• Published 15th Feb 2024
  • 184 Views, 24 Comments

The Brothers Journey Through Space - Big Imagination E

Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!

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Exploring Pandora

The brothers continued walking and when they got through the thick trees they saw lots of discoveries here. Due to Pandora's lower gravity, most of the creatures on Pandora are hexapods which are six-legged, although the Na'vi which resemble humans and have only four limbs. Creatures roam the air and forest canopy below, similar to Earth's animals, but on a scale several times larger. One of the most domesticated creatures on Pandora is the direhorse, a gray-skinned, hexapodal herbivorous animal with bioluminescent qualities that the Na'vi ride when hunting, and they are similar to the human usage of horses. The Na'vi also ride the mountain banshee to hunt from the air, but the hunter can become prey in the presence of the great leonopteryx. In the canopy below, other deadly yet exotic wild animals roam: vicious packs of viperwolves, thick skinned hammerhead titanotheres and the most fearsome predatory animal of all, the thanator.

The brothers couldn't believe their eyes seeing the wonderful environment of Pandora and one of the Na'vi spotted them. He pointed his weapon at them and they got a little scared.

"Who are you?! You dare trespass on our land!?" He asked.

"Whoa easy! Easy! We mean no harm! We simply came from other planet that is similar to this one but I assure you that we aren't dangerous." Spike said.

Then a female Na'vi came out and saw the brothers. She noticed that they were scared and she saw the other one pointing his weapon at them. She then calms him down and slowly takes the weapon away.

"Honey. Relax. They seem friendly. Plus I don't see any trace of weapons or evil in them. So lemme talk to them." She replied.

She slowly approached the brothers as they shook in fear a little. It was clear that they have never seen a creature like her before and were worried if she might attack them. But to their surprise she didn't.

"Who are you two? And where did you come from?" She asked.

"I'm Inferno. This is my brother Spike. Please ma'am we don't mean any harm. We were just curious what this planet was." Inferno whimpered.

But she smiled. "It's alright. And I'm sorry about my husband. He's not used on relying on humans. But since you gave your names I suppose I shall give mine. I am Ronal, and this is Tonowari the chief of the Metkayina clan and also my husband I mentioned earlier."

"So your married. Ok but we don't know what the Metkayina clan really is." Inferno said.

"Oh. Well since you're from a different planet I will tell you. The Metkayina are an oceanic clan located on Pandora's reefs on the Eastern Sea. Of the over 50 reef clans, the Metkayina are the largest. The clan is led by my husband Tonowari and of course me Ronal, who we live in the clan's main village, Awa'atlu. We live along the shores of the Pandoran oceans, on islands or near the mainland. Our homes are what we call marui pods which are built into the roots of mangrove-like trees spanning the islands. These homes hang directly above the water presumably for easy access for swimming. Some of the Metkayina villages have existed for thousands of years. The structures are constantly renewed but seldom replaced. The main village of Awa'atlu is protected by a seawall 6 kilometers in radius. It has small docks for canoes, a centralized ilu pen and communal areas for gathering, eating and the telling of tales and singing of songs." Ronal explained.

"Whoa." The brothers said in unison.

"Your home sounds lovely Miss Ronal." Spike said.

"It is. And even though we faced dangers our home is truly a wonderful place to be. In fact would you two like to join us?" Ronal asked.

"Sure. If your husband says it's okay." Inferno answers.

"Honey?" Ronal asked her husband.

He looked at the two boys and back at his wife. Ultimately he didn't want to bring outsiders into his home but since they weren't threatening in any way he made his choice.

"Alright. They can come. But I'm keeping an eye on you two. After all it is my duty as chief to protect my kind." Tonowari answered.

So we whistled and out came one of the mountain banshees. They all climbed on it and flew straight to the village of Awa'atlu. Once they arrived they got off the creature and the brothers loved seeing what Awa'atlu's main village had to offer. The islands of the Metkayina and the waters surrounding them are home to many unique specimens of fauna and flora. The brothers almost believed that it's like a seaside. The Na'vi in the clan saw the two new outcomers and were a little suspicious of seeing them.

"Now now my fellow Metkayinains. These are Spike and Inferno from another planet. Now I admit I too was suspicious of them but they claimed not to be a threat to our kind. I will keep an eye on them but for now if my wife trusts them then I trust them too." Tonowari said.

The clan all came to agreement to let them enjoy there time in the village and when on with their activities. Then Ronal encouraged the brothers to try and enjoy the stuff they do.

"Go ahead boys. Please enjoy yourselves." Ronal said.

The brothers needed no encouragement and went off to enjoy the activities. The first thing they did was was go canoeing and they sailed through the waters and loved feeling the breeze. Then they flew on a mountain bashee and faced another Na'vi in a race. Then they decided to listen to the tales of the Na'vi and what they did through years ago. And finally they joined the calm in singing a song that honors the great Na'vi that did well protecting the clan.

When nighttime came in Ronal and Tonowari came to the brothers and the chief had a few words to say.

"Well boys. I'm sorry for thinking that you were harming my kind. But I can now see that you are kind boys and that you were participating in the stuff we do." Tonowari said.

"It's okay. But we were actually on a space adventure and we only want to discover the new planets that are around. So no harm done." Spike assured.

"Well that's good to hear. If you boys want to come back then you are more than welcome to visit us anytime." Ronal smiled.

"We will. Well we gotta head out now. But we will visit again someday. Goodbye!" Inferno said.

The brothers waved goodbye and they headed back into the thick jungle and found their rocket. The brothers got close enough where Inferno pressed the green button and entered the ship. Once in they took off their exopacks and they can finally breath again.

"Whoo! That feels much better. I cannot go another minute wearing this." Spike said.

Inferno chuckled at Spike's silliness and they put away the exopacks.

"Ok so Pandora was a nice planet. Now let's see what other planets we can find." Inferno replied.

He pressed the red button and the boosters were actived and they were up in the air and Spike acts the warp drive and got them out of the atmosphere and back in outer space. They sailed through the sea of stars til Pandora was gone.

"Ok brother! One planet down! So where should we go now?" Inferno asked.

"Maybe a planet where it's all sweet and nice? I don't wanna enter a freaky alien planet." Spike answered.

"Well don't you worry bro. I won't take us to any freaky alien planets. So lemme active hyper speed, and the special space portal blaster....and away we go!!" Inferno said.

The rocket kicked off into hyperspeed and a portal opened carrying the brothers to another galaxy and discover a new planet. Where will the brothers head next? We'll know soon enough.

Author's Note:

They enjoyed Pandora! Now where will they head to next?