• Published 30th Apr 2024
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The Legend Of Spyro And Spike - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by the Dark Apes during the day Ember and Thorax met, he is taken to a completely different world by them, but manages to escape somehow. He meets a purple dragon named Spyro, and this begins a life changing journey for them both.

  • ...

3: The Start Of A Journey

Spike proceeded to make they're way back to Sarah and Zon as soon as they could after getting into that little fight, Spike had a bad feeling those apes were still after him, and this incident proved that. While he was glad they were able to save Sparx, they didn't know who this Cynder was, while Spike heard the name, he just felt strange when thinking about it, like it was something he's heard before, he just doesn't know where..

But after a bit of a walk back to their home, Spike and Spyro met up with they're parents, and they started explaining what exactly happened with them.

"And Sparx went to far into the swamp when we were playing the game, we got into some trouble with these strange apes started to attack us, Sparx would've been crushed or kidnapped if we weren't there to save him." Spike explained while Sarah and Zon glared at Sparx after hearing that, he looked really nervous seeing this and knew he was gonna get chewed out for this.
"Sparx, while I know you are always wanting to see new things, you shouldn't put yourself in danger like this, you are a dragonfly, and there are many ways you could get hurt or even die if your too reckless, you need to be more cautious about where your going, at all times." Nina said looking at him who was a bit ashamed.
"She's right Sparx, you got us all into some trouble, if it wasn't for luck, we wouldn't have made it back here. I care for you, but we can't keep getting into stuff like this if it means we won't get out." Spyro said agreeing to this too.
"Alright look, I'm sorry. I was reckless and I apologize, but you should've seen what happened, they both breathed fire! Nearly torched me, and took those apes down easily, and I mean fire, from the mouth!" Sparx said recalling how they did that which made them look at the two with surprise.

"I.. don't know what happened, I just got really mad and then.. whoosh, it was flame city. And Spike's seemed to have done it before, right?" Spyro asked looking at him once again who sighed being asked that.
"I have, there's a lot to me that needs explaining, but I think you two both know what this means.. right?" Spike asked looking at the two dragonfly's, they both had a concerned look being asked that, but they knew it was true.
"What's the matter?" Spyro asked concerned with they're expressions.
"Well it's hard to explain, but it's just that.. we both knew this day would come, especially when Spike arrived, it was the sign that we'll have to tell you.." Flash said rubbing his head a bit nervously.
"Tell us what?" Spyro asked concerned to hear that, Spike had a sad look hearing this, and he knew what this was meaning.
"The day.. we'll have to tell you the truth, and with Spike here, we just didn't know how fast it would come.. but now.. we have to.." Flash said sadly which concerned all of them.

Spike and Spyro continued to listen in on what they had to say, Spike's worry's were proven real after hearing this, while Spike knew something was strange, this confirmed it, Spyro was adopted, and his egg was found by the two near the same place Spike met Spyro, and it.. honestly gave them something to relate too.
"So it's true.. Spyro's adopted?" Spike asked looking at them who were sad to explain this, while Spyro was really shocked to hear this.
"So what your all saying is.. I'm not your real son?" Spyro asked really sad to know this.
"No, no Spyro, you've always been our son, we've cared for you since the day we found you, you just came from somewhere... really far away. Far away from here in a distant, wars rage on and on , and innocent people seem to pay the price for not being strong enough.. and we feared Spike was from this very same land, since coming here was a perfect reason, to avoid such bloodshed that land causes." Nina said looking at them both while Spike was worried hearing that.
"Those apes seemed to be causing a lot of trouble, and the wars are probably because of them, and whoever else they're working with. I was captured by those apes and was being taken to their master, but I found a way to escape, and I ended up here after barely avoiding them." Spike admitted telling more of the truth of what happened.

"What.. happened to the village you grew up in? Is your family still...?" Sparx asked concerned to hear that.
"They're still alive.. I know it, but they wanted me for something else, and from the looks of it.. they'll be wanting Spyro too." Spike said looking at him who was a bit scarred hearing that.
"What could they possibly want with us? What are we Spike? Who are we?" Spyro asked really wanting to know what there is to them.
"Honestly.. I don't know myself anymore, I've always been conflicted on whether or not I had to do something great to prove my own worth, but now I'm practically forced into it, but there's one thing I remember from my family, and my sister, she told me that sometimes we just have to adapt to tough situations, and if we push through it, we'll be special in ways we may not realize it. It was one of the last things I heard from her before my home was attacked, and I was captured by them.." Spike said with regret while they were all sad to hear that.
"That's rough buddy.." Sparx said patting his back which did help a little in ways.

Spyro had a lot to think about this, this meant that he was from somewhere really different, and possibly dangerous from what they described, but he can't just stay around here forever, if he's from somewhere else, he needs to find his home, and know who he truly is.
"Is everything alright buddy?" Sparx asked noticing his silence which made everyone look at him too.
"Mom.. Dad.. Sparx.. while I've always been glad to have spent most of my life with you, this kind of news is something I can't ignore, and I don't think any of us can, if my homes out there somewhere.. I can't stay here, even with the dangers I have to face, I need to find out, I'm sorry to say this but.. I need to leave, I have to find out where I came from.. and who I am.." Spyro said sadly which surprised Sparx, while Spike and the other two looked worried.
"Spyro.. I know this is a lot, but I can understand this.. if your gonna go out there, I'm coming too, those apes harmed my friends and family, and I'm not gonna let them get away with it, even if it means going to dangerous places, I'm not gonna let you go alone on this, and that's a fact." Spike said walking up to him while he was surprised to hear that.

"Are you sure about this Spike? Your still a bit hurt from after we found you?" Spyro asked really concerned for him.
"My arm feels fine by now, in fact I think it's stronger then before, I don't know what those apes want from me, but I'm gonna find out. And I'll be by your side, I promise you that." Spike assured with confidence, and Spyro felt a bit relieved to hear that.
"Whoa whoa whoa dudes, are you two seriously bailing out on us? Leaving people like me behind to go on some spiritual journey?" Sparx asked flying around them both.
"We can't just stay here Sparx, that threat will most likely come here too, and we won't let them harm you too." Spike said looking at them all.
"He's right Sparx, this is your home, our home is out there somewhere, you just need to stay here, where it's safe, where you belong." Spyro said looking up at him while he was a bit upset about this.
"Well I thought I belonged with you Spyro, but I guess I was wrong right?" Sparx asked crossing his arms which made Spike shake his head hearing this.
"You know what, I'm sure I'm wrong with this, you know what? Your both right and I'm wrong." Sparx said before he quickly took off and left them alone.

"Don't you worry about him you two, Spike, Spyro, while I know this is sudden, there is a world out there that is just waiting to be seen, this could change your lives in ways you may not know, but just know whatever happens, you both have a home here." Flash said smiling at them both.
"Thank you, Sarah and Zon, even if I've known you for a short time, I'm just glad to have had someone to take care of me when I needed it." Spike said smiling at them too.
"Your welcome child, all we ask is for you two keep your chins up, and use your fire breaths wisely, while I know you've used it plenty of times probably Spike, just be sure to use it carefully." Zon advised which they nodded in response from.
"Don't be too concerned by your father's preaching Spyro, just be yourselves, that's all any of us can do. Take care of him for us Spike, he's still a young one, and something tells us this may be the last time we see him for a while.." Nina said sadly which Spike perfectly understood.
"Don't worry you two, I'll be by his side every step of the way, you ready to go Spyro?" Spike asked as they knew where the exit was by this point.
"Ready as I'll ever be I guess, goodbye mom and dad, thank you for everything." Spyro said lookin gat them both one last time.
"Your welcome Spyro, safe journey you two, and be careful." Flash said giving them a bow which they returned in response. Spike and Spyro looked at eachother and nodded before they both started to head out to start they're journey, while Spike may be worried on what's to come, with Spyro by his side, something tells him they'll be just fine.

After that last talk with Sarah and Zon, Spike and Spyro started making they're way through the swamp together, even if they have a long journey ahead of them, they'll have eachother for support, and they both has a lot of stuff to think over as they continued on through the swamp.

For Spike, this was the first real journey he was going on by himself, without Twilight or any of the other friends he's had back in Equestria, this is something that can be life changing for him if things go the way they look like, and with the path ahead, something tells him there's far more to this journey then what it seems.

For Spyro, he was just worried on what the future holds for him, he's been raised here for most of his life, and he barely knows much about who he is, and with this bombshell dropped onto him, he just doesn't know if he'll be able to handle it all. They both continued to make they're way through the path that was leading to the exit by themselves, while they thought they didn't have more trouble to deal with, a familiar ape sound got they're attention.

"They're watching us Spyro.." Spike said looking around for them.
"Where could they be? What do they want with us?" Spyro asked not seeing them anywhere.
"I don't wanna know, all I do know is we need to move, now!" Spike shouted as they heard a really loud ape sound which made the two of them run faster into an open area, while they knew they would be followed, they didn't expect it to be this soon.

While the two of them kept making they're way through the swamp, Spyro decided to get to know Spike a little, since he's from somewhere far away.
"Hey Spike, you mind if I ask you something?" Spyro asked which got his attention.
"And what would that be Spyro?" Spike asked turning to him.
"What was your home like? What was your family like? What did you do before you.. ended up here?" Spyro asked curious with his own past.
"Well.. there's a lot to talk about honestly, but my home is certainly a beautiful place, while it does go through it's own problems every now and then, it did have so much to it that was special, my family meant a lot to me, even after all the trouble we've been through, I've always been by there side.. until recently that is.." Spike explained while he remembered the adventures he did have with Twilight and the others.
"What about your parents? Did they look a lot like you or me? What was it like for you?" Spyro asked wondering what it is like, Spike looked a bit sad being asked that, since he himself didn't know who his parents were either.

"Truth be told Spyro.. I never knew my real parents either.. I was adopted.. just like you.." Spike said sadly which surprised him.
"Did you.. find this out in a similar way that I just did?" Spyro asked concerned being told that.
"To be honest, I knew it from the very beginning, I'm from a place far different then where my own family lived, and the times I did go to own kinds land.. let's just say I'm glad to know you, there's not many like you or me back in my own home.." Spike said chuckling at that thought, but it was also a bit sad that he barely knows much about the dragons, and what he does know.. is just very lazy to be honest.
"Do you.. think we'll ever know who our real family's are? What if they do care for us? Or what if.. they.. never did?" Spyro asked really worried when thinking about it.

"You shouldn't put to much on those thoughts Spyro, believe me, I know that. But there's one thing I do know, even if we're adopted, our found family's are just as important for our lives. They helped us be the person we are today, and whether we know it or not, they'll always be our family, a family that we wont' ever forget.." Spike said smiling at the times he's had with his own, even if he's never known his real parents, Twilight and the other's did so much to make his life great..
"That's.. really nice to know, I'm glad to know there's someone who understands what I'm going through, with all that's happening right now, someone like you is what I need most right now.." Spyro said glad that he was with him on this.
"I'm glad about this too Spyro, having someone to relate to is always important. It helps give us more understanding of who we are, and wherever we're going, I'm glad to have you with me on this." Spike said smiling too.
"Thanks for that Spike.. really.." Spyro said gratefully as the two of them continued on through the swamp.

Spike and Spyro continued making they're way through the swamp together, and there wasn't really much to write home about, other then a few more Frogweeds and some new spider monster's, is wasn't much that they're fire breath couldn't handle, they're journey was starting off rather simple right now, but it may get more complex the further they go through it, but soon they saw a familiar golden glow flying up to them.

"Hey, Spyro Spike wait up for a minute, a little moment will ya?" Sparx asked coming in front of them which made them stop moving.
"What do you need Sparx?" Spike asked looking up at him.
"So, me and our old man were chatting for a bit and with this whole belonging thing you talked about, we both decided that best friends should stick together, so I was allowed to come with you both." Sparx announced which did make Spyro happy to hear that.
"Even if two of them are purple, and one of them has weight issues." Sparx joked looking at Spyro which made Spike chuckle a little bit.
"Weight issues huh? At least We've never been turned into a lantern." Spyro joked as well which made Spike laugh hearing that.
"He got you there Sparx! But it's true, best friends should stick together no matter what, so if you wanna come with us, then it's fine with me." Spike said happy to hear this.
"I'm glad too, come on guys let's see what's out there." Sparx said ready to move ahead now.

Now the three of them continued to move through together, while Spike did find Sparx a bit annoying at times, he was still Spyro's brother technically, and best friend, so it wasn't to big a deal he was coming along with. But as they continued to get closer to the exit, they were suddenly ambushed by even more of these apes, who came down from the cliffs above.

"Oh you gotta be kidding me.." Spike said annoyed as they were surrounded yet again.
"We've beaten them before Spike, we can beat them again!" Spyro said getting into his stance again.
"He's right Spike, go ahead and show em who's boss!" Sparx encouraged which did motivate him some more.
"You know what, let's have some fun!" Spike said getting ready to go.

All the apes charged at them from all angles, and they both worked together to take em down, Spike jumped in the air as one of them lunged at him, and Spike delivered a drop kick in one they're faces to knock it back, he then dodged another sword slice by ducking under it, he then took a deep breath and let out another stream of fire against the group which made all of them screech as the green fire was all over them. One of the larger ones took out more dynamite and threw it to Spyro, but he managed to whack it back at him with his tail with quick thinking, this sent it right below the apes feat which then exploded around him and the group surrounding him, which did give them more time to breath.

"That ape needs better tactics.." Spike said shaking his head at this sad sight.
"tell me about it." Spyro said agreeing at that statement, but they're little break was soon stopped when they heard a loud crash was heard ahead of them, heavy footsteps were heard and they both looked surprised when a new large monster was marching to them, it looked like a huge swamp monster that was huge, and it roared at them both.
"Okay, now that is a big one!" Spike shouted as the two backed up from it.
"How do we stop this thing?!" Spyro asked while they barely dodged a large fist smashing down.
"Let's combine our breaths at it! That'll do extra damage hopefully!" Spike shouted as he took a deep breath.
"Good idea, ready.. aim.. fire!!" Spyro shouted before they both breathed they're fire on that monster at once, the monster screamed as the fires was consuming it, Spike's fire was different compared to Spyro's, it was a bit more magical, but he could do just as much damage as Spyro's can, but after a lot of fire breathing, the monster soon fell on it's knees and was finally defeated.

Both of them took heavy breaths as they looked over the defeated enemy's around them both.
"That sure felt underwhelming.. but then again.. this is only the beginning.." Spike said recovering his stamina.
"Yeah, and we've only fought against a few dozen of them at this point.. how many more do you think there are?" Spyro asked a bit worried thinking about it.
"Something tells me it's far more then it should be, but that's just my opinion.." Spike said as they started moving down the open path.
"You know you both make a good team together, even if you just met eachother." Sparx complimented which they chuckled at.
"Hey, we're just looking out for eachother, right Spike?" Spyro asked while they kept moving.
"You got that right buddy." Spike said with a smile while they kept moving.

But as they kept moving through the swamp, they were finally nearing what looked like a cave, it did look like it lead out of here, but before they could start moving to it.. a very loud.. monsterous roar was heard all across the sky's, and that terrified them both.
"Move, move!!!" Spike screamed as they quickly ran for the cave.
"Breath Sparx old boy, breath!" Sparx told himself while they tried to take cover from whatever they heard.
"What in the world was that?!" Spyro asked really scarred of what that was.
"I don't know, but I'm gonna go this way, far from it!" Sparx said quickly moving into the cave.
"Good idea.. let's go.. now." Spike said moving inside as well, Spyro nodded and followed them as they entered the cave, and a huge familiar shadow flew over where they just were.. like it was searching for them both..

Spike and Spyro tried calming down after what they heard just moments ago, but not even 10 steps inside the cave, they were greeted by a large red dragon who looked old, but really ancient.
"Whoa.." Spike said with shock as the dragon looked over them both, he had a look of surprise seeing them both, like he wasn't expecting them at all.
"And I thought you two were big ones.. goodness.." Sparx said really surprised to see this huge dragon.

"Your.. your alive? And there's.. two of you?" The dragon asked looking at him and Spike with interest.
"What do you mean by that? Who are you?" Spike asked confused on this.
"Hmm.. even if your here.. it's too late.. too late..." The dragon said closing his eyes which confused them even more.
"Too late? To late for what? Who are you? Do you know where we're from? What are you, what are we?!" Spyro asked extremely concerned at this.
"Hey, please calm down, I know there's a lot you have to ask, but we need to ask one question at a time, okay?" Spike asked trying to calm him down.
"Your.. your right, sorry about that.." Spyro apologized before they turned to the large dragon again.

"You mean you don't know? Either of you?" He asked again which made Sparx scoff.
"Does it sound like they know? I mean Spike here might but even the.." Sparx replied not really getting this.
"While I do know what we are, my friend here doesn't really know, could you explain this?" Spike asked looking at him who was interested to hear that.
"You are both dragons, when you were but an egg, it was my job to protect you, it was my job to protect all of you, but I didn't think there would be two of you, are you brother's?" He asked looking at how similar they are.
"Um.. no.. I'm from somewhere far away, but it was because of those apes I'm here now, and that's just the simple version of it.." Spike admitted which concerned him hearing that, but it only interested him even more.
"Are there other's like us?" Spyro asked wanting to know more about them.

"Other's? There were, four of us, we were guardians, and we had one job, to ensure all the eggs were hatched on the Year of The Dragon. Our very survival depended on those eggs, in order to combat the dark forces that we've been against for a long.. long time.." He explained looking over them both while they both were worried the more they heard this.
"But, our temple, and our home, we're overrun by dangerous forces, numbers that were too much for us to handle, and taken over by them.." He said sadly which just made this worse to hear.
"You mean.. those apes that we've seen before, right?" Spike asked which made him surprised hearing that.
"You mean you've seen them too?" He asked concerned to know this.
"It's the reason we're out here in the first place, what's this about a temple? Can you take us there? Where we come from I mean?" Spyro asked really wanting to know more again.

"No.. no.. it is far to dangerous with what forces occupy the temple now, and what state it could be in. You both don't understand.. after they came for you.." He replied even more before Spyro asked something else.
"They? You mean the same apes that took Spike from his home? Why did they come for us?" Spyro asked which concerned him even more.
"Yeah, they seemed after me and Spyro, I don't know why, but they took me from my home, I was taken from my family, but I met up with Spyro and Sparx not to long ago, but I don't know why." Spike said recalling the events that recently happened.
"Interesting.. but if you must know, there are prophecies of a special Purple Dragon, once born every 10 generations, you two.." He answered looking over them both.
"Wait.. I thought you mean only one dragon? Are you saying that.. I'm a part of this too?" Spike asked looking at himself.
"I only thought there was going to be one purple dragon, but if they were after you two, then it must mean they believe you two are the dragons spoken of, or at least one of you, but if two of you are here.. then that changes everything we know.." He answered once more which just raised more questions.

"Hold on, your saying Spike and Spyro are some special purple.. things? I uh.. think you might have that one mixed up, it's a bit of a stretch.." Sparx said a bit worried about all of this.
"Spyro and Spike? Those are your names? Well I assure you I'm telling the truth, even if you may not believe it. Our home was attacked by the Dark Armies, and they were intent on destroying the dragon eggs, and killing the rest of us. They almost succeeded.. and now they lay siege to the lands far from this one.. we were at war with them.." He explained as he began to tell them about what is going on in this world.
"For many years we have fought in a war over the islands surrounding the lands, we were in brutal clashes with the armies of the Dark Master. He was intent on the prophecies from coming true. Me and the other 3 guardians led our small, but skilled forces into battle, but when we were turning the tide.. Cynder came.." He explained as they hear a familiar roar through the memory's of the war he went through which worried them all.

"Cynder?" They both asked really worried hearing that name.
"Yes.. Cynder.. she is a monsterous.. horrific.. ferocious.. she is a black dragon that fills the skies with terror.. and an unstoppable force of nature.." He explained ominously which was scarring them both.
"Uh yeah you had me at ferocious, it sounds like the thing that was chasing after us guys." Sparx said turning to them both.
"I don't know why.. but whenever I hear that name.. i feel.. really strange when I hear it.." Spike said holding his arm as it felt like it was burning again.
"Yes.. she still searches for me even to this day. And years ago, I watched Cynder defeat the other guardians with no effort at all.. she took them away.. and without them.. all could be lost.. and only I.. Ignitus, managed to escape." Ignitus explained reflecting on his dark memories.

"Wow.. that.. that is a lot to take in.. I.. I need to sit down.." Spike said sitting near the wall to think about this all.
"I can understand it's overwhelming to hear, and to this day, I still wonder what could've been.. what else I might've done to help.." Ignitus said regretting what he's told them.
"Wow.. that sounds fun.. I really wanna hang out with this guy.." Sparx said sarcastically really afraid of this.
"Yeah.. but why have you given up? Spike and I just find out were some special purple dragons, and your telling us all is lost? That we have no home or family left? We've come to far to give up now." Spyro said not giving up on this, Spike soon stood up after hearing this, and knew he was right.
"Spyro's right, if Spyro and I are said to be a part of a prophecy.. then it means there's still a small hope it could come true, and I'm not wanting this world to fall to darkness." Spike said standing besides him.
"He's right, we wanna see where we come from." Spyro said seriously which surprised Sparx.

"Hold up guys, your seriously going along with this guy? He's talking about war and horrific fights and a bunch of bad stuff like that, and your gonna go along with it?" Sparx asked looking at them both.
"It's not like we can go back now, I'm not just gonna sit around and do nothing, I'm wanting to go, and do what I can to help out." Spike said clutching his fist.
"Spyro, Spike, it's not as simple as that. While the prophecies spoke of a purple dragon to put his stamp on this age, they did not tell of the devastation that surrounds us now." Ignitus said not sure of this.

"Well, they weren't sure about Spike showing up too right? He's a purple dragon just like me, so that makes him just as special, we're willing to try, and that's all we really need to do. We both wanna take the first step." Spyro said with Spike nodding in agreement.
"The future isn't easy to predict, even in prophecies, but if I'm here, and me and Spyro are supposed to be dragons of legend, then we need to take the first steps, no matter what it takes." Spike said with a smile.
"Your both actually going along with this lunatic?" Sparx asked really surprised with them agreeing to this.
"Very well you two, we'll go. You both deserve to see the beginning.. before it all ends." Ignitus said as they started to move through the cave.
"Am I the only one sane here? He say's we're all doomed." Sparx said following them both.
"Even if he does, we're not gonna give up on this world, and I'm not giving up hope either, let's go guys." Spike said following along, even with the news they just learned, this is the start of a new beginning for them both, and it is something that will change they're lives forever..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! I think Spyro and Spike do relate to eachother in ways, since they were both adopted and never knew they're real parents, I think this could give them more to relate to, so I'll try putting more talks like that in the story as it goes along, so the journey really begging, it's gonna be a long one let me tell you, but it'll be something special, and I hope you look forward to it. Thank you all for reading this and hope you look forward to more!