• Published 30th Apr 2024
  • 637 Views, 43 Comments

The Legend Of Spyro And Spike - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by the Dark Apes during the day Ember and Thorax met, he is taken to a completely different world by them, but manages to escape somehow. He meets a purple dragon named Spyro, and this begins a life changing journey for them both.

  • ...

1: A Grim World

1 day ago, before the attack of Ponyville, and the capture of Spike..

We open to a shot of a dark and grim fortress, there was dark lightning flashing all around the place, there were strange monster's made of both metal and the strange crystals that surrounded the place, the energy of the crystals were seemingly being absorbed into these strange machines to power them, like they were some kind of weapons.

There were dozens of familiar ape soldiers guarding the place, and they were all marching around and growling with anger, but one of them was larger then the rest, it had a very large staff with a green gem in the center and was marching to the center of the huge tower, it was filled with dark black metal that surrounded the entire place, there were sharp traps and spikes coming out from the outside, and inside, it looked like a stronghold, for something powerful and dark.

The commander marched through the place and didn't look at any of the scary stuff that was around him, at this point, he's been used to it. He's been serving under his dark master for decades, he's embraced the darkness and all the scary stuff that comes from it, he doesn't have a single hint of fear or sorrow when around this place, but his master was on a whole other level.

He recently got reports of a certain dragon they've been trying to track down, and destroy. While they searched all around this world to find it, they couldn't, the purple dragon. He was a dragon prophesized to defeat they're dark master, and put an end to their reign, and they didn't want that, so they struck first, and hard, making sure no dragons could be born in order to help fight back, they captured 3 of the elemental master's, but the master of fire Ignitus was still out there, but they will find him soon.

They're master has been searching all over the world for this dragon, she is a cruel and merciless black dragon with a roar that can pierce into ones soul, it was the sound of dread and fear, she was known as the Terror Of The Skies, Cynder..
She was the Dark Master's right hand, a dragon that was born from the master's dark magic which corrupted her, and made her a purely evil being, with no real way of being redeemed, she was cold, cruel, and would even kill her own soldiers if they fell out of line, and that would even be him if he messed up, and what she summoned him here for is something important, and he cannot fail it.

The commander went up an elevator that slowly rose all the way to the top of the fortress, he could just feel her presence the closer he got to the top, she gave off such an aura that no one could ignore, she was something that truly gave anyone fear and dread, she's easily the strongest dragon to be in this world yet, and not even the Elemental master's together could stop her.

But soon, he finally came to the top, lightning flashed over the dark fortress in a grim fashion, it was a place where hope goes to die, and Cynder had personally built this with her claws, and she is rather proud of how dreadful she made this place, and knows anyone foolish enough to come here would lose all bravery they had.

The commander had arrived at the very top of the fortress, and the sight was like normal, lightning was flashing all over the place as dark clouds surrounded the place, there were heavy winds and monster's that flew around the sky's for any intruders, and at the very top of the fortress, the commander could see her, she was sitting on the tip of the roof glaring down at him.

"Cynder.. you summoned me.." He said bowing in respect, Cynder scoffed seeing this and lunged directly down to him, she landed on the ground which made the ground shake a little, her being up so close gave him so much fear, he never tended to show it to anyone, but with Cynder, she's the one thing that scares him.
"I did, I've heard reports you've found the Purple Dragon? After over a decade of searching for him, you finally did something useful, where did you find him?" Cynder asked in a demanding tone.
"We.. looked through some of the spells we had, we found one that opened a portal to another world, this world is called Equestria, and after looking over it, we found one small Purple Dragon within a village of pony's, he's very small, and weak looking, he must be the one." He reported respectfully which made her scoff hearing that.
"How do you know he's THE one, and not just one dragon that looks like most of that world?" Cynder asked circling around him, like she was gonna strike him like a tiger.

"We looked around that world some more, we couldn't find any other dragons that looked like him, and plus, we detected a strange familiar aura coming off of him, something that's different from the rest of the dragons in that world, he's different, and that must mean he's the one we've been looking for." He explained some more which made her shake her head again.
"Commander Claw, we have searched all over this world to find him, you think that this little dragon is what we're looking for? I wouldn't even bother to go after him if he's just as pathetic as the dragons of that world." Cynder said not really interested in this.
"That's the thing ma'am, we looked into where that dragon came from, and the origins are unknown, the only thing we could find after close examination, was that he was hatched from a purple egg, with darker purple spots, it was found in the woods nearby that town, and no one knows why it was abandoned." Claw explained which finally got Cynder's interest.
"It was left alone in the woods? Without a parent with it?" Cynder asked sounding a bit upset hearing that.
"Y.. Yes, the only thing we can conclude with is that Ignitus might've found a way to sent it to that world with a spell, and if that's true, this could be the one, or it could be something just as important." Claw explained more while she hung up from the ceiling looking down at him.

Cynder thought over this, while this could be the purple dragon they've been searching for, it was a huge IF, and even then, she has her own secrets to keep, but this may tie into this prophecy after all.. after some heavy thinking, Cynder got a little plan to capture that dragon, and even make this dragon loyal.
"Very well.. I want you to gather your best soldiers, go to that world and capture that dragon, and bring him to me, alive." Cynder demanded landing back down to him, and she towered over him which made him afraid.
"Y.. Yes Lord Cynder, is there.. anything else you need me to do?" Claw asked shaking a bit, Cynder smirked and used her tail to grab something in a case, after a few seconds, she pulled out a strange vile with some dark blood inside it, she put it on her claw and held it to him.
"When you find this purple dragon, inject this into him, it is my own dark blood, and it will corrupt him over time, this will destroy any chances the prophecy has of being fulfilled, and I'd prefer seeing the Purple Dragon suffer then dying easily. Inject this into him, and bring him to me alive, do I make myself clear. Commander?" Cynder asked looking at him dead in the eyes with rage.

"Y, yes lord Cynder, we won't fail!" Claw said taking the vile from her while she scoffed hearing that.
"I've heard that before, pray you don't Claw, or you'll be another dead ape among the ones who've fallen in the war, and I'll personally make sure you join that pile." Cynder warned before she turned away from him and it made him even more afraid.
"Yes Cynder! We'll be back with him soon!" Claw said respectfully before running off quickly leaving her alone, Cynder looked at the dark clouds that surrounded her fortress, it was a darkness she's been embracing for so long, something she enjoyed to see, but while she looked over it, she thought over that egg she was told about, purple with darker purple spots.. While the Purple Dragon was meant to hatch from a purple egg, this was a specific detail, and she had one idea on what this could mean, and she didn't just give him that vile to corrupt this dragon, it was for something else.. something more important..
"We will see you soon little one." Cynder said to herself looking over the sky's, and waited for the news of this dragon to come to her again..

Present time..

Spike groaned in pain as he finally felt himself waking up, but his body hurt a lot, he felt like there was something inside him he couldn't get out, it made him feel sick to his stomach and it's one of the things that woke him up, followed by the sounds of chains, and the sounds of apes..
Spike's eyes opened up instantly hearing that sound as he remembered what that sound came from, he woke up with a gasp and quickly stood up, but ended up hitting what looked like the bars of a cage.
"Ow.." Spike said annoyed rubbing his head, Spike shook his head a few times before he finally regained his focus, and to his fear, he found himself within a cage, that was being carried by some of those weird bat monster's, Dreadwings as he remembered what they're name was.

"Where am I? What's going on? Twilight?! Ember?!" Spike asked trying to find a way out of the cage until a loud bang hit the cage.
"Keep it quiet down there you pest!" A familiar voice demanded which got Spike's attention, Spike peaked out of the cage and saw that strange monster looking down at him, he was riding on the Dreadwing, and looking around some more, he was being carried in the skies somewhere, but it wasn't Equestria, it was somewhere completely different, somewhere that looked ancient..
"Who are you?! What do you want with me?!" Spike shouted trying to escape this cell which made him growl in response.
"Keep quiet down there! Or we'll feed you to the Dreadwings!" An ape shouted before he suddenly shocked Spike with one of the crystal staff's he had which made Spike scream in pain as a green energy went around his body.

The ape finally pulled back after a few seconds and Spike breathed heavily after he pulled away, he then groaned even more as he felt his arm feeling like it was on fire, he looked down to it and saw there was something wrong, the spot where he was injected with that strange blood was changing a bit, he could see some strange veins moving spreading, it was really small right now, but Spike's heart was starting to beat rapidly seeing it, but he needed to find out where he is.
"Who are you monster's, where are you taking me?!" Spike asked again looking at the apes, there were at least 3 groups of them on these Dreadwings, and they were flying through the skies, seemingly heading somewhere.
"We're taking you to our master, we were ordered to bring you here, and your fate will be decided whether you live or die by her hands, now shut it!" Claw shouted again which scarred Spike a bit.

Spike needed to find a way out of here, hearing those words meant they had bad plans for him, and if he just sits around and waits, he won't make it back home. Spike was breathing heavily while he tried finding a way to escape this cell, while there was a door with a keyhole in it, he doubts he can get the keys, but maybe he could pick the lock? But even then, he had do deal with the people watching him, he looked over the numerous apes guarding the cage, and the Dreadwings flying above, but then he got an idea.

He looked over at the staffs the apes were holding, and remembered what they did, while it's gonna be a painful idea, it may be just what he needs to get out of here. Spike took a deep breath and began to shake the cell around, he was gonna try to get their attention, and that's what the shaking did, Spike kept rocking the cell back and forth to annoy them, he had one chance of escaping, and he hoped it would work.
"Stop doing that you brat!" Claw shouted finally noticing his shaking.
"why? I can't just shake around in a cell? Talk about being no fun." Spike mocked which made him growl in anger.
"Taze him again!" Claw ordered to the one next to him, the ape grinned and held out the staff yet again, and Spike braced himself as the staff hit him and tazed him really badly.

But Spike knew this was coming, and pushed through the pain and grabbed the staff with his claws while he was being tazed which surprised the ape.
"Let.. me.. go!!" Spike screamed before he finally pulled the staff away from the ape and took it himself, he breathed heavily after being freed from the tazing and held the staff in his claws.
"Give that back you pest!" The ape shouted before it tried reaching for him, but Spike held the staff and used it's own power against him, he tazed that ape back and got it's body badly tazed which made him make a monkey screech. This got everyone's attention and they saw Spike was somehow tazing one of they're own men!
"Stop him now!!" Claw ordered with anger which made more of the Dreadwings fly right beside the cage, Spike saw more of these apes with more staffs to taze him, but he quickly ducked under they're attack and it missed him, Spike knew what he had to do. So Spike carefully put the staff out of the cages bars and slammed it upwards.

This caused the staff to painfully Taze the Dreadwing as well, it screeched with pain and began flailing around violently, this shook Spike's cage around roughly while he kept on tazing him.
"Come on.. a little.. more!" Spike told himself while the monster screeched even more, eventually the Dreadwing couldn't take the pain, and finally let go of Spike's cage, but it ended up with the cage beginning to fall to a strange forest far below.
"No!!" Claw shouted with anger before he smacked the Dreadwings head to make it stop, this finally made it regain focus and it began to fly down after the falling cage while Spike was in it.
"Oh boy.. Celestia help me!" Spike told himself while he tried to find a way to escape, the cage was getting faster as it fell, and he could hear the screeches of the monster's trying to catch him.

Spike's cage continued to fall more and more to this strange forest, Spike could see just how different it was, there were large trees that looked like ginormous mushrooms, they were so large one could build a house on it! There was plenty of swamp like areas around it too, and Spike was falling directly to one of these mushrooms, Spike closed his eyes and braced himself for the pain that's about to come.

The cage slammed against one of the trees really roughly, this caused the cage to continue to tumble and fall while Spike was being tossed all around it.
"Ow, ow ow ow!" Spike shouted as he hit multiple parts of the cell, the cage kept tumbling violently down the trees, until it fell down to one more large one, this finally weakened the cage enough to loosen up the gate, and the cage was slammed open and Spike was sent flying out of the cage finally. Spike screamed as he went flying over the place, he kept on tumbling down the trees and hit multiple parts of his body, and his right arm was the spot he got hit the hardest, Spike hit his arm really hard on one of the branches that was right below the ground which made him wince in pain.
"At least.. I'm finally free.." Spike said weakly trying to get back up, but the branch suddenly started to break apart which got Spike's attention, and looking below him.. he was right above a river..
"Oh no.." Spike said with fear before the branch finally collapsed and Spike screamed while he fell directly into the river.

Spike held his breath the best he could after falling inside, he tried to swim his way back up, but his arm was hurt to the point he could barely move it, on top of the pain his body is feeling, it made it really hard to reach the surface.
"No.. I can't.. go like this.." Spike thought to himself as he felt his arm hurting badly, he tried swimming as hard as he could to the surface just above him, he was mere inches away from reaching it, and tried pushing past whatever pain he was feeling.
"Just.. a little.. closer.." Spike thought again as his head was about to reach it, Spike finally managed to reach the surface and his head popped out of the water, Spike took a big breath of air as he was floating in the river, he tried to get his bearings, this was all so overwhelming right now, and Spike needed to keep focus.
"Come on Spike.. you can get out of this.." Spike said to himself while trying to swim for the ledge, but something was pulling him through the river, something strong, and something he could feel in the river, it was the river's currents.
"Oh no.." Spike said with fear again as he felt his body being dragged down the river to somewhere else.
"No.. no! Someone help!!" Spike begged trying to find anyone to help him, but he only could hear more screeches which made his pupils shrink.

Spike looked up above and saw those same monster's flying around the area looking for him, Spike had no choice on this, he needed to be swept up by the river in order to escape them.
"I'm sorry Twilight, I promise I'll find my way back home.." Spike told himself before he took a deep breath and ducked under the water again. Spike could feel his body being dragged by the river's currents, he was being swept somewhere else, he could see the shadows of the Dreadwings on the surface, but kept himself in the water to not be seen by them. Spike knew he had to do this, it was the only way of escaping them, and with the river's guidance, he let himself be dragged by the river to places unknown, his nose only peaking out the surface to keep himself from drowning, and with that, Spike closed his eyes, and he just let the river take him wherever it went. Spike's body floated on top of the river once he was in the right pose, and he went far far into the swamp where he may be safe, all the while the monster's tried to find him.

Claw had searched over the trees he fell through, he only saw the cage that was burst open, it meant he managed to escape, which infuriated him, he was ordered to bring that dragon to Cynder alive, and if he's escaped, she could kill him for failing to do his job.
"Sir, what do we do? How do we find that dragon?" A soldier asked while Claw looked around for any signs of him, he growled with frustration and couldn't find him anywhere.
"Search the area, capture him again, we must bring him back to Cynder as soon as possible!" Claw ordered which they all understood, the Dreadwings screeched again and they began to fly around the forest trying to find him..

Meanwhile with Spike, he had passed out once again as he was floating down the river, his arm was pretty roughed up from the fall, and on top of the strange blood he was injected with, Spike was breathing slowly as the river just kept moving his body down it's stream, a calm and majestic score played while Spike's body went through the strange forest, and strange world, wherever he was now, it was something that would change him forever..

Spike didn't know how long it's been since he passed out, his body was still in pain even when asleep, he could just feel something moving around inside of him, like a parasite or something much worse, Spike could still feel the river dragging him somewhere, he just didn't know where, he at least hoped he escaped those monster's for now, and could try and find his way back.

Eventually though, Spike felt his body stop against something, like he washed up on a shore of a place, Spike groaned in pain as his body just hurt pretty badly, he tried to move, but he was afraid of something coming for him if he did, so he tried to stay still the longest he can. Eventually, he could hear what sounded like footsteps, but they weren't as loud and heavy as the monster's steps made, they felt smaller, and calmer, which did help him calm down a little.

Eventually he felt something come over his body, like a shadow was looking over him, and he didn't know what to expect, but soon, he heard a strange voice come behind him.
"What's this thing? How did it end up here?" The voice asked seemingly looking over him.
"I don't know, but it kinda looks like you, only a bit less chubby then you are." Another voice said in a joking tone.
"Come on Sparx, we don't even know what this is, it could be hurt." The voice said sounding concerned.
"Do we even know it's alive? Look at it, it's barely moving at all." The other one said looking at Spike who was named Sparx apparently.

Spike knew he shouldn't wait for them to leave, so he decided to finally move. Spike made a little groan of pain and finally moved around a little.
"Hey, it is alive!" Sparx said really surprised as Spike finally opened his eyes, Spike groaned weakly and stood up the best he could.
"Oh my head..." Spike said holding it with his claw, he didn't know how long he was out, but he hurt a lot from what he just went through. But he soon saw something come to his side, and he heard the voice speak again.
"Hey, you okay? You look pretty hurt." The voice asked again which got Spike's attention, he slowly turned around to see who it came from, and to his shock, he saw a small purple dragon in front of him! He had dark purple scales with purple eyes, and strange orange horns as well, Spike was shocked to see another dragon was here, and besides him was what looked like.. a dragonfly?

Spike stayed silent while he looked at the two, the dragon didn't look like the ones he's seen in Equestria, it looked far different, and how he and the dragonfly can talk is beyond him, it must be how this world works maybe.
"Hey, can you hear us? Are you deaf, or are you blind? Do. you. hear. us?!" The dragonfly asked loudly which annoyed him a bit, but it's time he responded finally.
"I can hear and see you both, you couldn't give me a minute to process this at least?" Spike asked the dragonfly who he could only think was named Sparx.
"Geez sorry, didn't think you heard me." Sparx apologized flying back up to the dragon, Spike groaned while he tried getting up, while he could walk on his legs, his right arm hurt after falling on it, on top of the stuff he was injected with.
"Sorry about this, but I'm not really in the best situation right now." Spike said clutching his arm which they both noticed was twisted up a little.

"I can see that, you look really hurt, mind telling me what happened?" The dragon asked coming up to him, while he wanted to tell them both about what happened, they may not believe him with how crazy of a story it sounds, being taken from another world by ape monster's and injected with strange blood, so Spike needed to come up with something simple.
"I.. was simply making my way through this forest, I was trying to find a place I could stay at, I.. have nowhere to go, and I may have fallen down on one of those trees really hard, and I fell into the river that swept me down to this place.." Spike said already regretting this lie, while it is a lie, it was something that could be believable.
"What kind of fall could do this to your arm? It looks way worse then a simple fall." Sparx asked looking at Spike's arm.
"Not all of us can endure huge amounts of pain, a fall like that would crush you if you weren't careful, and I fell into the river and got swept down here like I said, and now I don't even know where I am.." Spike said sadly looking over the place, it looked a lot like some sort of swamp, while it wasn't like any swamp he's seen back home, it felt more peaceful then whatever he saw with those monster's.

"Well, to answer that question, Your in our home, me and Sparx live here with our parents, it may be a swamp, but it's a place that we all just like to stay at." The dragon explained which interested Spike, he didn't know whether he meant dragon parents, or dragonfly parents, but he's sorta going to the second option, since this doesn't look like a place a dragon would live in.
"Well, I'm' really sorry to intrude like this.. there was just.. a lot going for me right now.." Spike said shamefully holding his arm again, they could see he was upset about something, but wanted to help him.
"Hey, it's okay kid, we all go through rough times, we can help you if you'd like?" The dragon offered which surprised Spike a little.
"Really? We just met, and your already wanting to help me?" Spike asked surprised to hear that.
"Now hold on there big boy, we don't even know his name, you mind telling us what it is?" Sparx asked looking over him.
Right, sorry, my name's.. Spike, and you are?" Spike asked looking at them both.
"I'm Spyro, and this is my little brother Sparx, nice to meet you?" Spyro introduced which made Spike curious, a strange name, but he liked it already.

"Nice to meet you.. sorry for all this trouble.. I just didn't know where to go.." Spike apologized looking around the place.
"Hey it's no trouble kid, the occasional Frogsweed can be a pain, but it's nothing we can't handle right Spyro?" Sparx asked looking at him while Spike was confused hearing that name.
"You mean nothing I can't handle, he only means it's not a problem, and I think it's best we help you out, especially with that arm right now." Spyro said looking at him, it made Spike feel really relieved knowing that they're friendly, especially after all he just went through.
"I'd really like that.. thanks a lot.." Spike said gratefully while he tried to move.
"Hey, we're only looking out for others, it's what we like to do. Let's take you to our parents, they may know what to do." Spyro said while he helped him move.

But it didn't take more then a few steps for a couple more dragonfly's to suddenly come flying in, one of them was blue while the other was pink, so Spike was right, this dragon may be.. adopted.. kinda like him.
"Spyro, Sparx? What's going on? Who is this?" The mother asked looking at Spike who was still hurt a bit.
"Mom, dad, sorry for the concern, we just found this kid by the river, his names Spike, kinda looks like Spyro, but he said he got hurt when traveling through the forest, took a hard fall from one of the trees and got swept up by the river, and he broke his arm as a result and ended up here." Sparx said bluntly which concerned them hearing it.

"Are you okay little one?" The father asked flying up to Spike, Spike knew he couldn't lie, and he had to talk properly with them.
"I'm.. fine.. really sorry about all of this, I was just looking for somewhere to stay, I had nowhere to go, and I got hurt when making my way through this swamp, I didn't expect to wind up here, really sorry for this you two." Spike apologized which worried them a bit.
"You have no need to apologize, we can understand it, but you really got this injured after taking a hard fall?" She asked looking at his arm again.
"It may seem hard to believe, but it's true, and I don't really know where to go after this.." Spike said sadly looking around the place.

They all had a sad look hearing that themselves, they all looked at eachother like they were thinking the same thing, soon enough, the mother came up to Spike to ask something.
"Child, what is your name?" She asked softly, it honestly reminded him of Twilight's own voice, something calm and assuring, something he could trust.
"My name is Spike ma'am.." Spike said politely which made her smile a little.
"Thank you Spike, I'm Nina , and this is my husband Flash." Nina introduced while Flash waved at him.
"N.. nice to meet you both.." Spike said nervously looking at them all.
"Spike, even though we just met you, we can see you have a kind heart, someone who wants to help others the best way he can." Flash said looking at him too.
"Thanks.. but do you have anything to ask me?" Spike asked curious with what's going on.

Sarah sighed a bit and decided to just tell him.
"Spike, with what's going on right now, and with what we see in you, if you'd like, you can stay here with us, it's safe in this swamp, it may be the best place for you to rest right now." Nina offered which really surprised him.
"Really? You'll let me stay here?" Spike asked amazed to hear that.
"Of course, you are but a child, and we wouldn't just let one be out there, alone, so what do you say Spike?" Flash asked hoping he would agree, Spike didn't really have a choice, but it was the best option he's had all day to be honest.
"Of.. course! I'd be happy to, I'll do whatever I can to help around here!" Spike said with a smile which made them all happy hearing that.

"That's great to hear Spike, glad to have you here." Spyro said helping him up again.
"Nice to finally have someone new to talk too, even if he strangely looks like Spyro here." Sparx said looking at how similar they looked.
"Don't mind him Spike, you'll get used to it after a while." Spyro assured which made him chuckle a little.
"Something tells me I might, can we get going please? It's getting a bit late.." Spike asked as he noticed the sun was starting to set.
"Of course, come on you three, we should go back home now." Nina said as they started to fly off.
"Sounds good to me!" Sparx said flying ahead of the group.
"Don't worry Spike, we'll be alright, so will you, we'll help you however we can. I promise you that." Spyro assured which made him smile again.
"Thanks Spyro, really.." Spike said gratefully as they all went to rest now, even with the bad stuff Spike went through today, he still met some people that were really kind, and whatever comes next, he hopes he can handle it in this strange new world..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! I think this may have been the best choice right now for Spike to meet Spyro and Sparx, having it take place a bit before the games start is something that I think works best, Spike's got a lot going on, and he wouldn't want to overwhelm them with his insane story right now, so this is something I think will work out nicely. I've got a lot of plans for this story, and I hope you look forward to it, thanks for reading this guys and hope you look forward to more!