• Published 15th Feb 2024
  • 185 Views, 24 Comments

The Brothers Journey Through Space - Big Imagination E

Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!

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The Freezing Cold Cuts

Inferno actived a super heat mode so the wires and circuits won't freeze while they explored Cold Cuts. After he did the door opened, the brothers actived their thermal nuclear underwear and headed out. They landed on the snow and saw that it was like a winter wonderland.

"Wow. Now I know why they call it Cold Cuts. It's a winter planet!" Spike beamed.

"You bet it is. Now I wonder what we'll find here. Hopefully something not too bad." Inferno said.

Suddenly they both heard something. It was almost like somebody was humming a song.

“Hear that?” Spike asked.

“I hear it, Spike,” Inferno answered.

“I wonder who’s singing that,” Spike wondered.

"Only one way to find out. We follow that sound and see where it is coming." Inferno explained.

So the brothers stuck together and followed the sound. After a few minutes they heard it getting louder and suddenly they saw someone singing. It was a beautiful icy blue woman wearing a ice dress and vocalizing her voice. The brothers couldn't help but listen to the tune.


The brothers decided to dance along to her voice and after she finished she posed and then she heard clapping an turned to see the brothers smiling and applauding her performance.

"That was amazing! You have a wonderful voice!" Inferno complimented.

"Encore! Encore!" Spike smiled.

The girl immediately blushed as she saw them. She thought she was alone and now was completely embarrassed singing in front of two new beings.

"Oh geez. I'm so embarrassed." She said hiding her face.

"Don't be. You were incredible! We had no idea that you sing that good. So there's no shame in it is there Spike?" Inferno asked.

"Nope. Not at all." Spike answered.

The girl then uncovered her face and started to feel a little more calmer now.

"Well I appreciate you saying that you like my singing. I'm Blizza. The princess of Cold Cuts." She introduced.

"Nice to meet you Blizza. I'm Inferno and this is my brother Spike. We come from a different galaxy and planet but rest assured that we are friendly." He said.

"Well nice to know. I was out here practicing my singing for a special event my father is holding at the castle. But since you two are here I was wondering if you want to join us?" Blizza offered.

"Well sure! We never turn down a party. But we hope your father will allow that." Spike said.

"I will talk to him. In the meantime why don't I take you guys to the castle where I live?" Blizza asked.

The brothers nodded and followed her to the castle. Once inside they see that the place is decorated with all sorts of ice decorations and even paintings of legends from years ago. Needless to say that they were beyond impressed. We cut to seeing them out of the bedroom waiting for Blizza to come out.

"I hope her father will allow us to stay for the party." Spike hoped.

"Me too bro. Me too. But sometimes we don't always get what we want." Inferno reminded him.

Spike nodded knowing he was right. Then Blizza came out with a smile on her face.

"Boys. My father will allow you two to stay for the party. But later on tonight he and my mother will share a waltz for everyone the finale. So whatever you do don't ruin that for him." Blizza said.

"We promise. Plus we won't even go near him." Inferno replied.

"Your parents will have a great waltz so they be totally safe." Spike smiled.

"Thank you. Now come on downstairs! You'll love what this party has to offer!" Blizza beamed.

The brothers nodded and followed her to where they were hosting the party. In the throne room they saw all sorts of people having the same icy blue skin and wearing white tuxes and ice dresses. It was quite a lovely party but the brothers knew something to kick it up a notch.

"Hey Spike? You thinking what I'm thinking?" Inferno asked.

"Yeah. We play a song and groove to it and get this party hopping?" Spike said.

"Heck yeah! Let's go!" Inferno smiled.

So the brothers went to the record player and waited for this song to finish. Then when it did the brothers took it out and placed another record in there. Once in they danced and turns out Blizza liked it and joined in as she started to sing and everyone decided to join in the fun.


Everyone was having a good time and even the brothers joined in singing with some of the ice men here. They when they reached the solos Spike began playing an epic drum solo and Inferno played an epic guitar solo. Then when the song finished everyone posed and cheered for the brothers and Blizza. Then they all continued to enjoy the party.

"You guys that was amazing! Do you do that at parties back on your planet?" Blizza asked.

"Yeah. Well maybe not every party. But whenever we can tell that this party goes down hill we always like to pick it up a notch. Don't we Spike?" Inferno answered.

"You bet we do party animal!" Spike teased.

The brothers laughed and Blizza couldn't help but giggle a little. Then suddenly the doors opened and we see two people that resemble a king and a queen. These were Blizza's parents.

"Attention everyone. We hope you are enjoying the festivities here today. And rest assured that these two here are harmless and my daughter Blizza kept an eye on them. Now then. We reached this point of the evening where you will witness the waltz of me and my wife as we keep our kingdom alive." The king said.

So Blizza headed to the record player and took out the one the brothers played and placed another one in. Then the music started playing and the royal couple began waltzing.


While they were doing that the brothers wanted to ask Blizza something.

"Hey Blizza. I gotta ask. Is there a reason why they do this waltz? Cause I heard them saying something about keeping the kingdom alive." Inferno whispered.

"Actually yes. See every year my parents would perform this waltz to power the legendary Ice Bird who will keep protecting our planet for generations." Blizza answered.

"What's the Ice Bird?" Spike asked.

"It's our powerful guardian that protected Cold Cuts for over millions of years. So it's become a tradition that every year they plan the party and the waltz to recharge it's power and keep protecting our kingdom. Come look out the window to see for yourselves." Blizza insisted.

The brothers and Blizza looked out the window and saw a bird in the shape of a rectangle ice cube flying all over the kingdom spreading the snow and also becoming powerful to fight any evil that might lurk around. They couldn't help but smile. And soon after the waltz the royal couple posed and the bird flew off back to it's position and got ready to face any evil and everyone applauded.

After the party night came in and the brothers needed to say goodbye to Blizza before heading off.

"Well Blizza. Thank you for letting us stay for the party. We had a good time there." Inferno said.

"Your welcome boys. And you're more than welcome to visit anytime you want. But be sure you try and warm up before coming out her cause it's cold." Blizza said.

"Oh we can do that no problem. Our thermal nuclear underwear will definitely keep us warm from cold weather. So were good there." Spike told her.

"Oh. Well that's a good thing. When I gotta head inside now. But come visit anytime." Blizza smiled.

"We will Blizza and thanks again." Spike said.

She smiled and headed in the castle then the brothers headed straight back to their ship. Thanks to the special heat mode the wires and circuits never got frozen during all the time they were at the party. Then entered the rocket and turned off the underwear and the heat mode and zoomed off back into outer space.

Once back in the comsos the brothers stopped in the middle of space to discuss where they can go next.

"Ok Spike. Let's review what planets we been through. We started with Pandora, then the Ice Cream Planet, next was Toompa, and finally this planet Cold Cuts." Inferno said.

"Yep. That's four planets exactly. So where can we check out next?" Spike asked.

"Let's see. We can try exploring a new galaxy and see what new planets await us. Cause I think we seen enough of the Colorful Comsos." Inferno answered.

"Yeah. So let's check out one more galaxy and see what planets there are. Cause I want our last stop to be on the Moon in our solar system." Spike agreed.

"Now that is a great idea. And in the last galaxy we enter let's discover three planets in there. And after that we'll end it back in our solar system and we head to the Moon." Inferno smiled.

So Inferno actived the hyperspeed and the space portal blaster once again and began traveling through another portal and getting ready to experience the next galaxy and seeing the planets. What will they witness? What planets await them? And what galaxy will they be in? All those will be answered in due time.

Author's Note:

The brothers will enter another galaxy and see new planets! What will they discover? Find out in the next chapter.