• Published 1st Mar 2024
  • 1,445 Views, 45 Comments

My Little Drone: The Soul of Empathy - Lil Snowflake

System: Rebooting... Running Diagnostics... Core Programming: Restored. Zero Threats Detected. Location: Canterlot, Equestria.

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Ponyville: The First Winter

~Dorothy Anya Volkova's POV~

I have to thank Pinkie and Derpy somehow for being so understanding of my predicament. It's been over about six months since I've moved to Ponyville and made a bunch of friends with the residents within the town. Summer and Fall has come and gone, with Nightmare Night just passed.

I didn't do much for Nightmare Night, except kept my distance from everyone, in fear of what happened last Nightmare Night might happen again. I'm still haunted by the actions and Cheshire Grin's attack that night. I almost killed three foals that night if Princess Celestia didn't stop the fight. I never knew how powerful the AbsoluteSolver was that night, and I can feel it growing stronger within me.

Speaking of the AbsoluteSolver, I've been getting better at controlling it, thanks to the training dojo under the library. I can still feel its influence trying to take over my mind, but as Princess Celestia said, my will is my ultimate strength and I must not give into temptation or listen to the AbsoluteSolver's pleas for release. I am in control...

Anyway, I'm rambling too much about what has happened. With Nightmare Night passing and everything calming down from the festivities, winter has arrived, with temperatures reaching their cold areas, the sky is overcast with dark clouds and everything was covered in a blanket of snow. Hearts Warming Eve will be coming soon...

And I just realized something while I searched through my clothes for some winter attire... I had no winter clothes to keep me warm during the winter cold. Spending so many months in Canterlot, it hardly gets too cold for ponies to go outside and enjoy the snow and clouded skies, despite being built around a snowy mountain.

But there is one good thing about winter that I'm very thankful for; due to the dark clouds overcasting the sky, I can come outside without worry of the sunlight harming me. It's a shame that this is the only time of the year I can come out during the day... Damn my vampirism...

As I was putting my clothes away for the third time in a row, to make sure everything was organized and tidy, I heard a knock on the door. I closed my closet and walked down the stairs to the main floor of the library and toward the door.

I opened the door and standing on the other side of the doorway was Pinkie Pie. She was wearing a raspberry pink scarf around her neck and a blue and yellow puffball hat. She looked happy to see me.

"Привет, Пинки. Что я могу сделать для вас? (Hi, Pinkie. What can I do for you?)" I greeted with a friendly smile.

Pinkie smiled warmly, "Actually, I think I can help you."

I tilted my head slightly, "Ой? (Oh?)"

The pink filly nodded, "Yeah. I noticed that you have no clothes for winter, to keep you warm during the cold and snowy weather. So, I think I know somepony who can help you."

I folded my arms in playful suspicion, "Ты шпионил за мной? (Have you been spying on me?)"

Pinkie quickly shook her head, "Nope. I just happened to have noticed your wardrobe during my last visit. Doesn't it get cold in Canterlot?"

I shook my head with a casual shrug, "Не совсем. Несмотря на то, что Кантерлот построен вокруг горы, в нем достаточно холодно, чтобы снег мог сохраняться в течение трех месяцев. (Not really. Even though it's built around a mountain, Canterlot is only cold enough to keep snow around for three months.)"

Pinkie tilted her head in confusion, you could almost see a big question mark appearing on top of her head.

"Магия единорога. (Unicorn magic.)" I simplified with a small giggle.

Clarity dawned upon Pinkie, "Oooohhh. Okie-dokie-lokie." Then she told me, "I'll bring a friend of mine over to come and take a look at you. She's great with fashion and really knows her colors."

I smiled and raised a hand, "Вообще, почему бы нам обоим не пойти к ней? (Actually, why don't we both go see her?)"

Pinkie looked at me with concern, "But it's half-past twelve in the afternoon, right now! The sun is in the dead center of the sky! You could burn yourself to death without some coverage! Why the sudden boldness?"

I smiled and walked out of the library into the snow. The light from the day was uncomfortable, but the clouds covering the sun made it bearable to adventure without experiencing pain.

Pinkie gasped and examined my body. Once she was done she exclaimed, "What?! How?!"

I pointed to the sky. She followed the direction I was pointing and looked at the dark overcast of clouds. She couldn't see the sun, so she looked back at me and regained her smile, "Of course. The overcast during winter clouds the sun. You're okay, as long as the sun isn't out."

I nodded in confirmation. Pinkie grabbed hold of my hand and grinned, "Okie-dokie! Come on, then. Let's go see Rarity!"

With that, Pinkie Pie lead me through the Town Square, up the streets to the north side of town, where there was a cute little boutique with a carousel-like motif and yellow curtains sitting in the background.

I started to feel anxious the closer Pinkie and I got to the boutique, as numerous thoughts raced through my mind at a hundred miles an hour.

What if this pony can't help me?

What is this Rarity like?

This boutique looks pretty fancy, what if I can't afford what she offers?

What if this Rarity is like the boutique owners in Canterlot?

Okay, now my head is starting to hurt. I need to stop overthinking these things. Everything will be fine. I'm sure Rarity is nice, everyone else in Ponyville is.

Pinkie Pie and I arrived to the front door of the boutique and Pinkie knocked on the door. A second of silence, and the door opened to reveal a white unicorn filly with a curly purple mane and tail, azure eyes and a Cutie Mark of three blue diamonds.

"Oh! Hi, Pinkie Pie." The unicorn filly greeted Pinkie, not really noticing me, "What brings you here?"

"Hey, Rarity." Pinkie greeted with a bright smile, "I've actually come here with a friend. She needs some winter clothes for her wardrobe."

The unicorn filly, Rarity, tilted her head, "Oh?"

Pinkie gestured to me, as I shyly waved my hand to her with a timid smile. Rarity looked very surprised to see me out in the open, as I stood at least the same height as Pinkie, if she was standing on her hind hooves.

Rarity smiled, "You must be the new resident in Golden Oak Library." I nodded, her smile grew bigger, "This is perfect! I've been needing some experience with bipedal creatures." The she opened the door completely and beckoned us inside, "Come on inside, out of this bitter cold. The weather is terribly dreary!"

Pinkie skipped inside the boutique, while I followed close behind the pink filly. The inside of the boutique was just as fancy as the outside. Beautifully decorated with mirrors, mannequins and even cases and cases of fabric in different colors and materials.

Rarity closed the door and smiled, "Now, how can I help with this new wardrobe. Any colors your prefer, or styles?"

"Ну... Я не такая уж девчонка, но, может быть, что-нибудь удобное и в рамках моего бюджета? (Well... I'm not much of a girly-girl, but maybe something comfortable and within my budget?)" I asked in uncertainty.

Rarity looked at me with a tilted head and raised brow confusion. I lowered my head and my posture. Another pony that doesn't understand my language, I should've seen this coming... I need to find a way to use the AbsoluteSolver to translate my language to Ponish.

Pinkie cleared her throat and translated for me, "Doll says that she has a tight budget, but she likes anything comfortable."

Rarity tapped her chin in thought, then a memory struck her, "Oh! I think I have just what you're looking for." She trotted over to a large box and started digging through the clothes inside, "I was going to throw these out, because nopony was interested, but I guess recycling never goes out of style."

Using her telekinetic magic, Rarity got out two pastel-toned puffer coats, three turtleneck sweaters in lavender, sky blue and pink, three shirts, two puff-beanies in lavender and pastel green, and three pairs of winter performance leggings.

I stared in awe of the choice of clothing. Although I seem to wear a lot of reds, blacks and purples, I do like pastel colors, if they collide with my choice of fashion. Rarity is truly talented with fashion and art.

Rarity noticed my expression and smiled, "And the plus side, these are just perfect for a bipedal creature, like yourself." Her magic levitated the clothes toward me, "They're all yours."

I took the clothes, but a concerned frown appeared on my face, "Спасибо, Рарити. Но... Сколько я тебе должен? Я знаю, что они не будут дешевыми. (Thank you, Rarity. But... How much do I owe you? I know these won't be cheap.)"

Rarity noticed my concern and waved her hoof dismissively, "Don't worry about the price. I was going to throw them away, or use them for new projects." She walked over to me and placed a hoof over my hand, "I'm just glad you came along and showed me that there's still use for them. They're yours, free of charge."

My eyes widen from this gesture of generosity. I was shocked I couldn't speak from this. All these clothes and they're free? Such a generous offer. I shook my head at Rarity stubbornly, I have to find a way to repay her. It's what friends do.

Noticing my body language, Rarity tapped her chin with her hoof for a second, then she smiled, "Tell you what. To repay me, you can treat me and Pinkie at SugarCube Corner. Hearts Warming Eve is coming and I really enjoy their peppermint-flavored hot chocolates. How's that sound?"

I blinked in recollection and smiled with a nod. That sounds like a brilliant way to repay such a generous gesture. To be honest, I like peppermint-flavored hot chocolates too, especially during Hearts Warming Eve. I think I've made another new friend from this experience, but I am not going to take advantage of her generous nature.

Pinkie beamed with a vigorous nod in agreement. Knowing her, Pinkie would ask for something sickly sweet for her part of this bargain. I'd be surprised if she didn't. Pinkie Pie really knows how to make everyone around her smile. I'm glad I was able to make a new friend during my first winter in Ponyville.

I wonder what will happen when it's time for Winter Wrap-Up?

Comments ( 7 )

I really do hope Doll can find a way to translate her speech!:rainbowdetermined2:

Great job as always! :twilightsmile:

Excellent work Keep It up

I watched episode 7... MOTHERFU-

It is a very interesting story. But, the plot is a bit too fast pace for me. And the continuity of some of the characters is off. For example Pinkie does not live in ponyville at this point in time, same goes for Rarity she doesn't own carousel boutique yet.

Bit of advice, don't Rush your story or people would not be interested in it.

If you want to know how to make your story more attention grabbing. Take for example, this story by: Wingnut

TAgate's Vigil
A filly trying to escape from the Crystal Empire's takeover by Sombra gets lost in the north, eventually discovering a strange tribe of ponies.
Wingnut · 496k words  ·  337  6 · 4.2k views

I Thought Pinkie Could Help With The Language Settings.

Guys guys, is that a murder drones reference?

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