• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 18,402 Views, 157 Comments

Equestria Meets Texas - xd77

A 5-year-old boy is brought into Equestria through a portal while he is asleep.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Nathan was continuing to ride on Applejack's back as they approached the edge of Ponyville, as they got near, Nathan spotted an orchard with dozens of apple trees and on the end was some kind of a red barn, boy Applejack sure wasn't kidding when she said Sweet Apple Acres was big, Nathan just stared in awe at this, boy were there so many apple trees.

"Geez, Applejack, how much apples per day do ya need?" Nathan asked

"Well, sugarcube, Ponyville has a massive population, not just Earth ponies, but unicorns and pegasi as well, therefore we all need to have plenty of food stored up for the city. Ah' here we are the entrance."

Nathan slid off her back and proceeded to walk behind her, from Nathan's looks it was the most cleanest orchard farm he had ever seen, no weeds, no bugs, no crows, this farm was not like the ones he saw back in Texas.

"A-ha there's mah' granny." Applejack said as they approached the entrance to the red barn.

Granny Smith was inside along with Apple Bloom and Big Macintosh cooking up apple cinnamon pancakes for breakfast, when the sudden sound of hoofsteps turned them away, they turned and saw that it was Applejack with her friends, the first one to greet them was Granny Smith.

"Well, stick an apple up mah' nostril, how was your morning trip Applejack?" she asked

"Well, what can ah' say granny, better than ever every time we're there."

The second one to approach was Apple Bloom who gave her a hug, Nathan secretly awed at this.

"Hey Apple Bloom were ya'll a good filly this mornin'?"

"Ya'll bet ah' was."

The last one to approach was Big Macintosh, boy was he a huge guy.

"So big brother, is all the eastside of Appleloosa ready for Saturday?"

"Eeyup." Big Mac said

"What about the west side?"

"Nnope, but we're almost there."

"Hi, Twilight, hey gals" Granny Smith greeted

"Hi Ms. Smith, Twilight said, "Applejack invited us over for fritters and juice if you have that."

"Sorry youngin' we're making Apple cinnamon pancakes for breakfast instead."


Suddenly Granny Smith, Apple Bloom and Big Macintosh took notice of Nathan behind Applejack.

"Who that little varmit?" Granny Smith asked

Nathan knew that she was mentioning him, so he walked up front and proceeded to introduce himself.

"Hi, ah'm Nathan, ah' see ya'll are an orchard family."

And just like Applejack was, Granny Smith Apple Bloom and Big Macintosh were to surprised at the fact that he had a southern accent like them.

"We'll ah'll be you're a southerner too?" Granny Smith asked


"Are ya'll from Appleloosa?" Apple Bloom asked

"No ah'm from Texas."

"Ah've never heard of such a place." Apple Bloom said, "Have you big brother?"

"Nnope." Big Mac responded

"Where is 'Texas'?" Apple Bloom asked

"It's a state in a country on mah' world called the United States of America."

Granny Smith didn't want to waste any time on making breakfast, because the time on the wall clock said 8:00 AM.

"Well while ya'll are chatin' ah'm gonna get back to makin' breakfast." she said aiming back towards the kitchen, with Big Mac following behind her, Apple Bloom decided to chat with Nathan and the others.


While they were waiting for Granny Smith to finish up the pancakes, Nathan was showing the mane six along with Apple Bloom the atlas that he showed Princess Cadance and Shining Armor back at the Crystal Empire and telling them about the state of Texas and all the cool cities.

"There are over 10 big cities in Texas."

"Dallas, where ah'm from."
"San Antonio"
"El Paso"
"Austin, which is the capital."
"and Waco."

"Golly, Nathan, that place sure looks about the size of Equestria." Apple Bloom said

"Well it sure is a big ol' farmland, ah tell ya what." Nathan responded

Suddenly an idea flickered in Nathan's brain, "Have ya'll heard any Texas country music before?"

"Well, ah' sure can't say we haven't." Applejack said sarcastically

"Well how's 'bout ah' let ya'll listen to some country music."

"Well of course lets hear a song."

Now even though Nathan was only 5 years old he loved the sound of some good ol' country, so he went into his backpack and pulled out his iPod touch that he got for a Christmas present at the orphanage and then he pulled out his portable iPod dock and hooked his iPod up to it, then he started browsing through the country genre and found a perfect song for them to listen to

Night Train by Jason Aldean


As the song was going through, the mane six and Apple Boom were just happy to listen to the nice twang voice of Jason Aldean.

"Boy that sure is one nice twang he's got." Applejack said

"Hey Nathan do you have a...." Apple Bloom was about to ask, when the question was once again cut off by a sound of Granny Smith clacking a plate with a fork.

"All right everypony, come and get it!" She said raising her voice as best as she could.

Nathan got through just in time to hear the song end, and then to hear the sound of his stomach rumbling, aww man was he a hungry boy. And those pancakes had a good strong apple cinnamon smell to it.


"Thanks for letting us have breakfast with ya' Ms. Smith." Nathan said.

"Yer mos' welcome youngin'." Granny Smith said, while the others were starting to dig into their pancakes, Nathan knew that back at the orphanage before the kids ate breakfast, lunch, or dinner, the nuns would have them bow their heads and close their eyes to thank God for the meal. So before he dug into his pancakes, he bowed his head, closed his eyes, and started whispering a prayer to God, Twilight, Applejack and the others were confused by this.

Was this something that he did back on his world?
Was it worship?
Was it part of his world?

They didn't want to waste anytime answering these questions that were wandering through their heads because the smell of the pancakes kept distracting their curiosity.

As soon as Nathan finished his low prayer he started eating his stack of pancakes, boy were they good.

"Gee, Ms. Smith these are the best griddle cakes ah've ever tasted!"

"Youngin' they're called pancakes."

"Well back in Texas we call 'em griddle cakes."

"Oh, well ah've never heard anypony say it like that 'fore." Granny smith said

"Nathan, darling, if you want me to make you clothes you'd better eat up your breakfast so we can go."

"Rarity, ah' wanna take mah' time to get ta' know ya' more, ah'm in no hurry mah' clothes can wait a while."

"Yeah, Rarity, let him take his time, what's the rush?" Twilight asked

"Sorry, I'm just in a bit of a rush I have to make an order for a Vanhoover fashion show, and I've got to make it ASAP."

"Rarity, are ya'll really good at makin' clothes?" Nathan asked

"Of course I am darling."

"Well let me finish mah' pancakes and then you can take me over to get some clothes."

Suddenly Nathan felt warmth over his body, he looked at the thermostat on the wall nearly 76 degrees, not a good temperature to be wearing a jacket in.

"Ms. Smith it's gettin' kinda hot 'n here, can ah' take off mah' jacket?" Nathan politely asked

"O' course, youngin'." Granny Smith said

Nathan unzipped his Texas rangers jacket and hung it on the table, revealing his Chevrolet logo shirt, Applejack and the others started trying to read it.

"Chev-ro-let" ("chev-rau-let", was how Applejack was pronouncing it.)

"Chevrolet, is how ya' say it." Nathan said

"What's Chevrolet?" Pinkie Pie asked

"It's a truck company, Texas is not just a farm state but a truck state as well."

"What's a truck?" Applejack asked

"It's a carriage that has a cargo bed on the back for storing things like wood, buckets o' apples for ya'll and other things, and it's the most powerful thing a honky could ever use fer' such a big job."

"Wow, Nathan, you sure do you know about your land of 'Texas'." Twilight said

"That ah' do T." Nathan said taking the last bite of his pancakes and finishing up his apple juice, the pancakes were cooked to complexion he couldn't eat another bite.

"Mah' compliments ta' the chef." Nathan said implying to Granny Smith.

"Well ah' say Nathan, ya'll sure got some good manners." Granny Smith.

"Ah' wish you were part of our family." Applejack said

"So do ah'." Apple Bloom joined

"Eeyup." Big Mac responded

This got to Nathan, he was happy on the outside, but he knew on the inside that he was miserable since he was an orphan but didn't want them to know just yet until it was time. But that didn't matter yet, right now he wanted to stay focused on taking a tour of Ponyville and getting some clothes made for him, and then getting back to the Crystal Empire.

"All right darling, let's get to my boutique." Rarity said snapping him out of his blank stare.

"Sorry, Rarity, yeah ah' need to get mahself some clothes." Nathan said putting his jacket and backpack back on. Applejack decided to stay with her family and help clean up.

"Twi' ah' need to stay with mah' folks and help clean up ah'll se ya' later ok?"

"All right AJ, well see you later." Twilight said

"Bye Nathan, it sure was a pleasure meetin' ya." Applejack said

"You too, Applejack, bye." He said giving her a good-bye hug.

Applejack returned it, "You too sugarcube." she then gave him a kiss on his forehead, Nathan blushed a little.

"Bye Ms. Smith thank you for the breakfast."

"See ya' later youngin'." Granny Smith said

As the Apple family watched Twilight and the other four leave with Nathan, they smiled.

"He sure is a nice boy." Granny Smith said

"Yeah, ah' sure still wish he was a part of our family, wouldn't ya say big brother?" Applejack asked Big Macintosh.

"Eeyup." Big mac said

"What do you think 'bout him Apple Bloom?' Applejack asked, she didn't get a response, when she turned to see Apple Bloom, she was staring at the distant look of Nathan with goo goo eyes, for Applejack that could've only meant one thing...

"Apple Bloom's in love!" she teasingly said, this caused Apple Bloom to snap out of her trance.

"Wha...What no ah'm not Applejack." Apple Bloom said trying to fool Applejack out of it, but she was not fooled, instead she tickled Apple Bloom into admitting it.

"Are ya' in love r' not?' Applejack asked while she kept tickling Apple Bloom and as Granny Smith and Big Macintosh watched happily.

"HAHAHAHA, YES AH'M IN LOVE HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!" Apple bloom said.