips everyone around. The girls, Spike and Chrysalis protect themselves by hugging each other to resist it.

Indigo covers herself, but joining her palms together she begins to rub them together creating a current and then throws it off like lightning. Hyberna notices it, but she doesn’t manage to react before the electricity hits her.

The wind disappears and Sunny Flare takes the opportunity to join her hands, create a large ball of blue fire and throw it at the Windigo. The electrical discharge leaves Hyberna unable to move, so the fireball impacts her, causing her to fall to the ground.

Indigo and Sunny high-fived each other. Coco and Suri are surprised but smile. Same Sunset who looks at them.

Chrysalis approaches, her face still stern.

“Cadence told me you were a special group, but I didn’t imagine something like this to be honest.”

All friends smile. However they turn their attention to Hyberna when she wakes up. The funny thing is that the marks on her body start to glow and the ground below her freezes.

“~… You are not going to deprive us of our food… we have waited… CENTURIES… for this…~”

The ground freezes and the air around Hyberna becomes so cold that she turns black.


The leader of the Windigos screams in fury letting out a howl that echoes throughout the camp. In just a few seconds, the sky becomes much darker as all the Windigos gather and their presence begins to freeze the entire environment.

The cabins are covered with ice, the trees almost seem to suffer, losing their leaves in the wind and filling with frost and snow. The lake freezes over completely. A heavy snowfall covers the entire site.

~Shadows Among Everfree~

In the cabin where Cadence is, all the campers gather, feeling terror as they contemplate how the ice covers the structure. The Dean is also afraid, tough when she sees the students scared, she sees the need to overcome such emotion. Cadence holds as many students as her arms will allow and pulls them to her protectively.

The teens feel the act, get as close to the woman as they can, and forcefully take their classmates. Among all of them form something similar to a giant hug.

Mi Amore Cadenza forces her body to calm down as she focuses on taking care of the others, holding them tight.

That feeling is shared by those present, making the groupal hug warmer. Although the ice manages to enter the cabin, freezing the entire interior in its path, it fails to affect them. They are surrounded by an aura of warmth.

Unfortunately, it can't be said the same for the young people out there because they don’t have that chance, neither that luck.

~Shadows Among Everfree~

The campers who haven’t managed to take refuge in a cabin are practically crushed by snow and wind.

Fleur de Lis is among them. She tries to take shelter behind a big tree. This protects her from the wind, but the cold environment makes her shiver.

A kind of laughter is heard, when she looks up the young woman with pink hair can see a Windigo clinging to the tree’s trunk.

Fleur screams in fear and tries to run, but her legs get tangled up and she ends up falling. The Windigo lunges at her, Fleur screams and covers herself with her arms. Something strikes and knocks the wraith away, Fleur looks up to see Timber with an axe in his hands, grinding his teeth as he stares at the Windigo.

The ghost stands up and snarls, lunging at the boy, but Timber swings the axe and hits him again. Despite being hit with the edge of the axe, it doesn’t seem to do any harm to the Windigo, just hits and knocks him to the ground.

Timber takes advantage of the situation and swings the axe. It looks like an attempt to nail it, but just like before, instead of digging in, the axe only manages to hit the Windigo on the head, stunning him. Still Timber wastes no time and runs to Fleur.

“Let’s go!” He holds out her hand, she doesn’t hesitate to take it. He picks her up and they both run back to camp.

Timber takes Fleur’s hand tightly and she responds in kind. Both go to the cabin where Gloriosa has her office, and upon entering they find the camp’s manager along with other young campers.

Gloriosa Daisy delivers blankets to those under her care as they tremble with cold and fear.


“Timber! Are you okey?!”

The woman runs to her brother and examines him a bit.

“I’m fine,” is his reply. “But those things are everywhere! This axe doesn’t do anything to them, I have no idea what they are! Gloriosa, were you able to contact someone?”

Gloriosa shakes her head. “The storm cut off all communications. Even cell phones don’t work.”


Timber feels a squeeze on his hand, causing him to turn around and see Fleur’s worried face.

“Are you fine?”

“Yes, thanks for saving me.” Fleur answers.

“Don’t worry.”

Gloriosa looks at the girl. “Are you all right dear? Did they hurt you?”

“No, thanks to Timber.”

She smiles at the young man, and he smiles back. Although soon Fleur takes him from her arms trembling a little, feeling cold again. Gloriosa rushes to give her a blanket to cover herself.

“Gloriosa, stay here and take care of everyone.” Timber speaks in a very serious tone.

“Are you going out again?” Gloriosa looks surprised but also scared.

“There are still campers out there, with those things attacking them. I must do it.”

Despite being worried, Gloriosa doesn’t try to stop him. Timber Sprunce looks at his sister once more and, with a firm grip on his axe, he heads out again.

Fleur also watches him as the green-haired guy leaves. “…He’s so brave.”

Although extremely concerned, Gloriosa continues to attend the teens inside. Fleur also remains concerned, looking out the window at the falling snow.

~Shadows Among Everfree~

Back at the storm’s epicenter, Sunset Shimmer’s group does their best to weather the snow and wind.

Hyberna floats above ground level, her angry gaze fixing on the group being subdued by the snow.

“~You idiots~. ~You’re just humans~. ~No matter how many abilities any of you possess, you are nothing but food for our species!~”

Sunset looks resentfully at the Windigo, and the Windigo stares back at her. Hyberna floats, approaching until she is in front of the fire-haired girl.

“~And you, Sunset Shimmer~.”

The Windigo reaches out with her arm to grab the young ex equine by her neck, squeezing her and lifting her off the ground.

“Sunset!” All of her friends scream when they see that.

Hyberna levitates carrying Sunset with her, holding her by the neck.

“~I wanted to let you live~. ~May you serve as food~.” The ice ghost speaks to the girl she’s holding in her hand. “~But I can tell you are very dangerous~.”

Sunset’s neck begins to wrap in ice.

“~This time, I’ll freeze you to the last drop of life you have!~”

Ice emerges, forming spikes that grow up Sunset’s neck and shoulders.

The girls can only watch from the ground. Indigo, Sunny, and Lemon try to use magic on her, but the wind and snow repel the electricity, put out the fire, and disperse the sound, preventing them from helping the girl.

Sunset’s body is still encased in such ice. Her friends get desperate and call out Sunset’s name, they feel helpless not being able to aid the former unicorn.

Hyberna allows herself to smile as she sees and feels Sunset’s strength diminish as the ice reaches her torso.

Sonata also sees her friend from Equestria, unable to rescue her.


The Dazzling’s mind begins to fill with memories…

She can remember meeting Sunset again at Crystal Prep after many months, and how they started to talk…


She remembers when they formed the band. When Sunset protected her from the Canterlot High’s girls…

…And the first time when she called her friend.

A tear falls from the Siren and it freezes instantly, but she continues to look at her compatriot. All the good memories, the happy moments with Sunset, come to her mind. Sonata Dusk’s hands tremble and she closes them into fists.


Sonata’s scream echoes, even above the heavy blizzard, and before anyone can notice it, her entire body is enveloped in a brilliant blue aura.

All those present see how that aura grows and rises, slowly it’s gaining shape. That radiance takes on a long, slender, beautiful and elegant form: a being that could only be described as a hybrid of horse and fish, with a mermaid’s tail, equine legs and dorsal fin. It elongated face shows a pair of bright eyes.

On the ground, that light separates from Sonata and she falls to the ground; the girls manage to catch her, but she is knocked unconscious. Everyone turns their attention to the being, even the Windigos.

Hyberna looks at that creature, and this creature seems to look at her as well.

The creature’s eyes narrow angrily.

“~Uh oh…~”

It is the only thing the female ghost manages to say before that aural being opens its mouth exhaling a harmonious cry - as if it were a melody - but it’s so powerful that it shakes the air and pushes the Windigo, making it release the former unicorn.

Sunset falls to the ground, still covered in ice, yet the aural being moves through the air. It slams its paws into the ice, breaking it, and then moves so that Sunset lands on its back.

The fire-haired girl slowly opens her eyes. Sunset Shimmer notices she is floating on something. Looking up, she meets the face of that being.

Silence falls as Sunset looks at that creature.


The being rubs its head on Sunset’s cheek, which makes her smile.

On the ground, the other girls are still shocked, looking between the aural being and the now oblivious blue-haired friend of hers.

“Is that… Duskie?” Ask Lemon Zest.

Breaking the silence, Indigo Zap begins to say, “That… that’s… so… ”


They all yell in unison. They can see how that being, Sonata, moves quickly through the air immune to the blizzard and begins to attack the Windigos, ramming them. The ice spirits rush to attack. Sonata dodges them, hitting them with her paws and tail.

Sunset, sitting on the back of the aura Siren, smiles tough she can’t help but ask a question.

“How did you do this?!” She asks, smiling as she clings to her friend’s neck.

Sonata just lets out a melody as she keeps moving attacking the Windigos.

After a couple of turns, Sonata heads straight for Hyberna, who is still shocked that she can’t react; the aura’s siren catches her with the tail, taking the ghost with her. Descending at high speed, she slams Hyberna into the ground.

Sonata flies the teen over to the group, circles them in the air a few times, then stops allowing Sunset to get off her back. The girls look at her blue friend smiling.

The aural siren appears to close its eyes, then rises a bit and then goes down toward her unconscious body. The aura disappears, entering into Sonata. Just a second later, the blue girl’s eyes widen.

All of her friends come to her to see if she is okay.

“Wow… girls… did you… did you see that?” Sonata Dusk asks, getting excited and up in spirit.

Every girl’s smile keeps growing. Although Indigo’s comment is soon heard.

“And here I thought mine was great.”

“It’s not fair. Duskie got the best superpower.” Lemon complains, albeit in a joking tone.

Sunset smiles and approaches her Equestrian friend.

“Sonata, thank you for saving me.”

The Dazzling just smiles and engulfs the pony girl in a tight hug.

“You are my friend! I love you Sunsite!”

“Heh heh, I love you too Sonata.”

The happy atmosphere is interrupted by a moan. It is Hyberna who stands up again.

“~…How…how did you do that…?~ ~YOU ARE NOTHING BUT SIMPLE HUMANS!!~”

Like her, all the Windigos around her are enraged. Especially those who were attacked.

Indigo stands defiant to Hyberna. “Do you want more, iceberg head? Better give up! We are too much for you.”

The Windigo growls, trembles with rage. She is ready to charge once more, until…


A voice stops her, they all see Winter White approaching with a serious look.

“Sunset Shimmer. It seems like you are going to keep meddling with my plans.”

“Winter! This has to stop!” Claim Sunset. “If you have a grudge against me, fine. Let’s fix them, but what’s the deal with attacking the camp and wanting to conquer the world? You have gone completely mad!”

“If taking what I deserve is mad, then yes! I’m mad!” Winter responds indignantly. “Mad for finishing you off.”

Sunset exchanges glances with him, the others look at him too. Chrysalis, protectively holding the younger teens, stands aloof but watchful.


The white-haired boy calls out and looks at the Windigo, and the Windigo seems to understand what he is saying.

Hyberna rises above Winter, then descends on him, merging with his body. Everyone is amazed, even more so when Winter starts to scream; his body gives off an icy air.

Winter’s clothing is torn, revealing Hyberna’s markings appear on his torso. His skin turns even whiter, and his hair stands on end. His eyes turn completely white, then get a cover with a blue glow.

He stops screamimg, and so does the wind. The markings on Winter’s body glow for a second.

“~I agree on something, Sunset~. ~You and I must solve our problem~. ~You will answer for your audacity… to The Winter!~”

Sunset can’t say anything, just frowns with great concern.