• Published 24th Nov 2023
  • 512 Views, 23 Comments

One Piece: the lost kingdom - thebandit2000

After twilight gets saved she asks Luffy and his crew to help her save Equestria from a legendary pirate, who threatens the fate of her kingdom.

  • ...

Somewhere on the 'Grand Line'

Twilight took in a sharp breath as the world came in around her the sky was clear, the sound of seagulls and waves putting her at ease, and she could feel the wind rub against her bare skin.

wait bare?

Before Twilight could finish that thought, she realized she was falling.
Upon realizing her current situation she began to scream and wave her arms helplessly. But it was of littlie use as she splashed into the ocean, Twilight splashed around trying to swim but realized she had used all of her energy when she teleported.

"HELP!" "HELP!" "HELP!" Twilight screamed desperately hoping, praying somepony could help her.
Twilight began to spit out more and more water as she was having a hard time keeping her head above the surface.
But no matter how much she fought against the tide she just kept sinking lower beneath the water.
Twilight sank under the water her throat stinging from the salt and water invading her lungs.
The world around Twilight became darker and darker, until she lost conciseness not noticing the large ship coming towards her.

Tick.... tock.....tick.... tock

Twilight stirred her eyes felt so heavy, and her arms and legs felt so sore, and her mind was foggy.
Twilight then began to hear herself breathing in short and raspy breaths, her chest rising and and falling against the mattress.

where am I?

Slowly Twilight opened her eyes, everything was blurry at first but soon the world became a lot more clear.
She was looking at a wooden ceiling and she felt herself and the bed she was in rocking a little, it was subtle but it was there, Twilight was on a ship.

Twilight's breathing became a lot more steady as she turned her head to take in her surroundings.
To her right was various photos of a snowy landscape, with circular mountains in the distance.
Another photo showed a older looking woman, with long silver hair, a long nose, and sunglasses smiling at the camera.

Twilight looked to her left and saw a desk with different types bottles that are filled with what she assumed to be medicine, as well as a small clock ticking away.
near the right side of the desk was a small bookcase, with titles Twilight couldn't read from where she was laying.

Twilight sighed trying to remember how she got here.

let's see.... I teleported out of Canterlot, Princess Celestia got possessed by pirate that can turn into fog, then...I was falling.

Twilight choked remembering how her friends tried to stand up to the pirates, only to be met with a dark hole, if they were dead or alive Twilight didn't know.
Twilight felt tears began to form as she remembered Princess Luna being turned into a stone statue, and Celestia being controlled by their captain.
Despite the circumstances Twilight couldn't help but feel like she abandoned them.

The door to the room opened with a soft creak as soft footsteps soon followed.
Twilight slowly sat up trying to see who her rescuer might be.
Coming into the room was a short creature, that at first Twilight mistook for being some kind of racoon dog.
The creature was wearing a pink top hat with an x mark at the front, it had antlers sticking out from the hat, it was also wearing scarlet shorts, it also seem to have a blue nose as well.
It was holding a tray in it's hooves that had medicine on top of it, as well as a cloth being dipped in hot water.

The creature stopped as soon as it realized Twilight was watching it.
It's eyes grew wide and it dropped the tray it was carrying.

"....Um.... hi?" Twilight said awkwardly.

The creature let out a high pitched scream, before stumbling backwards.

"Oi Chopper!" a voice on the other side of the side of the door called out.
"Is everything okay?" A young man asked in a raspy voice, poking his head through the door.
The young man had messy black hair and a scar under his right eye.
He wore a bright red vest, and puffy jean shorts.
But the most memorable detail about him, was his yellow Straw Hat that had a red band going around it.

The man in the Straw Hat looked over to Twilight and blinked.

"Oh hey Horse Girl's awake." The man said giving a bright smile that remined Twilight of Pinkie Pie.

"Horse girl?" Twilight repeated, a little insulted at the nickname he gave her.
Twilight looked down at herself and remembered one glaring issue she failed to remember during her 'rest'.
Her face turned a bright red and she squealed.

"What?" The man asked a little worried.
"What's wrong?"

"I'M NAKED!!!!" Twilight screamed, trying to use the blanket to cover herself.

"Oh." The man said dumbly.

"GET OUT!!!!" Twilight threw her pillow at the man, barley missing him as he ducked.

With a yelp the man quickly fled from Twilight's wraith by ducking out of the room, closing the door behind him.

The creature who Twilight assumed was named Chopper, slowly got up and ran up to Twilight.

"This is to help with any pain." Chopper said giving Twilight a small bottle of medicine, the reindeer then waddled out the door giving Twilight some privacy.

Twilight looked at the bottle, it was filled with a blue liquid and it was unlabeled.
Slowly Twilight opened the bottle and put it to her muzzle.
It didn't smell dangerous, Twilight took a breath as she finally drank the bottle in one swig.
Twilight coughed and sputtered after she was done drinking the bottle, it tasted horrible but she did feel her strength come back.

Slowly Twilight climbed out of the bed she was laying on, wrapping the sheet around her like a towel.
Her wings felt uncomfortable, having to be tucked into her makeshift outfit.
However before Twilight opened the door, she noticed something tucked at the foot of the bed.

Twilight looked to it and let out a sigh of relief, it was a pink bathrobe folded neatly against the bed.
Twilight looked around, making sure no one could see her before finally dropping the sheet and grabbing the bathrobe.
Slowly Twilight put her arms through the robe, she tightened it around her waist so she would look somewhat modest.

Unfortunately there still wasn't any room for her wings, but that was a small price to pay.

Twilight turned around, slowly making her way to the door before, she then opened it.
At first the sun light blinded her for brief moment, before finally everything came into view.
She was on a ship, but the main deck looked like it covered in grass, there was also a large mast that had at the top to what Twilight can only guess to being a small circular building, that had windows dotted around it, under the building was a megaphone to call out to anypony on the deck, in front of the mast was a set of stairs that led up to the front of the ship and many other different rooms at the front, and at the very front of the ship was the back of a large yellow figure head that had long orange spines coming out of the top of it.

But the thing that caught Twilight's attention was the sail connected to the mast.
On the sail was a smiling skull wearing a straw hat and crossbones going through the middle of the skull.

She was on a pirate ship.

Twilight's heart sank.

Why was she on a pirate ship, did they rescue her?
Did they know she was a princess?
Were they holding her for ransom?
Then why did they nurse her back to-


Twilight's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone loudly saying 'ahem'.
The alicorn turned to the source of the noise, (and Tightening her robe around her chest just in case.)

From the source of the noise she saw a man with curly eyebrows, and shaggy blonde hair that was covering half his face.
He wore a blue collar button shirt with a black tie, he also had a rose in his mouth.

He brushed his hair back before walking towards Twilight with a grin.

"lovely rose, for a lovely woman." The man said seductively, holding out the rose with two fingers.

"...Thank you?" Twilight said raising a brow, slowly grabbing the rose with one hand.
"I'm sorry but I don't know who you are." Twilight stated.

The man flicked his hair.

"Sanji." The man introduced himself.
"Cook, pirate, …and single."
Sanji then began to slowly kiss Twilight's hand.

"Oooookay..." Twilight mumbled, drawing her hand back.

"Lunch will be ready soon, you should eat before Luffy cleans out everything." Sanji said lighting a cigarette.

"Uh I'll keep that in mind... thank you." Twilight said.

The cook let out a drag of smoke before walking away... but not before winking at Twilight.

Twilight's eyes narrowed thinking back to the encounter.

That was... 'odd' Twilight thought to herself.

Twilight brought the rose to her face to smell it, before she ate the flower in one bite.
Slowly Twilight made her way down stairs, she paused as felt the grass brush against her bare feet.
The alicorn turned to the bottom of the mast as heard what sounded clanking metal emitting from it.

The source of the clanking was a man lifting weights, The man had short green hair and some earrings on his right ear.
He wore a simple white shirt and a green sash around his black pants, next to him were three katanas.
He paused and looked over to Twilight.

"Hey." The swordsman greeted, before going back to... whatever he was doing.

Twilight blinked not expecting such a simple greeting.

Before Twilight could respond a loud BOOM rang out, rocking the ship in the process.
Twilight stubbled around trying find her balance, meanwhile the swordsman just calmly put down his weights.

A deep manly voice yelled, startling Twilight in the process.

"What was that!?" Twilight cried.

"Probably Franky...." The swordsman said.
"I think he's up front if you want to see him."

"Um.... thanks." Twilight responded

The man nodded.
"By the way, the name's Zoro." The man introduced.
"Also your robe is coming lose." Zoro pointed out, raising an eyebrow at Twilight.

Twilight blushed before she Tightened said robe, she thanked Zoro as she began to walk to the front of the ship.
Following the sound of cannon fire Twilight made it to the front of the ship and saw two men tinkering with a large cannon attached to some barrels.

One of the men had a blue pompadour, he wore sunglasses and a Hawaiian shirt, he had large arms with star tattoos on them, he also wore a speedo which reviled a little too much.
"I think we're gonna need more cola for this bad boy." The man said in deep voice, Twilight soon realized he was the voice form earlier.
"What do you think Usopp?"

The man looked up form were he was looking, the man wore a dark green bandanna on his head, on top of the bandanna was a pair of goggles that shifted up and down, he also wore brown overalls and had black curly hair, but the most glaring detail was his long nose.

"What?" the long nosed man asked "hmm I don't know-"

"Um hello?" Twilight called out, the two men turning to her direction.

"I was wondering if one of you was 'franky'?" Twilight asked.

"That would be me, why?" The blue haired man said.

"Well I have been meeting everypony else and I heard you at the front and I thought-" Twilight began to ramble.

"You're losing me." Franky said tilting his head to the side.

"And I am The Great Captain Usopp!" Usopp proudly introduced himself.

Twilight blinked "I'm sor-"

"I found you floating on sea completely unconscious, and I bravely dove in to save you from the fierce octopus that was going to devoir you whole." Usopp recounted.

Franky knocked him over the head.

"Yeah... no Luffy was actually the one who first spotted you, I was the one who pulled you out, and there was no octopus." Franky explained.

well that does explain a few things.

Twilight bit her lip mulling over the question that haunted her sense she woke up.

"How long was I unconscious for?" Twilight asked

The two men looked at each other hesitantly.

"Well-" Franky began trying to find the right words.
"Around three weeks." he finally said.

Twilight's heart sank.


Twilight's ears folded and she felt her knees buckle, before she fell to the ground with her head in hands and tears beginning to form.

Three weeks...

Franky went up to her and patted her on the back.
"H-hey i-it's not so bad at least you didn't sleep for a month." He said with little comfort.

Twilight covered her mouth thinking about all that could have happened while she was gone, however Twilight soon felt a hand patting her face with a tissue.
Twilight looked to where the hand was and jumped back screaming.
The hand was coming out of the floor still holding the tissue it was using.

"Sorry about that." A woman's voice said.

Twilight turned around and saw a tall slender woman with long black hair, she wore black jeans and a yellow tank top.

"My name is Nico Robin, I'm sorry if I scared you." The woman said in silky mature voice.

Twilight whipped around to the sound of Franky and Usopp letting out cries of pain.

"WHAT WERE YOU TWO THINKING!?" Another woman screamed.
The other woman had short orange hair and a windmill tattoo on her right arm, she wore a striped green shirt and a short yellow skirt.

"What was that for!?" Usopp whined, rubbing the bruise that was starting to form.
(Franky meanwhile was writhing on the ground in pain.)

"That was for rocking the ship you nearly gave me a heart attack!" The woman lectured, she looked over to Twilight taking in a deep breath.

"Hi my name is Nami, sorry about that." The woman said calmly.
"I'm sorry if any of these idiots caused any problems."

"What... is happening?" Twilight asked herself.

Robin giggled grabbing Twilight's hand.

"Come on, let's find you some clothes."