• Published 9th Nov 2023
  • 1,601 Views, 97 Comments

Well, This Is Unexpected - TheKing2001

After being defeated at the Fall Formal, Sunset is one hundred percent convinced she's going to be the most hated girl at school. If only she knew how wrong she was.

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Chapter XIV (Derpy)

I gave a faint giggle as I skipped through the lunch room with my tray up to Lyra’s table, sitting down next to her.

“Hey Derpy love,” Octavia smiled warmly as she, Bon Bon and Vinyl all waved at me. Lyra grinned and kissed my forehead as I blushed.


How’s it hanging Derpster? Vinyl held up her whiteboard.

“Hey Muffins,” Lyra smiled as I picked at my lunch.

“Hi,” I said as I unwrapped my muffin. “How are you all?”


Lit as fuck. Vinyl wrote with a large grin.

“Good because you’re here,” Lyra said smoothly as I blushed again and Bon Bon grinned. “You should have heard Bons story. She said her car stood up or something.”

“I’m telling you, that’s what happened!” Bon Bon snapped as I bit my muffin. “It was like a giant robot. I was stuck in a police station with a detective who thought I was on Roscos pain meds. Ridiculous. Thank the lord dad picked me up.”

“He thought Roscoe was a name of a drug?” Octavia giggled behind a hand as I sat quietly. I was still learning the groups dynamic so I didn’t really know when to speak. “That’s funny.”

“Did you get the cars name?” Lyra teased as she laughed. “That’s ridiculous, Bonnie. Cars don’t just stand up or turn into robots.”

“This is coming from the girl who believes in unicorns and pegasus and kidnapped Sunset like, six days ago,” Bon Bon pointed out flatly as Lyra gave her a hurt expression. “Okay that was kinda rude. You were right about unicorns if Sunset is being honest. Applejack said she wasn’t lying.”

“You did what to Sunset?” Octavia demanded as she narrowed her eyes.

“Kindapped Sunset,” Lyra admitted sheepishly.

“Bloody hell Lyra. Nice way to scare the poor girl away.”

“Topic change!” Lyra exclaimed as she glared at Octavia. “So did Sunset get between your legs after I left?”

Vinyl gave a laugh as I turned red as did Bon Bon.

“N-no she didn’t,” Bon Bon mumbled as Octavia giggled. “A part of me wishes she did. Mom and dad didn’t come home to hours later. Would it have killed her if she pinned me down and fuck-”

“Okay I think we got it,” Octavia cut her off with a blush.

“R-right!” Bon Bon said hastily and covered her face in her hands. “Sorry, I got caught up in uh nightmares!”

“That sounded more pleasurable than a nightmare,” Lyra pointed out as Bon Bon rolled eyes. “Ignore Octavia. Tell me, what did you do after she left?”

“You two are so weird. How the hell are you two friends?” I muttered and shook my head as Vinyl chuckled.

Shit, I’ve been trying to figure that out myself. She wrote and slid her board over to me.

“What do you think I did?” Bon Bon snapped and held up her hand. “Now Derpy, how are you? I don’t know much about you.”

“I’m good. I don’t much about you either really. Maybe we can hang out sometime? Amy and Dinks would like new people to see,” I answered as I finished off my muffin. “I should go talk to Sunset. I mean, she did technically get us together.”

“Fair enough,” Lyra shrugged. “We catch her after school.”

I gave a nod as we both looked over to Sunset. She strangely was sitting with Trixie and Tennis Match instead of her normal group. I made it my job to know everyone’s name in school. I just hope Photo Finish doesn’t catch up to her and decides to take several photos of her. She did that to me with her two assistants, Violet Burr and Pixel Pizzaz once. It had been an annoying experience.

I shrugged and went back to my lunch.

“There she is,” Lyra pointed to Sunset laying ontop of the Wondercolt statue with her legs crossed and a notepad in front of her. “She always sits on top of the statue and draws for a few hours after school.”

“How do you know this?”

“I stay after school too for the music club with Octavia and Vinyl. Rainbow sometimes hangs around along with Trixie and her two friends. Whatever their names are.”

“Lavender Lace, seventeen and member of the year book club. Fuchsia Blush, seventeen and member of the robotics club,” I said instantly as we approached Sunset and Lyra raised an eyebrow.

“How do you know that?”

“Pinkie Pie.”

“Oh,” Lyra muttered as I tapped on Sunsets boot and she gave me a startled look.


I held up the basket of muffins I had baked with Blueberry Pie and Raspberry Fluff after school in the cooking club as Sunset gave me a wary look.

“What’s in them?” She asked cautiously and sat up, jumping off the statue.

“Blueberries, nuts, banana, the like,” I listed off as Sunset shrugged. I grinned and handed her a banana muffin as she examined it. “It’s just a muffin.”

“I know it’s just I’m a bit worried still about the classmates poisoning me,” Sunset admitted as she took a bit.

“Oh don’t worry. If I was to poison you, I wouldn’t waste a good muffin for that. I’d put it in your lunch,” I said casually as Sunset froze before I laughed. “Joking.”

“Right,” Sunset muttered as she took a bit and her eyes lit up. “Wow. This is really good Muffins.”

“You can call me Derpy. You don’t have to use my nickname.”


I raised an eyebrow slightly as she sighed.

“I mean, I bullied you ruthlessly for looking different and used your name as a insult. You cried everytime I did. I don’t really have any right to call you by your name. Not after what I’ve done to you,” Sunset sighed again and looked away. “I’m so sorry. You have every right to hate me. I was such a cruel evil bitch, especially to you.”

I inhaled, stepped closer and slapped her across the face as Lyra gasped.

“Derpy!” Lyra chided angrily.

“Don’t ever call yourself that again,” I warned quietly as Sunset rubbed her cheek with a stunned expression. “Sure, you bullied me the most out of everyone here and I spent most days after school crying in my room but you’re trying to be better. You weren’t the first person to bully me because of my eye or my voice and you certainly aren’t going to be the last. Those people can go to hell. They’re just words. It hurt more because I was your biggest fan on Twitch. I adored watching your streams. I said hi to you that day because I wanted your autograph.”

“And instead I called you a walleyed freak and told you to piss off,” Sunset muttered bitterly and I slapped her again.

“Could you stop slapping her please?” Lyra pleaded.

“I will when she stops being stupid,” I said bluntly as I hugged Sunset. “Quit being stupid damn it! It’s not healthy, especially hating yourself. Nobody hated me more than I did. But I learned to love myself, especially considering I wasn’t like this always.”

“What?” Sunset muttered as Lyra stepped forward.

“Easy, she pulled Dinky away from a car about to hit her and Derpy got hit instead. Messed her eye up but it’s beautiful. She was unconscious for a few days,” Lyra admitted.

“I didn’t know that.”

“I chose this in a way and I have to live with it. I’d do it again because I love Dinks. Simple as that. Now are you done being an idiot and will use my actual name?” I asked as Sunset nodded into my neck. “Good.”

We stayed like that as Lyra smiled faintly. Contray to what she may think, Sunset gave decent hugs.