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Interview with Let's Do This · 10:55pm Apr 3rd, 2020

Snow Heart entered the cafe and sat down, paperwork in hoof. She sighed mentally, before telling her guard Skyward Sword to allow the next interviewee in. She really didn’t know why so many ponies wanted to know more about her. She’d rather help others instead, so she hid her wings in a hoodie 

“You may enter now.”

Show Heart closed her eyes, letting out a deep sigh. You got this. No pressure.

“Thank you,” said a pleasant, bookish voice from outside. “No, it’s all right… she’s with me.”

“If you know what’s good for you,” a stern, forbidding voice added.

Into the cafe stepped Princess Twilight Sparkle, with Commander Tempest Shadow following close behind her like a looming thundercloud. Glancing around, Twilight spotted Snow Heart, and trotted over to sit down across from her. Tempest followed her, and sat down to her left.

“Hi!” Twilight said. “And thanks so much for the invitation to this interview.” She grinned. “I’m Twilight… though you probably knew that. And this is my friend Tempest. Um, you probably know that too. Ahhh, what next...” She quickly glanced at one of a deck of notecards held in her magic. “Oh, right! And just to be clear here, we’re the Twilight and Tempest who appear as characters in stories by Let’s Do This on FimFiction. So, the usual disclaimer, opinions expressed are those of the author, not of the showrunners, and …”

“Twilight...” Tempest muttered softly, “you’re wittering on again.”

“Um. Yes, I am. Thanks. Well, it seemed like this might be a good way to do something a little different from the usual sort of interview -- you know, what got you started, who’s your favorite pony, where do you get your crazy ideas, and so forth? Since Tempest and I have appeared in many, if not most of Let’s Do This’s stories, both singly and as a team, we can provide an insider’s opinion so to speak on the stories and on the process of writing them. So,” she added, resting her forehooves on the table in anticipation, “where would you like to start?”

Snow Heart blinked, taking everything in. Her loyal guard marched back to stand by her side, keeping a vigilant eye on everything, as he always did.

“It has occurred to me that people want something more unique with these interviews of mine. And as I’m sure you know, I’m willing to try anything to help other ponies.” 

Snow Heart paused once more. 

“I figured if anyone could help me it would be you. After all you are a fellow princess, and not just any princess, but the Princess of Friendship.” She glanced at Tempest. “Am I to take it she is your guard? This is Sky, he’s rather quiet but he’s my guard.”

"Oh, I'm more than her guard," Tempest replied. "I'm her cynical, blunt-speaking dark side. I say things she wouldn't say, do things she'd never think to do." She eyed Skyward levelly. "So don't start with me."

"Tempest..." Twilight gently chided her.

The maroon pony glanced at her, then grimaced, embarrassed. "Sorry," Tempest said. "I guess I'm still feeling a little defensive about this. Not used to getting so personal about myself. You could also say I’m an expression of disappointment, disgruntlement -- a reaction to things not always going as well as one might like them to. I think it's what makes me an appealing character, both in the Movie and in the writing of these stories. I'm the pony things haven't always worked out for." She looked at Twilight again. "Princess Twilight here is the voice of optimism, of positive thinking. So it's kind of natural that we've wound up as a team, having each other's back throughout these stories."

“Absolutely!” Twilight nodded. "At first, in 'Reformation... It's a Pony Thing', we were just bringing Tempest on stage, so to speak, adding her to the roster, giving her a chance to shine as the lead in her own redemption-arc story. But having done that, having done such a deep dive into the character on more than one occasion, well, you really get to like them, and want to work with them again. Tempest and I are like a pair of actors who keep appearing in the same films together, because their characters have such a good chemistry." She grinned at her bodyguard. "And I won't deny, it's nice having someone like Tempest looking out for me. I suspect we all wish we had someone like that, who'd be willing to go to bat for us without question and without fear, the way Tempest does."

Tempest nodded gratefully in reply.

"Okay!" Twilight went on. "So, what would you like to talk about, Snow? Having just finished the 'Not Exactly Friends' arc -- and I assume it's been long enough at this point that we don't really need to worry about spoilers -- we could talk about how that's gone, and the response to the series. Or we could talk about Lets Do This's back-catalog, about some of the reasoning behind the writing of some of these stories. Or we could talk about what Tempest and I think of the author. Although mind you, since we're basically figments of his imagination we're not exactly unbiased observers here." She grinned at that.

Snow Heart nodded in regards to everything the two had said so far, jotting down notes in her notepad. She never went anywhere without it.

“Sky here is a bit different, he’s my editor, and also my brother. Not by blood, but probably the closest thing to a brother I’ve ever had. He edits for me, because I admit I don’t know everything, and I struggle with this “Grammar” thing. But I’m sure that your fans already know all about your stories, and these interviews are meant to gather new fans to your page, so what might you tell them about you or your stories to get them interested? You can practice on me if you’d like.”

Snow Heart smiled softly, as she jotted down more notes. “And no need to worry, Tempest doesn’t scare me at all. I’ve been through a lot in my time... but that’s a story for another time.” Snow Heart coughed against her hoof. Remembering all the hell she had gone through, Tempest seemed tame.

“Okay,” Twilight said. “Then let’s talk a bit about the creation of these stories, since it may be helpful to look at the process here... such as there is one!” Twilight grinned. “Now in many of the early stories, from ‘My Little Student‘ through ‘There Are No Words!’, it was mostly just me and my friends from Ponyville, with Princesses Celestia and Luna in occasional guest roles. And I think Let’s Do This was still finding his way with the characters, since these stories are mostly standalone one-shots. Though he did take a stab at an early arc with ‘Acolyte of the Lunar Court’ -- in many ways that’s a direct sequel to ‘My Little Student’.”

“Ahem, like Snow Heart said,” Tempest reminded her, “regular readers know the stories. What can we tell them about the process of writing them that’s interesting?”

“I’m getting to that,” Twilight replied primly. “I think at the time Let’s Do This was also trying to figure out what kinds of stories would sell well with the FimFiction audience. So there’s a range here: you’ve got ensemble stories like ‘Shopping Spree Day’ -- which I personally thought was a blast to do, Tempest. That scene with Pinkie Pie selling a gift to herself? That was a hoot to watch. I wish the story had gotten more attention.” She paused to check a note-card. “And there’s simple comedy, like ‘Luna Fingerpaints’, which I don’t know if Lets Do This even realized it at the time, is also a subtle dig at representational vs. abstract art. And we also tried a shot at crossover territory, with ‘Doctor Whooves -- The Two Sisters’. But none of it really seemed to be clicking with readers.”

Twilight sighed. “And that’s the real question, isn’t it? What will reach your readership? You can write all the stories you want, make all the shows you want, be as creative as anything, pour your heart and soul into everything you do. But at the end of the day, do you make a connection with others? Does what you do matter enough to others to give them reason to take time for it?” Twilight shrugged. “I think that’s why Lets Do This adopted me as his avatar, both in writing and, to a certain extent, in the stories themselves. I’m the Princess of Friendship. I want to bring ponies together, make their lives happier, share what I know and what I can do with them. And I get the sense that Lets Do This is trying to do the same, through the medium of these stories about me and my friends.”

“Or, he’s just throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks,” Tempest muttered with a smirk. “Seriously! Trying to figure out what readers want is a mug’s game. The best thing to do is write like mad, finish stuff, put it up there, and take your successes where you find them.”

“Maybe,” Twilight allowed. “But I’d personally like to think it’s possible to find a happy medium, where what you write is both interesting to you, and engaging enough to other people that readers look forward to the next story. But to continue --” A quick glance at a notecard. “-- at this point in the process, I got the sense Lets Do This was feeling done with the process, ready to throw in the towel, just stop submitting to the site. Nothing we’d done up to this point was really getting much attention. And then --”

“Dum de dummmm....” Tempest said dryly.

“We did ‘Friendmaker’ -- which even I didn’t have much hope for.” Twilight grimaced. “I mean, a Twilight-turns-evil story? With a bunch of cameos from reformed villains of the series, talking about what made them go bad, and what helped turn them around? And an ending where Twilight somehow manages to walk away from absolute power... with the help of none other than Trixie? Oh, come on!” Twilight tossed up her hooves. “It seemed like any other story we’d done. Who would even take notice of it?”

“And then it went viral,” Tempest reminded her. “And I hear they had to peel you off the ceiling with a spatula.”

“Well, duh!” Twilight replied. “It was the first time we’d hit the Featured box. And it was a shot in the arm for Lets Do This, I could tell. We rushed right into production on a sequel, ‘Daybreaker’, hoping that here at last was a pattern we could follow: exploring how each of the Princesses went bad, and how they dealt with it. The plan was, we’d do Celestia, then Luna, and then maybe Cadance...”

“And... nothing happened,” Tempest said.

Twilight sighed. “Yeah. ‘Daybreaker’ went nowhere. That was a real disappointment, Tempest. I had a lot of hopes for that story. Celestia really gave it her all, and you know how she is with acting! And Lets Do This felt the same. So, after that, we weren’t really sure what to do. So we put up ‘Little Pony Story’ -- another crossover that we had ready to go. Not really expecting it to get much feedback, since crossovers didn’t seem to do well.”

“And that hit the Featured box,” Tempest said. “And then so did ‘Twilight Runs Away’,” she added. “You were quite the popular pony back then, weren’t you?”

Twilight shrugged. “I dunno. Maybe we were just getting noticed. Or maybe it was around the beginning of the current season of the show, so there was an influx of new readers. But following on after that, there was another dry spell. We tried a holiday-themed story: ‘Last Nightmare Night’. We tried a sequel: ‘Nightwaker’, which was a follow on to both Twilight Runs Away and the Friendmaker series. We even tried a one-shot that finally gives Spike a turn at center stage: ‘Spike is My Co-Pilot’.” Twilight looked sad. “I felt so bad for Spike! He and Rainbow worked so hard getting those flight sequences right. And it got so few likes and views.”

She cleared her throat. “But, moving on, we tried doing a couple other short stories, none of which seemed to be getting much attention. And then, at a loss for other ideas, Lets Do This suggested doing a longer piece. Maybe a longer, serialized adventure? Something that might hook readers over time, give them something to keep coming back for?”

“That’s where I came in,” Tempest said to Snow. “Let’s Do This had always said he wanted to do at least one story with me in it, just for completeness’ sake, before calling it quits. So we did a redemption arc for me: ‘Reformation… It’s a Pony Thing’. Which is a weird title, really! Why ‘reformation’? Makes me sound like a devotee of Martin Luther!”

Twilight nodded. “I think Lets Do This was trying to make it stand out from other stories about your redemption, Tempest. He wanted to do a story where you’re not just a psychotic loose cannon or a jingoistic soldier, but a very smart, capable pony in a very bad place, who only needed a helping hoof and a good cause to fight for.”

“And you gave me all that,” Tempest acknowledged gratefully. “And I really appreciate it. So, given how important it was, we all worked over the Christmas holidays putting it all together. And then we put it up, chapter by chapter, and --”

She glanced at Twilight, an eyebrow raised.

“Nothing,” Twilight admitted. “Very few likes and views. Over time, as we’ve done other Tempest-based stories, it’s gained a readership and a fair number of likes, so we know there’s something there that readers like. But there just weren’t that many to begin with. Maybe it was too long? Maybe it was too involved a plot, without a clear and obvious villain? I don’t know.”

“Or maybe readers were happy enough with me as a punchline,” Tempest grumbled. “As a simple-minded grunt, so desperate for forgiveness.” She scowled. “Or a waifu... or worse. To be truthful, Twilight, you know that the Movie wasn’t that popular with everyone. I know you loved it. And if it wasn’t for the Movie I wouldn’t even be here. But... I don’t know.” She shook her head. “Maybe the world just doesn’t want a Tempest who’s a serious, mature character. Who would do anything to protect and help her friends, if only she had them.”

“Oh, come on, Tempest!” Twilight said. “We’ve been turning it around, as you’ve appeared in more stories. People do seem to like your portrayal of the character. You know, right now, you’re well on your way to owning the ‘Tempest Shadow’ tag?”

“With a little help from my friends,” Tempest said with a sly grin. ”And yes, that is a Beatles reference.” She looked across the table at Snow Heart. “But what about you, Snow? Do you prefer the core characters -- the Mane Six? Or characters from the Movie, and Equestria Girls? Or newer characters like the Student Six?”

“Or even Cozy Glow, or Luster Dawn?” Twilight added, grinning. “Yeah really, Snow! We’ve been monopolizing the conversation up to now! What do you think?”

Snow Heart listened eagerly, while taking down notes. It was rather interesting to see the back and forth between Twilight and Tempest, talking about Let’s Do This -- the author that had brought them to life with such vivid imagination. She didn’t want to interrupt them so she just kept jotting down note after note, trying to summarize what they had told her so far. And that’s when they asked for her opinion. To which she responded as any bat alicorn would.

“This interview is about you, not me. But if you must know I love all ponies. But the one that has the most attention from me is Rainbow Dash. Reeeee. But...back to you. So you’ve gotten the readers’ attention now, even made the Featured box. If you could give advice to a new writer, what advice would you give?”

“Snow Heart, we can’t be here all day, try to keep it simple.” spoke Skyward Sword softly.

“Don’t worry, Sky,” she chided him. “I’ve already cleared my schedule for this. We won’t be interrupted.”

“So, okay, advice,” Twilight said. “Let’s see... I think Tempest said it best, just now. Just three simple things, really: Read. Write. Publish.” Twilight thumped the table with a hoof as she said each of them. “Reading... well, that’s a natural for me to advise, because it gives you exposure to good writing and a basis of ideas to work from. And writing, obviously, because you learn by doing in this game. There’s no other way. Just keep at it, no matter how hard it seems. Rough out your ideas quickly, while they’re fresh, and then take time to polish them. And publish! Oh my gosh, yes! Once you’ve given a story a few reads yourself, maybe dragooned a friend or two into being a reader and/or editor, get that story out there! Get it in front of people. Let them see your work. Listen to what they say, good and bad. Pay attention to what their reactions tell you. And don’t feel you have to take anyone’s word in particular -- but do take a read of the room, so to speak, and use it to improve your writing.”

She grinned. “And those kind readers who take time to comment on each chapter, who take time to really let you know what they think? And are willing to go on record as saying they appreciate what you did? Cherish them! Omigosh! They’re rare and precious. They’re what keeps you going in all this!”

Twilight suddenly looked worried, and shuffled through her notecards. “Oops. Lost track, where was I?”

“Just after I signed on,” Tempest reminded her, rolling her eyes in amusement.

“Right. So, we tried a sequel to your story: Twilight’s Pirate School. Which got some attention, though not as much as we’d hoped. But I really liked the idea of the airship-based Friendship School, Tempest! I hope we can do more stories set in that world. Plus, I finally had a chance to meet the students from Season Eight, and take them on a field trip -- wow! That was a blast!”

And,” Tempest said proudly, “I get to throw my weight around as Truant Officer. Thanks, by the way, for giving me such a free hoof with that.”

“You deserve it,” Twilight told her. “Okay -- so after those two stories, it seemed like doing longer serials was off the table. Not enough readers were signing on for them. So next we tried doing shorter works. Starring me, and Rarity, and Applejack, even Discord and the Princesses, trying to figure out if it was the characters that made the stories popular. And those stories did seem to be getting more likes.”

Twilight smiled. “And then we did The Quiet Day, with Fluttershy… and that just blew the doors off anything we’d done so far!”

“Oh yeah!” Tempest nodded. “Fluttershy was a trooper on that one! I watched the whole thing, from behind the keyboard. I never would have guessed she was terrified, all the way through the production. She told me afterwards she was shivering in her hooves, seeing Ponyville empty and abandoned like that. And that scene at the picnic? When you all come walking out of the forest, so eerily quiet?” Tempest grinned evilly. “She said it was all she could do to stay put, and not run screaming back to her cottage.”

“We gave her a group hug, afterwards,” Twilight agreed. “Because she sold that story, she really did! Just by being Fluttershy, to a tee! So, after that, thinking we had another pattern to follow, we tried another character story, with Rainbow and Pinkie Pie. And since it was around the time of the Apollo 11 anniversary, we made it a story about spaceflight, and about the science fiction tales that give us the dreams to get there: The Wonderbirds… are… UP!” 

She lofted a hoof proudly, half-seriously, as she said it, then grinned sheepishly. “Honestly, I was betting there’d be at least a few NASA enthusiasts and Moon landing fans out there who’d appreciate that one. But nope…” She shook her head. “It tanked, totally! And it was such a fun story. Nothing wrong with it, really. Just no takers. It was such a blow. I could tell Lets Do This felt really down after that one. He’d put so much into it.”

Twilight hung her head, saddened by the memory. “You know, honestly, Snow? I think he was just going to stop writing pony fanfic at that point? Maybe even stop writing altogether?” She shook her head. “Which would have hurt, a lot. Both for him, and for us. After all, without our authors, we don’t get a chance to come out and play, right?”

Twilight looked so depressed that Tempest reached out and put a comforting hoof around her. “Tell ‘em what happened next,” she said quietly, winking at Snow. “This is the good bit!”

“Yep!” Twilight nodded. “Thanks, Tempest. So, we did a quickie comedy with me and the Crusaders, which we happened to have sitting around ready to go: It’s Just Magic! Which was tons of fun to do: I didn’t know you could do an E-rated story about the birds and the bees! But we managed it! And it seemed well-liked enough.

“And then,” Twilight said proudly, “We did Not Exactly Friends, another story we didn’t expect to get much attention. And it took off. Like. A. Rocket! I mean, get outta town! It was the most popular tale we’d done up to that point!”

“I think you sold that one,” Tempest said. “The way you just flat-out blew away my obsession with my broken horn? That one scene, it got so much feedback. And it was just something Lets Do This came up with, on the spur of the moment, while walking to and from work.”

Twilight nodded. “He was as surprised as any of us at how strongly it touched readers. And he really appreciated all the feedback and comments. It brought him back, it really did, made him want to keep going again. And so we did!” she went on. “We followed up with a sequel story for each of the reformed villains: Starlight, Trixie, Sunset -- hers was a long stretch, counting her backstory! I think Sunset slept for a week after we wrapped on Saving Sunset Shimmer. And then we did Moondancer -- and her story was tough. I don’t think even she knew how to play the character at first, since there was so little backstory to go on. But we eventually figured it out, and tied it into the overall arc of the stories. And then, there was Trixie’s backstory, Trixie Luna Moon, which Trixie had been itching to do all along. But we kept telling her, no, Trixie, you’ve got to wait, we don’t want to give away too much yet!”

“I seem to recall at one point,” Tempest said with a crafty look, “Grubber and I had to lock her in her wagon -- or she would have gone straight to Lets Do This, to give him a piece of her mind. You know what a little diva she can be at times!”

“You did that?” Twilight stared at her. “I never heard about it!”

“We made sure you didn’t,” Tempest replied, archly, then waved a forehoof. “Go on.”

“Uh... huh.” Twilight uneasily did so, glancing worriedly at her. “So, having done all the individual stories, we brought it together for the two-parter finale, Ring Around The Moon. And that was a piece of work, let me tell you! I’ve never seen so many rewrites, so many redone takes, so many last-minute tweaks. I think Lets Do This felt a sense of responsibility to wrap it all up with a really significant twist that would tie the whole arc of the series all the way back to the beginning, to the very first story, Not Exactly Friends. And in the end, while it may not have been entirely perfect, he felt like he’d gotten there, like he’d told the story the way it needed to be told, all along.”

“Which...” Tempest allowed, “didn’t go over so well with readers.”

“Yeah.” Twilight looked embarrassed. “I think by that point the folks who were still following along with the series were really invested in seeing it continue. And Lets Do This did leave an opening for it to go on, if there was enough interest. But he was also looking at the declining response to each new story in the series, and decided that he needed to provide some kind of closure for the arc. So if there wasn’t sufficient response to the finale, then at least it would have ended with a solid conclusion. Unlike so many great stories on this site that just… stop, with the ending left entirely to the reader’s unsatisfied imagination.

She shrugged. “I guess we misread the audience on that one. The ones who’d hung around wanted more, and weren’t afraid to say so. It hurt a lot, hearing the negative response to what seemed like a reasonably inventive conclusion to the arc. But you can’t argue with your readers! You don’t tell them what a story means to them. They tell you. And you listen and try to provide it in the next one you write.” She grinned. “And maybe I shouldn’t say this, but I think Lets Do This has a few ideas sketched for how the series might go on. But I won’t say more, don’t wanna jinx it!”

“So... that brings us up to the present,” Tempest said. “And we did just do another story, Detention, set in the Friendship universe, Twilight. Though you pretty much only had a cameo in that one, since it was all about me.”

“Which I’m totally okay with!” Twilight told her. “I like seeing you take center stage for once, playing the character the way you do so well. You don’t need to follow me around all the time. You’re more than pony enough to carry a story or two yourself!”

“Wouldn’t mind doing another story with Captain Celaeno,” Tempest mused. “I mean, if I have a vote in this at all. I think we could manage to find some interesting adventures...”

“All right, then!” Twilight said, turning back to Snow. “Now, just to prove that this was all going somewhere, the point I wanted to make here is, you never know which stories will succeed and which ones will fail, despite your best efforts. You can only keep putting up your best work, and taking the rough with the smooth, learning as you go. You just can’t give up when things are down… because right when things seem most hopeless, the very next story you publish may be the one that knocks itself out of the park. And those are the moments every writer… I think every creative soul of any stripe, really lives for: the moments when you think, just for a moment, that you might understand how to make the magic happen.”

“She gets like this,” Tempest said, nodding at her friend. “She can’t help but wrap it all up with a neat moral. She’ll be writing a letter to Princess Celestia about it next.”

“I will not!” Twilight said. “We don’t have to do that any more.”

“But you still do, anyway.” Tempest shot back, eyeing her. “Because you like to.”

“Yeah... I do.” Twilight nodded. “Because her opinion matters to me. Just as, I think, readers’ opinions matter to Lets Do This. It’s why we keep writing, all of us. To hear what we think about what we’ve done, through the medium of telling it to somepony else. Someone whose opinion is important to us. And for which we’re humbly appreciative!”

Twilight took a steadying breath. “Phew! I feel like I need to go fall down a flight of stairs or something. A little physical comedy, just to lighten the mood. So,” she said, looking at Snow, “do you have other questions that Tempest and I can answer for you?”

Snow Heart, who had been an observer mostly in all of this so far, was very intrigued how Let’s Do This could bring these characters to life with such a passionate voice. It made her smile, as she jotted down more notes in her note pad. When Tempest mentioned other characters, she couldn’t help coughing against her forehoof.

“Strangely, my author has yet to write my own story, but maybe if enough interest is gathered, she might bring me more to life than just the bat pony that interviews authors. I think it might be nice to tell my own story. But as for characters, I must say Tempest, I am quite the fan.” Snow Heart blushed, for after all she was in essence Nailah’s personal ponysona. And Naliah had loved Tempest from the minute she saw the movie. “I guess the only real questions I have left are where do you go from here? Do you think you will continue writing mlp fan-fiction, or do you have non-horse goals outside the site?”

“Snow Heart, we do have another appointment to see to,” Sky said, looking at the two of them. This had been going on for quite some time, and he had to ensure that his Princess didn’t forget that she also had duties of her own.

“Relax, Sky. We’re almost done. Isn’t that right Twilight? Care to wrap this up with a nice little friendship letter, to your fans, and even to the possible new ones. I admit my author has followed you for some time, but was always nervous to approach.”

“Thanks, Snow,” Twilight replied, “and we really appreciate you allowing Tempest and I to hog the mike, sort of. It’s been a nice change of pace, being able to kick back and ramble a bit about the past and where we might go from here. And if there is still an audience out there for stories like these, we’re happy to keep providing them. From the beginning, this has been a good fit, between the author, the characters, and the audience. It’s been a marvelous opportunity for Lets Do This to apply and improve his skills as a writer, and reach out to like-minded MLP fans -- and I’m sure he’d want us to mention how much he appreciates that!”

“Hey, Twi!” It was Spike, appearing at the door to the cafe. “You gotta come quick! Starlight’s been messing around with that mirror portal spell again -- and I think it’s getting away from her!”

“Never fails.” Twilight rolled her eyes, and smiled uneasily at Snow Heart. “Would you excuse us? Duty calls -- as usual!” Grabbing up her notecards in her magic, she raced out through the door, with Tempest Shadow right behind her.

But there was one notecard that she’d left on the table, which Snow reached out and turned over:

That’s right, Twilight, I do appreciate it. Thanks, Snow. And thanks as well to everyone who reads this. It’s readers like you who have kept me going, all along! -- LDT

“And so concludes yet another interview. The author seems rather nice don’t you think Sky? And it’s nice to get to know all these people I never would have known had I not started this.”

“It’s kind of ironic how I was your guinea pig for these interviews.” Sky chuckled, giving Snow a snout boop. “Boop, never forget your beginnings.”

“Yeah. To think my interviews would start with you and lead me here. It has been a rather interesting path, but I feel like this is only the beginning of something more. Like maybe someone amazing like Let’s Do This will notice me, or maybe I can inspire someone too to do amazing things. Isn’t the magic of friendship wonderful?”

“Yeah it really is.” Sky turnt to leave. “It’s time to attend to your Princess duties Snow Heart, even if you hate them.”

“Yeah I know, but one last thing. If you’d like to follow “Let’s Do This” here is their Fimfiction page https://www.fimfiction.net/user/330146/Lets+Do+This , and if you’d like to be interviewed, sit down with me and answer a bunch of questions, then contact my writer Naliah. She’s a super sweet girl all around, and I assure you she’s worth so much more than she thinks.”

Comments ( 4 )

Loving the format! Great job!

I really like the new interview stuff.

YAY new stories, thanks for that! I still try to get on hear every day looking for reading material. it's not as easy as you might think.
the new format was sure interesting, it was much like a story in and of it self.
and thanks of doing these interviews Naliah it helps me find more ponies, stories, and maybe even friends if it comes to that. it could happen, after a story, a fallow, then a blog post brought me to you my friend, and I wouldn't give that up for anything ever :twilightsmile:

Really like the format you used for this one! Keep it up!

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