• Published 31st Oct 2023
  • 1,407 Views, 21 Comments

An Uneasy Alliance - TheKing2001

When Sunset is casted out by the school and her friends, she forms an unexpected and unlikely alliance with three girls wishing to gain true magic.

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Chapter II


I leaned against the statue and folded my arms as Fuchsia Blush and Lavender Lace stood around me. To the rest of the school, we were friends. If only they knew the three of us were actually dating each other. Apparently three girls dating each other was frowned upon.

“So what do we do with her?” Fuchsia asked with disdain as she jerked a finger back into the direction Sunset had been.

“We leave her alone?” Lavender suggested innocently as I rolled my eyes. “She already has enough going on from the others with the whole Life invader account.”

I sighed in frustration as I looked at my girlfriend.

“No Lavender,” I said after I took a breath. “Think, she’s from ponyland. Trixie overheard Sunset telling her friend’s at one point she was a unicorn and had magic before in ponyplace. We are magicians, are we not?”

“Well yeah but what’s the point?” Lavender asked curiously as she brushed some snow off my shoulder.

“Easy, we act like we believe she’s innocent and when she trusts us enough, she teaches us true magic. Then the three of us can be truly powerful!” I proclaimed as Fuchsia nodded eagerly.

“But what about after?” Lavender pointed out. “She’s gonna be our friend, right?”

“We just abandon her obviously. I mean, she’s evidently the one who is tearing the school apart. We just have to act like we are her friend for now,” I explained as Lavender frowned.

“That feels wrong,” Lavender muttered as she scratched her head. “I’m not entirely sure we should take advantage of anyone.”

“Need I remind you how she bullied the three of us ruthlessly in freshman year?” Fuchsia shot back as she rubbed Lavenders back. “You cried every day at your house, Trixie was depressed and I was too.”

“I know. I just wish we had more friends, it’s lonely just us three. Sunset has no friends either.”

“I know,” Fuchsia said as she wrapped an arm around mine and Lavenders waist. “But she would betray just as she did the Rainbooms.”

“I don’t like them very much,” Lavender grumbled as she gave another rare frown. She was the more optimistic one of the group. “They’re all so popular yet we have like none for ourselves. I’m a nice person just like you two. Trixie is nice in her own way and Fuchsia was my first friend.”

“Agreed. We obviously would never make you do this with us so you can sit on the sidelines. But Trixie and I will be,” Fuchsia commented as she kissed Lavender.

“Doesn’t Trixie get one?” I pouted as Fuchsia laughed and kissed me quickly. “Thank you.”

“You’re quite welcome. Now come on, let’s go back to my place.”

I stepped out of school, thanking every God imaginable that school was over. Fuchsia and Lavender ran up to my sides and I smiled warmly at them.

“There’s Sunset,” Fuchsia pointed at the amber girl sneaking out of the side entrance. “If we wanna talk to her, nows our opportunity.”

Lavender sighed as I nodded.

“I’ll just wait here. Hurry up, I’m cold and wanna go home. It’s November and I have Christmas movies for us to watch.”

“Lavvie, it’s only November,” Fuchsia pointed out.


“Isn’t it a bit early for Christmas?”

“It’s never too early for Christmas! Besides, the three of us started dating in December as well.”

I paused as I realized she was right. Which meant I had to figure something to do for that date. Fuchsia is a bit easier on important dates, Lavender is way harder. She’s the more romantic one out of us three.

“Sunset!” I called out as the girl flinched, looking back nervously and I scoffed. Fuchsia and I walked up to her as she raised an eyebrow.

“Uh yeah? What’s up?” Sunset asked nervously as her eyes flicked between us to Lavender standing by the doors.

“Wanna hang out sometime?” Fuchsia asked as Sunset’s eyes widened. “Like tonight?”

“But don’t you all hate me? Everyone else does?” Sunset asked and I bit back a snarky comment.

“Nah,” I lied and shook my head. “Trixie and her friends know you are innocent. We figured you needed a friendly face.”

“Or three!” Fuchsia added with a smile.

“Really?” Sunset asked hopefully and internally I gagged. How this girl ran the school with an iron fist for years, I will never know. She’s like a lost puppy right now. A part of me finds it’s funny.

“Yeah really,” Fuchsia commented casually and shot me a hidden smile. This was going better than I had ever anticipated. Not that we really talked about it much last night, we got up to a bit more dirty activities together after the school. “How you’re being treated is definitely wrong. You want a ride or something?”

“I don’t know,” Sunset muttered as she suddenly hugged Fuchsia who gave me a startled look. I faintly heard Lavender scoff in the background as she folded her arms across her chest. “Thank you. The three of you. I never really thought you girls out of everyone would care about me. You did lock me under the stage during the battle of the bands.”

I grimaced and rolled my eyes. Stupid sirens. Stupid Rainbooms. But we technically did win the competition because Principal Celestia did say so. Take that, Rainbow Crash.

“That wasn’t our best moment,” Fuchsia admitted as she hesitantly hugged Sunset back. I was impressed, I didn’t know Fuchsia was this good of an actor. I should definitely suggest she join the drama club. I’d only really see plays for her to be honest.

If I had to watch The Greatest Showman one more time, I’m drowning myself in vodka. Best way to die is with copious amounts of alcohol. Being drunk is amazing, a warm feeling spreads all throughout your body and all. Thank the lord dad never notices his alcohol cabinet depleting over the years. He thinks he had the key hidden so well but I am a magician of course.

“We should get out of here.” I jumped at Lavenders voice whispering in my ear as she jerked her head behind us. A crowd of our classmates stood behind us with angry and stunned expressions.

“Yeah maybe we should. Quick, to the van!” I proclaimed and threw a smoke bomb down. My classmates started coughing as I grinned.

Fuchsia grabbed Sunset’s wrist and together, we started running to my van with Lavender hot on my heels.