• Published 11th May 2013
  • 3,299 Views, 169 Comments

Trixie's Class Of Theatrical Arts - Yukito

Trixie needs money, so she opens a summer course to teach ponies theatre.

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14 - The Big Night

More ponies showed up for the performance than Trixie had thought would have. Granted she had passed out fliers around the entire town – three times – and pinned them in every store – multiple times whenever the store owners had rudely torn them down – and of course having Rainbow Dash pass out fliers by telling her that Scootaloo’s fame depended on it was sure to help, but she still hadn’t expected to fill out all of the seats and still have ponies coming into the theatre.

Berry Punch didn’t seem too happy having to serve so many guests, but Trixie was grinning from ear-to-ear as her eyes almost literally turned into bit coins.

“That’s a lotta ponies out there,” Apple Bloom said as she poked her head out from behind a curtain, frowning as she looked out at everypony sitting down and standing up behind the filled-in seats. She smiled nervously and waved a hoof when she saw her family sitting near the front, Granny Smith waving back and Big Macintosh fiddling with a camera with a troubled look on his face.

“I didn’t think there’d be so many,” Sweetie Belle said, her voice shaky, which told Trixie that it was time for an inspirational speech.

Twilight Sparkle motioned in the distance that the final pony was now inside. Trixie nodded and walked backstage to talk to her class one final time before the show started.

“Alright fillies,” Trixie began, “This is what we’ve all been working towards for the past two months. Everything all comes down to this one moment. Unlike the rehearsals, there are no do-overs, so-” Trixie stopped as she noticed the fillies’ worried and uncertain looks as their bodies were shaking. “Er, but remember that you’re not being graded on this, and you’ve all worked so hard that the Great and Powerful Trixie shall reward your efforts regardless of how tonight’s performance goes.”

The fillies seemed to ease up at that, but only slightly. “Still, it’d look kinda bad if we make fools of ourselves out there, huh?” Scootaloo said.

“We’ve all worked so hard, it’d be a shame to mess up now,” Alula added.

“Just do your best, and remember everything that the Great and Powerful Trixie has taught you,” Trixie said. The fillies started smiling at her. “Trixie will be ready with cue cards in case any of you seem to be struggling on any lines.” The fillies started snickering. Trixie raised an eyebrow. “T-There will also be three intermissions with which to-” The fillies were flat-out laughing now.

Wondering what they were laughing and pointing at, Trixie turned around quickly to see Apple Bloom standing on a stepladder behind her, holding a sign with stink lines drawn on above Trixie’s head. The filly gave a nervous giggle. Trixie gave a bemused scowl.

However, hearing the laughter from the fillies behind her, Trixie decided to spare the insolent filly her due punishment and instead simply teleported her to the centre of the group and turned back around to face them again.

“Wow, thanks Apple Bloom,” Sweetie Belle said, wiping a tear from her eye. “I feel lots better now!”

“For once, you actually did something half-funny,” Diamond Tiara said, clearly trying to force her smile into a frown.

“That’s the spirit,” Trixie said, half-glad that the fillies were happy and half-annoyed that it was at her own expense. “Don’t let your nerves take a hold of you! Just relax and let the flow of the performance take you.” The fillies all nodded in unison. “And remember, even professionals slip up occasionally, so don’t forget those improv lessons.”

“Yes, ma’am,” the fillies all answered together.

“Alright, we’ve got an audience waiting out there,” Trixie said. “Let’s make this a show they’ll remember.”

The fillies all put their hooves together into the centre of their little ring – Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon joining in with the assistance of Babs Seed and Alula – and Sweetie Belle looked at Trixie with a look that told her to join in. The showmare did so reluctantly.

“Great and Powerful Theatrical Arts Class…” Apple Bloom said, “GO!”

Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Babs all cheered with Apple Bloom as the fillies raised their hooves to the air. With that out of the way, everypony ran to get into position for the curtain’s opening.

“I hope you daaaaaaaance…”

A soft smile crossed Rarity’s face as she listened to her sister’s long-awaited singing performance onstage.

“I hope you daaaaaaance.”

Her parents beside her were watching with such looks of pride, and tears rolling down their faces. She rolled her eyes and wondered if that was how they reacted whenever she performed.

“I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean… Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens…”

“She gets that from you,” Magnum whispered to his wife, who playfully kicked the stallion’s foreleg from his side.

“You see that glow on the tip of her horn?” Rarity asked quietly. Her mother nodded.

“She’s been bragging about that at home,” Rarity’s mother told her daughter. “We’re so proud of her.”

“I wish I hadn’t forgot to bring batteries for this thing,” Magnum said as he looked down at his camera with a frown.

“Oh, don’t worry,” Rarity said. “Big Macintosh should be recording the play. I’ll ask him for a copy of the tape later.”

“Have at thee!” Scootaloo shouted as she drew her blade, pointing the tip towards Babs.

“You realise that your actions will amount to war between our people?” Babs asked as she drew her own blade, signalling for Diamond Tiara behind her to take cover. Diamond quickly ducked down behind the nearby throne on the stage. “The Pegasus tribe is no match for our magicks.”

“The Pegasus tribe shan’t be fighting alone. When word gets out that it was thy Princess who did slaughter Lord Gaia, the Earth Ponies and the Pegasi shall join forces to smite your people and you accursed demonic powers!”

“Lord Gaia has fallen?! Is it true?!”

Scootaloo nodded. “Yea. Of course, thou wouldst know all about it, wouldn’t you?”

Babs scowled in rage at the grinning Pegasus before her. “‘Tis a lie! Our Princess would never-”

“Perhaps not, but all that is needed is that the people will think it to be true.” Scootaloo lunged forward and crossed blade with Babs.

Rainbow Dash sat up straight in her seat, waking up now that something exciting was finally happening on stage. She watched as Babs thrust her blade forward, only for Scootaloo to back flip out of the way. “YEAH! Nice moves, kid!”

Scootaloo stopped for a moment before resuming her performance. She raised her sword into the air and brought it down towards Babs, only for the defending pony to counter and knock the sword out of Scootaloo’s hooves. “C’mon Scoots! Don’t let her get the better of you!”

Scootaloo performed a spinning roundhouse kick to knock Babs’ sword out of her hooves, leaving both fighters unarmed as they stared each other down. “Alright! Now kick her flank!”



“Keep it down!”

Rainbow Dash blushed as she remembered she was watching a live play and sank down into her seat, laughing nervously at all of the glares pointed her way. Beside her, Fluttershy sighed and held her head within her wings, wondering if it was possible to die from embarrassment.

Silver Spoon walked out onto the stage at a fast pace, her long robes making it difficult to move, but thanks to all the practice she’d had she at least wasn’t falling onto her face.

“Prince!” Silver Spoon called out, stopping to look around for a bit. “My lord? He is gone. Wherefore can he not stay where it is safe? The King is going to have my head on a platter if he is not found.”

Alula walked out onto the stage slowly in the background, dressed in all black and carrying a knife in her hoof. Silver Spoon turned to face her, only for Alula to suddenly charge forward and thrust the knife into Silver Spoon. Dramatic music rang out through the hall as the spotlights on stage turned red.


“What?” Alula asked as she looked down at the grey filly. “What foul trickery? This is not the bastard Prince.”

A gasp escaped Cloud Kicker’s mouth as she continued watching the scene with bated breath.

“Where is he?” Alula asked, grabbing the collar of Silver Spoon’s robe with her hoof. “Where is the Prince? Tell me.”

“O-On my honour, I shall tell you nothing!”

“Then you die like the dog that you are!” Alula pulled the knife out of Silver Spoon and brought it down on her once more. Silver Spoon stumbled back a bit before falling onto her front. The lights dimmed as Alula turned around to leave the stage.

“She’s died twice now,” Silver Spoon’s father muttered from the audience. “She does it very convincingly, though.”

“She’s been doing most of the backstage work,” Silver Spoon’s mother reminded him.

“True. She must be pretty efficient to time it all so well.”

“My apologies, m’lady,” Apple Bloom said with a bow, “But I fear I must return before my guards discover my absence.”

“She’s so good!” Applejack whispered to Granny Smith, who nodded in agreement. “Ye’re gettin’ all this, right?” she asked Big Macintosh.

“Eeyup,” the stallion replied as he zoomed out the camera to fit both fillies into the shot.

“Prithee, can we meet like this once more, my Prince?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“That’s my girl,” Filthy Rich said with an air of pride to Applejack beside him. The farm pony simply rolled her eyes.

Apple Bloom put a hoof beneath Diamond’s chin and drew her face closer. Everypony in the room watched in anticipation, some mumbling as the two fillies’ faces drew closer together.

“T-They’re not really gonna-” Applejack started.

“They can’t be-” Filthy Rich said.

The two fillies connected their lips, and the mumbling in the audience increased, along with a wave of ‘d’awww’ from the fillies at the front, and a wave of gag sounds from the colts beside them.

“They are,” Granny Smith said, a grin on her face as she watched Applejack and Filthy Rich staring with wide eyes.

Apple Bloom pulled away and stared into Diamond Tiara’s eyes. “Yea. For as long as there is breath in my lungs, nothing in this world shall keep us apart.”

A sniff from Big Macintosh caused Granny Smith to turn her head. She could see something sparkling down the side of his face and reached into her bag for a packet of tissues. She offered one to the stallion.

“Thanks,” he said as he took the tissue and wiped the tear from his face.

All of the fillies were on stage for the final act. Silver Spoon and Alula were standing opposite to each other as Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle walked in-between them, one adorned with a horn ornament and the other with wing ornaments. Babs Seed followed the two into the middle of the stage. Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara were already in the middle of the stage, lying down in separate, open caskets.

“The tally has been counter,” Babs said, unrolling a scroll and staring at it intently, “And it would seem that a decision has been reached. By majority vote, we shall now herald Equestria’s new, neutral ruling bodies: Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna.”

Silver Spoon and Alula clapped their hooves as Babs put down her scroll to crown Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. “The term ‘Princess’ as opposed to ‘Queen’,” Babs continued, “Is such that they may not make decisions on their own, but rather, they must reach an agreement with the governing body, which shall still be headed by all three tribes.”

Scootaloo took a step forward. “… When my sister and I first arrived in these lands, we were greeted to the sight of war, brutality, and conspiracy. Ponies fighting ponies, and blood spilled for the sake of power.” Scootaloo cast her gaze over the two fillies still in their caskets. “However, that was only what we saw with our eyes. With our minds, we could see so much more. Potential for a grand kingdom, where ponies could live together in peace and harmony, regardless of race. In particular, we met two who exemplified exactly this.

“And yet, for the sake of a crown, two star-crossed lovers were denied the simply, happy life that they sought out. I ask that you all consider: ‘Wherefore?’. Love is the most positive force in the world, yet because they were both born to different tribes, does that make it something evil? Do they not deserve the happiness we all seek out, simply because of their lineages?”

Sweetie Belle stepped forward to join Scootaloo. “My sister and I pray that, in another life, the light of happiness may still reach them. For now, though, we would like to ask that you all take a moment of silence, in honour of these two fallen ponies.”

The entire room was silent for a few moments, before Scootaloo spoke up again. “Everypony, we ask that you work not under us, but with us, to create a new world. A world where ponies are free to love. A world of harmony between all.” Scootaloo turned towards the caskets and nodded. Babs moved towards them and began placing the lids over both. “Good night. May you both find peace in the next life.”

“We did it!” Apple Bloom cheered as she joined her friends backstage after the show’s performance.

“That was totally cool!” Scootaloo said as she bumped hooves with her friends.

“I was so nervous, but we pulled it off!” Sweetie Belle said with an excited smile on her face.

“We didn’t get our Cutie Marks,” Babs said, “But it was pretty neat!”

“Of course, I was the star,” Diamond Tiara boasted as she passed by the Crusaders.

“You, like, totally blew them away,” Silver Spoon agreed as she followed her friend.

“You were wonderful!” Alula said, shooting a sideways glare towards Apple Bloom as she passed her. “Maybe next time, I can be the Prince for your Princess role.”

Trixie watched the seven fillies discussing the outcome of the play amongst themselves, with an argument breaking out between the Crusaders and the two rich fillies shortly afterwards, before turning around to see Twilight Sparkle approaching her.

“That was really great!” Twilight said.

“Well, obviously,” Trixie replied in a proud tone of voice. “The Great and Powerful Trixie was the one teaching them, after all.”

“Everypony’s out there talking about what a great job you did shaping them up,” Twilight told Trixie. “And how they’re amazed you didn’t give up and go crazy before the big performance.”

Trixie frowned at the news. “Is that why there was such a big turnout?” she asked. “Ponies just wanted to see Trixie’s screw-up?”

Twilight’s eyes widened and she quickly shook her head. “No no no no no! That’s not what I meant at all!”

“It’s okay,” Trixie said, grinning as she poked her head out of the curtain for a brief moment. “If that’s what they came for, then they must have been sorely disappointed, before being thoroughly amazed at the wonderful performance Trixie’s students put on.”

Twilight smiled and nodded. “They really were. In fact, there are a lot of parents out there wondering when the sign-ups for your next set of classes will be available.”

Trixie raised an eyebrow. “Sign-ups?” she asked. Twilight nodded. “Those ponies… want Trixie to teach their children?”

“Well, mostly it’s the children that want to be taught, but a lot of the parents also want you to teach their children, too.”

“… Well, Trixie isn’t quite sure just yet,” Trixie admitted, “But… perhaps the Great and Powerful Trixie will consider it. But first…” Trixie turned towards the seven fillies, whistling to stop the fight between Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara and gaining the attention of all seven at once. “Class, the night isn’t over yet!”

“It isn’t?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Of course not.” Trixie smiled and glanced up towards the nearby clock. “As soon as your teacher, Cheerilee, is here, the Great and Powerful Trixie has reserved a table at the Ponyville Pizzeria!”

The seven fillies broke out into excited cheers at the news. Twilight gave Trixie a warm smile before turning to leave. “Well, have fun.”

“Where do you think you’re going?” Trixie asked, stopping Twilight in her tracks with a confused look on her face. “You’re joining us, Twilight Sparkle.”

“I am?” Twilight asked.

Trixie nodded. “If you’ll recall, Trixie still owes you one for funding the construction of this theatre house in the first place.”

Twilight shook her head. “But you’ve already repaid me by helping me in my studies.”

“Don’t take Trixie for a fool,” Trixie said. “You have plenty of friends to help you with that. You’re just trying to give Trixie charity whilst disguising it as a business transaction, but the Great and Powerful Trixie is not so pitiful that she would accept free help! So come along and let Trixie repay you already.”

Twilight sighed and turned back to face Trixie. “Well… I guess I am sort of hungry. Okay then, I’ll come.”

Moments later, Cheerilee made her way to the backstage area, and the ten ponies left together to celebrate the success of Trixie’s Class’ first – and probably far from last – performance.