• Published 31st Oct 2023
  • 1,374 Views, 21 Comments

An Uneasy Alliance - TheKing2001

When Sunset is casted out by the school and her friends, she forms an unexpected and unlikely alliance with three girls wishing to gain true magic.

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Chapter IV


I sat on my bed, rereading Twilight’s reply.

Really? Trixie and those two girls who locked us under the stage during the battle of the bands? Huh, never would have seen that coming. Regardless, I’m happy for you. I still think the Rainbooms might come around, you never know!

I know, right! Mind blown, but I’ll take what I can get. I’m a bit lacking in the friendly face department anyway.

I waited for a reply, glancing at the clock and sighed. I always did forget Twilight had other responsibilities at times and couldn’t be here to talk at a moments notice.

I tossed the book and pen onto my desk as I pushed my self out of bed. I wish I had Trixie and the others phone numbers. It would be nice to have some company on the weekends.

I’d probably just have to make my own fun or get groceries, one of the two. I had enough groceries to last me till next week if I had counted correctly.

“It would have been nice if Derpy or Vinyl were here,” I muttered and slammed my head against the mattress. Out of all of the school, the two had told me they knew I was innocent but were too afraid to stand up for me. Which I don’t blame them entirely, the entire school had a mob mentality. It’s nice to have Trixie and the other two at least.

Derpy and Vinyl aren’t entirely my friends. The only time they talked to me was that once and never again. For all I know, they changed their minds and hate me now.

I stretched out in my bed as my eyes fell on my guitar. I hadn’t touched it in a few weeks since my last practice with the Rainbooms. I idly wondered why I even kept it.

“What do you think Ray?” I asked as I looked over at my lizard in his large tank. He was resting on top of his large rock under his lamp with what I swore was a smile. “Yeah me too.”

Everyone always thought it was weird I talked to Ray. I don’t really see it much different than talking to a dog or a cat or a bird.

“Goodnight Ray.”

“Hey Sunset,” Fuchsia said behind me as I jumped slightly and almost dropped my box of cereal I was examining at the store. I had changed my mind about not going out to get groceries, I didn’t expect them to find me out here though.

“Oh hey Fuchsia!” I grinned warmly at my friend and put the cereal back on the shelf. “How’s it going?”

“Pretty decent. Just doing the same thing you are,” Fuchsia smirked as she tossed some random boxes of cereal into her cart. “Trixie for some ungodly reason loves marshmallow cereals.”

“Can’t blame her. Gift from god,” I commented with a shrug. “Where’s the other two?”

“Lavender is looking at video games and plushes last I checked, Trixie is at the guitar store next door getting her guitar strings fixed.”

I had partially forgotten she had played guitar too. I haven’t seen her with it at all recently or even playing it. The battle of the bands is the only time I think she’s ever shown an interest in playing.

“Makes sense,” I shrugged as Lavender came speed walking down the aisle. “Hey Lavender.”

“Hey Sunset!” Lavender said with a smile as she dropped a plush in her cart along with some video game. “Fancy seeing you here. We always come here on the weekends on this day. Always less busy around this time too.”

“Mhm!” Fuchsia chimed in as she examined the video game. “Friday the Thirteenth? Lavender, are you sure about this? Horror isn’t your thing.”

“I’m sure. Besides, Sunset has it so I can play with her and she can help it not be so scary!” Lavender explained as we grinned at each other.

“Pinkie, are you sure about this? Pretty sure none of us are really interested in a party right now darling.”

The three of us froze and looked at each other as Pinkie and Rarity walked into our aisle.

“You!” Rarity grumbled and pointed at me. “What are you doing here?”

“Uh getting groceries? I have to eat to survive after all just like everybody else,” I answered as Rarity looked away sheepishly.

“I suppose that make sense. Not surprised you’re associating with them of all people,” Rarity flung an arm at Lavender and Fuchsia. Lavender stepped back as Fuchsia glared at two of my former friends.

“What the hell does that mean?” Fuchsia continued glaring at the other two. “At least we aren’t Rainbooms. Oh look at us, we can glow different colors of the rainbow, we have inflated egos, we’re super annoying.”

Lavender snickered and hid a grin behind her hand as Fuchsia gave a cruel grin and placed her hands on her hips. I gave a small smile as Rarity turned red and Pinkies hair deflated a bit.

“I’m so obsessed with my hair and outfits,” Fuchsia continued in a Rarity impression and flipped her hair. “I’m an airhead who throws parties for no reason and makes up holidays. Remember when you created friends out of imaginary objects?”

“Y-you told her that?” Pinkie mumbled as she gave me a sad look. “Why Sunny?”

“Sunset,” I corrected instantly. “Sunny is for my friends which we are not. You made that quite clear.”

“I’m a shy girl who is afraid of her own shadow,” Fuchsia scoffed and laughed as Lavender smirked. “I’m a rainbow haired girl who only cares about herself and is obsessed with being the best even at the expense of others. And don’t forget Applejack. Probably making out with her brother right now or one of her farm animals.”

“That is quite enough darling!” Rarity snapped angrily. She had been turning redder with each insult as I allowed a faint smile to play across my face. “At least we don’t support backstabbing people!”

“Isn’t that what you did to her?” Lavender wondered aloud innocently and rubbed her chin. “Backstabbed her?”

Rarity gasped and glared at the three of us before grabbing Pinkies wrist and dragging her out of the store.

Fuchsia fist bumped me as the three of us started laughing.