• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 1,363 Views, 136 Comments

A Not-So Draconian Adventure - Rock-Lee

Trying to hide from the growing chaos around him, Spike ends up encountering that mirror that sent him to that strange world of "Humans", due to a simple silly mistake, he would end up in that same world, this time with a very...different appearance

  • ...

Family Feud

Several hours would have passed, and Spike would still be feeling somewhat heavy-hearted due to the whirlwind of thoughts swirling in his brain, while Cadance and Shining prepared dinner. He would be in the shower at home, with his head pressed against the wall trying unsuccessfully to relax. Spike would let the hot water cascade over his body, trying to find some calm in the soothing sensation. However, his mind continued buzzing with thoughts and emotions, unable to find peace. Every drop of water that fell on him seemed to carry a burden of worry and longing.

With a frustrated sigh, Spike would close his eyes and let the water completely envelop him, trying to clear his mind and find some tranquility. He would try to focus on the feeling of the water on his skin, on the relaxing sound of its fall, on anything that could help him clear his mind of the intrusive thoughts that haunted him.

After a while, Spike would realize that the shower wasn't doing much to calm his mind. With a resigned sigh, he would turn off the water and step out of the shower, wrapping himself in a towel before leaving the bathroom to go to Twilight's room and change into more casual clothes.

Exiting the room, he would notice the house was quiet, assuming Cadance and Shining Armor were busy preparing dinner in the kitchen. Slowly, he would make his way to the kitchen, feeling a mix of hunger and emotional exhaustion.

Upon reaching the kitchen, he would find Cadance and Shining Armor working together on dinner, with smiles on their faces as they chatted and helped each other. Spike would cautiously approach, trying to hide his turmoil behind a mask of calm.

"Hey guys," Spike would say, trying to sound nonchalant as he approached them. "How's everything going around here?"

"Hi Spike!" Cadance would respond with a warm smile, noting Spike's mood. "Everything's fine, are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, just needed some time for myself," Spike would reply with a forced smile, trying to disguise his discomfort. "Can I help with anything?"

"Don't worry, Spike, we've got it under control," Shining Armor would say with a reassuring smile. "You can sit and rest if you want."

Gratefully accepting Shining Armor's offer, Spike would nod, thankful for their understanding and support. He would sit at the kitchen table, watching Cadance and Shining Armor work together on dinner with a sense of gratitude and affection... just as he had done with both of them on multiple occasions in his original universe... something he would probably never do again.

As he watched Cadance and Shining Armor work together, Spike would feel a whirlwind of emotions within himself. On one hand, he would be grateful for their kindness and support, recognizing the bond they shared in this world and fondly remembering similar moments they had shared in his original universe. On the other hand, he would feel a pang of sadness and nostalgia, realizing he would never again experience those same interactions in his home world.

Meanwhile, Cadance and Shining Armor would continue preparing dinner with the dedication only a pair of parents could have, unaware of Spike's internal struggles. Working together in the kitchen gave them a sense of connection and unity, strengthening their bond as a family... a family Spike would never truly fit into.

With a sigh, Spike would try to maintain a smile on his face as he watched Cadance and Shining Armor work together. Though he deeply appreciated their kindness and support, he would also feel overwhelmed by a deep sense of loss and loneliness, realizing he would never have the same connection with them in this world as he had in his home in Equestria. Just as Spike was about to accept that nothing could get worse... he would hear a pair of keys opening the doors of the house, and so Spike would realize something...

"Mom and Dad..." Spike would whisper, terror settling in his eyes as he realized he was going to have to interact with a version of his parents... who never knew him and who knew nothing about him, even though he knew almost everything about them.

The unexpected arrival of Twilight's parents would further exacerbate Spike's internal conflict. Although he had managed to find some stability and comfort in the company of Twilight, Cadance, and Shining Armor, the presence of his own parents in this alternate reality would shake his sense of identity and belonging.

With his heart pounding in his chest, Spike would rise from the kitchen table, trying to contain the anxiety threatening to overwhelm him. He would remind himself that this version of his parents didn't know him, that they were simply strangers in this alternate world.

Meanwhile, Cadance and Shining Armor would remain busy in the kitchen, unaware of Spike's internal struggle. They would continue preparing dinner enthusiastically, sharing laughs and conversations as they worked together as a coordinated team.

Spike would strive to stay in the background, trying to hide his pain and confusion behind a facade of indifference. He would watch his parents with a mixture of love and bitterness, wondering what his life would be like if he could be with them from the start... After a while, Spike would realize he couldn't bear to be near his parents any longer without doing anything. With a broken heart and tears in his eyes, he would give one of the two adults a tight hug without even caring which one it was, as the desire to hug them both was completely equal, hiding his face in the fabric of their clothes while letting the tears cover his face.

Spike would cling to his mother or father tightly, feeling a whirlwind of overwhelming emotions threatening to consume him. Memories of his childhood with them would mix with the anguish of knowing that this version of his parents didn't recognize him, creating a storm of pain and longing in his heart.

His parents, surprised by Spike's sudden embrace, would surround him with affection and concern, not fully understanding what was happening but feeling his distress and need for comfort as only a parent would.

"What's wrong, little one?" Twilight Velvet or Night Light would ask with a voice full of concern, gently stroking Spike's head and trying to console him without quite knowing what could be causing the little boy to cry like that.

"Mom... Dad... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." Spike would murmur, his voice choked with emotion, to the extent that no one could understand him even if they could hear the whisper. "I can't... I can't help... missing you... so much..."

Twilight's parents would hug each other, sharing a look of confusion and concern as they tried to understand what was happening with Spike. However, though they didn't fully understand the situation, they would recognize the pain and distress in Spike's voice and tears, and they would do everything they could to comfort him.

"Shhh, it's okay, sweetheart, we're here," Twilight Velvet would whisper with a soft and comforting voice, wrapping Spike in a warm and protective hug, revealing that it was her who had hugged him. "Night, go get some water, Twilight, get some napkins to wipe his face, please."

Night Light would nod with concern and leave the room in search of water, while Twilight would hurry to bring some napkins to wipe Spike's tears. Meanwhile, Twilight Velvet would continue embracing Spike tenderly, stroking his back with comforting gestures and murmuring words of comfort in his ear.

Spike would cling to his mother's embrace tightly, feeling momentary relief in the comfort and warmth she provided. Although he still felt overwhelmed by sadness

and confusion, that wasn't a mother's hug, it was the hug of someone trying to comfort a child, just...

After a while, Night Light would return with a glass of water, which he would offer to Spike gently. Twilight Velvet would take the napkins from Twilight and begin to wipe Spike's tears carefully, while Night Light would sit beside him, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"What's your name, little one?" Night Light would say, trying to get the child to calm down and express even a few words.

Spike would look up at Night Light, feeling a lump in his throat as he tried to respond to the question. For a moment, he would remain silent, struggling against the tears and emotions threatening to overwhelm him.

Finally, after a moment of hesitation, Spike would find the strength to answer in a low, trembling voice.

"My name is Spike," Spike would say, his voice barely a whisper as he struggled to contain the torrent of emotions overwhelming him. "I'm... Twilight's friend..."

"Oh, you're the famous Spike Twilight won't stop talking about?" Twilight Velvet would say with a maternal tone so that Spike could calm down a bit.

"Yeah, that's me," Spike would reply with a shy smile, trying to hide his discomfort behind a facade of calm. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Twilight Velvet and Night Light would smile tenderly at Spike's response, feeling sympathy and affection toward the child despite not really knowing him. They would try to make him feel welcome and comfortable in their presence, recognizing that he was going through a difficult time.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you too, Spike," Night Light would say with a warm smile, placing a comforting hand on Spike's shoulder. "We hope you feel at home here."

"Exactly!" Twilight Velvet would exclaim with a radiant smile, sharing the same warmth and hospitality as her husband. "If there's anything you need or if you want to talk about something, don't hesitate to let us know. We're here for you."

"Go clean up your face, and when you come back, we can have a nice dinner, I'm sure Cadance cooked something delicious despite Shining's help, right?" Night Light would say in an attempt to lighten Spike's mood with a joke.

"Thank you," Spike would murmur softly, letting out a small sigh of laughter as he stood up and headed to the bathroom to clean his face.

Author's Note:

I know that lately the chapters are being...shorter than before, i'm trying to write less filler and go with the good things, i hope you don't stop reading because of this ^v^"

I love you all ❤️