• Published 19th Feb 2024
  • 383 Views, 20 Comments

By the Will of the Council - Captain Neckbeard

Sent to Equestria by their tribe, Celestia and Luna have to uncover their kin's most sacred artifact. During the mission however, Luna starts to realize there might be more important things to find than a mere artifact.

  • ...

Chapter I: Young Fools, Young Tools


Far from the shores of any of the populated continents, in the middle of the ocean, stood Aeternum Island, the home of the small alicorn tribe, a stuff of legends for would-be explorers. Approaching the island was nigh impossible to non-inhabitants, due to the strong currents and powerful winds surrounding it. To say nothing of the magical ward that kept out anyone sentient, acting as a last line of defense.

On a rocky beach stood two majestic beings, looking at three giant stones. One was relaxed, the other was tense. One was young, the other ancient. Perhaps the same age the stones the former one manipulated.

"Focus. Feel the magic inside, and all around it."

Celestia had her eyes closed. Her magic surrounded a gigantic boulder, and by making careful twists and turns, she tried to find its center of mass. She tried to balance it on top of the one underneath it.

The waves gently crashed against the rocky shoreline, a few dozen feet under her hooves. The pile of the three rocks were tall enough that they cast a shadow on her, and the alicorn behind herself as well.

"Don't allow yourself any distractions. Concentrate. There is only the boulder, and nothing else."

Celestia pouted her lips a little, as she finally found the desired point where the two stone giants would connect. Now she only had to put it down, gently, without any unnecessary movements made to its sides.

"There is only the boulder. Nothing else. No ocean. No island. No tribe. No Magikhan. No Luna..."

"No, Luna!"

Celestia's eyes snapped open, and her so far delicate telekinetic moves interrupted, the boulder rolled off from the other, falling into the ocean, and a second later the other one followed, creating another whiplash. They were intense enough that Celestia ended up soaking wet, with her mane sticking to her forehead and neck. She removed a lock of hair from her eyes, and turned around.

"I just... I just can't talk sense into her! I'm not willing to believe the Magikhan have turned her completely. She is not a tool, yet that's all Arcana sees in her! And Luna rolls with it, as if that would be the highest purpose she could achieve."

Celestia's father, Master Guardian Solus sighed, and shook his head slightly:

"Celestia, look. I am as concerned for her as you are. But sometimes, you should only concentrate on a single matter. For the sake of everything else. On your training, on the tribe's matters, on Luna. Because otherwise, everything will slip through your hooves at once."

"But the mission, Father... I fear so much that thrust into the unknown, Luna will do something foolish. Or hurt herself or...

Guardian Solus interrupted, stepping closer to her daughter.

"Patience. You have progressed far, but you have to learn patience. The path of an alicorn is a long one. Time matters little to us. You have little aspect of that yet, but you have to realize you can't fix problems by rushing headfirst into them. You have to use reflection and patience to solve anything. Be that balancing boulders on top of one another, or guiding a whole tribe back to its correct path."

Celestia's ears drooped, and looked at the ground.

"I just fear we're already too late for Luna..."

She turned back, and looked over the ocean. Flaring her wings, she flapped them a few times, thousands of water droplets flying out. Then she looked back, over to the Citadel on the top of the hill, in the middle of the island. She knew Luna was there, like usually, giving a wide berth to the family home, and training with the praetorians, the automated sentries of the Citadel.

It seemed to Celestia as if the flow of her father's orange mane became a bit slower. As if his sadness affected him on the arcane level. It was well known to her that emotions could affect an alicorn's magic. That's why progressively, over the centuries, Arcana became corrupted, her eyes took upon a mystic glow, a phenomenon otherwise only witnessed when particularly powerful magics are cast.

"Are you sad, father?"

"Not more than usual. I'm concerned for the future of the tribe. The guardians of ponykind slowly becoming power-obsessed wannabe gods, ignoring their oaths. We are not gods, Celestia, remember that. Our powers were given to us by the Creator, so we may use them to safeguard ponykind, and uphold the natural order of the world. Humbly, wisely, and without striving to gain more power than what we already have."

Solus looked upon the afternoon Sun, which, for the moment, was keeping its intended course. Then looked back at his daughter, who still looked like one who carried the problems of a whole world upon her shoulders.

And although that wasn't entirely true, Celestia often felt that way.

Solus continued:

"In the past, Arcana and the council looked out for ponykind. But more recently, in the last few centuries, the "noble Magikhan" began to look for ways to increase her own power. She was already the most magical of us. But that wasn't enough for her. She was looking for ways to gain more power from the world. Became obsessed with the Teardrops. And the council, to our biggest surprise, supported Arcana's ambitions, at the cost of their guardian duties. That's why Selena and I left the council. We stood up for our traditions, our oaths. Wanted the others to see. We weren't very successful though."

Celestia looked back, at her flank. Unlike the rest of the tribe, she didn't have a mark of destiny. Just like Luna. She didn't know if that was normal at her age. But she wasn't a normal alicorn anyway. She was born, not made. She and Luna. Born of love, of a bond between two other beings. The only born alicorns, without a preset destiny.

"I don't feel very successful either. What is my destiny, father? What is my path? The tribe didn't set it for me, and I was born without a mark. Is it just endless concern for problems, without finding a solution? Endless struggle, without the goal in sight?"

Guardian Solus smiled, and wrapped a foreleg around her daughter.

"Your path is what you set in front of yourself. That's why you're lucky, Celestia. Not conjured up as an adult, with your task predetermined, through mass divination, by the will of the council; but conceived by love, born from a womb, raised with compassion."

"And that's why Arcana hates me. I am not normal in her eyes." Celestia said, and stepped away, towards their house.

"No. She simply hates everything that she cannot control. That's why your mother and I decided to step down."

"I just wish Luna would see that too. Tomorrow, I will fly back to the keep, and talk to her. Maybe the gravity of this new situation would show her the truth."

"I wish so much it would be that way. But for now, let's head home. Your mother must have finished reining that hydra in, so you could tell her what happened at the council meeting."


Near the shore stood a cozy wooden house, the home of the only alicorn family in existence. Unlike the daunting and majestic Citadel, this house was everything, but. It invited its dwellers to take a well earned rest after a hard day, among loved ones, at the warmth of a hearth. Too bad one member never decided to show up, and even if she did, it was for a quick visit, and usually for a specific reason.

When Solus and Celestia arrived, a blue alicorn, with a blue-and-violet mane already waited for them on the porch. It was pretty obvious who Luna took after. The lovers greeted each other with a nuzzle and a kiss.

"Hello, Selena. Did the hydra cause you any trouble?"

"It wasn't a bother, love. Except this would've been Guardian Aqua's task. But we know what she and the Council are preoccupied with instead."

"We do, don't we?" answered Solus, and nodded towards Celestia.


They gently hugged each other. And although a smile played on Selena's lips, Celestia could only muster a grimace.

"Was it that bad?" Selena asked, taken aback a bit.

"Well..." Celestia hung her head "It depends on one's viewpoint."

"Okay. Tell me everything."





"We're late," Luna said, as she and Celestia were trotting down the marble corridor leading to the council chamber.

"I know. But I just had to exchange a few words with Mother," Celestia responded, following her sister, keeping up the pace.

"It could have waited. What could be more important than a council session? The Magikhan's not gonna like this."

Celestia didn't answer. If she had her way, she wouldn't attend at all. But she knew her duties well, and also knew it was an absolute honor and privilege that she could be the member of the Alicorn Council at such a tender age. It was just that she didn't like it.

The sisters went past the Halls of Magic, and finally arrived at the council chamber doors. One of the youngest members of the tribe, Guardian Octa waited for them, acting as the sentry for the session.

"Where you two have been?! The council is already in session!" Octa scorned the sisters, with her voice kept low.

"It was Celestia who was stalling." Luna said, peeking back at her sister.

Celestia couldn't react, except looking at the ground in half-faked, half-genuine shame.

"Whatever now." Octa said "I'll announce you, then you shall enter."

Octa pushed in one side of the heavy double doors, and declared the presence of the two missing councilors. Then after momentary silence, both sides of the door were opened, and Octa bowed her head:

"Please enter, noble councilors."

The sisters nodded back, and walked past Octa, into the council chamber proper. Around the huge, circular stone table, the rest of the councilors were already assembled. Guardians Chronos, Novum, Mundus, Stella, Aestus, Aura, Ignis, Aqua, and Erasmus, headed by the Guardian of Magic, Arcana. The Magikhan of the Alicorn tribe, the highest authority.

Both Celestia and Luna bowed in respect, then Luna started with an apology:

"I am so deeply sorry about our delayed arrival, noble Magikhan. But I'll let you know it was..."

The Magikhan's ever-glowing eyes flashed for a moment, and put up a hoof.

"Let's make nothing of this. Take your places."

She seemed cool, but Celestia could feel the subtle anger in their leader's voice. The subtle anger directed at her.

The sisters walked to the part of the table still empty. On the rim, two symbols were present, a sun and a full moon respectively. They were the marks of destiny of their parents, for whom they filled in as acting councilors.

Now all twelve councilors present, they opened their wings, and pointed their horns towards the symbol in the middle of the table. The mark of destiny of the Great Creator, La'uriel. The Magikhan spoke:

"The session shall begin now. Noble councilors of the tribe, I don't think I should elaborate on what we will discuss in the coming hours."

Arcana turned her head, and her silvery mane flipped with it as she pointed at the sky. Between the pillars of the council chamber, the Sun could be seen, as it was moving across the heavens at an incredible pace. Then reaching the horizon, it erratically snapped back to the east. She turned back to the councilors, and continued:

"As we can all see, the natural order of things has been tampered with again. Something powerful is at work, and not even I could challenge it."

A round of murmuring was the reaction. Celestia was concerned. She looked at Luna, but her sister was just looking forward with her usual, determined expression. One of the councilors, Master Guardian Aqua spoke up:

"Master Guardian Arcana, couldn't you just recast the celestial synchronization spell? Maybe just some less than talented unicorns have ruined it again through their mortal foolishness."

Arcana answered to the guardian of the oceans and tides:

"Of course I did that. But as if my magic just bounced off of it. It's almost as if someone with the appropriate special talent took control of it. Someone powerful."

Finishing that sentence, Arcana looked at Celestia. Knowing what she was expected to bring up, spoke:

"Yes, Master Guardian, my father has tried to fix the Sun's course as well, but he only achieved moderate success. As if the spell keeping the Sun on its trajectory simply rewrote itself at random intervals."

The rest of the council looked at Arcana. But before she could answer, an alicorn stallion turned to Celestia.

"And here I thought the Guardian of the Sun would be able to fix such a problem. It is HIS responsibility, ultimately."

It was Master Guardian Chronos, the Guardian of Time. Celestia looked into his eyes, and quickly reconsidered her response before she spoke, which began with a curse in her head.

"My father is working on a solution, right as we speak. One of his spells ought to fix this."

"We can only hope..." Chronos answered, and looked away.

Now another councilor spoke up, Master Guardian Aura, the Guardian of Winds and Air. She addressed Celestia too.

"Did your father try to just brute force it back on its trajectory? After all, he has the most intimate connection to the Sun. Even such a celestial body should bow to the might of an alicorn's magic."

Celestia was put at a bit of ease from the more friendly words, but she couldn't provide a positive response.

"Of course he tried that as well, to no avail."

The other councilor's response was only a "Hmm", and finally Magikhan Arcana took back the conversation.

"It's awfully clear we're dealing with something really powerful. For long we have guarded ponykind, and subtly lent our help where it was really necessary. But for current events, there is simply no explanation. Except one."

Arcana looked at Master Guardian Erasmus, the Guardian of Knowledge. He nodded, then the Magikhan continued.

"Master Guardian Erasmus believes that the Teardrops of Creation somehow came into ponykind's possession. Only through their power, through the power of our Creator's aspect could they use magic powerful enough to challenge ours."

As Celestia listened to these words, she unwittingly raised an eyebrow. But remembering to keep her emotions in check, she quickly dropped any accidental expressions.

Of course, Luna was listening with great discipline. It was unknown to her sister if she really believed everything the Magikhan ever said, or just pretended to don't disappoint. Luna always strove to be in Arcana's favors, and acted accordingly. So she had much to lose, unlike Celestia, who was probably written off as a rebel and a nuisance already, by most of the Council.




"Um, I think I can't really recall what happened in the middle. My thoughts trailed off. Sorry." Celestia said, pausing her recollection of events.

"It's quite alright." Selena answered, alongside a little chuckle "The rest was more than adequately detailed. I swear, one day you will write the tribe's codices instead of Erasmus!"

"If that happens, I can only wish it won't be the last one ever."

Selena raised an eyebrow at the glum response. Then looked at Solus, who shared an expression with his daughter. He must have already known everything.

"Arcana is a fool, no surprise. But things took an even worse turn, didn't they?"

Celestia just shook her head.

"Let her finish, love." Solus said.

Celestia tried to force a smile upon herself, but it ended up as a grimace once again.

"Shall I skip to the end?" she asked.

"No need. Tell the rest as it was."




As Celestia's thoughts trailed off, the council session went on. Eventually, she refocused on her leader's words. Luckily, she could surmise that the topic was still alicornkind's most sacred artifact, the Teardrops of Creation.

"Noble council, I think we agree then that after many centuries, another intervention is due. But we always decided these matters fairly, with every voice heard. So I ask: shall we indeed go to the ponies' newfound land, and retrieve our artifact, thought to be lost so many millennia ago?"

All councilmembers nodded as one... except for a hesitating Celestia. She looked to Luna, as if for advice, although she doubted she would get it. It's just that a good bunch of the discussions she has daydreamed over.

"Just agree, you defiant fool..." Luna hissed between her teeth, looking towards her sister only with her eyes.

But Celestia had a different idea. That is, being a defiant fool.

"Noble Magikhan, may I ask, what sort of intervention do you propose? I hope we don't intend on harming ponykind in any way. I mean, they might perceive a whole tribe of us showing up as a threat, unless there is clear and present danger, and..."

The Magikhan put up a hoof, interrupting Celestia. Master Guardian Chronos shook his head slightly. Luna rolled her eyes. The rest of the council looked at the aurora-maned alicorn with some scorn.

"Perhaps you didn't listen previously, young Celestia, but I did say I only plan a limited intervention, unless the situation will escalate. A small scouting party will suffice initially."

Celestia looked around, feeling shame. Being inattentive didn't reflect well upon her. But it's not like that was the main reason Magikhan Arcana didn't favor her. She quietly answered:

"I agree with the notion then. Provided we will help ponykind with whatever issue they might face."

"The only issue they face is their own hubris and foolishness! None should wield such a powerful artifact, but us." Guardian Chronos snapped at her.

Another councilmember, a light-brown, male alicorn, a certain Mundus, Guardian of the Earth, tried to calm his fellow councilor:

"Chronos, please. Celestia's inquiry was innocent. I'm sure she didn't mean to be defiant this time. But that also brings us to the question: Who will we send to undertake this mission? Do you have someone in mind perhaps, Arcana?"

Arcana's head was lowered until she wasn't addressed, but now she nodded, and turned towards the Sisters. Her glowing eyes were squinted somewhat, putting Celestia at unease.

"I have... Guardian Luna, my faithful child, I think it's time you leave our homeland once again, and see Equestria for yourself. You will complete this mission, and retrieve our artifact. It's a potentially difficult task, I know. But I have faith the tribe can count on you. And Protector Celestia will go along with you, helping as needed."

The lowest-ranked councilor's eyes went wide. Initially, she didn't want to believe what she heard. Arcana would send the two youngest members of the tribe to do something like this? When it's highly dubious it's ponykind who's messing with the natural order of things. There must be something much more sinister behind this all, but at the same time, Celestia feared what would happen to Equestria if Arcana and the whole tribe would suddenly show up. Such a young nation, still somewhat feeble. And she knew Arcana was gone, as her parents told her. That her own magic corrupted her from within... This Arcana wouldn't help Equestria. This Arcana refused to help even when the Windigos were harassing ponykind.

"It's an honor that you bestow such a task upon me, noble Magikhan. I will not falter." Luna said promptly, bowing her head.

Meanwhile, Celestia was looking right into the pupil-less white glow that was Arcana's eyes. The morning sun's rays were reflected by her golden headpiece. That sun was much further to the west just an hour ago...

"Do you have some objections perhaps, Protector Celestia? Or are you willing to support Guardian Luna in her task?"

Luna looked at her hesitating sister, and spoke up, putting a hoof on the large marble table:

"My noble Magikhan, I do not need her help. I can retrieve our artifact on my own, and vanquish any enemies standing in the way of your will. Celestia can just stay."

For the first time during the council session, Arcana smiled a bit, and nodded with satisfaction towards Luna.

"I appreciate your vigor, child, but let her decide. After all, she still needs to become a Guardian. This mission would serve her well as training..."

"...But of course, you're not forced to go, Celestia. You can indeed stay, just like Luna proposed." the Magikhan turned to Celestia, finishing her thoughts.

Celestia was again on the brink of saying something unsavory, but instead just steeled her expression, and gave a resolute answer:

"No, I don't intend to stay. I will support my sister on this mission in any way possible."

"Good. It is settled then. The Council wills it and the Council have decided: You two will take the Teardrops of Creation, and bring it to us. And may the mighty Creator guide your paths."




"I think that covers it." said Celestia, finishing up.

Selena was deep in thoughts. She brought a hoof in front of her muzzle, and only spoke about a minute later, very quietly.

"Oh Luna..."

"I know what you feel. And I know she's not willing to talk to you, but she still talks to me. Tomorrow, I'll speak with her."

"Do so, my dear daughter."

"Shall I try to talk her out of the mission? You don't have to say it: I know you disapprove of Arcana's ambitions. But she's making a move now, through us."

Selena shook her head a few times, then answered:

"You shall not. Just try to talk some sense into her. If the Council wills it, the Council will have its way. If you refuse to go, they will send someone else. But this way, you can at least stay with Luna."



Celestia walked the halls of the citadel, making her way towards the training room. She already learned Luna was there again, no doubt to prepare herself for their upcoming mission. And as far as she knew, they would get the mission's details later that afternoon.

The citadel's walls were as smooth as butter, but no wonder: the entire building was technically a single piece of stone, carved out of the rocky hill itself, making it withstanding the test of time just as much as the beings that inhabited it. Its corridors were decorated with murals depicting history, and the great feats of the tribe.

The creation of the Twelve by La'uriel.

Bestowing magic upon ponykind.

Alicornkind finding its home, away from the prying eyes of the world.

The battle with the ancient centaurs.

The duel with the first dragon lord.

The culling of the changelings.

And so on.

As Celestia moved past these murals, she always wondered how far her tribe came, and how it took a turn away from its glorious past. Ponykind was left alone by their guardians, and instead pursued more power, for no good reason. And Celestia so wished they would go back to their old ways. Or at least that she could make a difference.

And she wished the same for Luna too. If only Luna wished the same upon herself...

Arriving in the training room, the praetorian standing guard greeted Celestia, with that artificial buzzing voice the young alicorn found so grating. They were the creations of Novum, the Master Guardian of Progress and Logic, the inventor of the art of magitech.

"Good_morning, Protector_Celestia. Please_exercise_caution, a_training_regimen_is_in_progress."

Celestia didn't answer, just stepped past the glistening brass construct, very similar to an adult alicorn in full armor. The room's walls were covered in scorch marks, and its floor in pieces of metal, with the parts of the destroyed constructs easily identifiable.

Luna was still blasting away at a good number of the artificial warriors, reducing their numbers by the minute. She was getting shot at, but she either skillfully dodged, or deflected the bolts of magic. Celestia kept to the sides, but made sure that Luna would notice her. She did, but the younger sister continued her battle nonetheless.

"Luna!" Celestia called out finally.

"I'm a bit busy at the moment..." Luna answered, as she split open an automaton with a beam spell, spilling its metallic innards.

"Let us talk."

Luna glanced at her older sister again, but refocused on the battle a moment later.

A missed shot struck the wall just beside Celestia. She instinctively pulled up a hoof next to herself, and covered her face with a wing. An already damaged praetorian walked past, trying to keep on maneuvering, but Luna pulled it back with telekinesis, and disabled it completely.

Celestia frowned. It was typical behavior from her sister, but she badly wanted to talk with her, before they would be summoned by the Magikhan. Finally, she decided she'll make a shortcut to her sister's attention.

"Praetorian emergency order: Stand by!"

All the magitech automatons stopped in their tracks, and stopped casting. For a second, Luna just stared at them, then realized it was Celestia's doing. She turned to her angrily:

"Was that really necessary?!"

"Sorry for interrupting your training, but we need to talk, Luna." Celestia said, walking over.

Luna furrowed her brows, and looked upon her tall sibling:

"And I need to train. I think it could have waited."

"I just wish to speak to my sister." Celestia answered, stepping right next to Luna, wrapping her in a wing.

But Luna left Celestia's embrace in a moment's notice, and walked away a few good meters. Then faced her sister.

"I know what you want to talk about. You want me to turn against the Magikhan, just like our parents did so long ago. And how you did, too. Well, that's not gonna happen."

Celestia shook her head, and folded her right wing that Luna just escaped.

"I don't want you to turn against her. I just want you to think for yourself. To don't blindly follow a leader who has lost her ways. Luna, I love you, and our parents do so as well. We just don't want you to be used as a tool. That is all."

"HOW DARE YOU!" Luna boomed in a magically amplified voice, and flared her wings "You're calling me a tool? You, who never did anything for our tribe? The mere protector?"

Celestia apologetically raised a hoof. Now she's done it. It was so easy to anger her sister anyway.

"Please, my dear sister, do not misconstruct my words! But there are multiple ways one can benefit the tribe. And blindly following Arcana, this Arcana, can lead to no good. This is especially important in light of our upcoming task."

"Look Celestia. Unlike you, I want to become someone. Someone who matters. I don't even have my mark of destiny. I was born of foul love like a mortal, instead of divined by glorious magic. Just like you. I think there are enough reasons if anyone, we should follow the council's, and yes, Arcana's will. So we might one day become beneficial members of the tribe."

Celestia's ears drooped. She sighed:

"And do you think becoming Arcana's executioner is your destiny? Don't you feel your calling might be different?"

Luna pondered for several moments, She was looking at the ground. Celestia's ears started to perk up. But then Luna looked into her eyes, and said:

"I am a member of the alicorn tribe. So I shall follow my Magikhan's orders. And so shall you."

With that, Luna turned tail, and left Celestia alone with the automatons. She looked around, and let out a long sigh. Once again, she couldn't affect her sister's heart. Then she snorted angrily, and blasted one of the praetorians to smithereens.

"Useless machine!"

The brass parts of the automaton flew all over the training room, with the control gem sliding across the floor, halting to a stop right before Celestia. It spun there for a few moments, then Celestia kicked it aside, now feeling more sadness than anger. Then, she left the room as well.


As it was expected, the sisters were summoned to meet Magikhan Arcana in the council chamber later that day. Arriving there, Master Guardians Chronos and Novum waited for them too.

The domed chamber was basking in the light of the setting sun, its pillars casting long shadows on the ground, and the marble table in the center. Celestia liked what she saw. Somehow, seeing the big ball of light put her at ease, knowing the role it played in the great natural order of things was safe and secure. At least momentarily. The Sun had been acting up for months, but Master Guardian Solus could fix its course. Up until a few days ago.

The three ancient alicorns present faced the sisters, and Arcana started:

"Guardian Luna, Protector Celestia. I think I do not need to stress how crucial your mission is. For millennia, we've been scrying the world for the presence of the Teardrops, almost giving up hope they even have a physical manifestation. But now, there is evidence. Ponykind has found them. And they are using them to turn the natural order of things upside down."

Celestia glanced at Luna. She noticed, but didn't return any gestures, and instead said:

"I studied our tomes thoroughly, but never found a description of the Teardrops aside from the metaphysical. What are we looking for, exactly? What could they look like? Although last time, you said they are solidified into gemstones."

"They are the tears of the great Creator, when she wept for ponykind after her banishment from the Cosmic Council. But we aren't exactly sure how they would manifest themselves. But you'll certainly recognize them when you find them. You'll feel them."

Arcana paused, and using the intermission, Chronos took over.

"But the Teardrops of Creation are in pony hooves now. So you might have to fight over them. And although I doubt mortals could cause any issues for you, I still advise you caution. Those pegasus warriors can be most fierce. To say nothing about the unicorn battlemages."

"Nothing will stand in our way, Master Guardian." Luna bowed her head slightly, while Celestia just stood motionless, her eyes shifting between the talkers. She wanted to object so hard, yet she knew it was too late for such defiance. It wouldn't do any good at that point.

"Even still" started Novum, the Guardian of Progress "You might get in a situation where you could be overwhelmed. If you feel like the success of the mission is at risk, call it off, and ask for help."

"Help?" Luna asked in disbelief.

"Yes." continued Novum "After all, you will lead the most important mission this tribe ever took upon. I thought the praetorians could be at your beck and call as needed."

"I am humbled that you look over our safety as such, but I doubt any help will be necessary." Luna answered, then added, with some scorn: "And after all, Celestia will be by my side as well."

Celestia's heart ached a bit hearing her sister's intonation, but at the same time, she got to thinking: Why send only them? This is obviously very important to the Council. And if they'd need help, it would be in the form of Novum's mindless, soulless machines? Something wasn't right here, Celestia knew it. If she was the Magikhan (but she was really glad she wasn't!), she would probably search for the tribe's artifact herself, along with the councilors. Of course, she could ask, but then again, straight answers she wouldn't get.

"If you indeed believe the two of you is enough, I won't object." responded Novum, with only the slightest tinge of upset in her voice. Nevertheless, she stepped back to the Magikhan's side.

"I trust in Luna. You don't need to worry, Novum." said Arcana, then turned to Luna "I presume you know everything you need to know. When you arrive in Equestria, question the locals where to find what you're searching for. Use your instincts whenever needed, as the ponies won't necessarily be cooperative."

"It will be done, my Magikhan. We shall leave at once." Luna answered the affirmative, bowing her head deeply.

"Not yet. Rest for now, and you will leave tomorrow at the crack of dawn. Master Guardian Aura will provide good winds for you, speeding up your journey over the ocean. But once you arrive, you'll be on your own."

Luna bowed her head once more, now followed suit by Celestia too. Her long locks got somewhat into her eyes, covering up part of her field of vision. But she didn't mind that too much. She saw the councilors for too long already.


After the sisters left, the three Master Guardians remained in the council chamber, looking out towards the west, at the setting Sun. Which had been controlled by the ponies since time immemorial, but at that moment, Arcana could feel it was being dragged across the sky manually, thanks to the incredible efforts of Guardian Solus. The defiant Guardian Solus, who along with Selena, raised their elder daughter against the Council. Yet Arcana smiled, as that wouldn't matter too much very soon.

Chronos spoke, squinting his eyes against the Sun's powerful rays:

"Are you sure they can accomplish the mission? That they are enough?"

Novum turned her head slightly:

"They have to be. They're the only ones innocent enough who can access the artifact."

The Magikhan nodded, and added to Novum's words:

"Luna's unfaltering loyalty to me will make her press on until she succeeds. And Celestia will do everything in her power to help her little sister. The combined efforts of both young fools will be just enough to bring us the Teardrops."

"And what about Him?" Chronos reacted, with some uncertainty in his voice "He could stop them. He could stop any of us."

Novum glanced over, but didn't say anything. Arcana smiled again. She answered:

"He won't take them seriously enough to put up any fight. The Sisters will just snatch the artifact from under his nose, and bring it to us."

"And then, we will have our revenge finally." Novum smirked.

"Yes. We will challenge the Cosmic Council, and scatter them in the eternity of Caelum. We'll become as gods, and reshape the world to our own image. Whatever it'll take."