• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 18,403 Views, 157 Comments

Equestria Meets Texas - xd77

A 5-year-old boy is brought into Equestria through a portal while he is asleep.

  • ...

Chapter 2

In the city of Ponyville, the sun was beginning to light up the village as ponies began waking up and starting their daily routines. In the Rainbow Kingdom castle, Princess Twilight Sparkle was getting out of her bed and walking towards her mirror getting ready for the day, as soon as she finished combing her main, she walked over towards Spike's basket where he was still sleeping and proceeded to wake him up.

"Spike, Spike wake up." Twilight said shaking him.

"AAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" Spike screamed at the touch of Twilight's hoof, Twilight flinched as Spike jumped out of his basket.

"Twilight, don't ever do that again!" Spike grumbled

"Sorry Spike," Twilight continued, "But you remember the new rule that we talked about yesterday, once that clock says 8 AM, you're to be up an at 'em."

"Well, I would much rather be sleeping all day than-" his argument was quickly cut off when he belched out green fire, and out came a scroll.

Twilight was equally surprised, "A letter from the princess."

She quickly lit up her horn and levitated the scroll and unrolled it and quickly read it.

"Twilight, what does it say?" Spike asked

"She needs all of us in the Crystal Empire immediately, they've discovered some kind of a bipedal creature he's called a 'human', she also said he's really cute."

"Cute?" Spike said in confusion.

Twilight gave a playful smile and levitated Spike to her face.

"Probably just as cute as you." she said, nuzzling his nose playfully.

"Twilight!" Spike giggled

"Sorry, but I just don't see anything cute as my number one assistant." she said.

Spike jumped into her forehooves and hugged her.

"Awww, that's my dragon." she said, Twilight then put him on her back after the quick jump hug.

"Now come on, let's go round up the others and get to the train station."


Later that morning, they were on the Friendship Express bound for the Crystal Empire.

"Twi', ya'll better give us a quick description about waking us up at 5 in the mornin'." Applejack said

"Applejack, I already told you, we have a 'human' in the Crystal Empire that has no idea where he is, so I think we should make him feel welcome." Twilight said

Rainbow Dash interfered, "Twilight, how do you even know it's a male?"

"I just have my way of guessing."

"Twilight, darling, we really need to make this quick, I have to get back so I can get started on filling that order for Photo's fashion show in Vanhoover." Rarity said

"Yeah, and Angel's going to have another fit if I don't give him his lunch." Fluttershy said

"This will be quick, like I said we need to make this little guy feel welcome, if we're friends with each other then we can be friends with whatever other creature comes our way."

"Do timberwolves, manticores, or other things count as friends?" Pinkie Pie asked

"Girls, you all are jumping to conclusions way too fast, how would you even know this creature is dangerous, let's just see him and give it a chance, besides he may be harmless. I think he's even just waiting for some hugs and kisses." Twilight said as the camera zoomed out of the train car they were riding in.


"The Crystal Empire, next stop." said the conductor entering the car the mane six were riding in.

Soon the train stopped at the Crystal Empire train station where they soon got off and headed for the Crystal Castle.


Meanwhile at the Crystal Castle Nathan was sitting on Princess Cadance's lap with Shining Armor on their side on a couch in their living room, telling them about Texas and showing them the different cities and towns there in his atlas.

"And that big city there is called Houston, ah' live in Dallas which is right there."

"Wow, Nathan, you sure have this 'Texas' place memorized." Cadance said

"Well, once ya'll lived there for long, ya' have the place pretty much memorized."

"Maybe you can show us this place in person sometime." Shining Armor said

"Well Mr. Shining it would depend if you can send me back, ah' definitely will."

"Well I have a question to ask you." Cadance said

"What's that Ms. Cadance?"

"Do you have a..." she was cut off by the sudden sound of hoofsteps Shining Armor and Cadance turned around to see two crystal guards approaching them.

"Your highness, they're here." they said

"Good," Cadance said, "Nathan wait here, we'll be right back."

Cadance and Shining Armor proceeded to the front entrance to their castle and opened the door to reveal the mane six.



They bothed got into each other's faces and did their catch jingle.

"Sunshine, sunshine ladybug's awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake!"

Shining Armor chuckled, "Must you all do that every time?"

"Hey this is sisterly bonding time for us!" Cadance scoffed.

"Well excuse me, anyway girls we needed you here to take a look at this boy we've kept him here since last night, go wait in the kitchen, we'll go get him."


Twilight and the others were waiting in the kitchen eating a bowl of crystal berries, when the kitchen door slowly swung open in popped Shining Armor and Cadance.

"Girls, we'd like you to meet Nathan." Cadance said

She and Shining Armor separated to opposite sides of the room to reveal a small boy wearing Sesame Street Elmo sleep pants, white thermal socks, Heely shoes, a Texas Rangers hood jacket, and his Chevrolet logo shirt underneath. They smiled and awed in how adorable this creature was, Nathan couldn't have been the same as he saw Shining and Cadance sit down with the mane six.

"Oh mah' stars!" he said, Applejack was now even more surprised than the rest of the gang, he had a southern accent like her!

"Is that a southern accent ah' hear?!" She asked in surprise.

"It sure is." Nathan answered

"Come over here sugarcube, sit with me." Applejack said, Nathan walked up towards the table they were sitting at and hopped on Applejack's lap.

"Well it sure is a golly pleasure ta' meet ya' Nathan, ah'm Applejack, and these are mah' friends, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Fluttershy."

"And what's that lizard's name?" Nathan asked

"Hey I'm not a lizard, I'm a dragon, my name is Spike, and I'm Twilight's #1 assistant."

"Well, Spikester, it look like you and ah' have got a lot in common." Nathan said

"Spikester?" Spike asked in confusion

"It's mah' nickname fer' ya'" Nathan said

On the other hand, Rarity was engulfed at her thoughts at what Nathan was wearing, so engulfed that she just had to ask the question that she tried to hold back.

"Nathan darling, do humans wear clothes?"

"Yeah, Rarity, 24/7 on mah' world."

"Well how about if you come back to Ponyville with us, I'll make you some new clothes, because I am hinting that you may be here in Equestria until further notice."

"Well, that depends, if it's ok with Mr. Shining and Ms. Cadance."

"Oh, sweetie, we don't mind, we just ask that you stick with them, and do what they say, and you need to be back here tonight, Twilight we need you back here tonight too, just you and Spike."

"Really, I can go with them?" Nathan asked

"Yes, just remember what we said, stay with them, and do what they say, and be back here tonight with Twilight and Spike."

"Yes Ms. Cadance." Nathan said hugging her.

"Aww, have a good time sweetie."

Nathan went back into the living room and slipped on his backpack pulled his hood over his head and put his teddy bear in his pocket, then went back into the kitchen and slid his road atlas back in.

"See ya'll tonight."

"Bye Nathan."

As soon as they reached the threshold, Twilight knelt down and gestured Nathan to hop on her back.

"Twilight why do you want me to ride you?" Nathan asked.

"Because, sweetie, I want to save you some walking and I don't want you getting separated from us, so hop on."

Nathan climbed on Twilight's back and they walked until they reached the train station.

"The Friendship Express to Ponyville is now boarding!" Said the conductor as the mane six, Nathan, and Spike got on board.

"How long is it from here to Ponyville?" Nathan asked

"About an hour." Twilight said as the train jolted and started to move away from the platform.

Since an hour was a really long time for Nathan, he decided to reach into his backpack and play some Pokémon, so he pulled out his Nintendo DS and put in Pokémon Black & White, as he was playing it the mane six, along with Spike, stared in awe.

"What that there contraption?" Applejack asked

"It's a Nintendo DS?"

"A what?" Twilight asked

"A Nintendo DS."

"What's Nintendo and what's the D.S. short for?" Rarity asked

"Well, Nintendo is a video game company in Japan that makes cool video games, starting with a games called Super Mario Bros. A D.S. is short for double screen, ah'm playin' a game called Pokémon Black & White."

"Can we try it?" Rainbow Dash asked



"Because ya'll don't have fingers, and ya' can't use it with magic neither."

"Well what about me?" Spike asked, "I have fingers."

"Ya'll need five fingers not four."

"Nathan quit being so greedy and let Spike have a turn." Twilight said

Nathan sighed, said "all right." and gave his DS to Spike who started playing it for a few minutes then gave it back to Nathan.

"Thank you, Spike."

Applejack couldn't help but keep smiling at his cute southern accent, "Ya' know sugarcube, ah' have a lil' sister jus' 'bout yer' age, and ah' think she's gonna be bound to like ya'."

"Are ya sure Applejack?" Nathan asked

"O' course sugarcube, ah' guarantee it, Ah' also have a question to ask you."

"What's that?"

"Do you have a..." again the question was cut off by yet another intrusion, the train was starting to approach another city. As Nathan looked out the window, he could see no signs of snow or mountains or anything made with crystals, all he could see was what looked to be an exact replica of a village from the early 1400's, except it wasn't consumed by any knights, swords, or anything that he read in his books, but instead inhabited by ponies in different colors, shapes, and sizes, Nathan was scared again. Pinkie Pie saw him scared and walked up towards him.

"Hey, Nathie what's wrong?"

"Nathie?" he asked

"Heh, I give out nicknames for everypony I meet, even when they're new."

"Don't ya'll mean everybody?" he asked

"I don't think we've ever used it like that before." Rainbow Dash said interfering with Pinkie Pie and Nathan.

"It's that how you say it back on your world?" Twilight asked also interfering.

"Well les' jus' say, humans do things a lil' differently than ya'll ponies do."

"Ponyville, next stop." said the conductor, soon the train came to a complete halt and in view was the Ponyville train station.

Ponies that were boarding the train gasped in surprise as they saw Nathan riding on Twilight's back as she and the other five exited the train.

"Twilight, why are they starin' at me?" Nathan asked

"Because they've never seen a human before." Twilight answered, she heard Nathan's stomach growling.

"Sound's like yer' hungry, why don't we all go back to Sweet Apple Acres for some fritters and juice." Applejack said.

"What's 'Sweet Apple Acres'?" Nathan asked

"It's an apple orchard not too far from this train station." Applejack said

"Wow, I've actually been to an orchard, is it big?" Nathan asked

"Oh gettin' nosy are we?" Applejack said with a playful grin "Well it's probably bigger than yer' belly!" she said tickling his belly.

"A-hahaha-plejack, stop!" Nathan said between laughs.

Finally she stopped tickling him, "Good, now let's get going."

But before they could even continue, Applejack soon felt a thud on her back, she turned and saw Nathan had managed to switch from riding on Twilight to riding on her, she then felt him wrap his legs around her chest while keeping his hands on her back.

"Applejack, ah'm riding on you all the way!" he said with joy, Applejack smiled.

"All right sugarcube, let's get a move out." she said, Twilight smiled with glee as well, Nathan was already starting to develop a bond with at least one pony.

Author's Note:

More Soon!