• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 1,331 Views, 136 Comments

A Not-So Draconian Adventure - Rock-Lee

Trying to hide from the growing chaos around him, Spike ends up encountering that mirror that sent him to that strange world of "Humans", due to a simple silly mistake, he would end up in that same world, this time with a very...different appearance

  • ...

Training Day

The next day, all four would be awakened by camera flashes and noises of pictures being printed by Polaroid cameras, the first one waked up would be Spike, watching Pear Butter taking hundreds of pictures of the sleeping group as tenderly as a family.

"Mhhg...Mom, what are you doing?" Applebloom would say rubbing her eye lightly, still too sleepy to understand what was going on around her.

"Hehe! All of you look so adorable!" Pear Butter would say as she kept taking all those pictures, until these would stop coming out due to the lack of rolls. "Dang..."

"Hey four sleepyheads! It's Class day! Get your lazy butts of bed!" Granny Smith's voice would be audible from the kitchen, where she was presumably preparing breakfast.

"Mhhg...Eenop..." Big Mac would say before simply turning over to continue sleeping, in the process squashing Applebloom and Spike.

"Ahhh! Giant attack! Giant attack!" Spike would scream as he was crushed by the combined weight of Big Mac and Applebloom, feeling the girl's elbow hit him in the ribs.

"Come on! No oversleeping!" Pear Butter, demonstrating why Granny Smith had accepted him as an Apple, would grab one side of the mattress and flip it over, throwing all 4 of them to the floor to wake them the hell up.

After a few minutes, all of them would be eating breakfast, Granny Smith would be looking at the photos and Bright Mac would be working on the trees from very early on the day

"Ohhhh, they look like a beautiful litter of apples" Granny Smith would say as she looked at the adorable pictures Pear Butter was showing her of that group sleeping together.

"Does that term even exist?" Spike would say somewhat confused as he gobbled down the huge plate of fried eggs Granny Smith had served him.

"That doesn't matter if it's Granny, hehe." Applebloom would say before quickly drinking a huge pitcher of orange juice.

"Hey you two!" Pear Butter would say with her hands on her hips, annoyed at the way those kids were eating without any manners. "Now kids, you have to leave very early for class, so go brush your teeth and put on some new clothes, Applejack is warming up the van."

"Got it mom!" Applebloom would get up with a smile, waiting for Spike to do the same before they both ran off to the bathroom to brush their teeth.

"There are unused toothbrushes in the medicine cabinet! Grab whichever one you like best Spike!" Pear Butter would say as she remembered that Spike didn't have a toothbrush, and probably hadn't cleaned his teeth the night before.

This time, Spike found himself wearing the same clothes he had been given the night before, only instead of boots he would have worn his sneakers, since he had phys ed. and didn't want to have to run around in cowboy boots.

"Okey! Is everyone ready?" Applejack would say looking to the back, where Applebloom was finishing buckling Spike's seatbelt like the day before, receiving a nod from both kids, so she would decide to start driving quietly towards the school, letting the noise of the radio playing some Country music be the noise that would envelop them during that long ride

After an hour's drive, they would all get out of the van after Applejack parked near the school, thus walking towards the large building with their backpacks on their shoulders

"Today you'll have a test Spike, to see your level in various subjects and see what level to place you in" Applejack would explain as she calmly guided Spike towards the school

"Eh!? And why didn't you tell me? I could have studied!"

"What's the point of letting you study for a test that verifies your general knowledge?" Applejack would say giving him a gentle nudge on the arm laughing at that question.

"Wait...I didn't have to take any tests to see my level, I just...walked into class" Applebloom would say confused, walking up next to Spike as she grabbed his hand.

"It's just that according to Celestia, Spike demonstrated a much higher level in several of the classes, so for him it will be like for me and the girls, we can be in classes at levels below or above our actual grade."

"Wow...I'm sure Spike will be in many classes along with you girls That would be awesome!"

"Umm...Can I ask to be in some classes?...I don't want to miss going to English with Applebloom, hehe." Spike would say turning his gaze towards the girl with the pink bow tie.

"awww! Thanks Spike!" Applebloom would say as she would give him a gentle hug for several seconds, before walking on, not letting go of Spike's hand.

"I'm sure Celestia will accept if you ask, besides, the test I doubt it would be that hard for you to complete Sugarcube, you're pretty smart."

"Hehe...Yeah, I hope so" Spike would say with a quiet smile, feeling more at ease.


"(WHAT THE HECK IS THIS!?)" Spike would think looking at the test sheets not understanding anything he saw, the math and art tests had gone great, the "home care" one had only been baking a cake, something he could do even with his eyes closed, but now he would be taking an "American history" test".... WHAT WAS EVEN AMERICA!!!?

"Ummm...." With his eyes closed, Spike would start filling in the random circles for all the answers, since he didn't even understand anything he was reading in those questions. "(What is even religion and why is everything related to it so...extreme?)"

"Nervous, young Drake?" He would hear the voice of the professor who was proctoring the test.

"N-Not Mr. Discord, at all!" Spike would say with notable "fear" on his voice, sitting at a perfect ninety degree angle as he said that.

Spike would stare at the man for several seconds, analyzing who appeared to be the human version of that creature of chaos from his own universe, a man of 6'3 fts that somehow was still shorter than Bright Mac, thin and always with an odd smile, two rather bushy eyebrows and two eyes of different color each, his clothing consisting of a pair of somewhat elegant yellow gloves, a gray wool vest over a white shirt, elegant brown pants and black leather shoes, the most remarkable thing about him was his hair, gray and combed back in an elegant way, with two locks probably dyed yellow and light blue respectively that seemed to be horns of some kind, having the knowledge that this was the human version of Discord helped to understand certain parts of the clothing and appearance of that man.

"Mhhg?...Well if you're not nervous at all, I guess I can go correct the exams you've already finished, right?" The man would say with a catlike grin as he rose from his seat and walked over to Spike's desk, picking up several of the exams he had previously finished.

"(Yeah...Sometimes I forget that Discord is extremely smart)" Spike would say gulping with even more nervous.

"Good luck, young Drake~" Discord would say with a somewhat mocking smile, teasing the poor boy's nerves.

"T-Thank you, sir," Spike would say, taking a deep breath so he could calm down and get on with the next and last exam before he could leave and continue his normal classes.

After a couple of extra minutes, the boy would get up and hand in the exams Discord hadn't taken before and quickly leave the room, but a voice would interrupt him as his hand was about to turn the doorknob.

"I'll enjoy having you in my class Mr. Spike, well done!" Discord would say with a smirk, enjoying laughing at the little boy's nerves.

"T-Thank you!" He would say before opening the door and rushing out quickly, leaning against the wall and clutching his chest, he wouldn't try Celestia's technique because it would be overkill, but he still needed to clutch his chest to control his damn heartbeat.



"Does he always scream like that?" Spike would say while rushing after Scootaloo, currently both were in Phys Ed class, Bulk Biceps would find himself next to Spitfire, with a hat that said "Apprentice" on his head.

"I don’t know! He’s new here!" Scootaloo said with a big smile, running was something amazing for her, so she would even be going a little slower so that Spike could keep up and keep talking.

"DRAKE! DASH! DOWN AND 50!" Spitfire would shout with a megaphone in her hand, although she would not be using it, the strength of her lungs would be so great that it would surprise even Bulk Biceps.

"YES SIR!" Both would say stop running almost instantly, starting to do push-ups while the rest of the students took advantage to try to run quickly to even reach them, which would be impossible since Spike and Scootaloo were more advanced by 4 laps to the gym.

After that, both would decide to continue with the exercise instead of continuing talking, with Scootaloo stopping running slowly and leaving Spike behind in a matter of mere seconds, leaving the green-haired boy very surprised.

"Dash! 5 seconds faster than last time!" He would say Spitfire with a small smile of pride, with a Stopwatch in his hand, before turning to look at Spike. "DRAKE! Late for 15 seconds!"

"Eh? But I never ran before-"

"No buts! Get on the floor and give me 100" he would say, blowing a whistle in front of the boy, who instead of complaining, would just sigh and then smile, lying down on the floor to do the exercise that the woman had asked of him.


"Don't worry, Spike! You did great!" Scootaloo would say as he massaged Spike's shoulders with a smile, the two of them would be in the area where the bathrooms are divided into genders, with Spike lying on a bench with his muscles burning with pain.

"Uggggh...Is it even legal to make a child lift weights?" Spike would say feeling that girl giving him that massage to take away even a little pain.

"Are you going to ask Spitfire or Bulk Biceps?" He would say Scootaloo with a mocking smile, moving away from Spike and then grabbing a towel from the floor, rolling it up and then hitting Spike with that towel like a whip.

"AHH! That's cheating!" Spike would say feeling that pain for a couple of seconds, before getting up and grabbing a towel as well, starting to chase Scootaloo to start a towel fight.

"Hehe! What? Do you think you'll catch me like in the race before!?" Scootaloo would say as she ran away from that place, with Spike chasing her while they both laughed, enjoying themselves like the children they were.

"Dash! Drake! Here!" Before either of them could even understand what was happening, they would see that by mere instinct they were already standing in front of Spitfire giving a military salute.

"What? How-"

"Don't ask Spike," Scootaloo would mutter to avoid problems for the green-haired boy, giving him a gentle nudge on the shoulder.

"As you know, school tournament season will begin shortly, and I will need you both for the youth soccer team," Spitfire would say with a smile, raising her glasses to her hair calmly.

"Eh? But I barely know how to play Soccer" Spike would say, somewhat surprised, raising his hands defensively in case the woman was going to scream.

"You will have the best trainer, trust me" A voice would say behind them, when they turned around, the two boys would see Rainbow Dash with her hands on her hips, smiling somewhat smugly.

"Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo would say with a big smile, running towards her to give her a big hug.

"Are you the coach of the youth soccer team?" Spike would say a little confused, in that world apparently they called Hoofball that way, which I found somewhat strange, but he also didn't have anyone to talk to about it without seeming like a weirdo.

"Well... Yes and no" Rainbow Dash would say somewhat embarrassed, scratching the back of her neck with a smile as she reciprocated her adoptive sister's hug, before ruffling her hair and separating from her. "Lately I haven't been doing very well in my classes, so they said that if I didn't improve my grades, they wouldn't let me continue playing, although I managed to reach an agreement that if I became your coach, they would let me continue playing, HA! In your face Twilight!"

Probably mocking some words that Twilight had said to her some time ago, she would raise her fist in the air in victory, which left the two children confused, while Spitfire at that point would have already retired to continue tutoring Bulk Biceps to be a teacher's assistant

"Oh this will be great!" Scootaloo would say with a big smile, high-fiving Rainbow Dash with the excitement of sharing so much with her older sister.

"Okay Spike! Come on! We've got your uniform ready! When lunch is over I'll introduce you to the rest of the team!" Rainbow would throw him a bag with the Soccer team uniform, before turning and saying goodbye to Scootaloo, leaving the two to go to the lunch they had missed several minutes of.

"Come on Spike!" This time it would be Scootaloo's turn to grab Spike's hand, dragging him like a rag doll as she ran to the school cafeteria.


"Damn, those fries are good" Spike would say while rubbing his stomach, lunch would have been potatoes with cheese and bacon, it had been quite a delicacy.

"As you say, bottomless barrel," Scootaloo would say, throwing a towel in his face with a mocking smile, somewhat annoyed that Spike had once again received extra helpings of fries.

"Your jealousy only makes it even better," Spike would say as he blew a raspberry towards the girl, grabbing the soccer team uniform and going to change in one of the locker rooms.

After a couple of minutes, he would see himself in the mirror, a white uniform with purple vertical stripes as well as shorts with the same design, the team logo was embroidered on the chest, a purple unicorn surrounded by an outline of a shield, as well as purple and black soccer cleats.

"Heh! It almost looks like they were made for me! I'd just add maybe some green" Spike would say as he combed his hair with his hands, to keep his hair in spikes, before snapping his fingers and pointing at his reflection as if his hands were pistols. "You are such a gentleman~"

When he left the locker room, he would see that Scootaloo was no longer there, so he would go out in search of Rainbow Dash or at least the rest of the team, which he would find after a couple of minutes of searching, before he could say anything, Rainbow Dash would see him out of the corner of her eye, so she would smile and blow her whistle, drawing the attention of the rest of the members on the team.

"Okay team! This is Spike Drake! The new addition to our team!" Rainbow Dash would say, patting him on the back to make him take a step forward.

"U-Umm... Hello! H-Hehe" Spike would say as he blushed from embarrassment, looking at the rest of the team.

"Mhhg...It's a pleasure Spike" A boy with purple hair, quite similar to Scootaloo, would approach him with a smile, extending his hand. "Tender Taps is my name"

"Umm...The pleasure is mine!" Spike would say, feeling a little more comfortable due to the boy's kind attitude, sharing a handshake with the young man.

"As team captain, I'm glad to have a teammate who is finally on my level!" Scootaloo would say in the same uniform the rest of the team shared, putting her arm around Spike's neck, ruffling his hair.

"Hehe, Scootaloo, that's not very nice to say," Tender Taps would say with his arms crossed with a small smile, probably used to the sporty girl's attitude.

Scootaloo, without even bothering to respond verbally, would just point behind Tender Taps, where Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were trying to kick the ball into the goal, moving the ball just a couple of centimeters for fear of getting hurt somehow, and then point at Snips and Snails, who were running with the ball in their hands as if it were Rugby.

"Well...4 of us aren't the best players, but the rest of us aren't bad at all!" A boy would say who would appear behind Spike and Scootaloo, putting his arms behind both of their necks with a smile. "Rumble is my name, my pleasure brother"

"(Wow...These are all human versions of Ponyville's foals?...There were so many foals?)" Spike would think with a raised eyebrow, laughing a little at the attitude the group seemed to have.

"Let me introduce you to the rest!" Rumble would say separating Spike from Scootaloo, at that moment Spike could see Rumble a little better, a slightly tall boy with black hair, with a hairstyle very similar to that of Ponyx Wright, a character from a series of comics about lawyers that Twilight bought as a present believing it would be an educational comic.

"Hey! The captain should do it!" Scootaloo would say pouting, somewhat annoyed by Rumble's attitude.

"Hehe, sorry Scoots, it's time for the boys" Rumble said with a somewhat mocking smile, grabbing Spike and taking him to present him to the rest of the team.

First there had been Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, Silver Spoon would be a very adorable girl with gray and white hair tied up in a beautiful braid, she would wear special sports glasses made to not fall off when running very fast, covering a little of her purple color. eyes of her. Diamond Tiara would have hair similar to that of a blackberry sundae and vanilla ice cream, a little shorter than Silver Spoon and with a somewhat haughty look that almost made her pretty blue eyes look bad.

"u-u-umm... M-My name is S-Spike!" Spike would say with a slight blush on his face, feeling a little confused as to why he felt that way seeing two girls he knew were bothering the Cutie Mark Crusaders in his Pony universe, which would probably be the same in that universe.

"My pleasure, Spike," Silver Spoon said with a small smile, hiding a blush as he looked down and extended his hand to Spike for a shake.

Quickly, Spike took Silver Spoon's hand and placed a soft kiss on the back of her hand like he had done with Rarity when he "met" her the day before, earning an embarrassed giggle from Silver Spoon.

"Haha! Hey, take it easy heartbreaker!" Rumble would say, giving him a gentle pat on the shoulder to mock how he interacted with the silver haired girl.

"Mhhg! My name is Diamond Tiara, the pleasure is yours" the girl said with a frown, also offering her hand to Spike, making him give her the same greeting that she had given to Silver Spoon seconds before.

After that exchange, Spike would be dragged back to meet the rest of the team, until the noise of Rainbow Dash's whistle would sound throughout the place, causing the team to go there once again.

"Okay team...On one knee" Rainbow would say getting on one knee while she watched the rest of the team, everyone would do it, even Spike although that would be a few seconds after seeing that everyone had done it.

Rainbow Dash stares at Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara who didn't seem willing to kneel, so she would roll her eyes and let them be.

"Okay guys, the tournament is in 2 months, so we have enough time to turn you into a half-decent team! Hehe!" That would earn her several laughs from the students, even from Silver Spoon, although Diamond Tiara didn't seem to even want to be in that place. "Many are here for pleasure, others out of obligation, most because they need to improve their grades"

Each one would react to the words that most represented them, Spike being the only one obligated, and with the majority, including Diamond Tiara when he talked about improving her grades.

"Okay! First I'm going to do a couple of tests to see which position they're best in!...Snips, you're going to the goal" He would say making Snips look at him with confusion, but shrugging his shoulders since he didn't dislike that position either.

The hours would pass with the training, Spike would feel... As if he was having one of the best moments of his life, he didn't know how to explain it, but there weren't many things he could think of that felt as good as playing with that group, even though he barely had any experience with that game, he would be better than half of the team, although that wasn't saying much when the rest of the team was: Pipsqueak, Featherweight, Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara, Snails, and other guys with no experience in the game, only Scootaloo, Tender Taps, Button Smash and Rumble were considerably good at the game.

"Spike! Pass it!" Silver Spoon would say as he ran several meters ahead of Spike, taking seriously to get better at that game unlike Diamond Tiara.

"There it goes!" Spike with a smile would shoot in the direction of Silver Spoon, being that even though the ball would go farther than she was, Silver Spoon would get to the ball before Tender Taps, leaving Silver Spoon to shoot somewhat awkwardly, but managing to put that ball in goal, avoiding Sniper who was trying to avoid the goal.

"Way to go Silver Spoon!" Rainbow Dash's voice would be heard after a few seconds, making the silver-haired girl blush slightly, playing with her feet without looking at anyone directly.

"Not bad!" Spike would say running towards her, raising his hand to have a high five, which would happen after a few seconds after Silver Spoon managed to calm the strong blush that crossed her face.

And so, after a while more of practice, the training would end, leaving the kids to retire to their homes or to wait for their older brothers to finish their own classes, which would be only 10 minutes from that moment.

"Hehe! Well we have a very good midfielder here!" Rainbow Dash would say grabbing Spike by surprise as he was coming out of the locker room dressed in his normal clothes, slipping her arm around his torso so he can't escape her grip.

"Ahh! Sneak attack! Scootaloo help!" Spike would shake with a smile enjoying the way he was being carried by Rainbow Dash.

"Hey! Let go of my partner! Attack Scootaloo!" After that shout, they would both be rammed by Scootaloo, ending up on the ground laughing, with the purple-haired girl on top of them both. "Scootaloo wins!"

"Hehe! Okay, I surrender I surrender" Rainbow Dash would say, hitting the ground with her hand as a wrestler would do when surrendering, playing along with her little sister.

"Oxygen! I need....oxygen!" Spike would say with some difficulty, the only visible part of his body would be his hands frantically moving in search of oxygen for his lungs.

"Oh! Sorry shorty" Rainbow Dash would say with a somewhat smirk, turning around to free Spike, but now crushing Scootaloo with her back.

"Ahh! Spike! Help help help!" The girl would say, shaking her legs in an attempt to get Spike to help her free herself from the rainbow-haired girl's weight.

"Uggg...Sorry Scootaloo, my lungs are too empty to be able to help you" The boy would say with a somewhat embarrassed smile, trying to catch his breath as he pushed down the blush of having Rainbow Dash on top of him in such an.... "Intimate" way

"Mhhg! Traitor!" Scootaloo would say shaking harder, until Rainbow Dash would simply giggle a little, getting up from the ground and carrying the two by their shirts, walking towards the exit as if carrying two grocery bags.

"Time to go pair of dummies, Applejack and mom will play Soccer with our butts if we don't get home on time, surely Applejack and Applebloom must have been waiting a long time."

"Geez...I hope they're not too upset."


"Come on! I said I'm sorry!" Spike was clutching at Applebloom's boots, who was walking annoyedly towards the van, awkwardly dragging Spike along, but not even bothering to turn to look at the boy.

"Was it that hard to warn me you'd be late!!!? I've been worried for hours!" Applebloom was saying with her arms crossed, ignoring Spike's actions.

"Oh come on Sugarcube, it wasn't that big of a deal, you were just in the library playing with the free computers, hehe." Applejack would say tousling the little girl's hair, laughing at the way her little sister was reacting to the whole situation.

"Mhhg..." with cheeks puffed out on a whim, Applebloom would simply ignore them both, entering the Van quietly, but waiting for Spike to enter as well. "I can't let my little brother be out there alone!"

"But I wasn't alone-"

"But I didn't know that!" Applebloom would say going into the "serious big sister" mode she had unlocked overnight, buckling Spike's seatbelt and grabbing his hand. "Now shut up and I might just forgive you back at the house!"

"...God these youngsters" Applejack would say laughing a little as she understood why Applebloom's actions, simply stepping into the driver's area, starting the car to begin the ride in silence. "Hey, how did it go?"

Turning, Applejack would see Spike and Applebloom asleep against each other, with Spike leaning against Applebloom's shoulder and Applebloom leaning against Spike's head.

"Hehe...Looks like it was a tiring day today, sleep well little ones."


"Ohhh! The little guy is quite the athlete!" Bright Mac would say proudly as he looked at some photos showing Spike playing along with the rest of the team.

"And quite the gallant gentleman!" Pear Butter would say as she looked at several photos of Spike interacting with Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara.

"HOW DID YOU EVEN GET THAT PICTURE!?" Spike would say embarrassed looking at Applejack.

"You think my best friend would have embarrassing pictures of you and not give them to me? Besides, what are you complaining about? You looked super adorable in that uniform" The cowgirl would say teasing the boy a little, forcing him into a hug to teasingly ruffle his hair.

"We don't have...I don't know! Apples to harvest!?" Spike would say trying to change the subject and to break away from Applejack's embrace, failing to achieve either of his two intentions.

"We have time, now how about telling us about those lovely young ladies?" Pear Butters would say pointing to the picture where she was talking to Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara.

"They are not lovely young ladies!" Applebloom would say with a frown, drawing the attention of the rest of the people in the room. "They're the ones who are always teasing Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and me!'

"Applebloom, sweetie, when was the last time those girls picked on you?" Applejack would say crossing her arms looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Umm...well, okay, it's been a long time! But that doesn't take away from the fact that Spike shouldn't be hanging out with them!"

"Why?...Yeah, maybe Diamond Tiara doesn't have the best bedside manner, but she was never very rude to me, maybe I know something about her that you guys don't! Hehe" Spike would say with a grin, not wanting Applebloom to feel bad about his friendships.

"Mhhg...Fine! But when they laugh at you don't complain when I tell you I told you so!"

Spike felt that this was a situation he would miss when he finally returned to his Ponyville friends in the "real" world, but that didn't mean he wouldn't take advantage of every possible second to enjoy being with those people.

Author's Note:

Yeah...Maybe 100 views was a very low mark...But hey! I'm not complaining!

Pd: If somebody is a writer here, why i see that the chapter has 15 views before i even submit the chapter? I'm confused, hehe