• Published 9th Nov 2023
  • 1,574 Views, 97 Comments

Well, This Is Unexpected - TheKing2001

After being defeated at the Fall Formal, Sunset is one hundred percent convinced she's going to be the most hated girl at school. If only she knew how wrong she was.

  • ...

Chapter II

I sat in class as Miss Cheerilee continued talking at the front of the class. Something about biology and how plants reproduced. I wasn’t really paying attention as I propped myself up with a hand.

“You good?” A girl next to me with a tennis ball on her shirt asked quietly as she set her pencil down.

“I’m sorry what was that?” I asked as my eyes flicked over to the girl. She rolled her eyes and smiled faintly.

“I asked if you’re okay. Now what’s up?”

“Nothing,” I lied and shook my head gently as she frowned at me.

“I have a little brother and he’s an awful liar and no offense, so are you. Now what’s really going on?” The girl repeated as I rested my head on the desk so I faced her.

“I don’t know,” I admitted honestly as her facial expression relaxed. “It just feels weird. A lot has happened in a week and a half.”

“A lot has happened,” she readily agreed and leaned back in her chair, folding her arms. “Names Tennis Match by the way. Forgot to tell ya.”

I nodded slowly as I examined her closer. Her light blue hair seemed familiar along with her matching eyes and I gulped slightly.

“I saw you,” I said cautiously as we both made sure Miss Cheerilee wasn’t watching. “At the Fall Formal. You were in the crowd when Twilight was crowned the princess. I also saw you in the cafeteria with Cloudkicker.”

“Yeah I was there,” Tennis Match frowned again slightly and looked away for a moment. “It was a unique experience. Flying girls wings and long tails. Honestly, thought someone spiked the punch. I think a lot of people thought Cherry Crash or Vinyl did. I still don’t entirely know what the hell happened that night and I was there.”

I sat quietly as I made eye contact as she sighed.

“What was it like?” I asked finally as she gave me a confused look. “To be mind controlled I meant.”

“No offense Sunset but I think it’s a bit too soon to be talking about that. For a lot of people. I personally would say wait a few weeks for everyone to have gotten over the surprise of a whole different world out there on our front lawn. I think a lot of people are still trying to take it all in,” Tennis Match advised as she twirled a pencil around on her desk. “But you’ll be okay, the school is pretty decent. Especially since Gilda is gone. In all honesty, you did a lot of people a favor getting rid of her. She was evil.”

“I framed her for theft,” I said bitterly and rolled my eyes up to look at the ceiling. “That’s nothing to be proud of. She will probably kill me when she gets out of jail.”

“The fact you’re worried about her killing you is exactly my point. She would probably be willing to do that to anyone here, not just you. And besides, Rainbow Dash is a strong girl. I highly doubt she would allow that to happen, just like the rest of us.”

I focused back up front for a moment as she watched me quietly. She did kinda have a point, Gilda was always a loose cannon and those are dangerous. I’d rather not have an unpredictable pyscho running around the property. Getting rid of her had been the first thing I did.

“When did you all come up with this plot to help me?” I asked as Tennis gave a low chuckle.

“Rainbow Dash came up to me a day or so after the Fall Formal. She and the others reached out to their respective groups. The athletes, the baking clubs, the tech kids, the floral clubs, the fashionistas. She had me help spread the word to the rest of the teams around the school. Spitfire, Mystery Mint the like.”

“Huh,” I mused as she smirked slightly and placed her hands behind her head. “I’m sorry by the way. For being a bitch to you. I never even knew your name.”

“I know,” Tennis Match said and wrote down something on a piece of paper before subtly handing it to me. “My number. If you wanna talk, you can text or call me. I’m usually pretty busy with the sport clubs and teams, but I’ll reply when I can.”

I gave a nod as the bell rang and I picked up my stuff, heading for the door.

“See ya around Sunset,” Tennis Match waved as she disappeared out of the door. I stepped out and watched her leave as someone stood behind me.

“Hello Sunset,” Miss Cheerilee said behind me and I glanced at her. “Is there a reason why you didn’t take notes in class today?”

“Oh. Uh I got distracted,” I admitted as she frowned slightly.

“Mhm. While I’m all for you talking with your friends in class, please do it while you’re taking notes or save it after class please. Your education is important.”

“I understand. I’m sorry.”

Miss Cheerilee sighed and rolled her eyes as I turned to face her properly.

“You know everyone makes mistakes. Hell, I’ve made more than a few in my life. I can’t necessarily give you my phone number because that breaks school policy but if you need to talk, my door is always open,” Miss Cheerilee smiled faintly and I nodded as I walked away.

I watched her door curiously, waiting for it to shut like Principal Celestia would. Everytime she says my door is open, she shuts it right after I’ve noticed. I always did find that a bit hypocritical in a way.

I raised an eyebrow slightly when it stayed open and I turned around to head to my locker.

Trixie ran past with a frown as I stepped back nervously.

“This is a travesty! A travesty!”

“Uh what is?” A girl next to me asked.

“The vending machine is out of peanut butter crackers. Trixie demands to speak to whoever stocks the vending machine this very moment!”

“Try the office. They might help you.”

I watched curiously as Trixie grinned and ran back towards the office. I idly wondered if she knew she could just bring her own peanut butter crackers.

I shrugged and went to my locker. I just wanna go home and sleep.