
Viewing 1 - 15 of 15 results

Tailored Solutions: Shock Collars Designed for Small Breed Sensitivities · 2:43am March 18th

When it comes to the training of dogs, such phrase is very necessary. It is more likely that small dog breeds will require a more personalized approach to treatment as opposed to being treated with a single medicine. While it is possible that typical training methods may not always produce the intended results or are not appropriate for these small beings, the micro approach has the potential to give a procedure that is more individualized and tailored to the individual. 

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The Ultimate Guide to GPS Tracker for Dogs · 7:26am May 3rd

Owning a dog is one of life's greatest joys. They're loyal companions, offering unconditional love and endless cuddles. But, as much as we'd like to, we can't be with them every second of the day. That's where Pet gps tracker come in handy. These nifty devices offer peace of mind by allowing you to keep tabs on your furry friend's whereabouts, whether they're exploring the neighborhood or on an adventure in the great outdoors.

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Apologies · 12:55pm Dec 2nd, 2018

I seriously feel the need to apologize to everyone. I've been so caught up in enjoying my gaming PC that I actually sort of forgot about my writing here.

I'm amazed to see people have still been favoriting and commenting on The Collars of Desire. It blows me away how many people have enjoyed it considering it's only the intro along with Pinkie's chapter. Especially considering I wrote those chapters a little shorter than what I would write now.

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Blargh....Work sucks · 3:36am Oct 11th, 2015

Job's been kickin' me in the ass lately folks. 10 hour workdays Monday through Saturday for thelast few weeks and on into the foreseeable future. Stories aren't dead, just haven't had the time to work on and update them


New Story!!!!!!!! The Chimera District · 6:10am Mar 8th, 2018

Heee! I know, another one, right? Another crazy thing? Silly Honey, what are you doing? And if you're asking that, you're silly! I already said I have no idea what I'm doing! Anyway, this is fun.

Don't worry! More stuff is coming soon for the rest!

But sometimes, you really just need to totally let go. I so badly needed to let go... and so little Roseluck!

[Adult story embed hidden]

=-= Honey =-=



The Collar · 11:22pm Dec 28th, 2019

This story is basically centered around Twilight (Sparkle), and the "Adventure" she has.

I chose to present an activity each day, over the copy/paste style. Applying fresh and new details about "Twilight" and the location, where she is right now. (in the story)

We follow the girl, registered as Ms. A; throughout her stay at the Twilight Hotel, and beyond.
If I could have referred to her as Twilight Sparkle; but that would not have worked, for the staff serving her in the story.

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LANCER Lore: IPS-N | Blue Collar Mechs · 6:20pm February 5th


Finished off NCIS on Netflix · 4:43pm May 11th, 2016

Okay, so I've finally finished NCIS on Netflix (Damn cliffhanger on the season 12 finale...):twilightangry2: but that means I now have to find two new good length shows to watch. I've already tried the first two episodes of White Collar and so far so good, and I'm thinking about taking a stab at Supernatural if only to see Mark Sheppard in it. Loved his roles on Leverage and in the Doctor Who episodes The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon. Anyone think watching these two are a good idea?


The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Necklace with Dhwani Bansal Jewellery for Women · 6:00am April 23rd

Jewelry enthusiasts! Ready to embark on a journey to find the necklace of your dreams?
Great, because while diamonds are forever, necklaces are women’s best friends!

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Chapter Ten of HCHL is up · 7:22pm Mar 25th, 2018

Like the blog title says.

I do want to say two things though:

1) While I'm sure it would be more "realistic" to depict Rarity's unique stable of kinks on an equal basis, they are just going to take a back seat to Fluttershy's kinks. The latter is what I really started writing this story for.

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Chapter Eleven of HCHL is up. · 2:20am Apr 9th, 2018

Mmm... Feels good every time.

Go read it.


Hi · 5:26am Aug 23rd, 2018

1st draft for new chapters for both Her Collar, Her Love and What They Expect to Give are done. They just need polishing and final edits.

Life is struggle. Wisconsin is pretty OK. I still miss Cali.

Tell me all the things guys. I'm so behind on everything.


HCHL 12 · 2:46am Sep 25th, 2018

Chapter 12 is up for Her Collar, Her Love. If you haven't read it already, it's mature Flarity that explores genuine love through safe and sane kink. Find it in my story list!

As always, much love to Tethered-Angel for raising this story to a greater quality than I ever could have done on my own!


On the softer side of snugglesome Play. · 4:38pm Jul 7th, 2016

I've been assisting NineCaliber with Her Collar, Her Love. While I'm not so sure my contributions are enough to really warrant the co-author label she's given me, it's an excellent, cuddly romp through two mares learning their way into the B&D scene, learning about each other, and having a sweet relationship, 'cos Nine is awesome like that. Our two participants are

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Fun with ChatGPT · 1:36am May 24th, 2023

Due to a recent site blog, I'm going to start this out with a big red disclaimer. Publishing AI-generated fics on FimFic is a rule violation. I'm also gonna say for people who just read this and are about to jump to the bottom and start typing 'but whatabout ____________?' I'm not a mod, I don't make the rules, and for better or worse, everything got said in the site blog and doesn't need to be said here. If you do choose to post a 'but whatabout'

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Viewing 1 - 15 of 15 results