• Published 11th May 2013
  • 3,299 Views, 169 Comments

Trixie's Class Of Theatrical Arts - Yukito

Trixie needs money, so she opens a summer course to teach ponies theatre.

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12 - Line, Please!

“Wretched cur! I warn thee, turn back now, or… or… Line!”

Trixie groaned and threw her script at Scootaloo’s hooves. “Come on! This is the fifth time in a row you’ve forgotten your lines!”

“Uh, I’ve forgotten mine, too,” Alula said with a sheepish smile.

Trixie sighed and shook her head in disbelief. ‘Honestly, at the rate things are going, there’s no chance they’ll be ready in time for the big day…

“Ooh, now I remember!” Scootaloo shouted cheerfully as she read over her lines in the script. “Man, some of these lines are tricky.”

“And there are so many, too. It’s like trying to remember all the stuff Miss Cheerilee teaches us,” Alula said.

Trixie’s ears twitched and she turned her attention to the two fillies. ‘… I think I may just have an idea…

“Okay, good to go!” Scootaloo said as she tossed the script back to Trixie, who caught it in her magic.

“Me too!” Alula added.

“That’s great,” Trixie said, “But how about you take five?”

The two fillies turned to their teacher with confused looks on their faces. “You’re giving us a break?” Scootaloo asked.

“But it’s not even lunchtime yet,” Alula pointed out.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie merely has to step out for a few minutes, that is all. Trixie would ask that you continue to practice on your own for a bit, but she knows that it would be a futile request.”

“Where ya goin’?” Scootaloo asked.

“Just out to see a friend,” Trixie said as she grabbed her hat, placed it on top of her head and left the building.

“Two strawberry milkshakes,” the waiter said as he placed the two drinks down onto the table where two mares, Cheerilee and Trixie, were sitting. “Enjoy.”

“Thank you,” Cheerilee said before she leaned in to take a sip of her drink. She gave a pleasant sigh at the much-needed refreshing beverage. “Now, what was it that you wanted to speak to me about? The Crusaders haven’t torn down your theatre house, have they? ‘Cause that’d be an issue to take up with their families, not me.”

“It’s not that,” Trixie said. “Not yet, at least. No, the Great and Powerful Trixie has come to you today to ask you to impart your wisdom as a teacher.”

Cheerilee blushed at the compliment. “W-Well, I’m not really sure if I’ll be all that helpful, but if you have any questions, I’d be happy to-”

“Then let’s cut right to the chase,” Trixie said. “How in Equestria do you get your students to remember everything that you teach them?”

Cheerilee gave a puzzled look at the question. “I’m… sorry?”

“In particular, two fillies named Scootaloo and Alula. How do you get them to remember all of the things you go through with them in class?”

“Um… I’m guessing they’ve been having trouble remembering their lines?”

“That is correct,” Trixie said. “Actually, that is an understatement.”

Cheerilee simply shrugged. “Well, I’m sorry, but I can’t say there’s any specific technique that I use. I just try to make my classes as fun as they are informative. And of course the occasional fieldtrip never hurts anypony.”

Trixie put a hoof to her chin. “Trixie does not think she has the bits for a fieldtrip.”

“I’ve heard you’ve been offering positive reinforcement for their good behaviour. Is that true?”

Trixie nodded. “It seems to have worked like a charm.”

“Perhaps you just need to offer a little extra to these two fillies, then. Something special that they will both work extra hard for.”

“like what? What do they both-” Trixie stopped and thought back to her experiences with both fillies.

Scootaloo, age nine, a Pegasus who can’t fly but is fast on her scooter. She likes fun things, and hates thinking. Friends with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. Desperately wants her Cutie Mark… There’s only so many times that line can work. Think, what else does she like? The Wonderbolts… That rainbow-headed airhead… Hmmm…

As for Alula… She’s the same age as Scootaloo, she likes to have fun and to laugh with others. She’s the athletic type. She hates having nothing to do. She’s friends with Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, though she seems to favour Diamond Tiara more, to the point it’s almost like a creepy obsession…

Trixie gasped and a light bulb lit up and then exploded above her head. “Eureka!”

“You’ve thought of something?” Cheerilee asked.

“I have indeed! The Great and Powerful Trixie would like to request something of you!”

“Um, s-sure. What is it?”

“Trixie has to go somewhere for a bit. Could you watch her class for her until she gets back?” Cheerilee opened her mouth to answer, but Trixie simply picked up her milkshake and climbed out of her seat. “‘Kay thanks.”

“W-Wait!” Trixie ran off down the streets of Ponyville before Cheerilee could say anything. “… Darn it. So much for having time off over the summer.”

It was a typical Friday afternoon for Rainbow Dash. In that she was finished with her weather duties for the day and was taking the rest of the day off napping on a soft cloud in the middle of the park.

“Hey!” somepony below her shouted, but she did not budge. “Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow simply stirred, but did not move. “… Alright then, have it your way!”

Rainbow Dash yawned and stretched her legs, her eyes slowly fluttering open as she felt the wind rushing against her body. She could see the sky moving further and further away above her… “Wait, what?!”

Rainbow Dash came to an abrupt stop mere moments before she hit the ground. Before she could make sense of what was going on, she was rotated and placed gently onto her hooves on the ground. Standing before her with a satisfied smirk on her face was Trixie Lulamoon.

“Ah, good! Now that the Great and Powerful Trixie has your undivided attention-”

“What’s going on?” Rainbow asked, looking directly above her. “Did you magic the cloud I was lying on away?!”

“Perhaps, but that’s not the issue,” Trixie said, waving her hoof dismissively. “The Great and Powerful Trixie has come here today to… to ask y-you for a… f-favour…”

“A favour?” Rainbow asked, raising an eyebrow and giving the showmare a suspicious look. “This… wouldn’t happen to be a trick, now would it?”

“It is not,” Trixie assured her. “Trixie merely needs you to perform a few aerial techniques and… allow her to photograph you…” A blush formed on Trixie’s face. ‘I probably should have thought this through.

“You… wanna take pictures of me?” Rainbow Dash asked. Trixie nodded. “… Why?”

Trixie bit her lip, and took in a deep breath. “… B-Because you’re… cool,” she said. Rainbow’s ears twitched. “And… awesome… and radical…”

Rainbow Dash was still confused, but she was also flattered, and grinning at the positive comments being sent her way. “Oh! Well, in that case, I guess I could show you a few things I’ve been workin’ on.”

“A-And could you also… s-sign them, afterwards?”

Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but snicker as she reached a hoof forward and stroked Trixie’s head. “Sure! Anything for a fan. Y’know what, Trixie? You aren’t so bad!”

Death! Death awaits you if you do not remove that hoof!’ Trixie took another deep breath, and then forced a smile across her face. “T-Thanks, Rainbow Dash.”

“I’m back!” Trixie shouted as she entered the theatre house, coming face-to-face with an angry-looking Cheerilee.

“Well, you certainly took your time!” Cheerilee shouted, backing Trixie against a wall as she scolded her. “I thought you were simply going to take a few minutes! Do you have any idea how much of my day I’ve lost doing your job for you?!”

“H-Hey,” Trixie said, sweating and giving a sheepish smile as she tried to calm the angry teacher down, “Trixie apologises, but it was necessary in order to help her students.”

“Oh, really?” Cheerilee asked. “And that’s why you left me alone with what is easily the most rowdy group of foals in Ponyville on what was supposed to be an enjoyable day off with my friends? Do you have any idea what I’ve been through waiting for you to come ba-”

“Oh hey, isn’t that that big red apple farmer outside?” Trixie asked, turning her head to look outside of the window.

“Big Macintosh?!” Cheerilee asked with a gasp, running past Trixie and through the theatre house’s front doors.

Trixie used her magic to lock the doors quickly and wiped the sweat from her brow. After that, she looked around for Scootaloo and Alula, and found Scootaloo sitting on her own at the bar.

“Hey,” Trixie said as she took a seat beside Scootaloo. She saw the script in the filly’s hooves, and almost cracked a smile. “You’re reading your lines?”

Scootaloo nodded. “… I just can’t get them to stick in my head. I’m sorry…”

Trixie shook her head. “Well, these things happen. It’s a shame, though.” Scootaloo turned to Trixie with a questioning look on her face. “The Great and Powerful Trixie was planning to reward you if you could remember all of you lines in time for the show, y’know?”

“You were?” Scootaloo asked. In answer to her question, Trixie used her magic to pull out three photographs and hold them in the air in front of Scootaloo. Scootaloo gasped as she saw three photographs of Rainbow Dash performing cool tricks in the air, each one signed by Rainbow Dash herself.

“Trixie has a whole album of these, but not enough room in her trailer to keep them, sadly.” Trixie sighed and magiced the photographs away. “Perhaps Trixie should just throw them into her fireplace.”

Scootaloo gasped once more and quickly shook her head. “I’ll take them!” she cried. “If you can’t keep ‘em, give ‘em to me!”

Trixie grinned at the little filly. “Oh, you want these photos that badly?” Scootaloo nodded. “Very well then. How about this? You work hard remembering those lines of yours, and the Great and Powerful Trixie will keep a hold of these photographs a little longer. You memorise your lines before the big day, and the album is yours.”

“Deal!” Scootaloo shouted as she immediately turned her attention back to the script, putting her entire heart and soul into memorising every last line in there.

As she did that, Trixie climbed out of her seat and looked around for Alula. She found the filly sitting by the stage on her own, reading a script of her own. With a grin on her face, and a plush toy that looked suspiciously similar to a certain pink filly with a fondness of tiaras, Trixie made her way over to the other filly who was having trouble remembering her lines.