• Published 1st Mar 2024
  • 1,497 Views, 46 Comments

My Little Drone: The Soul of Empathy - Lil Snowflake

System: Rebooting... Running Diagnostics... Core Programming: Restored. Zero Threats Detected. Location: Canterlot, Equestria.

  • ...

Ponyville: New Home, New Faces

~Dorothy Anya Volkova's POV~

I sat on the seat in silence, trying to avoid conversation and interaction with other ponies and foals that passed by me in the cart of the Friendship Express.

I already packed my things and said my good-byes to everyone I knew in Canterlot, but some of them were still ghosting me. I guess they were still afraid of me after what happened at Nightmare Night. I can't say I blame them, but Lyra, Spike and Cinnamon Sticks were really upset about me leaving, and Cheshire Grin was more than happy to see me go.

I let out a sigh and looked out the window, as the Friendship Express circled around the Everfree Forest and the conductor entered the cart to call in a loud and clear voice, "Next stop: Ponyville. Last call for Ponyville. ETA: 5 minutes."

I watched the conductor trot to the other end of the cart and exit the cart. I looked out the window, but caught a glimpse of my reflection. My right eye glitched into the AbsoluteSolver symbol, but I caught it and covered it before it could crack the window and cause any damage.

I looked away from the window and checked my backpack if I had everything I needed, as my right eye returned to normal. That was a close call. Now, my essentials...

Notebook... Check.

Scrolls... Check.

Quill and inkwell... Check.

Book that allows me to contact Princess Celestia... Check.

Toothbrush and toothpaste... Check.

Hairbrush... Check.

Hygiene essentials... Check.

I'm good to start my new life in Ponyville and make some new friends.

The train came to a stop at a old-fashioned, but well-built train station outside of a large apple orchard and a medium-sized town. I grabbed my luggage and walked out of the train. I stopped just at the other end of the station, as I noticed the sun was shining toward the ground, thank goodness I was in the shade or I would've burned pretty badly.

I grabbed my umbrella from my luggage and opened it. I placed it over my shoulder, as the fan blocked the sun from my body, and resumed walking down the dirt road toward Ponyville. Once in the town, I noticed how friendly the community was. Everyone was meeting each other with kind smiles and waves.

I reached into my backpack and fished out a map that Princess Celestia gave me, to help me locate my new home in this town. I believe it was called the Golden Oak Library. Then I noticed something, the town suddenly grew quiet and the streets were empty. All in the matter of seconds? Was there something about this town I don't know? Or was it me?

I guessed it had something to do with me, because I don't think these ponies have met someone like me before.

I took a step forward, then I heard someone shout, "Incoming!"

Before I could react, something grey and blonde crashed into me, knocking my umbrella out of my hand and onto the ground.

I felt the sun's rays burning into my body, causing great pain and discomfort. I tried curling into a ball to try and stop the rays, which somewhat helped.

~?????'s POV~

I recovered from crashing into the tall bipedal creature and picked myself back to my hooves. I looked over and saw an umbrella resting on the ground and the bipedal creature was laying on the ground, curled into a ball.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, miss. Are you okay?" I quickly apologized and asked the creature.

"Зонт. Мне нужен зонтик. Быстро." The creature spoke in a language I wasn't familiar with.

I tilted my head slightly in confusion, then I looked at the umbrella. It must want the umbrella. I grabbed the umbrella's handle with my teeth and raised it over the creature, blocking the sun from its body. The creature uncurled from its ball-like form and looked at me.

The creature was metallic in appearance, with a visor for the upper half of it face, which displayed a pair of neon red eyes and thick brows. Its mane was dark purple and it wore a burgundy-red shirt with black sleeves and trimmings under a black hooded vest. Matching plated skirt and black boots.

I smiled kindly at the creature and the creature smiled back. It gently took the umbrella's handle from my mouth and rested it over its shoulder.

"Hi. Welcome to Ponyville. I'm Ditzy Doo, but you can call me Derpy." I introduced warmly, "What's your name?"

"Мне тоже приятно познакомиться, Дерпи. Меня зовут Дороти, но ты можешь звать меня Кукла." The creature replied with an equally warm smile.

"Kukla? Is that foreign for something?" I asked. The creature just giggled, it had quite a sweet giggle. I giggled back, then noticed, "You look a little lost. Are you looking for somepony or somewhere to stay?"

The creature, Kukla, nodded and got out a small map of Ponyville. She showed me the map and pointed to a tall oak tree just outside the center of Town Square. I remember the tree being Golden Oka Library.

I smiled, "You're looking for Golden Oak Library?" Kukla nodded. I beckoned her to follow, "I know where it is. Follow me."

~Dorothy Anya Volkova's POV~

I followed Derpy through the center of Ponyville. Once everyone saw how kind I was, and accompanied one of their residents with no ill will, the other ponies came out of their houses and resumed their day, occasionally waving toward me as I passed them. I waved back with a kind smile, of course.

Derpy lead me past the Town Square and to the other side of the center of the town center, where a large oak tree with windows and a door stood proudly.

"Here we are. Golden Oak Library." Derpy smiled as she showed me the library.

I smiled, glad that I was able to arrive to my new home and make a new friend in the process.

Derpy turned to me, "Well, I better head home. It's nearly lunch time and I don't want to be late." Then she asked me, "Are you gonna be okay on your own?"

I gave her an assuring nod. Derpy smiled and flew off to the other side of the town. I returned my attention to the library and walked toward the door. I opened the door and entered the library, the interior was well-decorated and even doubled as a house, as it had a bed and nightstand on the second floor. Shelves upon shelves of books I haven't read yet. I couldn't wait to get started on my studies.

But first, I needed to get unpacked and settled in. I closed my umbrella and placed it in an umbrella stand near the door. I walked up the stairs and removed my backpack from my back and onto the bed, and pushed my luggage bag under the bed. I unpacked my backpack and placed my essentials where I believed they would fit and placed my notebook, scrolls of parchment, inkwell and quill onto a desk on the first floor. It was a perfect fit. Princess Celestia must've planned ahead, in case something were to happen.

Once my essentials were unpacked and placed into their rightful places, it was time to unpack my luggage. I placed my pants and skirts in a chest of drawers and hung my t-shirts and other things in a wardrobe. When I was almost finished with unpacking, there was a knock on the door.

I placed the shirt in my hands on top of the drawer and walked over to the door. I opened the door and standing on the other side of the doorway was Derpy. She had an envelope in her mouth.

"Hey, Kukla. You haf mail." Derpy smiled, as she took the mail out of her mouth and into her hoof.

She extended her hoof toward me. I smiled and took the letter from her hoof. I gave Derpy a thankful nod, Derpy nodded back and flew off.

I closed the door and walked over to my desk. I opened the envelope and it turned out to be a letter. I unfolded the piece of paper and read the contents. It read,

'Hello, Kukla... I hope I spelled that right...
It's me, Derpy. I just would like to tell you it was amazing meeting you. And I hope we get to hang out after you're done packing. I can treat you out for a smoothie at SugarCube Corner, I don't mind.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay in Ponyville. It's not every day that we get a new resident, let alone somepony as unique as you.
Hope to see you again soon.
Your friend,
Ditzy Doo/Derpy.'

A small smile grew on my face. Not even an hour in my new home of Ponyville, and I've already made my first friend. Talk about progress, I hope it keeps going.

I returned to unpacking my clothes and once I was finished with that, I laid on my new bed and stared at the ceiling for a few minutes, wondering what I should do next. Maybe I should go to SugarCube Corner and have that smoothie that Derpy offered, or I could go outside and see if I can make some more friends.

Wait! I should contact Princess Celestia and tell her how well I'm doing. Yeah. I bet she's wondering if I made it to Ponyville safe and sound.

I hopped off my new bed and walked down the stairs to my desk. I grabbed my book, as well as a quill, and opened the book to a new page. I took a breath and started writing,

'Dear Princess Celestia,
It's Doll. I've arrived to Ponyville safe and sound, and found the Golden Oak Library no problem.
However, there was a small accident with one of the locals. No need to worry, it was just that she bumped into my and accidently exposed me to the sun for a few minutes, but we recovered and became friends. Maybe you've heard of her, her name is Ditzy Doo, but she likes being called Derpy.
Everything is okay. I hope Twilight Sparkle's studies are going well, and she's making friends too. And I hope Spike isn't growing too fast for you. I know it's been a day, but I can't help but miss you guys already.
Your faithful student,
Dorothy Anya Volkova.'

Finished writing my first report on my progress in Ponyville, I closed the book and leaned back with a small sigh. I looked at the clock and noticed it has been only two hours since I came to Ponyville and made my first friend.

Two hours? My goodness how time flies. I picked myself up from my chair, and was about to explore the rest of the library, until I heard another knock on the door.

I scratched the back of my head. Two letters in one day? That doesn't usually happen. I walked over to the door and opened it.

Standing on the other side of the doorway wasn't Derpy, but another filly with a big smile on her face. She was all pink, except for her blue eyes and a Cutie Mark of three party balloons.

"Э... Привет? Могу ли я вам помочь? (Uh... Hello? Can I help you?)" I asked, slightly tilting my head to my left.

"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie." The filly introduced herself, as she grabbed my hand and vigorously shook it, "Just like you, I'm new to Ponyville too. I moved here about two weeks ago, and I'm trying to get to know everypony in Ponyville. What's your name? How long have you been in Ponyville? What's your favorite color? Wanna be friends?"

"Приятно познакомиться, Пинки Пай. (Nice to meet you, Pinkie Pie.)" I replied, with my voice reverberating from how fast Pinkie was shaking my hand, "Я прибыл в Понивилль всего пару часов назад. (I just arrived to Ponyville just a couple of hours ago.)"

Pinkie Pie beamed and gasped, "You're super-duper-newly-new to Ponyville?! You must meet everypony else, if you're going to get comfortable here." Then her smile lessened, "You also missed two of my questions; What's your name and your favorite color?"

"Ну... Меня зовут Дороти Аня Волкова, но друзья зовут меня Кукла. (Well... My name is Dorothy Anya Volkova, but my friends call me Doll.)" I answered her first question, then the next, "И мой любимый цвет зеленый. (And my favorite color is green.)" Then I noticed something, as I looked at the pink filly, "Ждать. Ты можешь меня понять? (Wait. You can understand me?)"

Pinkie nodded and waved her hoof, "It's not that hard. I just read the Ponish subtitles."

I looked at the pink filly with confusion. Subtitles? She's a little eccentric, isn't she? But I was glad there was a pony here that didn't need a translation spell to help understand my language.

Pinkie Pie smiled at me, then grabbed my hand and began to pull me out of the library, "Come on, Doll. We've gotta introduce you to everypony!"

I struggled to keep myself under the safety of the shade in the library, but Pinkie was stronger than she looked, "Пинки, стой! Я не могу выйти на улицу в это время! (Pinkie, stop! I can't go outside at this time!)"

But Pinkie Pie ignored my warning, and pulled my hand out on the sunlight. My hand burned in searing pain, causing me to hiss and winced. I felt my right eye glitch with the AbsoluteSolver as the 'Scale' symbol appeared around Pinkie's hoof.

Pinkie gasped in pain, as she let go of my hand and turned to me with a pair of wide cerulean eyes. I quickly snatched my hand away from her and placed it over my chest, and I covered my eye before Pinkie could see the symbol, before my eye could return to normal.

The look on Pinkie's face indicated I was too late to cover my eye. She saw the symbol and she was afraid. I took a few steps back deeper into the library, with a sad and apologetic look on my face.

"That was the-" "Мне очень жаль, Пинки. (I'm so sorry, Pinkie.)" Pinkie whispered, but I cut her off with a sad whisper, as I reached for the door and slammed it shut.

With the door closed and locked, I removed my hand from my eye and I leaned against the door, sinking to the ground and curling into a ball, hugging my knees very close to my chest. Poor Pinkie... She must think I'm a freak now.

That shouldn't have happened. I warned Pinkie, but I should've known better and never opened the door if that was going to happen. Now, I've lost a second possible friend, all because of the stupid AbsoluteSolver! Why do I have this power? Why trust me with something I struggle to control? I can't be trusted with something so dangerous and costly!

No. I can't think like this. I was given this power for a reason. I must find a way to control it and stop it from hurting anyone else. I blinked for moment as an idea came to me, I remember there was a basement in this library. I can start learning to control the AbsoluteSolver in there and try to live a normal life in Ponyville.

I picked myself up from my previous position and walked to a door on the other side of the room, between two bookshelves. I opened the door and it revealed a flight of stairs, leading underground. I walked down the stairs and there was a huge room full of dummies and training equipment. Almost like a martial arts dojo. Princess Celestia did plan ahead for this. Clever.

I took a breath and smiled with determination, but my thoughts were cut short, as there was a knock on the door. I walked up the stairs to the main floor and walked to the door. I opened the door and it was Pinkie Pie with a group of ponies in every shape, color and size.

"Surprise!" The ponies called in unison.

I raised a brow, "Пинки, что это? Я думал, что спугнул тебя. (Pinkie, what is this? I thought I scared you away.)"

Pinkie gave me an apologetic look, "You did, but Derpy explained to me that you can't come out during the day, so I decided to move my welcoming party from SugarCube Corner to you." She finished with a beaming smile.

"Вечеринка? Для меня? (A party? For me?)" I gasped in surprise.

Pinkie Pie nodded, "Yup. It was all Derpy's idea. She said she invited you for a smoothie, right? She wanted to throw a welcoming party for you, so you'll have lots and lots of friends."

Derpy emerged from the crowd of ponies and smiled at me, "Do you like it, Kukla?"

A smile appeared on my face, "Мне это нравится, Дерпи. (I love it, Derpy.)" Then I stepped aside, "Заходите, все пони. Вечеринка начинается. (Come on in, everypony. The party begins.)"

The ponies looked at with mixed faces of confusion. Pinkie giggled and translated, "She's inviting us inside, so we can start the party."

Everypony smiled and trotted into the library. Pinkie walked in with trays of cupcakes and other catering foods and drinks balancing on her back. With great balance and dexterity, she managed to move the trays carefully on the centerpiece table of the library. She grabbed a music player from her poofy and wild mane and started the music at full volume for everypony to hear. I smiled as everypony started dancing and mingled with each other. Thus the welcoming party began.

And so my training to control the AbsoluteSolver and my new life in Ponyville begins.