• Published 24th Nov 2023
  • 523 Views, 23 Comments

One Piece: the lost kingdom - thebandit2000

After twilight gets saved she asks Luffy and his crew to help her save Equestria from a legendary pirate, who threatens the fate of her kingdom.

  • ...

battle for the Sunny

Twilight tugged on the back of the green striped sweater that Robin had lent her. While she thankful that she lent her some clothes, Twilight still felt a little bad that she cut some holes into the back of the sweater to give her wings some room, Even if Nami was insistent that she can just sow it up with little trouble.

"Sanji I'm hungry!" Luffy whined sitting at a long table with various plates, and cups aligned along the table, next to the plates were forks and butter knives.
Next to Luffy was Chopper, hopping up and down excitedly waiting for his food.
Across from Chopper was Usopp, picking at his teeth with a toothpick.

"It's coming, whining about it won't make me cook faster." Sanji complained over the sound of grilling chicken.

Twilight couldn't help but cringe at the smell of cooking meat as she sat down next to Franky, who was drinking a bottle of cola at the moment.

"Um... Sanji?" Twilight spoke up.

The cook turned to Twilight wiping his apron.

"Can I have a salad?" Twilight asked shyly "If it's not too much trouble of course."

Sanji smiled "One salad coming up!"

Twilight gave a grateful smile. The door to the dining room and Kitchen opened with a creak as Zoro walked in with a yawn, his swords dangling from his hip.
The swordsman sat at the far end of the table, placing his swords on the table with a load clank.

"What did I tell about putting your swords on the table!" Sanji growled.

"What!?" Zoro said defensively "What's the big deal?"

"The 'big deal' is that you're getting the table dirty with all the blood your damn swords have on it." Sanji explained.

"I clean my swords everyday, not that you would care!" Zoro said beginning to stand up from his seat.

"Still... I don't want to see your swords on MY table!" Sanji yelled leaning over the counter.

Twilight gave a worried glace at both of the men, they looked like they were about to kill each other.

"Since when was it YOUR table shitty cook!" Zoro spat.




"SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" Nami shouted.
Both the men went quiet, before going back to what they were doing before. "I swear they're like children." Nami sighed rubbing her temples, she sat down across from Twilight looking at a map.

"Is.... that normal?" Twilight asked fearfully.

"More then you would think...." Franky mumbled.

"It's pretty funny!" Luffy said giggling next to Twilight.

Robin sat next to Nami reading a book.
"It smells good Sanji." Robin complemented

"Good I'm glad to hear it!" Sanji said holding a large plate of Kebabs as well as another large plate of ham.

Luffy watched Sanji place the plate of ham in front of him, the smell was mouth watering.
Sanji also placed a salad in front of Twilight. Luffy was the first one to dig in, he grabbed a large piece of ham and promptly ate it in one bite, Twilight watched in amazement.
Next to Twilight, Chopper was happily munching on a Kebab, while Nami was studying the map she was holding.

Twilight picked at her salad not really feeling hungry at the moment.

"So horse girl." Luffy said with his mouth full of food. "what were you doing in the middle of the ocean?"
Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at Twilight.

Twilight froze up, seeing so many people staring at her made her tense.
"U-um.... uhh... w-well" Twilight stammered. This was just like before the Gala, all the expectations made her muscles freeze up, and her brain slow down.

"If you don't want to tell us that's fine." Robin said reassuring her.

"No... no I can tell you." Twilight replied. "I just don't know where to start."
Twilight thought for a moment, before she finally settled on something.
Twilight breathed in and began.
"Well... first of all my name is Twilight Sparkle." Twilight introduced herself.
"And I come from a land called Equestria-"

Franky was sobbing after hearing all of Twilight's stories. Chopper, Luffy, and Usopp were on the edge of their seat.
Robin was listening pretty intently. Nami had a brow raised a little doubtful of Twilight. Sanji was leaning against a wall smoking while listening to her. And Zoro fell asleep halfway through.

"So wait..." Nami began, breaking the silence. "You have two rulers that can raise the sun and moon... and one of them was banished for wanting it to be night forever?"

"Um yes?"

Nami scoffed "If that was true then why haven't government taken over this 'Equestria'?" Nami asked.

Twilight leaned her head to the side confused. "Government?"

"You know the World Government the Marines." Nami said.

"The only government I know is Princess Luna and Princess Celestia." Twilight explained.
Twilight rubbed her chin getting curious about this so called World Government.

"Wait you said you are from Equestria correct?" Robin asked.

"Yes I am." Twilight responded.

Robin rubbed her chin in thought.

"What's up Robin?" Franky asked.

"Oh?" Robin responded to the question. "Oh it's just that Equestria is considered a myth in a lot stories from around the world." The dark haired woman explained. "They're mostly told by sailors and adventurers, and from what Twilight has told us a lot of the stories line up."

Everyone listened to Robin with intense curiosity, (especially Luffy.)

Zoro was starting to snore pretty loudly at this point.
Nami smacked the top of his head.
The swordsman then woke with a "Wasizut?"

"Where is it?" Luffy asked excitedly.

Robin shrugged "Many have tried to find this mythical island and they have failed, which is why it has the nickname-" Robin gave a dramatic pause.

"The Lost Kingdom."

"Hmm... so basically The Government doesn't think Equestria exists." Sanji notes.

Robin nods in confirmation.

Twilight's stomach sinks.
"So you don't know where Equestria is do you?" The alicorn asked.

"Sorry, but I never heard of it until now." Nami apologizes.
"Unless you have an eternal pose, we might as well be sailing blindly." Nami explained.
"And that's very dangerous on the Grand Line."

Twilight blinked.
"the grand line?" She asked confused.

"The sea we're sailing on?" Nami explained, getting confused at how little the mystery girl knows. "Do you not know anything outside of your island?"

Twilight rubbed the back of her head and blushed. "To be fair I didn't think needed to learn much outside of Equsetria."

"I get it!" Luffy cried out.

Everyone turned to the straw hat wearing pirate.

"It's a mystery Island!" He said as if he just solved the world's greatest puzzle.

"Uh... Luffy that's what she just said." Usopp tried to explain to the smiling young man.

"Idiot." Nami mumbled.

Robin giggled.

Twilight... was confused again.

Suddenly an exposition rang out causing everyone to jolt as the ship rocked from the possible impact on their ship.
Glasses and plates spilled to the floor causing a mess broken glass and abandoned food, Luffy looked like he was about to cry over the food.

"What was that?" Twilight asked.

"Dunno" Zoro said "but I think we're about to find out." The swordsman grabbed his swords getting ready for a fight.

"I'M GONNA KICK THEIR ASS!!!" Luffy screamed.

"Do you think it's the mari-" Franky began, but was quickly cut off by loud booming voice.

"ATTENTION PIRATES!!!" The voice called out.
Everyone stopped to listen.
"YOUR SHIP IS NOW PROPERDY OF THE MOOSE EMPIRE!!!" Twilight shot up at the name of the would be invaders.

"The moose empire!?" Twilight felt herself began to panic after she recognized the name.

"Do you know them?" Sanji asked taking off his apron and putting out his cigarette.

"They almost conquered Equestria two hundred years ago." Twilight explained "They enslaved Ponies and kept them like their pets."

Luffy listened closely, he started to crack his knuckles as he did so.

"If it wasn't for Princess Celestia using the elements to destroy their kingdom, we would have been nothing but slaves."

Luffy rushed out the door with everyone else following close behind. Twilight gasped as she saw the ship that was attacking them, the ship was large.... Very Large completely dwarfing the ship they were on. However the ship was in rough shape, the sails were torn, and there was a large gash on the side of the ship.


Everyone looked up to see a large moose wearing a crown made out of tree branches, he also wore grey baggy pants with a short sword dangling at his hip, and he had a long dark green cape that covered half his body.

Twilight gulped, while she had her fair share of fights over years, what with saving Equestria and all, but fighting wasn't really her strong suit, she preferred to handle things peacefully and use her knowledge against any threats.
But outside a few legends she knew next to nothing about the Moose Empire.

Sanji lit a cigarette, Zoro pulled out two swords, Luffy cracked his knuckles, Robin crossed her arms, Nami pulled out some sort of rod, Chopper grabbed what looked like a small yellow ball, Franky pushed his sunglasses to his face and cracked his neck, and Usopp was shaking in fear.

"Oi deer guy."

The Moose looked offended "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?"

Twilight looked at Luffy completely dumfounded at the pirate's brash actions.

"You ruined my lunch." Luffy growled.

The moose blinked. "WHAT?"

Luffy took a step back and drew his arm back.


Twilight's jaw dropped as Luffy's arm stretched all the way to the back of the ship, making sounds like rubber squeaking.

"-PISTOL!!!" Luffy screamed as his arm shot forward like a rubber band, his fist slamming into the moose causing blood to spill from his nose, and his teeth to break.

"AH" he cried out in pain, holding his snout with both of his hands. "KILL THESE BASTARDS!!!" The caped moose screamed.

Twilight gasped as two of their cannons were aimed right at them. Twilight's horn glowed as she casted a shield around herself.

"READY?" One of the moose soldiers cried "Aim."

Both Zoro and Sanji leapt into the air.

"FIRE!!!" Both of the cannons fired with a load boom.

However Zoro cut one of the cannon balls in half with it exploding in the air, and Sanji kicked the other cannon ball right back at the ship, the top of ship exploded as the cannon ball hit the railing.

The caped moose stumbled around as his ship rocked. After he finally found his balance he glared at the pirates with distain and hatred in his eyes.

Twilight lowered her magic shield completely awe struck.


Armored soldiers let a loud battle cry as they jumped onto the pirate ship. The moose soldiers were welding many different weapons, from swords to maces, and one was welding a large battle axe.

"Weapons Left!" Franky cried grabbing his left arm.

Twilight's eye's widen as Franky's hand lifted out of his arm and moved to the top of his arm, his palm turning into a scope.
Where his hand once was there was a gaping hole with even smaller holes on top of the bigger hole.
A group of soldiers paused as they watched Franky's transformation. The soldiers were quickly blown away by what Twilight now realized was a cannon.

That is amazing! Is he cyborg? How is that possi-


Before Twilight could finish that thought, the most horrible sound she ever heard rang out causing her to cover her ears.
She looked to the source and saw Usopp scratching a small chalkboard, various soldiers were on the ground writhing in pain.

Twilight casted a noise damping spell on herself to block off the scratching from hell.

"RUMBLE!!!" Chopper shouted.

Twilight almost didn't hear chopper, as she looked to reindeer as he put small yellow ball in his mouth, chopper munched on it with a crunch.
Many of the moose soldiers began to surround the small creature.


Suddenly all the soldiers that surrounded the reindeer went flying with hoofmarks on their faces, as well as broken teeth, and their armor dented.

Twilight ducked as the flying attackers flew over her head. Twilight looked back to Chopper and saw that he got bigger and his arms (and or front legs) got more muscular, his arms bulging.

"KOKUTEI ROSEO!!!" Chopper shouted as the last of the soldiers fell to the floor knocked out.

Twilight gapped in awe at the creature that destroyed an entire platoon, suddenly Twilight felt something grab her.
She gasped as a giant moose lifted her in the air.
"NOBODY MOVE OR THIS PONY GETS IT!!!!!!" He screamed pointing his axe towards Twilight.

"I got her!"

"I got her!" Both Zoro and Sanji shouted at the same time leaping into the air.

The moose slashed at Zoro, however in a flash of light the axe shattered leaving the attacker in a state of shock.

"Two sword style."

The moose cried in pain as several slashes appeared on his arm, with blood beginning to spill out.

"Hawk Wave!!!"

Before the moose could recover Sanji kicked him in the face, causing him to drop Twilight, and for his helmet to dent.

"Mouton Shot!!!" Sanji yelled as his opponent fell to the floor knocked out.

Twilight screamed as she fell however she was caught by arms attached to the floor, Twilight looked over to Robin, who just winked at her.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Zoro yelled over to Sanji.

"What!?" Sanji cried raising his arms in the air.

"You jumping in that's what!" Zoro yelled marching over to the cook.

"What?" Sanji asked.

"I had everything under control till you jumped in and ruined my duel!" Zoro explained.

"Your duel!?" Sanji cried in disbelief. "Oh please I basically saved your ass!"

"Yeah right you just wanted to save that Twilight girl." Zoro accused Sanji, getting in his face as he did so.

"So what if I did bastard?"



As the two were arguing they didn't notice the giant moose slowly getting up and glaring at the green haired swordsman and the blonde cook. However before the giant could enact his revenge on the two that defeated him he felt a stinging sensation run across his body before knocking him out cold.

"You're both morons!" Nami said glaring at the two rivals, the end of her staff sparking with electricity.

"Sorry..." Zoro grumbled as he crossed his arms.

"Yes Nami-san" Sanji cooed.

"Who the hell are these guys?" One of the soldiers asked, spitting blood as he did so.

"Dunno." Another soldier said slowly getting up. "But they're distracted, we can sneak up on one of them."

"Hey.... the black haired one is not even paying attention." A third soldier pointed out.

Sure enough Nico Robin was looking at the soldiers armor pretty intently, taking notes as she studied the strange patterns on the armor.

The moose smiled. "Come on!" he said gesturing towards Robin.
Slowly the soldiers made their way to the distracted archeologist, all the while she was writing in her notebook.

Finally one of the soldiers got close enough and began to raise his sword, however he felt two hands grab the top and bottom of his head.

Robin laughed.
"Next time don't sneak up on a former assassin." The dark haired woman said darkly.

In one shift motion, the soldier's necks snapped with a loud crack, with the soldiers falling to ground unable to move.
With that the last of the soldiers were defeated, Twilight looked around the battlefield in awe.

"YOU-Y-YOU!!!!" The moose in the green cape screamed glaring daggers into the pirates that beat his entire army. The moose's face was face was covered in dry blood, with it staining a part of his cape, his crown was also crooked and cracked.

The pirates looked up to the moose not saying a word, Luffy walked to the front of the ship glaring up at the humiliated warrior.

"We don't care!" Luffy stated bluntly.

The moose's face twisted in absolute hatred. "who... do... you think... you are..." He growled.

Luffy smiled.
"I'm Monkey D. Luffy..." The straw hat pirate declared "...and I'm gonna be King Of The Pirates!"

Twilight raised a brow at what Luffy said.

Suddenly Luffy leapt into the air and bit into his thumb. The moose in the cape watched him with a brow raised.

"GEAR THRID!!!" Luffy yelled blowing into his arm.

The moose's eyes widened as Luffy's arm began to grow to the size of his ship.

"BONE BALLOON!!!!" Luffy yelled pulling his fist back.

"What... what are you..." The moose began, stepping back in fear.

Luffy's fist shot forward, causing the moose to scream in fear as Luffy's fist collided with the ship causing the ship to break into splinters, and for the moose to fall into the sea completely knocked out from Luffy's attack.

However with a loud deflating noise, Luffy shrank to a quarter of his size.

"Wuh oh..." Luffy said in a high pitched voice.
Luffy began scream as he fell towards the water.

"I got him!" Sanji said getting in a jumping stance.
However before he jumped, Twilight leapt off the ship and flew towards Luffy catching him in between her arms.

"Wow thanks horse girl!" Luffy said.

Tears fell from Twilight's face.
"....Help me." She whispered

"Eh?" Luffy said confused.

Twilight looked at Luffy with desperation in her eyes.
"Please... I need your help."

Comments ( 7 )

sorry this took so long my internet has been crap lately, plus i got sick, i don't know when the next chapter will be released but i will be working on it.

I can't wait for next chapter

Let's look forward to it

So far I enjoy this, the only critique i have is why it's not set after Thriller Bark to also include Brook, but that's minor complaint that doesn't really affect anything.

Just feed Luffy and Equestria will be save, Twilight!

Excuse me, but when will there be a sequel?

sorry i been i getting ready to move so i haven't had time

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