• Published 19th Feb 2024
  • 400 Views, 20 Comments

By the Will of the Council - Captain Neckbeard

Sent to Equestria by their tribe, Celestia and Luna have to uncover their kin's most sacred artifact. During the mission however, Luna starts to realize there might be more important things to find than a mere artifact.

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Intermission: Mysterious Destiny

The stars twinkled in Luna's eyes, as she gazed into the abyss of the night sky. And although she found them mesmerizing, they were also cold and distant, and didn't provide the comforting light the Moon did.

Ah, the Moon!

Luna always looked at the moon with some suspicious regard. As if it wasn't even allowed to be as grand and bright as it was, and it was simply up in the sky for her pleasure, made possible by her mother. Her powerful and kind mother, who was here, right next to her. And even though the moment was almost perfect, something bothered little Luna. Something, that she couldn't stand not to voice.


"Yes, dear?"

"If you are the guardian of the Moon, and father is the guardian of the Sun... What I am the guardian of?"

"Well, you see...

Selena's ears drooped for a second. She was searching for words.

...I'm sure you will figure it out in due time."

Luna looked away from her mother, down at the intricate wooden patterns of the porch of the family home. She answered.

"That's what you always say."

"Because that is the truth. These things take time. And you are an alicorn, so realizing your destiny, and therefore, getting your mark of destiny, might take much more time than it takes for a mortal."

"But you have yours, always had it. Father, too. Actually everyone, the whole tribe had theirs from the start. Except me and Celestia. And Celestia is much older than me, and even she didn't get a mark yet."

Selena looked down at her daughter. Luna looked back, a frown smearing the pretty face. Selena crept closer, and wrapped a forehoof around Luna.

"You just have to give it time. I think Celestia is getting close now, and as you grow up, you will also realize things that right now seem so distant."

"I know, I know! Celestia says sometimes "the Sun is calling to her", yet she didn't get a mark for being a guardian of the Sun. Why would she anyway? There is already a guardian of the Sun."

"That doesn't mean that there can't be another."

Luna didn't answer. She made a pouty face, and put down her head on her crossed forelegs. Selena leaned down to nuzzle her, but Luna slid away, throwing her an accusatory look.

"No, there can't be. And I know Celestia can't get a mark, and I can't get one either. We are not normal, as we were born, not made. You cursed us, and we'll be left markless, without a destiny, forever!"

Selena let out a sigh that ended in a groan.

"Magikhan Arcana said those things to you, didn't she?"

"Well, of course! And she must be right! If Celestia STILL doesn't have hers, what hope is there for her ever getting a mark? What hope do I have? I just really wish I could be normal..."

"The Magikhan is saying that, because you are my daughter. She doesn't like me, because we tend to disagree upon great many things. She projects that hate unto you this way. But she is wrong about you, and Celestia too. You aren't any less than the created. Believe me."

Luna stood up. Her gaze was almost like two pieces of burning coal. She raised her tiny voice:

"I know about your "disagreements"! Magikhan Arcana wants us to ascend, but you and father would want to stop that! You are against the tribe! I don't know why couldn't you just see her wisdom, and see the truth."

Selena's blood started to boil hearing that, Arcana speaking from her daughter. That witch talks nonsense onto her daughter's head, starting even earlier than she did with Celestia! Selena wanted to scream, to yell, but for the sake of Luna, and for the sake of a peaceful night, she got a hold of herself, and instead, tried to touch the soul of her daughter:

"Luna, Arcana has lost her ways. She wants to become a god, but our priority is protecting ponykind, not striving to reach such unnecessarily lofty heights. What would our great Creator think of such foolishness? Think of that."

"Do you know what I think?" Luna answered, scrunching up her muzzle "That the Creator would disapprove of me... being born of love."

Luna almost gagged as she said that last word. All of her fellow part-brothers and sisters were created by the council, through magic, not by... whatever her parents liked to do. Why she couldn't be a created as well? Why could mother and father remain content with the sacred process for millennia, but had to rebel this way just recently? And why did she have to be the result of such unnecessary decadency? She was nearly crying.

"Sweetheart, please, don't think that...

"No, no, just stop!" Luna interrupted, a single tear rolling down her cheek "Don't try to convince me that this is not the truth! It will just make it more painful. It's well enough that I am cursed."

"No, that is not true. Please listen, Luna." Selena pleaded "There are truths that aren't...

But Luna didn't wait for the sentence to end, and ran away crying, back inside the house. Selena reached out with a hoof towards her, and could easily stop her, but decided to let go. Luna's doubts got the best of her this time, and it'd be better to give her some time to calm down.

The Magikhan won this round, Selena thought. But she wouldn't let her take away her daughter, that's for sure.